Read What Will Be... Page 14


  Two days I have been driving for, stopping every six hours to have quick naps. The small town I was driving into was going to be where we stopped. There was a small pack here and I hoped they had a doctor; otherwise I would need to keep driving until I found one. Pulling the car up out the front of a service station, I filled it with fuel and headed in to pay. The scent of werewolf was strong inside the small store, and it appeared to be coming from the store keeper behind the counter.

  The man looked to be in his early thirties, his name tag identified him as Ted. I pulled my wallet from my back pocket to pay for the fuel and few items I wanted, watching as his nostrils flared and his shoulders tensed. He obviously picked up that I am also a were, and that I wasn't from his pack.

  "That will be $83.45 thanks. You're not from around here are you?" Ted was looking a little worried that I was on his pack’s territory.

  "No, I'm looking for a doctor for my girlfriend. Do you have one in your pack?" I lowered my voice as I spoke, just in case anyone else was trying to listen in.

  Ted regarded me cautiously, looking me up and down before replying, "Yes we do. I can call someone to escort you to the pack house if you like? As long as you mean no trouble.” He was reaching for a phone sitting beside him as he spoke.

  "That would be great. I assure you I mean no harm. I just need a doctor to see my girlfriend and assess what is happening to her. She has been unconscious for two days and I don't really know what to do." As I mentioned the length of time Roxy has been out for, Ted lifted his eyebrows in shock.

  "I'll call the Alpha now and explain the situation to him."

  "Thanks," I stood at the counter munching on the maltesers I had just purchased, waiting for Ted to make his call. After a few minutes Ted mouthed 'name?' to me. 'Baydon Tallon' I mouthed back. He nodded and relayed the name to who I assumed was his Alpha on the other end of the call. 'Who is your Alpha?' he again mouthed a question at me. 'Alpha Harry Aston,' I was getting impatient with being questioned, but understood the need for them, as a security measure and all.

  Ted hung up the phone and turned to face me fully. "Two of our guys will be here to escort you and your girlfriend to the pack house. Alpha Davies says we are on friendly term with your pack so you shouldn't be a threat. The doctor will be waiting for you both at the pack house. Good luck."

  "Thanks a lot Ted; I really appreciate you helping me out." Glad this pack had a doctor and were willing to help, I jogged slowly out of the store to the car. Leaning against it, I waited for the escorts to arrive. It wasn't long before a sleek red SUV pulled into the driveway and the driver put his window down.

  "You Baydon?" An eyebrow lifted as he asked and I nodded in response. "Your girl in the car?" Again I nodded and stepped to the side a little, allowing them to see the still passed out Roxy in the passenger seat. He seemed satisfied as he spoke, "alright then, follow us. The doctor is in the medical room at the pack house awaiting your arrival."

  Without hesitation I jumped into the driver's seat and started the car, following the SUV out on to the road. A few twists and turns and about five minutes later the SUV pulled up in front of a three story, stone house. The two guys in the car climbed out and headed over to me as I exited the car myself.

  Moving to Roxy's door, I threw it open and unclicked her seatbelt, before scooping her out and holding her close to my chest. One of the guys standing to my left asked if I needed a hand. I wanted to take Roxy in and hold her so I shook my head no as I kicked the door shut and waited for them to lead the way.

  I walked a few paces behind them as we headed up the stone, front steps and through the darkly coloured, wooden, front door. Once inside I was greeted by a tall, well-built man who looked to be in his late forties, maybe early fifties.

  He held out his hand as he introduced himself, "Baydon, I'm Alpha Davies." I struggled a bit but I managed to eventually stick out a hand far enough to shake the outstretched hand of the Alpha, without dropping Roxy.

  "Oh, sorry about that. I didn't stop to think that your hands are full. Anyway, follow me and I'll take you to the medical room. Doctor Evelyn is an amazing doctor; she will know what is happening with your girlfriend in no time." While Alpha Davies was talking we had been walking down a timber floored hallway. He stopped in front of a light pink, painted door and rapped my knuckles across it before half turning towards me.

  "Don't take it personal kid, but I'll be coming in with you. Just protocol until we hear from your Alpha and he confirms that you are not a threat."

  "I understand, I just want to know what is going on with Roxy." Security measures were pretty much the same in every pack, so I had expected this.

  Just then the door we were standing in front of swung open and a woman was standing in the now empty door frame.

  "Gentlemen, please come in. I've just finished setting up the equipment. Please lay the patient on the bed and take a seat." This Doctor Evelyn lady was very professional, but she seemed friendly as she smiled at me. I just wanted to find out what Blaze had done to Roxy so we could figure out a way to wake her.

  Following the doctor’s orders, I laid Roxy on the crisp, white bed sheets and took a seat in one of the waiting chairs, which was surprisingly comfortable. I watched as the doctor checked Roxy's temperature, flashed a light in her eyes, looked in her ears and listened to her heart.

  "There is nothing obvious going on here; her heart rate is a little slow so I'll hook her up to a monitor to keep an eye on it. Tell me what happened to cause her to be this way."

  I was frustrated that the doctor couldn't yet tell me what was wrong with Roxy, but I stood up and started to explain what happened at the park two nights ago. Half way through my detailed explanation there was a knock on the door and I paused in my pacing while the doctor answered it. There was a teenage girl standing there, she looked to be around fifteen, and was holding out a cordless phone to the Alpha.

  "Dad, it's for you. Alpha Aston I think. Said you were expecting his call and that it was important or something." At that she shrugged her shoulders and a few tendrils of deep red hair bobbed around her neck. She stirred feelings in me that I didn't want, so I looked away quickly.

  "Thanks sweetie," Alpha Davies took the phone and moved out into the hall to take the call. As soon as they were both out of the room and the door shut, I continued my explanation to the doctor.

  Alpha Davies re-entered the room just as I was finishing up, he gave me an angry look before walking to Doctor Evelyn and whispering in her ear, so low that not even I could hear what was being said. A look of shock crept over her face before she started racing around the room collecting bits and pieces of equipment.

  Confusion swamped me as I wondered what had been said. No-one had spoken a word to me since Alpha Davies had come back in. Just as I thought this he came over and sat back down in his previously occupied seat.

  "Baydon. Alpha Aston explained everything to me. Blaze, you, Roxy and her condition. Doctor Evelyn is going to run a few tests now to check how bad she is. You and Roxy are welcome to stay here for as long as you like. While you are here you will be treated like a member of our pack. Which means you will help out with pack duties, but it also means that if this Blaze somehow finds you guys again, you will have the backing of the pack. You can stay here in the pack house if you like." I couldn't believe it, I thought that he had bad news, but what he had said was actually pretty positive. Aside from the thing about Roxy's condition, how the fuck I had forgotten about that I have no idea. Hopefully she is only out for a couple of days, and wakes up soon.

  "Guys, I've run the tests on Roxy. You ready to hear the results?" Snapping my head in the direction of the doctor, I nodded, needing to know what was going on and when Roxy would be awake again.

  "According to the test results, Roxy's wolf is shutting down, which you already know. This being the second time in such a short period tells me that she is going down-hill rapidly. She shouldn't have had this second episode for at
least a couple of months. I'd say the trauma of the other night set off this attack. She will probably be unconscious for at least a week. I’m sorry Baydon, but there is nothing I can do to help her wake-up." The doctor smiled sadly as I felt my body and heart go numb. She is getting worse, faster than she should, and there is nothing I can do to help her.

  'There has to be something we can do, don't give up,' my wolf sounded as miserable as I felt. Determination set in from his words though, there had to be something I could do, and I wouldn't give up until I found out what it was.


  Guilt had riddled me ever since the night I attacked Roxy. I had no explanation for my actions; even my wolf was disgusted with himself for hurting her. He hadn't risen to the surface since that night; instead he stayed lurking in the shadowy corners of my mind.

  I still desperately wanted Roxy; the only difference now was that I wasn't going to chase her. She would come to me, and I was sure I had the perfect plan to do that. All my life I had saved myself for my mate, my mother had always told me it was the most meaningful gift I could give the one girl meant for me.

  Sure I had had girlfriends in the past but nothing had gone further than a bit of groping and kissing. My first time was something I always wanted to share with my mate. Well, not anymore. My master plan was jealousy. Once Roxy hears that I'm not pining over her and am out having fun, hooking up, she is bound to want me, right? I mean, jealous mates always fight for what is theirs, I know I did. Until I hurt her that is.

  Tonight was going to be the night; currently I was putting the final touches on my hair, just spiking it up in a messy kind of way. Dark blue jeans and a black button down shirt was all I decided to wear. I didn't see the point in dressing up when I was only planning to take it all off later. Susie, my date, was a sure thing. She was one of the easiest lays in the pack and I needed a guaranteed lay to start me off. Every player had to start sometime and my time was now.

  Scooping my keys from my desk, I headed out the door to my car. A few hours from now I planned to be naked and sweaty, and that thought alone got my blood pumping.