Read What the Heart Needs Page 2

  What in the hell?

  The tension faded from her hands. She lost her grip, stumbling backward. Hopefully, she would be unconscious by the time she hit the floor. But the carpet didn’t greet her. Warmth did. It began at the nape of her neck, spread around her arms, and continued down until it tickled her belly.

  Then sweet words caressed her ear. “I’ve got you.”


  His arms tightened around her as he held her close. She focused on their connection, allowing his energy to mold with hers. She loved the effect he had on her. How a single touch could invigorate her soul. Could take all of her afflictions and cast them back to the sea of complications. He was her rock. Her lighthouse in the dark abyss of confusion. She didn’t know how she’d survived without him before now, but she prayed she’d never have to find out.

  * * *

  Dylan held Heaven close noting the way her body trembled. He did his best to block the cool air coming in from the window, hoping it would comfort her. And himself. Burying his face in the nape of her neck, he lost himself in the scent of sandalwood. The fear paralyzing his mind dissipated the moment she relaxed into him.

  She was safe. That much he knew. But whatever caused the turmoil within her heart remained there. Their bond thrummed with it even though he sensed her trying to mask her feelings.

  “Are you okay?”

  Silky curls brushed against his chest when she nodded. What a relief. After the wave of panic woke him, he didn’t know what state of mind she’d be in. But even with her coherency her body spoke anything but. Whatever happened shook her to her soul.

  Refusing to release her from his embrace, he cradled her back in one arm before hooking the other behind her knees. Lifting her was effortless. He did it with one swift movement.

  Holding her made everything okay, even for a split second. Maybe he just wanted her to be all right, to believe this was in his head. Because admitting something was wrong would mean Heaven felt the need to keep something from him. The way she avoided eye contact only confirmed his suspicion. What a kick in the stomach.

  Pushing back his disappointment, he took a step toward the bed when she wrapped her arms around his neck. The sooner he got her back in bed, the quicker he could find out what happened. He needed answers, now. If the vibes she emitted didn’t diminish, he would lose his mind.

  After a few short strides, he reached the edge of the bed. But as he kneeled into the mattress, he knew he’d have to release her. That would be the hard part. With the erratic pulse of their connection, he’d rather hold her until their hum returned to normal, or she felt safe enough to entrust him with her troubles. He couldn’t make this about himself. She came first. He’d made her that secret promise long before they’d become a couple. No matter what, he’d keep that promise until his dying day. Especially right now, when she needed breathing room, not him smothering her with his concern.

  Once the mattress cradled her body, he wasted no time in walking back to his side of the bed. The cool sheets helped alleviate his anxiety as he curled up beside her. Normally he’d relax into the comfort of their bed and meet her in their dreams, but that would have to wait. Tired or not, Heaven needed him.

  His eyes trailed a path over her body as he looked for any sign of physical stress. There were none, at least, none that he could see. He rechecked their connection, hoping to get a better sense of what internal battle had her heart racing.


  Damn it! Whatever upset her had their bond fluctuating. He couldn’t get a good reading on her. Guess he’d have to get his answers the old fashioned way.

  He moved in closer, spooning her body to his. When his arm rested on the curve of her hip, she released a sigh. He hoped it was a positive sign.

  Tucking a curl behind her ear, he planted a kiss just beneath it. “Heaven?”

  She placed her hand atop his, nestling back into him. “Yes?”

  “What’s going on?”

  Her body tensed again, as did their connection. He struggled for a breath. After all they’d been through, why would she try to keep something from him? Unless she thought he would be upset.

  “You know you can talk to me about anything. Please. Tell me what’s wrong.”

  “I’m sorry,” she said, leaning up long enough to pull the sheet to her waist. “I didn’t want to burden you.”

  “Burden me?” he questioned, giving her hand a gentle squeeze. “Nothing about you is a burden. Besides, what affects you affects me, too.” His voice caught when golden eyes peered over her shoulder. What he couldn’t pick up from their bond played like a familiar song in her eyes. Worry. Uncertainty. Regret.

  She still worried about their engagement and felt uncertain how everyone would take the news. But the regret…the vibration of their bond steadied just enough for him to confirm what he suspected. She didn’t regret being with him or accepting his marriage proposal. She regretted trying to hide her stress from him.

  Caressing her cheek, he kissed her shoulder before moving to her lips. While her kiss always affected him with a range of emotions, it was good to know he had the same affect on her. Even though the hum between them hadn’t returned to normal, the conflict within her began receding. He could breathe again.

  “This is about tomorrow, isn’t it?” He waited for her to respond. But words never came. Only a slight nod of her head. “Are you having second thoughts about marrying me?”

  “No!” she said, flipping over to face him. “Of course not. Can’t you sense how much I love you? Check our connection if you have any doubts.”

  He’d like to, but the way their bond kept fluctuating…

  Something kept causing a disturbance. He’d felt her emotions since they first met, probably even longer. The more powerful her feelings, the better he could sense it. So what changed? Her love for him? He prayed not. If she ever stopped loving him, he’d never survive.

  “Hey.” The warmth of her hand on his cheek lifted all the negative thoughts. He met her gaze, doing his best to put on a smile. “You’re not doubting what I said, are you?”

  “I’m fine. But you…you’re not.”

  “Tomorrow is a big day for us. I’m nervous. I can’t help it.”

  When she buried her face into his chest, he held her tight. “It’s just your sisters and our friends. You know they’ll be happy for us.”

  A snort vibrated against his chest as she twisted her head from side to side. “Everyone but Layne.”

  He leaned against the bed, pulling her up on his chest until her breath tickled his face. “Don’t take Layne’s reaction personally. He’s protective of me. Always has been. Once he sees how committed we are, he’ll come around.”

  “I hope,” she said, letting out a yawn.

  Though he could sense there was more bothering her, their connection steadied. He decided not to pressure her for more answers. She would talk when she was ready. Right now, she needed sleep. As did he.

  “Get some rest. Tomorrow will be great.”

  “Okay,” she sighed.

  A touch of disappointment pulsated within his heart when she settled back against her pillow. But he wasn’t ready to lose their physical connection. Instead of rolling over, he tucked his head between her shoulder and neck.

  Each time she took a breath, he felt his eyes getting heavier. Damn. He wanted to make sure she fell asleep before he did. But his brain refused to cooperate.

  “I love you,” he whispered cradling her body in his arms.

  “I love you, more,” she answered. At least, he thought she did.

  * * *

  Heaven snuggled closer to Dylan, enjoying the way the heat of his breath teased the nape of her neck. He’d fallen back to sleep in record time. Not that it surprised her. After spending most of the day battling his father over tour dates, she wouldn’t blame him for wanting to lose himself in a bottle of bourbon. Instead, he pushed his frustrations aside and doted on her.

  And their evening had bee
n wonderful, curled up on the couch, her back against his chest. The way he’d squeeze her tight each time the movie made her flinch. How the last time their eyes met, the movie ceased to exist. That’s about the time he whisked her up to their room and made love to her. Even afterward, when he held her close, made their evening together complete. But the moment he drifted to sleep…

  The flashback from earlier played through her mind. Some of it made sense. Like Nathaniel’s glare. She knew he didn’t approve of her. Tough shit. She loved his son. He’d either get used to her or avoid her. If she continued to obsess over his hatred, he’d drive a wedge between her and Dylan. Which is exactly what he wanted to do. Then he’d win. No way would she let that happen.

  Shifting into a more comfortable position, she drew the covers closer to her shoulder. Dylan’s breath still beat against her neck, helping to sooth away her troubles. She pushed the image of Nate from her mind once more and focused on the rest of the flashback.

  Dylan’s smile. That made sense, too. It never left her mind. Couldn’t when he blessed her with the beautiful sight every day. But what did the rest of the images. She had no clue what they meant.

  The cameras could represent the paparazzi. Lord knows they did their best to snap pictures of them every chance they could. The ocean scene confused her, as did the pregnant woman. Then again, that could represent Faith.

  One image baffled her more than the rest. Caramel eyes. She didn’t know who they belonged to. Dylan’s rich dark eyes didn’t come close to caramel. And the way those eyes stared at her. Gooseflesh spread over her arms and legs. It’s not like those eyes made her feel afraid. More like peaceful. But something about them was off. Like they shouldn’t be looking at her, period.

  Releasing a sigh, Heaven placed her hand above her eyes. Playing connect the dots with visions brought back the stress from earlier. If she didn’t stop, she’d wake Dylan again. He needed sleep as much as she did. Tomorrow really would be a big day, a special day, she hoped.

  If they survived tomorrow, they could survive what lay ahead. Like telling her parents about their engagement. Her mother would approve of Dylan. She had no doubts. But her father…

  Her stomach flipped again.


  It wasn’t the warm sunrays filtering in through the open window, nor the chirping birds nesting in the eave that woke Heaven. Not after such a sleepless night. Dylan. His presence. His voice. That is the only thing that could pull her from such a dead sleep.

  As she blinked her eyes, she listened to the soothing sound of his voice. Though she couldn’t make out the words, no other sound could speak to her heart the same way, even if he wasn’t speaking to her.

  Her eyes shifted to the alarm clock near his side of the bed. Just a little past nine. Guess he decided to let her sleep in this morning. Thank goodness. She needed a few extra hours after losing so many last night.

  When his chuckle floated through the room, she searched for him, finally catching a glimpse of his body outside their bedroom. His arm bent at the elbow with the phone pressed to his ear. Who could he be talking to?

  As she concentrated on his voice, she picked up a few words here and there.

  “Yeah, she is…didn’t sleep well…I’m not really sure…We’re planning a trip out…I’ll have her call…Yes…You, too…Bye…”

  A beep echoed from the hallway, signaling he’d just ended the call. Then he returned to the room. Her heart took a few extra beats the moment his eyes found her. How could anyone look so gorgeous in the morning?

  “Did I wake you?”

  She watched him place the phone on the nightstand before sitting on the edge of the bed. When the mattress gave, the pulse of their connection grew vibrant. After the last few months, she should be used to the way their tempo increased when he was near. Maybe if it didn’t feel like she’d stepped on a live wire, she could. Not that she was complaining.

  Giving him a quick nod, she stretched her arms above her head before resting them against the pillow. “It’s okay. I needed to wake up.”

  “I tried my best to be quiet.”

  Concern coursed through his energy. The same concern that thumped through their bond last night. Somehow, she needed to ease his mind for at least today. They needed it to be as stress free as possible.

  Sending out a soothing pulse, she stroked the length of his arm. “I’m all rested. Don’t worry.”

  Dylan cupped her cheek, stroking the skin just under her eye. “Your face tells a different story. Are you sure you’re okay?”

  “I will be, after we say our vows.”

  She couldn’t stop her own smile when she noticed his. Nothing compared to it. Not even that shiny ball in the sky or the rays it emitted, the same rays entering their bedroom window. She had to remind herself to take another breath.

  “I can’t wait until you meet me at the altar. But, I do have to get going. Don’t forget we’re going to try that experiment, today.”

  She wouldn’t forget. They hadn’t spent the last few weeks practicing their abilities for nothing. Now it was time to test them out on others.

  The warmth of his hand still lingered on her cheek as she watched him stand up. Then he turned toward the door. The thought of him leaving, even for a little while, sent a wave of panic through her. And their bond.

  He spun on his heel to face her. “What’s wrong?”

  Heaven swept the covers from her legs and left the bed before he could reach the edge. “Relax,” she whispered as he grabbed her in his arms. “Nothing’s wrong. I only hate being apart from you. How long will you be gone?”

  The tension faded from his eyes. “Not long. I have to run out and pick up a few things for our party. I should be an hour at the most. Do you want to come with me?”

  “Looking like this?” she chuckled as they both glanced down at her attire. Or lack thereof.

  “Wow,” he mumbled, gathering the cotton undershirt between his fingers. “My shirt never looked so good before.”

  Heat shot to her core when he hooked a finger under her panties. Their bond pulsed with need. Would they ever get to a point where a simple touch didn’t bring their passion to life? She hoped not.

  “You’re lucky,” he said, his voice hitting that low, guttural tone that made her knees weak. “If we didn’t have people showing up in a couple hours, you and I wouldn’t leave this bedroom, today.”

  Leaning up on her toes, she brushed her lips against his, saying, “I’d say that makes me unlucky.”

  A low rumble resonated from his chest. The warmth of his hands left her hips, traveling downward until he cupped her bottom and pulled her against him. Sweet cinnamon filled her mouth as his tongue slipped past her lips. The world could end at this very moment and she wouldn’t know. Wouldn’t care. Wouldn’t ask for a better way to go.

  With a quick shift of his body, he had her pressed to the wall. The coolness helped tame the fire building over her skin. Didn’t he have somewhere to go? Did she really care at this point? Not when his lips were moving from hers, down her neck. When he lifted her leg, bending it at the knee, desire coalesced in a pool of want as he placed it at his hip. The notion of him pulling away and leaving her with this passion bursting from between her thighs would be cruel.

  And she should have known better than to think such a thought. A vibration worked its way from his hip, traveling up her inner thigh. Could it actually be—

  Yes! Damn it! His phone.

  Dylan pulled away, his lips flushed red, breath labored, eyes hooded with desire. And frustration. He released her leg and grabbed the phone.

  She watched his eyes drop to the screen as she tried to slow her breathing. Interruptions. They had faced them before. Probably always would. People and their lousy timing. Was it Layne again? He seemed to be the culprit behind their other interruptions. If this was him again, she would swear he had some type of radar honed in on Dylan, watching his every move.

  Dylan replaced the phone at his side b
efore he met her eyes again. “I’m not dealing with him today.”

  “Who?” Maybe it wasn’t Layne.

  “My dad. This day is about me, you, and our future. He is not going to ruin this for us!”

  Hopefully that included ruining this passionate moment between them, too. Staring into his eyes, she noticed a twinkle. No. He wouldn’t let his dad ruin it. But then the phone rang again. Instead of looking at the screen, he pressed a button to silence the phone. Then he stepped back from their embrace.

  Great! Guess she would have to wait until later before she could satisfy the hunger he’d awaken. Judging by the grimace on his face, she wouldn’t be the only one suffering.

  Damn, Nate McBride.

  “I’m sorry to leave you like this,” he whispered, brushing his finger across her lip. “But I really do need to get going. As much as it’s killing me to leave.”

  She stepped away from the wall, leaning in to give him a quick hug. “You can make it up to me, tonight.”

  “That’s a promise.” His beautiful smile returned once more. “Oh, I almost forgot. That was your mom on the phone earlier, when I woke you. She wants you to call.”

  A wave of nausea rolled her stomach. Why would her mom be calling? They just spoke a couple of days ago.

  “Did she say what she wanted?”

  Dylan fished his keys from his pocket as he shook his head. “Not really. I told her you didn’t sleep well last night and that you were still asleep.” He chuckled as he stepped outside the room. “She wants to know when she and your father will meet me. I told her we are planning a trip out there, soon.”

  That they were. And they were bringing a bombshell with them. Her eyes fell to the engagement ring. How was her dad going to take the news?

  “See you in a little while, beautiful,” Dylan said as he kissed her lips once more.

  What a short kiss it was. Not that she could blame him. They’d end up right where they left off if it lasted any longer.

  Now she would have to extinguish the fire in her soul just so she could concentrate for the rest of the day.