Read What the Heart Needs Page 5

  “Why would I need a place to stay?”

  Great. She wouldn’t be able to cover up this slip. Luckily, Hope butted in.

  “Probably because we know Layne isn’t…daddy material. What are you going to do if he’s not interested in having kids?”

  Heaven squeezed her eyes shut. She should have just answered the question instead of allowing Hope to cover. For whatever reason, Hope was hell bent on tormenting Faith today. Instead of the other way around. And if Heaven let it continue, her sisters would exchange words that couldn’t be taken back.

  “I’m not saying Layne will or won’t be a good father. Only you know that. What concerns me is that you’re relationship with him seems off. You said so yourself. Is that why you spent the night with Brooke?”

  Unable to stop the words before they slipped out, Heaven snapped her mouth shut. Stupid loose lips. Now Faith would know that…

  Faith released the branches, taking a step closer to her. “How do you know I spent the night with Brooke?”

  “Layne mentioned it this morning.”

  Heaven’s stomach flipped. So much for her new friendship with Layne. She’d just sold him out to the one woman who could make his life worse than a one-way trip to hell. She followed Faith’s eyes as they left her face and went toward the crowd of men standing near the backdoor. Layne stood on the outer edge.

  “That little prick.”

  Faith stormed away from the tree before Heaven could finish explaining. It didn’t take her long to reach Layne and even less time to clear out the group that stood beside him. As the guys made their way toward the garage, Layne stood still, beer in hand, eyes flinching as Faith got in his face.

  The more she talked the more her hands moved in front of her. When she finally pointed back toward Heaven, Layne’s eyes followed.

  What little breeze blew through the air ceased to exist. But she could feel the sun. Could feel the hot rays beating down on her. Her cheeks heated beyond comfort.

  And the longer Layne stared at her, the more her hand burned.

  * * *

  Shooting Faith and Layne one last glance, Heaven’s eyes moved back to Hope. She reached for the water bottle in her sister’s hand, twisting the cap off as fast as she could. As the icy liquid cooled her throat, she stepped under the tree until the bark brushed her back.

  “You sure you’re okay?” Hope questioned, swirling the glass of wine in her hand.

  “Yeah, I’m good. Just a little dizzy. The heat is taking it out of me today.”

  Hope gave her that signature brow-pop she did whenever she thought someone said something crazy. “Hev, it’s only seventy today, if that. I think you’re getting sick.”

  Only seventy? Hope had lost her mind. It had to be closer to ninety. The way drops of sweat formed at the nape of her neck said as much.

  “For the last time, I’m not sick. Unless you count sick with nerves. If that situation over there doesn’t diffuse, I think I’ll throw up.” She didn’t look toward Layne and Faith again. Only jabbed her thumb in their direction.

  “At least they took the fight over to the wall. You wouldn’t have that water if they’d stayed on the patio.”

  “God,” Heaven growled. Taking small steps, she left her spot under the tree, heading toward the backdoor. “This is not good. I just made a bad situation worse.”

  “Don’t stress, Hev. It’s not your—”

  Heaven took two more steps before Hope’s silence sent a pulse of fear through her body. Pausing mid-step she turned to see Hope focused on their sister and Layne.

  “What’s wrong, Sis?”

  “I, um…I don’t know. It’s nothing. I just went off into space.”

  Yeah right. Hope’s energy told a different story. As did the way she twirled her hair between her fingers. Layne and Faith’s conversation upset her sister.

  “I can sense something is wrong with you.”

  “Seriously, Hev, I’m fine.”

  “No, Hope. You don’t understand.” Heaven threaded her arm through Hope’s, pulling her forward. “I can literally sense something is wrong with you.”

  “What are you trying to insinuate?”

  Guess this was it. The opportunity she’d been waiting on for weeks. “I have something to tell you. Something that will sound crazy, but I need you to keep an open mind. Can you do that?”

  Hope came to a stop at the edge of the patio. She released her lock of hair as she grabbed Heaven’s upper arm. “You’re starting to worry me.”

  Laughter bubbled from Heaven’s mouth, even when she forced down the lump in her throat. If anyone would believe what she was about to share, it would be Hope. And if she didn’t…well…her sister would want her committed.

  * * *

  Heaven’s eyes danced over Hope’s face as both leaned against the side of the house. She wished like hell something would pass through her sister’s lips. Even if Hope accused her of being crazy. Silence was a confession’s bittersweet enemy. One Heaven didn’t want to face off with. But the more Hope pursed her lips, the more that mental battle raged on.

  “I guess you’re ready to call the men in white coats, right?”

  If Hope answered yes, Heaven wouldn’t hold it against her. She’d think the same if she wasn’t the person with the ability. Hell, she’d questioned the news when Dylan gave it to her a few months ago. Until he’d sent that spine curling vibe through their bond.

  “I’d never judge you on something like this. In fact, it makes sense to me. You’ve known things about me. Things Faith didn’t. If it were a triplet bond, she would’ve picked up on stuff, too. And your connection with Dylan…” Her lips caressed the rim of her glass until the last of the wine passed through. “It’s no wonder you couldn’t refuse him. I knew there was something special about you two.”

  Sucking in a deep breath, Heaven used it to release the nervous energy churning her stomach. God, it felt good to let someone else in on the secret. To have someone else not only believe in it, but admire it.

  “This is why we’ve kept to ourselves for the last few weeks. Well, at least part of the reason. We wanted alone time, too.”

  She thought for sure that would get a smile from her sister, but Hope’s eyes went back toward Faith and Layne.

  “Even though she drives me crazy, I want the best for her. Having a baby with him…Can you tell if they’re going to be okay? At least Faith?”

  She should he be honest and tell Hope the truth. That their sister ticked like a bomb about to explode? But why worry her? Heaven couldn’t predict the future. For all she knew, Layne would take responsibility. After the way he made amends with her this morning, anything could happen.

  “I can’t sense the future, Sis, only what a person feels in the present. Right now, Faith is holding her own. She’s pissed, but when isn’t she? Our little drama queen will be fine.”

  “I don’t know. I have this feeling. More than a feeling. It’s like there’s a black cloud hanging over us. Especially you and Faith.”

  Great. Just what she wanted to hear. She needed stress like she needed another stalker. Only God knew what Faith would do if she had to deal with the hard facts of life. Not after being pampered most of her life. Unfortunately, fate didn’t care what type of hand life dealt you. It had its own agenda and brought you along for the ride.

  Pulling out a chair from the patio table, Heaven motioned for Hope to sit with her. Then a high-pitched smack came from Faith and Layne’s direction. By the time Heaven’s eyes found the arguing couple, Faith had left her spot near the wall. Her feet moved with such speed, Heaven swore she was gliding.

  Layne’s eyes followed after her as he cupped his cheek. He blinked his eyes before meeting up with Heaven’s. Though a pulse of anger swirled in his energy, Heaven sensed a touch of sadness. And something else. Something Heaven understood in dealing with Faith. Constraint.

  As Faith stormed by them, she complained under her breath. A few discernible words slipped through. Li
ke son-of-a-bitch. When the screen on the back door slammed shut, a growl resonated inside.

  Pushing the chair back in, Heaven turned to follow Faith, but the warmth on her shoulder stopped her. “Let me do this. See if Dylan will check on Layne.”

  Hope scrambled into the house before Heaven could object. Guess she’d better see if Dylan would check on his friend. But as her eyes darted to the last place she saw him, she found nothing. The side door to the garage stood ajar. Guess the guys didn’t want to see their buddy get his butt chewed. She hadn’t enjoyed it either.

  Sweeping the yard for her other friends, she found Chelsea and Brooke chatting with Emma near the flowerbeds. They whispered amongst themselves, their eyes moving toward Layne a couple times before covering the smiles on their faces.

  Could they be that insensitive to another person? So Layne played women. Didn’t mean he didn’t hurt like anyone else when someone walked all over him. Judging by the pulse in his energy, Faith didn’t just walk over him. She’d dug her heels into his heart. And knowing Faith, the problems between them were not one sided. She had known Layne’s reputation before she hit the sheets with him. That made her as guilty as him if the relationship failed.

  Regardless of what problems they faced, Heaven knew she’d stirred up the hornet’s nest today. That made her responsible for supplying first aid to hurt feelings. But no Band-Aid in the world could cover wounded pride.

  Releasing a sigh, she set her water bottle on the table, making her way toward the wall. And Layne. The closer she came to him, the hotter the sun seemed to beat down. When caramel eyes gazed down into hers, not all the ice in the world could stop the fire filling her body.


  It wasn’t the rapid beat of Layne’s energy that concerned Heaven as she stared him in the eye. He had every right to be angry. At Faith for slapping him. For humiliating him in front of their friends. At Heaven for agreeing to be his friend then letting it slip to Faith that they’d talked about her. It wasn’t even the fact that his energy pulsed around her more vividly than her own sisters’. But the way his eyes burned into her, the way they seemed to scorch her skin more than the rays beating down from above, that definitely unsettled her.

  The more powerful the emotion, the more it ate at her core. Especially anger. But the anger and hurt swarming around Layne didn’t project to her. She couldn’t say the same for Faith. Good thing she stormed off when she did.

  “Did you come to get your licks in, too?” His eyes roamed her face then darted in the direction of the backdoor, taking with them the heat that scorched her soul. “Don’t worry. I have another cheek that’s still available.”

  “I think my sister did enough damage. I’m not here to do the same. I wanted to check on you. And to apologize.”

  Layne’s focus drifted across the yard before landing back on her. “Why would you apologize? It’s not your handprint on my face.”

  Might as well be since she’s the one that incited Faith. Intentionally or not. “You wouldn’t have that handprint if I’d kept my mouth shut.”

  The crease between Layne’s brows deepened. “I’m not following you.”

  “I’m the reason she’s ticked with you.”

  A low rumble shook Layne’s chest. Great. Any second he’d blast her into next week. Which is what she deserved. But when his lips parted, a chuckle slipped past. What the…

  “I don’t know what you said to her, but it couldn’t be as bad as what I said. I brought that slap on myself.”

  “Now I’m not following.”

  Turning to face the wall, Layne’s shoulders slumped. The anger in his energy diffused until a trickle of frustration pulsed within him. But regret still churned at his core. Right along with guilt.

  “Things are kinda tense between your sister and me. For different reasons. I’ve been avoiding her today. And she knew it.” Placing the beer bottle to his lips, he tipped his head until the rest of the contents disappeared. But when he brought the bottle back to his side, his eyes remained toward the sky. “She’s pissed ‘cause I haven’t talked to her, today. She warned me that if I didn’t start paying more attention to her, she’d find someone who would. So I asked her why wait.”

  Ouch. No wonder Faith slapped him. Her normal reaction to being hurt by someone she cared about. Heaven couldn’t count how many times Faith had came at her and Hope with clenched fist, ready to swing. Guess that meant she did feel something for Layne. It still didn’t give her the right to hit him. And it sure didn’t explain why Faith hadn’t mentioned what Heaven let slip.

  “Um…I don’t know what to say.”

  “There’s nothing to say. Faith and I will deal with it. But whatever the outcome, I meant what I said to you, earlier.”

  Which part? He’d said a lot when they spoke in the kitchen. About his behavior. Clean slates. Friendship. She parted her lips, the question waiting to escape the tip of her tongue, but when his eyes sought her out, the air around them shifted. More like stopped. She couldn’t breathe, but for some reason, she didn’t care, didn’t need to.

  “You okay?” His eyes whisked across her face as they peered through strands of blond. But when she nodded, they fell toward the ground. “Good. Then we’re still friends?”

  Why did her friendship mean so much to him? Because of Dylan. It’s the only thing that made sense. Yet admitting that didn’t feel right.

  Her eyes fell to his outstretched hand. She debated on shaking it, especially after the last time, but leaving him hanging would be rude. Inching her hand toward his, her palm moistened. She hesitated going any further, but when his jaw flinched, guilt overcame the fear.

  The moment her fingers wrapped around his hand, the heat that once burned her returned, but without the throbbing effect. If anything, the warmth soothed her. “Are you two striking up a business deal or plotting on how to deal with Faith?”

  Heaven released Layne’s hand as she turned to face Dylan. Twice today he’d found them touching. Not that he had anything to worry about. But something in their bond hinted to jealousy. Even Layne’s energy felt defensive.

  Taking in a deep breath, the cinnamon spice of Dylan’s scent eased the tension threatening to pulse through their connection. All she needed was for him to sense that. Especially if he could sense Layne’s energy, too. “As much as I’d like to deal with Faith, I’m not getting involved in her relationship. Layne and I agreed that regardless of what happens with them, we’ll still be friends.”

  Dylan walked between them on his way to the wall. Once he pressed his back against it, he drew her body into his but focused his attention on his friend. “I didn’t know you and Faith were having issues. At least, not until she chewed you a new one. I’m sorry things aren’t working out for you two.”

  Layne didn’t respond. Short of a shrug, his eyes fell to the empty bottle in his hand. But his emotional vibration spoke louder than any words. In fact, he had so many feelings bouncing around, Heaven’s stomach flipped from trying to sort through them. She hated knowing that Faith caused this emotional roller coaster. Even if the blame lay at his feet as much as it did her sister’s. Why couldn’t everyone find the love that she and Dylan shared? Didn’t everyone have a soulmate?

  “I guess I’d better go apologize to her.” Layne huffed, brushing his hand against his cheek before he turned toward the door. “I’ll be back when I’m finished. If she doesn’t kill me first.”

  “We’ll be here.” Dylan answered.

  With each step Layne took, a sense of dread filled Heaven. Maybe because she’d been in his shoes before. Dealing with Faith after you’d insulted her was like stepping inside a cage with feral animal. You could count on getting ripped to shreds.

  As Dylan’s arms flexed around her, she broke her gaze from Layne to focus on the man who wanted her attention. The ache in their bond made her heart catch. “Everything okay?”

  “I’m fine,” he whispered, leaning his forehead against hers. “But if I don’t get to k
iss you, soon, I think I’ll lose my mind.”

  She knew the feeling. More than happy to oblige, she brushed her lips against his, enjoying the way the heat of his breath teased her cheek. In an instant, the craziness of the day seemed more like a faded dream. It was just the two of them, the love coursing inside their hearts, and a future filled with much promise. No matter what happened today or the days ahead, nothing could take that away from them.

  * * *

  The heat of Dylan’s hand faded from Heaven’s as they stopped at the edge of the patio. Guess he was ready to head back to the garage with the guys. She wanted him to stay by her side, but after having him to herself for the last few weeks, begrudging him of time with his friends would be selfish.

  “I swear we won’t be much longer.” He promised. Cupping her cheek, he leaned in closer and whispered, “We still have good news to share.”

  Hopefully their friends would see it that way, though Faith would definitely have her own thoughts on the matter. Especially after her argument with Layne. At least he appeared on board with Heaven and Dylan’s relationship. Would he feel the same about their impending marriage?

  She’d find out soon enough.

  “Go do your guy stuff. I’ll chat with the girls until you come back.”

  But he didn’t step away. Warmth hugged her hips as he drew her closer. “Don’t worry about Faith and Layne. They’ll either figure it out or find someone else. That’s who they are.”

  Yeah, except that Faith might be carrying Layne’s child. If their relationship was in as much jeopardy as it appeared, a baby would only complicate that.

  But dwelling on it wouldn’t help.

  Pushing the thought from her mind, she forced a smile on her face so he wouldn’t worry. “I know they’ll figure it out. I just want everyone to have what we have.”

  “No one could have what we do. It’s impossible. I don’t think anyone could love another person the way I love you.”

  Hearing him say things like that, it made her want to run off with him to say their vows. They wouldn’t have to deal with their families, friends, or the drama woven into their lives. As tempting as it seemed, it wouldn’t solve anything in the long run. No matter how many times they ran away, there would always be paparazzi, family issues, and Dylan’s career. They couldn’t escape that.