Read What If Page 5

  Chapter 5

  Taco Temple

  Only a few days later, Heather was again coming into the art studio long before the opening hours. Dressed in simple denims and white t-shirt that proclaimed she was in her painting garb, she was obviously prepared to work another all day session.

  “No, no you don’t.” she heard from Linda Sue as she looked up from the desk and computer. “How did you get here? Didn’t they pick up the Toyota?”

  “Yes of course, I was afraid to keep driving. I need a little more practice time.”

  “Then how did you get here?”

  “One of the desk clerks was getting off and she said she lives near here. She was more than willing to take me and have the company. I wasn’t sure how to take the buses. And no, I don’t what?”

  “Too much, that’s what. You have been working too hard. I told you, if you have too many available paintings, it could drop the price.”

  “You said you could store them. I want to get as much done ahead as possible. That way, I can stop and take some vacation time. Unless I leave you well stocked, I won’t feel free to do that.” Heather plopped down in the hard backed chair next to the very neat desk. “How on earth do you work this way? Everything has a place and all is in its space.”

  “How well I know,” Linda Sue gave her that exasperated look. “Oh stop,” when she noted Heather’s almost pout. “I do understand. We all have our own idiosyncrasies. I can’t really work well unless everything is right. It takes less time to put things in the proper place than to constantly look for them. I am kind of a very organized person.”

  “We sure do have our idiosyncrasies.” Heather agreed looking around the well-ordered office.

  “Oh, really,” Linda Sue came back at the insinuation.

  “I’m sorry.” Heather apologized. “I guess I am at odds today.”

  “Why?” Linda Sue’s voice dropped.

  “I don’t know. Perhaps it is because I haven’t seen, heard or even dreamed about Ian in the past few days.”

  “Perhaps because you’ve been exhausted. You have been working way too hard. Look, you do need some more photos of Morro Rock and I could use a day off. Let me give Karen a call. She’s almost always willing to come in for a day for me.”


  “That’s a word I will ignore. No matter what. We are going; that is if Karen or Bonnie can come in.”

  “I want to say, I’m not dressed to go out there.”


  “Well,” she gestured to her outfit. “I don’t think this is good for any place around there.”

  “Heather, this is California, casual California. I’m only wearing these simple green slacks and a green print blouse and trust me, where we are going, you and I are almost overdressed.”


  “Shh, just go across the street, please and get us both a latte. Just tell them I want my usual and if you give it a try, I am sure you too will love it.”

  “It’s just fancy coffee.”

  “Mmm, but so good. Go ahead and I’ll find out if either of the girls can come in.”

  By the time Heather returned, cups in hand, Linda Sue was already outside the door waiting for her. Without saying a word, the attractive blonde took the cup and walked to her older red Corvette convertible with Heather. Within minutes, they both managed to get the top down. The attractive Scot was still looking around as if expecting someone to criticize her wardrobe.

  “Is this car something special to you? I know you keep it spotless, but isn’t it an older model?”

  “I’ve had this car forever and I do keep it up. I could afford a newer one, but this is my baby. In fact, I probably spend more on keeping this one up than if I did just go out and get a new one.”

  “I’ve read that the authorities go after the brighter colored cars. Aren’t you afraid of tickets in a red car like this?”

  “No, not really. I don’t speed or drive recklessly and most of the local police know me. None of them would believe I would endanger this priceless car.”

  “Where are we going exactly?”

  “Just enjoy the ride. We will be going by Morro Rock, so get out your trusty camera and snap away at everything. I’m sure even the surrounding area photos would lend mood to your collection.”

  “You’re right.” Heather pulled the always-ready camera out of her large bag. “Will I have time to do some sketches?”

  “Sure, pull out the sketch pad and pencils and sharpener. If I know you, and I think I do, when you start sketching, you get so intense; you break the pencil points frequently.” Linda Sue shook her head and allowed her blonde hair to blow in the wind. “This is so exhilarating. I just love it.”

  “Me too.” Heather ran her fingers through her mussed up windblown hair. “This is fun.”

  “See, I told you that you needed a day off. What is it they say? All work and no play…”

  “Who says that?”

  “I don’t know, just they.” Both young women were laughing.

  Within a short time, Linda Sue turned her pretty corvette into the parking lot of an unpretentious restaurant. They could see Morro Rock just down the road. At least, Heather thought, no one will mind the way I am dressed in here. It is called Taco Temple.

  “Taco Temple? What a name. Is it more taco or temple?”

  “You’ll see.”

  Even though they were a bit early for lunch, the place was packed. Linda Sue quickly walked over to a table by the window. There were only a few available. A waiter quickly came to their table, placed some menus in front of them and asked about a beverage. Linda Sue greeted him by name. They both ordered water with lemon and a soda.

  Looking around, Heather saw the many colorful surfboards hanging from the ceiling.

  “Can you make a suggestion for me?” Heather stared at the menu and looked around to see what others were eating. “I’m not all that familiar with Mexican food.”

  Linda Sue smiled, while pointing to the menu board. “Of course. This is called California Fusion. They have this menu and the many specials up there on the board. And….just to let you know, they don’t have haggis here.”

  “No haggis? Well, we might as well go.” Heather playfully started to rise.

  “Sit down. I’ll order. Have you ever had Mexican food since you’ve been here?”

  “No, I didn’t know what to order and I am not fond of spicy foods, so I just avoided trying it out.”

  “You don’t know what you missed, yet. I’ll make sure you don’t get anything to spicy hot.”

  “I will give it a try. If I don’t like it, I can always wrap it up and take it back.”

  “To do what with it? That’s being thrifty to a fault. If you don’t like it here, you won’t like it back at the hotel either. Just give it a chance and save plenty of room for dessert. All of them are to die for.”

  “To die for? What an expression. And I don’t eat desserts. My figure…”

  “Right. Your figure could use a few desserts. This is a must here. No one skips dessert in this place. Ever….” She emphasized.

  The waiter, Jacob, came over quickly and smiled at the two. Linda Sue ordered a fish taco with mango salsa for herself and a taco salad for Heather. “When we are ready for dessert, we will share a cheesecake and a piece of carrot cake or perhaps that caramel flan. You wouldn’t believe how much caramel is on that dessert.”

  “Small or large size carrot cake?” The waiter put on a big handsome grin for one of his familiar customers.

  “Make it the small size.”

  It seemed like only minutes before the meal arrived. Linda Sue dug in to one of her favorite meals, the fish taco with mango salsa, while Heather dawdled over the large salad as if afraid it might be too spicy.

  “Don’t worry. I made sure that this was the least hot meal available. They are very amiable here. Try it. You will like it.”

  Heather picked up a bit of salad, meat and cheese on her fork. It took
a few seconds, but it finally reached her mouth. “Mmmm. This is good! What is this dressing?”

  “Don’t know. Don’t care. It’s good, isn’t it?”

  “Oh yes, but so much food. Is this bowl edible too?” she watched a lady at the next table pick up a piece of the bowl and place it into her mouth.

  “That’s some of the best part. It’s a corn tortilla. Take a bite.”

  Heather crunched away. Before she knew it, she had almost finished the meal. She sighed. “I really enjoyed that, but I don’t think I have room for any dessert.”

  Linda Sue was already done and signaled the waiter. “I did order the small one and we can share a bite of each. And, carrot cake is healthy.” She was trying unsuccessfully to suppress her laughter.

  When the waiter came over and placed the mile high slice of cake in front of Heather, her eyes almost popped. “My word. Did you ask for the entire cake? This is enough for the whole restaurant.”

  Linda Sue could contain herself any longer and burst out. “This is one of their many features here. Not only do they have great food and reasonable prices, but this,” She gestured and continued, “This is what I came for. Try it. Just one little bite.” She handed Heather a fork.

  “I’ll give it a little try.” She placed a bit into her mouth.

  “Make sure you get some of that brown sugar topping.”

  “I did.” The girl was speaking with her mouth partly full. “Oh my, this is stupendous. Oh, what is a word that fits this? It is so unbelievably good. I can taste the little pieces of sweet carrot. What are those spices? I can’t figure them out. This is so good. It’s almost like the texture of a mix of cake and soft cookie.”

  “Good? Is that all you can say? Just good?”

  “No, but I can’t think of the right word for this delight.”

  “Don’t think. Just enjoy and take a taste of the cheese cake too.”

  “I’m not going to just gain weight as you wish, but I am going to get actually fat, real fat.”

  “Good. We can both diet tomorrow. But today, we die…with pleasure.”

  For several minutes, they were both indulging. Heather looked around. No other patrons were looking their way. They were all enjoying their own food too much to pay attention to the girls. No one cared about Heather’s casual dress. Suddenly, the pretty Scot almost jumped out of her seat. Her mouth dropped as she ceased to talk to her companion.

  Linda Sue noted the lack of conversation and laughter. She looked up as well at her friend. What was wrong with her?

  Heather was pointing toward the register. Linda Sue saw a tall man leaving the area and heading out the door. “What is it?”

  “I can’t believe it. Here and now? It’s him.”

  “Oh come on. I thought we were enjoying our lunch. How can you tell who it is from the back?”

  Heather started to get up, to follow the man, but Linda Sue pulled her back. “Don’t make a fool of yourself.”

  The man got into a tan truck as both girls stared out the window.

  “It’s the same man I saw the other day. It’s Ian.”

  “You barely saw his face. He’s just a tall man with brown hair and beard. There must be a few hundred answering that vague description.”

  “I’m so sure.” Heather was holding back tears.

  “I’m just as sure that your imagination is working overtime. It can’t be and it isn’t. Come on; let me get you home before you break down.” Linda Sue picked up the check. “We’ll talk about it on the way back, but you have to understand. You are so vulnerable still. You want to see him, so you see him in every look alike male. It is impossible.”

  The two young women went back to the hotel talking very little. Linda Sue talked, but Heather wasn’t listening. No matter what the argument, she just knew it was her Ian. By the time they reached the hotel, Linda had almost given up. Letting her out of the car, she reminded Heather that she would be there the following morning to pick her up. With Karen still available to take care of the shop, they had planned to go shopping at the local mall for décor for the nearly completed guest room. Perhaps by then, Heather would have gotten over the “sighting”.