Read What the Heart Needs Page 7

  His eyes darted toward her in time to see her reaching for her neck.

  * * *

  Heaven eyed her water bottle on the patio table, wishing she could take a drink to soothe the tickle in her throat. Her mouth grew drier with each breath she struggled to inhale. Not because of the wall of heat surrounding her. She’d become accustomed to the new sensation. But the tension in her chest, the way it seemed to crush her lungs, had each breath coming slower.

  Nate’s murderous stare could be responsible, if looks really could kill a person. Why he hated her so much remained a mystery. It had to be more than his fear of her taking Dylan’s money. The way his energy coursed around her hinted to something deeper. But there couldn’t be anything deeper. She’d met him once. He hadn’t given her a chance before he decided that she wasn’t fit for his son. Now he wanted to hurt her.

  At least that’s what Layne said. Judging by the way he kept blocking Nate’s path, he believed it to be true. Not to mention his energy level. It pulsed more defensively than it had when Dylan walked up on them, earlier.

  She hated people fighting her battles for her. Maybe she should just ask Nate why he disliked her so much. At least they could get things out in the open.

  Meeting his stern gaze, she parted her lips, but nothing came out. The tightness in her chest spread upward, like someone was choking her. She couldn’t breathe. And for some reason, Nate seemed pleased.

  The ground trembled beneath her as the house began to rock. Or maybe she was swaying. Hard to tell when everything grew darker with each beat of her heart. Then Layne turned to face her. The warmth of his energy pulsed toward her as he called her name. She swore he’d reached for her, but before his hand made contact, a soothing vibration wrapped around her body.

  “What the hell is going on?”

  Dylan. He must have felt panic through their connection. The moment he drew her into his arms, air rushed through her lungs.

  “It’s okay,” he whispered. “I’m here. You’re safe.”

  Tucking her to his chest, he used most of his body to shield her from his father’s view. Thank goodness. For the first time since Nate arrived she felt safe.

  Layne stepped back until he stood beside her, blocking the rest of Nate’s view. He burned with so much energy, she swore he would combust. Or she would for tapping into it. He wanted to check on her, to see if she was okay. Just like she did for him. Instead he shifted his focus to Dylan. “Your dad came rushing toward Heaven, demanding to see you. I cut him off. The look in his eyes…”

  Heaven gazed up at Dylan when she felt his vibration hit a rapid pace. Talk about a murderous look. The one Nate had didn’t compare to the one flashing through Dylan’s eyes.

  “What is your problem?” he barked.

  Nate raised his hand as a newspaper unfolded to the front page. “This is my problem.”

  Falling into a hornet’s nest couldn’t compare to the sting flowing through their connection. Guess Delia had been right when she said their senses would heighten. He felt the same thing she did as they stared at the photo in the paper. Anger. Betrayal. Hurt. The photo covered most of the upper section. And not just any photo. One of them under the willow tree. Dylan down on one knee, offering her a ring.

  Who in the world could have taken the photo? They were alone the day he proposed. Only a person with the security code could have made it on the estate. And the only people with the code.

  A knot formed in Heaven’s belly. Is that the reason Nate seemed to be taunting Layne? He’d said he knew things about him. Maybe that’s why Layne asked her for a fresh start this morning. He’d been attempting to cover his tracks. Or get in her good graces incase this news came to light.

  No. Layne wouldn’t do this to them, to Dylan. He knew the amount of hell the paparazzi put them through. Put all of them through, including himself. He would never turn over a picture as gossip worthy as this one. What good would it do? Nothing, except put his best friend through more hell. Someone else was to blame.


  “Which reporter do you have in your pocket this month, Dad? Did you smooth things over with Susan?”

  Looks like she and Dylan were on the same page with their suspicion. Nate would be dirty enough to take such a personal, private moment between them and exploit it for his own wicked benefit. Why did this man hate her so much?

  “I had nothing to do with this!” The sound of crumpling paper filled the air. A second later the tabloid fell at her feet. “That’s how I feel about that article. It’s trash. Just like the woman standing beside you.”

  The warmth of Dylan’s embrace left her body. She stumbled backwards before Layne caught her by the elbow. An electrical charge passed between them, but she didn’t allow it to sway her thoughts. Not when Dylan was in his dad’s face.

  Steadying herself on her feet, she nodded to Layne, letting him know he could release her. He hesitated until the arguing father and son brought his attention back to the patio.

  “Don’t ever talk about her like that again.” Dylan growled, going chest to chest with his father. Nate took a couple steps back until the table stopped him.

  “Does the truth hurt, son?”

  Dylan drew his fist back but Layne grabbed him from behind. “Don’t give him the satisfaction. He wants you to hit him. Go to Heaven. I’ll escort him out.”

  “I’m not going anywhere until my son sees the light.” Nate yelled. His shouts drew the attention from the other guests. One by one, the back yard began filling with their friends. The guys and Emma came rushing out of the garage. Chelsea and Hope stood at the back door. Even Faith and Brooke watched from behind them.

  That was exactly what Nate wanted. Heaven could feel the satisfaction flowing through his energy. He loved making a scene. Got off on it. Casting his gaze around the onlookers he didn’t bother hiding the smug look on his face when his eyes made it back to her.

  “This one has a habit of making guys fall for her. She plays with their emotions until they’re crazy in love then she accuses them of stalking her. It’s just a matter of time before she does it to you, Dylan.”

  Had Dylan replied? Heaven couldn’t hear anything but her pounding heart. His lips didn’t look like they were moving as he closed the gap between them. But their connection quaked with questions. Some aimed toward her, the rest hurled toward his father. But he didn’t say a word as he took her back in his embrace.

  His chest expanded with a deep sigh. Then his lips ticked her ear. “Don’t worry. I’m not buying into his bullshit. Just relax.”

  She couldn’t relax. Not with the way Nate was taunting her. Did he have information about Mick? About the hell he’d put her through. Knowing him, he’d enjoyed hearing every sick, twisted detail of her ordeal. Still didn’t give him the right to share it with Dylan. Or their friends. Those words should come from her.

  “You truly are a hateful old man,” she blasted. She wanted to run over to him and smack that sardonic look from his mouth. But Dylan pulled her back.

  “You can’t stand the thought of me being happy, can you? Not if you can’t control me. Well guess what, Dad? You don’t get to control my life any more. Take your lies and accusations and get the hell off my property.”

  “No!” The words ripped from Nate’s chest. Even the sky above them seemed to rumble. If there were clouds above, she’d brace for rain. Just to play it safe, she checked the sky. Nothing but the sun beat down on them.

  Searching the faces around the yard, she noticed her eyes weren’t the only ones to go upward. Layne’s did, too. At least until Nate started his barrage of complaints again.

  “I’m telling you the truth, Dylan. Heaven will destroy you. She’s already done it twice. Look what she did to Zeke.”

  Nate had lost his mind. Speaking that name had the same effect as nails on a chalkboard. It hit a nerve. A bad nerve. One that would have Dylan leaping on him if he said it again.

  “Is that what he told you? Did he bother tell
ing you that he broke into Chelsea’s apartment and tried to rape Heaven?”

  Another ripple of anger made their connection tremble. Nate needed to leave them alone before Dylan lost it. She’d spend the rest of the evening trying to decompress him from this confrontation. Just like the day he came back from Nate’s office.

  The news didn’t faze Nate. If anything, the thought of someone hurting her pleased him. Maybe that explained the smirk teasing his lips. “I find that hard to believe. She probably led him on, just like she did with—”

  “Stop it!” The words echoed across the lawn. Heaven didn’t realize she spoke them so loud until Dylan squeezed her closer.

  “See. She doesn’t want you to know the truth. She’s a cancer, Dylan.”

  “Say one more word about my fiancé and I will cut all ties with you.”

  Every mouth dropped open. Even a few gasps resonated in the air. Including Heaven’s. She gazed up at Dylan, disbelieving her own ears. This was not the way she wanted their announcement to come out.

  “What did you just say?”

  Nate’s question lingered as Dylan smiled down at her. Taking her hand in his, he walked a few steps from the ugly scene unfolding near the patio until they both stood underneath the willow tree. Then he faced her. His hand cupped her cheek as he brushed her skin with his thumb. “Guess this is our big moment,” he whispered. “Are you ready?”

  She didn’t speak. Only nodded. The stress of hiding their engagement was about to end. What a crazy conclusion to a weird day.

  Dylan held her close as he faced their family and friends. Including his wide-eyed father. His fingers curled around hers as he raised her hand in front of them. “This beautiful angel has agreed to be my wife.”

  His eyes fell to hers. All the love he had in his heart pulsed through their connection. She basked in it, and the realization that the news was out. She didn’t have to hide it from anyone, anymore, except her parents. And they would be told soon. That alone should have lifted the weight from her shoulders. Maybe it did, though she couldn’t concentrate on that relief. Not when a flame scorched her belly.

  She could have searched every face to find the guilty party, but she didn’t need to. Only one person had this effect on her. Her eyes darted across the yard, meeting the set glued on her.

  Layne’s energy whipped around her like a roaring fire. Anger didn’t fuel the flame. More like disappointment. Which made sense. He wanted them to wait a little longer before they took this step. He’d expressed that desire once before to Dylan.

  After their discussion this morning, she’d hoped he’d changed his mind. Maybe he wasn’t on board with their relationship like she’d thought. It didn’t explain the moisture in his eyes. Or the way his energy pulsed with sadness. It wrapped around her with so much force, she felt like her heart had broken.

  She didn’t have time to decipher his mixed emotions. The tightness in her chest returned, just as it had earlier when Nate looked like he wanted to kill her.

  Heaven sucked in a breath, but little oxygen greeted her lungs. She began to choke.

  The internal struggle gained Dylan’s attention. Those dark eyes she loved grew heavy. Then his lips moved, like they were in slow motion. “Hev? Are you okay?”

  She did her best to shake her head, but each passing second, her lungs begged for air. She parted her lips, hoping to ask him for help. Nothing but a gurgle made it past.

  “Heaven?” Dylan’s voice grew louder. He gripped her shoulders, giving her a little shake. When she didn’t answer, he shook harder. Her head bobbled back and forth as his lips continued moving. But the sweet sound of his voice, the one that made her heart sing each time she heard it, began to fade

  As darkness overtook her, she’d almost given into its bliss. Then a sound shattered through the hazy confusion.

  “Nathaniel McBride, stop this insanity, now!”

  A fragrant breath of air filled her nose. Jasmine with a splash of citrus. She knew the lovely scent. Had enjoyed its comfort for the first time a few months ago. She turned in time to see a vision of light. A vision so sweet, she knew everything would be okay. If anyone could stop the madness unfolding before her, it would be the wonderful gift God just sent her.

  Delia McBride.


  Delia swept across the patio, glaring at Nate with each step. If he knew how much she wanted to hurt him, he’d wipe that smug look from his face. Or thank God for blessing her with passive abilities. At least her gut never proved her wrong. She knew he’d try something this stupid.


  Thankfully her instincts warned her of chaos this morning. As if last night’s cards hadn’t forewarned her. The Emperor crossing the Priestess. The Knight of Swords. Both indicators that Nate would take this obsession to a new level. And he had. If she’d spent another second fighting through the mob outside the gate, Heaven might not be…

  But she had arrived in time. Now Nate had some explaining to do.

  “Don’t look at me like that, Dee.”

  “What? Like you’re crazy? You’ve obviously lost your mind, so why not?” He should be grateful it stopped with a look. She wanted to beat him over the head. Instead, she checked on Heaven, making sure her respirations returned to normal. They hadn’t, which pissed Delia off even more.

  She turned to face her ex-husband, forcing her voice to steady. “What is wrong with you?”

  Did Nate want Dylan to learn the truth? Maybe she should just out him and get it over with. He didn’t deserve to give their son an explanation. But with other eyes weighing on them, she decided to leave it alone. Dylan needed this news in private.

  “Stay out of this, Delia. You can’t be objective.”

  “And you can?” Her eyes trailed across the patio, stopping on the overturned chair not far from where they stood. His handiwork, of course. No wonder Dylan had his arms wrapped around Heaven.

  Nate waved his hand about the yard. “I guess he invited you to this, soiree, didn’t he?”

  “Unlike you, I don’t need an invitation to our son’s house. That should tell you something.”

  “It does. I know I should have been a better father, but I’m here now. I’m doing what I can to protect our son from that energy sucker standing beside him. If you’re not here to help, get the hell out of my way.”

  Heaven? An energy sucker? More like igniter. To their kind, at least. Why couldn’t Nate see that? After all these years, she’d hoped he’d get a clue. Guess that was too much to ask for.

  “Leave them alone, Nate. They have a right to be happy”

  “I’m assuming you knew about his proposal, didn’t you?”

  Yes, she did. Thanks to the cards. And the morning paper. Not that she’d tell him with the irrational thoughts flowing through his mind. One day his hate would consume him. Pity. He brought it on himself. “I know now. Which is fine with me. I’ll happily accept Heaven into our family.”

  “That girl will never be a part of our family.”

  “You’re blinded by the past.” She stepped to the edge of the patio to face him. “Continuing this onslaught won’t accomplish anything. Except helping you lose Dylan.”

  “Each second he stands here brings him closer to that point.” Dylan shouted from behind.

  Delia followed Nate’s eyes until they landed on their son. God love him, he shouldn’t have to put up with his father’s nonsense. Or protect the love of his life from being harmed. Even through his father’s chaos, the way he looked at Heaven hadn’t changed. It never would. The sooner Nate realized that…

  Dylan leaned in to whisper in Heaven’s ear. When he pulled away, she met his gaze, giving him a slight nod. He kept one arm wrapped around her, holding her close as they walked toward the patio. “It’s time to leave, Dad. Don’t make me force you out the door.”

  Layne joined them on their journey across the yard. He, like Dylan, remained close to Heaven. Guess he felt she needed protection, too. “I can get him out of h
ere, Dylan. Don’t let him ruin this day for you.”

  Nate’s snort had all eyes on him again. “Our son is surrounded by deceivers, Dee. Is that what you want for him?”

  “You know what, Layne?” Dylan asked, stopping just shy of the patio. “I think I’ll take you up on that offer. If I escort him out, I might hurt him.”

  That ruffled Nate’s feathers. “I don’t need anyone’s help. But you, son, will need me one day. When that girl breaks your heart, I’ll try not to tell you that I told you so. Prepare for the disappointment.”

  “The only person who ever disappointed me is you. Get out,” Dylan seethed through gritted teeth.

  Still not budging from his spot on the patio, Nate’s glare shifted to Heaven. “Your day is coming, young lady.”

  Dylan stepped forward but Layne cut him off. “Go willingly Nate, or I will drag you out of here.”

  The two men stood barely a foot apart. Both sizing up the other for the challenge Layne issued. Nate would be dumb enough to cause another scene. For Heaven’s sake, Delia hoped he wouldn’t. The girl didn’t need more stress.

  “I’d thought more highly of you, son,” Nate said, stepping back from Layne. “Your change of heart will torment you the rest of your life. That much I know. Hope the friendship is worth it.”

  “The exit is this way, Nate.” Layne said, giving him a little push toward the backdoor.

  Delia didn’t like the sound of Nate’s comments. If he had dirt on Layne, he’d use it to his advantage. Which in turn would be used against Dylan and Heaven. If only she’d brought her cards. Then she could decipher the nagging sensation rolling in her stomach.

  She’d search for answers in the cards when she returned home. Right now, Heaven needed away from all the questioning eyes.

  “Dylan, will you and Heaven join me in the house for a moment?” When he nodded, she allowed them to pass, tuning into her instincts as they did.

  The knot in her stomach tightened, pulling her toward Heaven. What intuition didn’t tell her, instincts did. Heaven needed a place to relax. And all the protection in the world from Nate.