Read What the Heart Needs Page 9

  Damn it!

  Grasping the paper, he pulled on the edge until Layne pulled back. “Remain calm,” he cautioned, finally releasing his grip.

  The paper unfolded before Dylan. Then his heart stopped. There, on the front page of the entertainment section, the same photo stared back at him. Christ! American Daily. How did a national newspaper get this pic—?

  Damn his father.

  A growl ripped from his chest. “How could he do this to me?”

  “Because he is warped. Whatever grudge he has against Heaven isn’t going away. He’s determined to get her out of your life, at any cost.”

  Dylan’s heart raged inside his chest. At any cost? Did that mean he’d— “What do you mean? Did he threaten Heaven again?”

  When Layne nodded, Dylan turned to the table behind him. Keys clinked in protest as he lifted them in his hand. “I’m sick of this shit.”

  He’d managed to get a couple steps past Layne when his shoulder jerked back. “Fighting with him isn’t going to change his mind.”

  Like he’d give his father that satisfaction. Or an easy way out of the mess he’d made. “Who said anything about fighting? I’m going to end him.”

  * * *

  If hell hath no furry like a woman scorned, what could be said about a scorned man? Death would be in that phrase. The look in Dylan’s eyes said as much. If Layne allowed him to go out that door, he’d watch his best friend go to jail. Heaven would be destroyed, so Nate would win in the long run.

  But Heaven would still be breathing. He would watch over her. Keep her safe until Dylan… What the hell was he thinking? No. He’d never put Dylan through that. Or Heaven.

  “We can protect her. I swear to you, I will do everything I can to help you. Maybe if we agreed to go on another tour, he’d back off.”

  He knew it was a lie, but he had to do something to defuse the bomb ticking inside Dylan. The more his friend eyed the door behind him, the more he could hear the timer counting down.

  “Touring won’t help. He wants Heaven out of the picture for good.” Dylan’s knuckles whitened around the key ring as he stepped forward. “There’s only one way to stop this. Cutting ties with him. If he refuses to stop managing us, then I’ll leave the group. I’m sorry.”

  Dylan couldn’t leave the band. Nate would—damn it—he’d kill Heaven. Layne couldn’t deny the truth any longer. Not after seeing her death sentence in Nate’s eyes.

  Refusing to clear Dylan’s path to the door, Layne cut him off each time he tried to move past. “We have to find a way to make this work without killing someone. Are you as crazy as your dad? I’ll be damned if I have to hangout with you behind a glass wall.”

  Flinching at the suggestion, Dylan turned from Layne. Did the realization of the consequences finally kick him in the ass?



  But highly unlikely.

  “If anything ever happens to me, you’ll watch over Heaven, won’t you?”

  And there it was. The part of him that Layne envied. Dylan’s unconditional love for Heaven and hers for him. The chance to risk everything for one person, no matter what the cost. Or the odds. No doubt, if the tables turned, Heaven would do the same. She’d fight to save Dylan’s life.

  Why couldn’t he and Faith have that? Why did he have to sit on the sideline, wanting something he could never have? Something he’d never deserve, even if he died a thousand miserable deaths.

  He’d be damned if he let Dylan throw that away. “If you want to knock the piss out of your father, I’m all for that. Would probably help you. But for Heaven’s sake, think about what you’re considering. Kill your dad and he wins. You’ll be separated from Heaven. She’ll be devastated. Don’t do that to her.”

  “I’m trying to protect her.” The urgency in Dylan’s voice bit at Layne. He empathized with him. Even had the same instinct to protect Heaven. It was the least he owed them after… Damn it, he shouldn’t have involved himself in this. If Dylan found out, he’d hate him. As would Heaven. Layne couldn’t bear that thought.

  But the need to keep her safe stemmed from more than guilt. It came natural. Like he’d been created to serve her, regardless of who her heart belonged to. Between the two of them, she’d be safe. If he could get Dylan to see that, they’d be in good shape.

  God, he was as bull-headed as Nate.

  At least Dylan had a reason to be stubborn. And that reason might be the key to keeping him out of jail.

  “Heaven’s been through enough, today. Can you at least wait to confront him tomorrow? Give logic a chance to find its way back into your brain.”

  “Maybe I should go ahead and take Heaven away from here. When we return, she’ll be my wife. Then he won’t be able to tear us apart.”

  It sounded like a great plan. If you thought love could save you from everything. If a man like Nate wanted someone dead, he knew enough people to do the job. Love wouldn’t protect them from a nine millimeter.

  “You honestly think a piece of paper will make this go away?”

  Shrugging, Dylan turned from their spot near the door. He returned the keys to the table by the staircase before gazing to the second floor. “It’s the only thing I can do to protect her and keep from ending his life.”

  “There has to be a backup plan.”

  Dylan’s gaze drifted from the table. He released a sigh before tossing Layne a look over his shoulder. “As a last resort, there is. I call her mom.”

  * * *

  Heaven pulled her tank top to her waist while staring at the door. Dylan would burst through in a moment. His energy thumped harder the closer he came to their room. Guess Layne finally went home. And in his wake, he left a six-foot ball of negativity for her to decompress. Would this day ever end?

  Stepping closer to the bed, she counted the seconds until those dark eyes fell on her.

  And then they did.

  Raw with emotion, he rushed over to her, wrapping her in an embrace. “I’m sorry. I know you felt every bit of that.”

  She didn’t confirm or deny it. Instead, she focused on the love between them, pushing those feelings to him in a soothing pulse. “Are you okay?”

  He squeezed tighter. “Just hear me out.”

  Those were four words she didn’t want to hear. Not with everything that happened today. Her knees began to wobble. “Dylan, please—”

  “My dad is making threats against you. Crazy threats. Please reconsider going away with me. We’ll go wherever you want. Just don’t say no.”

  What fear didn’t make it through his voice rumbled in their connection. He honestly believed his father would harm her. After today, she couldn’t deny it either. Nate wanted to kill her. Even tried. Didn’t he? The numbing effect his energy produced. The way it shifted when she couldn’t breathe.

  He did it. Though she didn’t know how.

  Maybe Dylan sensed it, too. It would explain the aggression flowing through his veins. And the reason he held her so close. Guess they needed to compare notes on today’s experiment.

  “Could you read anyone today?”

  He released her long enough to kick off his shoes. They’d barely bounced across the carpet before tiny jolts wrapped around her waist. “I did a little,” he mumbled against her neck. “It’s like white noise. I can pick up on small things, but nothing like I do with you.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Take Layne for example. I knew he was upset. But I couldn’t pin down the emotion behind it. I had no idea how bad things were between him and Faith until she went off on him.”

  She wished she could say the same. How could she be more in tune with people than him? He’s the reason she had the ability to begin with.

  “How about you? Did you read anyone?”

  What an understatement. Should she tell him how well she read other people? Certain people. How, like him, most of their friends’ energy felt dull. But her sisters…she could sense them with ease. And Layne…too much.
  “It’s a little different for me. While Chelsea and Brooke have that white noise you mentioned, my sisters didn’t.”

  “Maybe we need a strong connection to the person. Like with your sisters. You’re blood bound.” He caressed her cheek as his lips drew closer. “And we’re soul bound. That’s why I can’t lose you. It would kill me. Please, come away with me.”

  “What will running prove?” She wiggled loose from his arms, stepping toward the window. “You think leaving will change things? Your dad would be hell bent on killing me when we returned.”

  “Then we won’t come back.”

  Focusing on the willow tree, she bit down on her lip. As much as she wanted that to be a joke, she knew better. He’d sworn that he’d give up everything to be with her. But she’d never ask him to do that.

  “I won’t allow you to give up your life for me. We’re not running like cowards.”

  “If something happens to you, my life will be over.”

  His words teased the nape of her neck. She’d been so caught up in her thoughts, she didn’t hear him approach.

  Turning to face him, her fingers wrapped around his wrist. “Your mom won’t let anything happen. She can handle your dad.”

  “It’s my job to protect you!” He didn’t shout the words, but their intensity had the same effect. Her hairs stood on end. Then his hands were cupping her face. The wall’s coolness worked through her thin tank as he held her there, his face a couple inches from hers. “What kind of man would I be if I couldn’t do my job? What kind of husband?”

  The crack in his voice sent a jolt to her heart. “I know you’ll protect me. That’s why we shouldn’t run. I trust you.”

  “If I lose you—”

  “You won’t!”

  She watched anger waver in his eyes. But he didn’t argue. His lips were on hers in a heartbeat. As cinnamon teased her tongue his fingers raked over her body. She loved the feel of his rough hands. Loved the way they seared her skin. They didn’t stop until he cupped each breast. A moan slipped past her lips, into his mouth. All the heat she’d felt today couldn’t compare. Not to the electricity coursing through her, now.

  Where she once sensed fear filling his soul, need sprung to life. In less than a breath, he pressed her to the wall. The heat of his palm drifted from her chest as he flicked her tongue with his. God his kiss made her head hazy.

  He pulled at the top of her tank. A rip echoed in the air before her breast spilled from her shirt. Fire shot to her belly when his lips left hers. The look in his eyes. The desire in his energy. He wanted her right now. He finished ripping the shirt from her body then threw it to the ground. She’d never seen this side of him. This primal instinct. But she wanted more.

  Wet heat caressed a nipple. She didn’t move. Couldn’t. Not with the way his body held hers in place. Or the way her legs threatened to give out when her panties slid past her thighs.

  Had they been arguing? She didn’t care. She needed him. Sensed his need for her. The way it pressed against his jeans. And the more that need throbbed, the more the world slipped away.

  She pulled at his shirt. Anticipation burned within her when he ripped it off. The sound of cloth tearing and a zipper lowering…it had her heart pumping.

  When his jeans plopped against the carpet, she gazed up. Dark eyes scorched her. Every emotion fueling his energy exploded. The fear of losing her. The anger toward his father. The desperation to keep her safe. He needed to know she was safe. That she was his, and always would be.

  His hands gripped her hips. Then the wall shifted. Heat teased her thighs as her back slid upward. Was he going to take her right here?

  Hell yes!

  She wrapped her legs around his waist, urging him forward. Need pooled between her thighs. And then she felt it. The way it throbbed against her belly. How each time it brushed her skin, every cell in her body sparked to life. If he waited one more second, she’d die.

  Calloused fingers cupped her bottom. In one swift movement, she straddled the length of him. The warm tip begged to go further. She wanted it to go further. Wanted to feel each stroke as her body built for that sweet release.

  His jaw tightened as he leaned in closer. Then his mouth covered hers. And time ceased to exist. A slow, steady push set her insides on fire. She wanted to wriggle against him. To urge him to satisfy the ache torturing her body.

  How did he have any control? She didn’t. Couldn’t. And she’d be damned if he teased her another second.

  Arching her back from the wall, she slid further onto him. A groan resonated from his chest. How she loved that sound. Loved the way it heightened the nerves in her body. Made them feel like she’d touched a livewire. Each spasm worked its way across her skin. Up to her breasts until they hardened against his chest. Down toward her thighs, supplying the liquid heat in which he continued to glide. And when no more of him could fill her, she met his gaze.

  “I love you,” he whispered.

  She wanted to answer him. Parted her lips to do so, but his lips melted back with hers. Then he flexed within her. And she lost control.

  A soft moan vibrated between them. Her moan. When he pulled his hips back, a tickle teased her belly. She knew what was next. That body-bouncing thrust. The toe curler. But he didn’t move. Left her hanging there, suspended on a thin line of ecstasy. His lips proved her only relief. They continued working. And they did their job well.

  As his kiss ignited her soul, she rocked her hips. Each swirl of her tongue brought him deeper. He didn’t resist. Even cried an approval before the heat of his lips left hers. When they landed on a spot near her ear, desired surged to her core.

  She glided up and down the wall as he pumped his hips. His skin heated her palms when she gripped his shoulders. She needed to be grounded, needed something to hold onto before she lost comprehension. Before that soul rocking orgasm claimed her. Because it was coming. She sensed it. In her soul. And his. Every pant and grunt spoke of it.

  Rolling her hips again, she took him deep. Then away. Then deep again. Building that sweet sensation she craved. A growl rippled against her neck. Good. She knew his resolve was crumbling. Any moment he’d spill into her.

  Gripping her ass tighter, he pulled away. But not far. When he delved back inside, a jolt spread from within. His next plunge shocked every nerve. The pressure built, coalesced, then exploded around him.

  The higher her voice went the more Dylan called her name. One bounce sent her spinning. The second sent her over the edge. And when the third bounce came, so did Dylan.


  Rain beat against the bedroom window, sending a steady stream of water down the glass. Dylan followed the trail until his eyes fell to the backyard. He couldn’t shake his apprehension Regardless of how much he wanted to, he couldn’t stop Heaven from leaving, today. Or force her to take him when she left.

  So what if she’d only be gone a few hours. It was time apart. Time that his father could use to his advantage if he knew they weren’t together. But she wouldn’t budge from her decision. The vibration in their connection said as much.

  “I promise I won’t watch you. I’ll be too busy keeping guard.”

  Her laugh resonated from the closet. “You just want to see me in my wedding dress.”

  Yeah. Part of him did want to see her in a wedding gown. To see how beautiful she would be when she stood before him and their friends, promising to be his forever. Even though she already was.

  Leaning against the window, the drenched pane cooled his back as he focused on their connection. Did she really want to do this today? After all the hell they went through yesterday. Or was this an attempt to pacify her sister? Lord knows Hope expressed her approval of their engagement more than anyone, even though the other guests seemed happy.

  Maybe the others would have been more excited had they not witnessed the debacle with his father.

  Damn him!

  Heaven’s vibrations swirled around him, chasing away the negativ
e thoughts. Eagerness thrummed through her soul. He should have known. Most women would be thrilled about picking out her wedding gown.

  If he could just get her to move up the wedding, he’d be as excited as her.

  “Quit worrying about me.” She peeked her head out of the closet long enough to meet his gaze. Guess she’d been tuning into him, too. “I’ll be fine, Dylan. Your mom will be there.”

  Thank God. If his Mom hadn’t asked to go, Heaven would have shadow on her tail all day. Hell, she may yet. He had no doubts that his mother could handle his father. But she shouldn’t have to be the one to take on his dad. Not when he could do it himself.

  “Dylan…” her voice softened as she tugged at his heart. “Please, stop thinking the worst.”

  Damn, she should have been a mind reader.

  Unable to resist the pull of her energy, he left his spot near the window. Each step brought him closer to the closet. He’d barely made it to the door when she came into view again. The towel hugging her body dropped to the floor, leaving the most beautiful sight he’d ever seen. Her skin. Her curves. Luscious legs that wrapped around his waist less than twelve hours ago.

  The memories of last night danced through his mind. How worried he’d been about keeping her safe. How her stubbornness incited him, yet in some strange sense, turned him on. And her disregard for her safety. That sent him over the edge. But when he looked in her eyes, he understood. She trusted him to not only keep her safe, but to prove that she was worth every ounce of torment his father planned to put them through.

  And he showed her. How much he loved her, needed her. How much he feared for her life. How the thought of losing her brought desperation into his soul. Desperation so consuming, it devoured every part of her. Her lips. Her body. Her soul. Everything he would kill for.