Read What Price Paradise Page 17

  “Abby, what’s your favorite color?” Joe smiled at her.

  “Blue,” she said promptly.

  Now why the hell hadn’t he known that, Tate thought? She was his wife, damn it. He should know things like that. His irritation was increasing in leaps and bounds.

  “There ya go, Buddy,” Joe continued. “Paint it blue.”

  “Well, I was kind of leaning toward red, but blue might be okay.” Buddy tilted his head thoughtfully. “Yeah. That metallic blue, the one with the glittery specks in it.”

  “Don’t forget that the biggest part of what you make is going in your college fund.”

  Buddy frowned at the tone of Tate’s voice. “Geesh, who put a burr under your saddle? I know where the money’s going. I can sand the truck down myself, and get the paint at a discount down at Jepson’s Body Shop. I don’t think that’s gonna ruin my future educational plans.”

  Abby was looking at him strangely, too, and Tate decided it might be better to just shut up for the rest of the meal. Even though he seemed to have lost his appetite, he forced himself to eat while the others chatted. It was the longest meal of his life.

  Joe scooted his chair back and rubbed his stomach. “Abby, that was the best meal I’ve had in years. If you ever need a job, you can come cook for me any time.”

  “She doesn’t need a job,” Tate muttered.

  Abby shot him a quelling look before smiling at Joe again. “Thanks, Joe. You know you’re welcome to come by anytime. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to get this cleaned up.”

  Joe stood. “I’ll help you. Least I can do to pay for my meal.”

  Tate leaped to his feet so fast his chair almost turned over. “If she needs help, I’ll give it to her.”

  “Oh, for heaven’s sake.” Abby threw her hands up in the air. “Tate, can I talk to you in private for a minute?”

  Like he had much choice, he thought darkly as Abby practically dragged him down the hall to his office. And it wasn’t helping a bit that he could hear the sounds of hysterical laughter coming from the kitchen.

  As soon as they were inside, Abby closed the door and turned on him. “What in the name of God has gotten into you? Joe is your best friend and you’ve been downright rude to him this evening. Is there something I don’t know about? Did you two have a fight?”

  “Not exactly.” Even to himself he sounded sullen.

  “Then what’s going on?”


  “Tate, look at me,” she ordered. “You barely spoke a word during the whole meal and when you did you almost bit Buddy’s head off. Don’t stand there and tell me nothing is wrong.”

  “Okay.” Tate tried to collect his thoughts. He wasn’t sure he could tell her what was wrong. Hell, he wasn’t even sure he knew, but she didn’t act like she was going to leave him alone unless he came up with something.

  “I don’t like the way he looks at you.”

  “Joe? You don’t like the w-way…” She sputtered to a halt, staring at him in amazement. She propped her hands on her hips. “Just out of curiosity, how is he looking at me?”

  This was going from bad to worse in a hurry. “I don’t know. I just don’t like it. You’re my wife, not his. Can’t I offer to help with the dishes without causing a major catastrophe? It’s not like it’s the first time I’ve helped you.”

  She was still staring at him suspiciously. “No, but it’s the first time I’ve ever seen you so eager to do it that you knocked a chair over trying to get to the sink.”

  “I didn’t knock the chair over.”

  “You came awfully close.” She stepped nearer. “Are you feeling okay? Do you have a temperature?” She put her hand on his forehead.

  Tate almost groaned. “Abby, I’m not sick.” But maybe he’d just thought of a way out of this. “I think I’m just tired. Neither one of us have been getting a lot of sleep lately.” And they both knew why.

  When she flushed, Tate couldn’t stop his smile.

  “Maybe you should go to bed early tonight.”

  He pulled her into his arms, his lips brushing hers. “I think that’s the best idea I’ve heard all day. Especially if you go with me.”

  “I’d love to.”

  Tate sighed happily when she kissed him back, long and hard. How could he go from feeling so miserable one minute, to on top of the world in two seconds flat? Maybe Abby was right. He just might be coming down with something.

  * * * * *

  Abby put the last of the dishes away then glanced around the kitchen to make sure everything was in order. She’d settled the dispute over who got to help her by running everyone out of the kitchen. Even now she could hear the murmur of voices from the front porch. Mostly Joe’s and Buddy’s, true. But at least Tate was adding an occasional comment.

  She shook her head in bewilderment. Now that she thought about it, he’d been acting kind of strange since he’d gotten home Friday evening. Maybe it had something to do with Diane getting married.

  Whatever the problem was, Joe and Buddy both seemed to think it was pretty funny. As soon as Tate and Abby had walked back into the kitchen they’d dropped their conversation like it was a ticking bomb. But that hadn’t stopped them from practically bursting out laughing every time they looked at each other.

  When Tate had demanded to know what was so funny, it had set them off again. Even as they wiped tears of laughter off their faces, they had denied everything.

  Abby hung the dishcloth over the draining pan to dry, thinking about the conversation with Tate in his office. If she didn’t know better, she’d think the man was jealous. But of course, that was a silly idea. Why would he be jealous of a woman he hadn’t wanted to marry in the first place?

  As soon as she appeared on the porch, Tate shifted to make room for her next to him on the swing. When she sat down, he draped his arm casually across her shoulders and shot Joe what she would have sworn was a defiant look.

  Joe grinned at her. “Heard Hank brought you some chickens, Abby. How’s it going?”

  She smiled ruefully. “Remind me to give you some eggs before you leave. I had no idea a dozen eggs a day would mount up that fast.”

  “Didn’t have any trouble getting them? Most city slickers don’t know a thing about gathering eggs.”

  Holding her hand up, she studied it. “Well, I did get a few bites the first couple of days, but I think they’re getting used to me. At least, now they just ignore me unless I’ve got food.”

  Joe laughed. “Chickens can’t bite. No teeth. They peck.”

  “They sure do,” Abby responded fervently. She suddenly became aware that Tate was surreptitiously tugging on the hem of her skirt. And if he didn’t stop he was going to pull it right off of her. The elastic she’d used in the waist was already slipping down. She slapped at his hand and he stopped, giving her a hurt look.

  Still smiling, Joe stood. “Well, guess it’s time for me to head home. If Tate yawns one more time he’s going to suck down a bumblebee and I’d really hate to see him choke.”

  Buddy leaped to his feet. “I’ll walk you to the truck.”

  “Thanks, Squirt. Abby, thanks for dinner. One of these days I’ll return the favor if you aren’t afraid I’ll poison you.” He touched the brim of hat. “Goodnight, and I’ll run those roses by tomorrow. Tate.” He gave him a curt nod.

  Buddy glanced back at the porch to ensure they were out of earshot before he spoke. “I only want to know one thing. What the heck did you do to get him that jealous?”

  Joe laughed. “Squirt, I don’t have a clue, but it’s the funniest thing I’ve ever seen. I would have bet good money that Tate didn’t have a jealous bone in his body.”

  Buddy cackled, holding his sides for support. “Did you see him trying to pull Abby’s skirt down?”

  “He caught me looking at her legs,” Joe howled gleefully.

  “You were doing it on purpose.” The teenager wiped tears from his eyes.

  “Dang right, I was. You d
on’t expect me to miss an opportunity like this do you? It’s the most fun I’ve had in years. And you know what’s even funnier? He doesn’t even know what’s wrong with him. That brother of yours is about as dumb as a sheep when it comes to some things.”

  Buddy finally got himself under control. “Just don’t push him too far, Joe. Not much telling what he’ll do.”

  “Don’t you worry none, Squirt. I’ll ease up on him in a few days. Maybe by then he’ll figure out what’s going on.” He opened the truck door and climbed in. “’Night.”

  “’Night, Joe.”

  Buddy waited until the truck pulled into the driveway then walked back to the porch. Tate and Abby were still sitting on the swing.

  “You gonna tell me what you two were howling like hyenas over?”

  “Me and Joe?” Buddy gave him an innocent look. “Not a thing.”

  Tate glowered at him and Buddy decided discretion was the better part of valor. “I’ve still got a little homework to do. I’ll be in my room if you need me.”

  When he was safely inside the house, Abby started shifting on the swing.

  “What are you doing?”

  She frowned at Tate. “Trying to get my skirt back up. You pulled it half off.”

  Suddenly she was on his lap and the skirt was sliding in the wrong direction. “Tate!”

  He gave her a wicked grin. “I’d much rather you took it off than put it back on.”

  “But I’m not wearing a slip and we’re right out in the open!”

  “Yeah, I noticed that. But it’s almost dark. Why waste time going upstairs?” His fingers ran around the edge of her panty leg.


  “Will be upstairs the rest of the night.” He reached the goal he’d been searching for.

  “Oh…” Abby breathed the word out on a sigh of pleasure.

  Tate gave a sigh of his own when she arched into him, her head buried in his neck. His lips brushed her temple even as his fingers continued their task. “That’s it, sweetheart,” he murmured. “Just let go. I love the way you feel, Abby. I could do this forever. And you like it too, don’t you? Especially when I do this.”

  “Yes,” she whispered. “Oh, Tate.”

  When she climaxed in his hand he was ready for her. He held her thrashing body tightly to him and captured her scream with his lips. Abby always screamed when she climaxed and nothing in the world had ever tasted sweeter to him.

  He cuddled her limp form until she began to stir, his hands running over her soft skin.

  “I can’t believe you did that,” she spoke into his neck. “And you didn’t even…well, you know.”

  “Wife,” he said with a smile, “I’m just getting started. This is one night you’re gonna remember for a long, long time.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  Abby stretched languidly and smiled as the sheet slid over her bare body. She shouldn’t have wasted the effort in making new nightgowns. She hadn’t gotten to wear them a single time yet.

  Her eyes drifted open to bright sunlight, then widened. Had she slept all day? She glanced at the clock and almost gasped. It was eleven!

  Throwing the sheet back, Abby slid out of the bed, looking down as a piece of paper drifted to the floor. She recognized Tate’s handwriting even before she picked it up.

  Stay in bed all day if you want to, Princess. You deserve it.

  She clutched the note to her chest, little bubbles of happiness bursting throughout her body. Princess. He’d called her Princess.

  Walking on a cloud of air, she moved to the mirror and surveyed her nude form. How could she still look the same after a night like last night?

  Tate had been like a man possessed. Time after time he’d used his hands and mouth to bring her screaming to ecstasy, until she was too weak to even plead for mercy. All she’d been able to do was cling to him helplessly as he forced her up each peak. She’d lost all track of time and even of location, had only a vague memory of grass beneath her and moonlight above.

  It was almost as though he were trying to prove something, to both of them. She wasn’t sure what, but she knew one thing. By the time he finally plunged inside her, took her with an almost ferocious tenderness, she knew that she belonged to Tate McCullom heart and soul. If she lived to be a hundred, never would she love another man the way she did him.

  Slowly, her happiness faded. “Oh, Tate,” she whispered. “What have you done to me? How can I stay here, loving you like this, knowing you don’t love me? It’s going to kill me being this close to you for another six months.” But where would she go if she left?

  She folded the note carefully and slipped it in the drawer under her clothes before heading to the shower. When she was done, she pulled on a pair of denim cutoffs, noting that the shorts were getting harder to button. Well, she was coming up on three months now and she’d definitely noticed a new roundness to her abdomen. Another month and she’d have to do something about maternity clothes. Which would create yet another problem if she decided to leave. She tugged a tank top down over her head then ran a brush through her hair.

  Barefoot, she padded downstairs and poured herself a glass of juice, wondering if Tate would be back for lunch. Before Abby finished half the glass a truck pulled up outside. Joe! She’d totally forgotten he was bringing the rose bushes today.

  By the time she reached the porch he was unloading dozens of bushes from the back of his truck.

  “Did you bring the entire flower bed?”

  “Didn’t even make a dent in it.” He smiled at her. “Why don’t you show me where you want them? I’ve got the shovel in the back here, too.”

  “You don’t have to do that, Joe. I can plant them.”

  “And make me miss out on spending some time with a pretty lady? Not a chance.” He glanced around. “Where’s Tate today?”

  Abby waved her hand vaguely toward the barn. “Probably working with the yearlings.” She showed him how she wanted the bushes spaced around the porch, then leaned back against the rail to watch.

  He had the first two in the ground before he spoke again. “Why so glum today?”

  She shook her head, forcing a tiny smile. “Do I look glum?”

  “Well, let’s just say I’ve seen a happier expression on a coyote caught in a bear trap.”

  “That bad, huh?” She sat down on the porch steps and rubbed her temples.

  Joe propped his shovel against the house and sat down next to her. “Want to talk about it?”

  Abby shook her head. “Talking won’t do much good.”

  “Never know until you try. It might make you feel better.”

  She took a deep breath. “I’m afraid I’m not going to be able to stay here.” As soon as the words were out, tears welled in her eyes.

  “And you don’t want to leave.”

  “No.” She brushed the moisture away from her eyes. “I’ve never had a real family until now. This place, everything, is the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”

  “Then why would you go?”

  Abby gazed out across the rolling acres. “Because he doesn’t love me,” she whispered. “I thought I could do it, Joe, but now I’m not so sure.”

  “You’re in love with Tate.”

  “Promise me you won’t tell him.” She took another swipe at her eyes. “I don’t want him feeling any guiltier than he already does. I’ve already ruined his life. He loves Diane. She’s the one he should be with, not me.”

  The low curse word he issued startled her. For a moment, he was silent, then he seemed to come to a decision.

  “Abby, I’ve known Tate longer than anyone else alive, so I’m gonna tell you a few things you might not know. Tate’s daddy was a wonderful man. He practically raised me after my own daddy died. But he had this big deal about responsibility. There wasn’t a day went by when he didn’t pound it into Tate’s head. With most kids it would have gone in one ear and out the other, but not with Tate. He thought every word his daddy spoke was gospel,
so he took every bit of it to heart.”

  He shifted around to face her. “Do you see what I’m saying, Abby? When every other boy in the county was out raising hell and sowing wild oats, Tate was right here on the ranch working like a full grown man. He started college when he was supposed to and, when everyone else on campus was killing themselves at keg parties, Tate was in his room studying. He finished in three years and was on the dean’s list every semester. He wanted to be a vet, something he’d dreamed about all his life, but when his mama died he quit school and came home to take over the ranch. Somebody had to do it. When Jenny died, Sean just about died with her. He didn’t do much of anything except sit around after that. So not only did Tate take on the ranch, he took on raising Buddy, too. Not one time in his whole life has Tate ever done anything that wasn’t expected of him. Until you.”

  Abby’s smile was sad. “Are you saying I was his wild oats?”

  “Hell, no. I’m saying that what happened between you and Tate just may be the only thing he’s ever done strictly for himself.”

  “You’re wrong, Joe. He was so drunk that night he didn’t know what he was doing. I was just handy, and stupid enough to let him in. Even then, I loved him.”

  “Think about it. Had you ever seen him drunk before that night?”

  Slowly she shook her head.

  “Well, listen up. I’m gonna tell you why he was. But first I’m gonna tell you about him and Diane.”

  “I’m not sure you should tell me anything about them. That’s between her and Tate.”

  “If you’re ever going to understand Tate, you have to hear it.” He leaned forward. “The first time Tate ever saw Diane we were in grade school. She was sitting on the front steps of the school, crying her eyes out because her daddy forgot to pick her up. Well, good old responsible Tate walked her home. From then on, she followed him around like a puppy dog and he didn’t have the heart to run her off. By the time we graduated from high school it was like they were joined at the hip. Tate never even looked at another woman and Diane ate up the attention, couldn’t get enough of it.”