Read What Will Be... Page 1

  What Will Be…

  Loralei Maiden

  Copyright 2013 by Loralei Maiden

  As I ran across the school football field, I could hear my name being called from a distance.


  ‘Oh Goddess, why me, why is it always me?’ I quickly pivoted to face the shouting voice, only to see that a football was heading straight towards me. On the ground, behind the football, a collection of frantically running guys and girls were hurdling straight towards me. Keeping an eye on the ball I continued to run; only now I was moving backwards. The ball landed with a thud into my awaiting hands, tucking it under my arm I whirled around and continued to run from the people who were all now chasing me and the ball. Crouching down slightly, I stuck out my shoulder and barged past a massive guy who had been headed straight for me, murder in his eyes. I didn't even glance back as I knocked him to the ground, instead I focused on running as fast as my legs would allow.

  Adrenaline started to flood my body as the end of the field clearly entered my vision. Pushing myself just that little bit harder than before, I began chanting in my head, ‘Almost there, don’t stop now. You’re almost home free.’

  With a satisfying whack, I slammed the ball down to the ground with my right hand, destination reached and objective achieved. The following squeal of the siren had me raising my arms in victory before starting a little ‘yay me’ dance. That beautiful siren squeal was the signal I had been waiting for, the end of the game. The crowd in the steel towered bleachers were going wild, all chanting something over the top of one another to the point where I couldn’t decipher what they were actually trying to say. A sudden knock to the ground drew my attention away from the chanting mess and towards the mountains of people climbing all over me in happiness. My team mates, as usual, seemed to have no idea about personal space.

  "We won! We won! Rox, you did it again! You're unstoppable." This I could understand as they were all shouting in my ears, excitement bubbling uncontrollably from them as they continue to engulf me in hugs combined with back slaps and butt pats.

  I began to struggle for breath, it was as if everyone realised this at the same time and they slowly started to clamber off me. Enjoying a few moments of rest, I lay flat on my back, attempting to catch my breath before throwing my legs up in the air and flipping myself into a standing position. My excitement soon caught up with that of my team mates, now that I could breathe that is, and I started jumping around with my team mates, hooting and hollering all kinds of nonsense as we made our way from the football field and towards the change rooms.

  One of the writers for our school newsletter approached me just as I was off the field, notebook and pencil in hand.

  “Roxanne? Roxanne Sparks. For the newsletter, please tell me how it feels to have scored the winning points in our annual mixed football challenge against our neighbouring pack for the third year running?”

  With a brief pause I looked towards the smiling guy, pencil poised ready to write my response, “It feels fantastic that we have beaten them again but it has been a huge team effort, and the whole team deserves the praise, not just one player. They are one of the few schools in the area who have the same abilities as us so it is always an excellent game.”

  “Ahhh Roxy, you have always been a modest she-wolf. Thanks for your time.” With that he turned on his heel and disappeared back into the crowd of people heading towards the team to congratulate us on our win. By the looks of the people coming our way it would be a while before I got to have the shower that I was so badly craving.


  After around an hour of accepting congratulations and making small talk with the team’s supporters, I finally made it into the change rooms. The students, parents and teachers from our ‘elite’ school had been acting like a crazy mob, all vying for attention from me and the rest of the team. Somehow I had managed to be the last of the girls to arrive, and my muscles were screaming for the relief that only a hot shower would bring. My ears had been ringing for the better part of an hour, the constant cheering and chattering damaging my sensitive hearing temporarily. You would think that a crowd consisting entirely of werewolves would know better than to be so loud.

  Pushing open the worn, off-white door, I was greeted by the overpowering smells of perfume, make-up and hairspray; how the other girls were able to put up with the combined scents I had no idea. Majority of them were adding the final touches to themselves in preparation for what, I’m sure, was going to be an exceedingly loud and long celebratory after party.

  My attempts to go through the change room unnoticed went by unsuccessfully as my best friend and fellow team mate Anna pounced on me, literally.

  "Roxy! Hurry up and shower. You're going to be late for the party.” Her high pitched, enthusiastic shriek echoed in my ears as she jumped up and down in front of me, clapping her hands like a demented seal. I placed my hands on her small shoulders, she was only around five and a half foot, and forced her to stop bouncing around. Staring into her eyes with all the seriousness I could muster I waited until I was sure she was paying me her full attention.

  "Anna, you know I can't come. It's Wednesday night, and you know I have my night classes then.” I peered around, hoping that no-one else had heard me whisper this to her. Luck was on my side as they all seemed to be wrapped up in the finishing touches of getting ready for the party.

  Anna dropped her bottom lip and looked up at me with her puppy dog face, begging me with her chestnut brown eyes to go with her.

  "Anna Rae, you know that shit doesn't work with me so cut it out right now." I hissed at her with a half-smile spreading slowly across my face. She immediately dropped the look and let out a frustrated growl in my direction before muttering ‘bitch’ under her breath.

  "You know it girl," I laughed at her, grabbing my shower supplies and moving towards the showers which were conveniently further away from her. She glanced up at me with an evil smirk on her face.

  "Well I'm going, and I'm going to tell you all about it tomorrow.” A groan escaped my lips when she stated this in such a matter-of-fact way. "Repeatedly," she added on. I couldn’t help but to roll my eyes at her, before raising my hand in a bid of farewell and heading for my highly anticipated shower.