Read What the Heart Takes Page 19

  She didn’t miss the way his jaw flinched at the question.

  “I…well, she said…it’s really hard to…” He continued working his mouth, though nothing came out. Embarrassment stained his cheeks, but his eyes grew colder and distant. “She said a lot of stuff. I can’t remember all of it. Besides, you do look tired. You should get some rest.”

  He managed to take three steps away before she found her voice. “Should I go ask my father to get the truth out of you, or do you want to try this again?”

  Stopping in his tracks, she noticed tension spreading across his shoulders. It showed even more in both of his fists when he clenched them.

  “Delia gave me a piece of valuable advice today. She told me that I couldn’t control destiny. You can’t either, Heaven. If you want an answer to your question, go chat with your mother-in-law.”

  “I’m not trying to control destiny. I’m trying to find my way in this crazy thing I call my life. So much has been dumped in our laps. I don’t understand it any more than you do. If Delia gave you valuable information, why wouldn’t you share it with me? Don’t I have a say in what happens with my life?”

  A quick spin on his heel had him facing her again. His caramel eyes warmed as they trailed her from head to toe. “Don’t you trust me, Heaven? I’m doing what is best for you. Let me do my job.”

  “You’re in charge of protecting me from physical harm, not information that you think might upset me.” She took another step closer. “What aren’t you telling me, Layne?”

  “Can’t you respect the fact that I need boundaries with you?”

  “Why would you need boundaries? You ended our friendship. The only reason you’re here is out of duty to me. Our connection keeps us tied.”

  “It’s more than that.” He did his best to mumble the words, but she heard them anyway.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “Nothing.” He growled the word as he turned his back. He wanted to walk away. The urge to do so weighed heavily on his heart.

  She refused to allow him to go. Forcing her legs to work faster, she caught up to him before he moved under the archway. Both stood between the dining room and the hallway that led to his room. The moment she touched his shoulder, he faced her again, knocking her hand back.

  “Leave me alone, Heaven. I’m all talked out today. I can’t do this with you.”

  “Delia told you something about our connection, didn’t she?”

  Recognition played in his eyes before he looked away. “Just that I need to quit worrying about what Dylan thinks and focus on controlling my abilities.”

  “You’re a liar.” Her voice hit a higher, yet softer pitch as she poked her finger between his pecs. “She told you a lot more than that, but you’re afraid to tell me. Why, Layne? Why do you keep stuff from me?”

  Blinking away the moisture stinging her eyes, she fought against the urge to slap him. The longer he remained silent, the angrier she became.

  “You’re an asshole, you know that?” She turned her back to him as her bottom lip began to tremble. It grew harder to ignore the ache in her chest. When the pressure increased, she stepped away, swearing to hold herself together until she made it to her room.

  He wasn’t worth her tears. She kept telling herself that, even though her heart begged to differ. He meant a lot to her. Knowing he didn’t feel the same… It fed an ache—an ache she could not name nor satisfy.

  She’d almost made it through the living room when fingers curled around her shoulder, twisting it back. Firm hands gripped her wrists, pulling her into a hard chest. She raised her head, noting Layne’s crumpled brows and narrowed eyes. Tears spilled down her face a second later.

  “Damn it, Heaven.” He looked as though he wanted to shout the words, but his voice softened instead. His thumb warmed her cheek as he swiped at the tears. “Will you stop crying if I tell you what she said?” He waited until she nodded before continuing, “She confirmed everything you said about us. She said we have to deepen our connection, that I have to get closer to you if I want to control my abilities.”

  “Does that mean you’re willing to try?”

  He wiped away a few more tears while staring at her lips. “I’m…I’m afraid.”

  “And you think I’m not?” He nodded slowly, as though the movement of her mouth entranced him. “I’m afraid too, Layne. It scares me to know how strong our connection is. You once told me that it was platonic, but your actions say it’s more. Is it, Layne? Is our connection about more than your duties to me? Is that why you refuse my friendship?”

  His Adam’s apple wobbled as he swallowed hard. “No,” he mumbled, pulling his hands from her face. He took a few steps backward, replacing the space between them. “I’m your Keeper. Honor and duty binds us. That is all.”

  “I don’t believe you. There is something more. There has to be if I’m the source of your power.”

  For a moment, she thought he would agree with her or at least explain why he didn’t. He pursed his lips with a response, but ended up tossing his hands in the air. They slapped against the sides of his legs once they fell down. “Quit looking for hidden answers, Heaven. You may not like what you find.”

  “Or maybe I will.” She didn’t miss the surge of his energy when she yelled at him. It was full of want and need, his want and need to be close to her. “It scares you, doesn’t it? It scares you to think I might actually care more about you than you—”

  “I’m not doing this.” He turned away, taking quick steps toward the door.

  She started to follow, but a crushing pain filled her ribs, knocking the breath from her lungs. The nearby bookcase helped keep her on her feet, even when the room spun around her. Each second she fought to remain standing made her cheeks warm.

  If she could catch her breath, she’d be okay, but the cinnamon-drenched air didn’t help. Neither did her gasp. She bit her lip, preventing her cries from following.

  Layne came back into view within seconds. He stood before her, his chest heaving as if he’d run across the room. His eyes were wide and roaming every inch of her body. Without a word, he fell to his knees, reaching his hand toward her stomach. He drew back at the last minute and gripped her leg instead. The scorching heat of his hand made her wince, but he didn’t notice. He couldn’t focus on anything but her abdomen.

  “Please,” he begged as he continued to stare. “You’re in pain. Please tell me how to help you.”

  “You felt that?” she asked with a ragged breath. When he nodded, she shook her head in disbelief. “How?”

  “I don’t know. When I reached the door, it felt like something knocked the air out of me. I stood there trying to catch my breath when I saw you holding the bookcase. I don’t remember walking away from the door, but the closer I got to you, the easier I could breathe.”

  “I’m sorry I scared you,” she replied, still trying to process everything he’d said. “The baby just kicked me in the ribs. Hard. Very hard.”

  “Are you okay?” He raised his eyes to hers at last. Concern lingered within them, even after she nodded.

  “I’m okay, Layne. I promise.”

  He hung his head and blew out a sigh. All the rigidness in his body faded, from tense shoulders to the grip of his hand. A tickle spread down her leg as he trailed his fingers lower. The sensation lasted long after he drew his hand back to his side.

  “Did you have a contraction?”

  “No,” she chuckled. “It’s just the kickboxer who took over my body a few nights ago.”

  She caught a glimpse of a smile at the corner of his mouth before he looked away. It was enough to ease her mind for the moment, but she wasn’t sure where things would go from this point. Either he would resume the distance he’d placed between them or he’d take Delia’s advice on their connection.

  When he pushed off the floor a second later, she took a step back to give him room. Once he was on his feet, he reached for her, clasping her hands in his. He flipped one o
ver, running his thumb over the lines in her palm, as well as the mark that matched his. No words filled the air, but the heat of his energy wrapped around her, chasing the chill from her arms.

  “I’m not saying we can’t be friends, and I’m not saying we won’t be close. At some point, I think we’ll be both. What I need is a few days to let this process, a few days without arguing or history lessons about who and what we are. Do you think you could give me those days?”

  “Of course I will. Take whatever time you need, Layne. It’s not like we have someone looking for us.”

  She’d meant it as a joke, but something in Layne’s energy shifted. He released her hands and took a step back, nodding his head like he was agreeing. She wanted to ask him what was wrong, but the door latch clicked inside the frame.

  Turning toward the living room, she watched the old oak door swing open. It wasn’t until she noticed Dylan stepping inside that she realized he might be upset by how close she and Layne were standing. Yet when she turned around to gaze at Layne, she found that he hadn’t just put a significant amount of space between them. He’d left the room as well as the conversation.


  Heaven gazed around at the different faces spread about the hotel lobby. Aside from the elderly ladies, who’d smiled after noticing her belly, no one else paid her much attention. She didn’t recognize any of the other patrons passing by, which helped to relieve some of the anxiousness fluttering inside.

  She couldn’t believe Dylan brought her here when it risked them being discovered. His previous stint in the spotlight didn’t help them blend well with society. While the three-day-old stubble on his face made her heart take an extra beat, it didn’t do much to alter his appearance. Someone would recognize him if they weren’t careful. Should they pass any reporters, their picture would be in the paper, and then Nate or his people would be on their trail.

  Dylan gave their luggage to the bellhop, then slipped a room key in her hand. “Hold on to this one just in case you need it. I doubt you’ll get me out of your hair for that long, but either way, you’ll have one.”

  Chuckling at him, she placed her arm around his waist as his went around her shoulders. “You’re sure we’re safe? We’re almost two hours away from everyone if something happens.”

  “Relax,” he whispered, kissing the side of her head. “Mom wouldn’t have suggested we do this if she didn’t think it was safe. Her intuition is better than mine, plus she has foresight. She would have foreseen any issues.”

  “Okay.” Heaven nodded, falling in step with him as they moved toward the elevators. Even though she knew it was risky, she loved the idea of being alone with him for the next couple of days. She needed some time away from Layne. They both did, and Layne needed time too. He’d told her as much when they spoke yesterday. Guess that’s why he didn’t insist on coming with them when Dylan told him about this trip. Hopefully, he would be ready to work on their connection when she returned.

  Vibrations filled her hand as her phone buzzed to life. A text message bubble flashed across the screen with Hope’s name at the top. She slid her finger across the phone, pulling the message up a second later.

  “Who is it?”

  A mixture of curiosity and worry weighed in her husband’s energy, but she didn’t let it sidetrack her. She held a finger up, signaling for him to wait, and then continued scanning the message. A smile spread across her lips when she reached the last word.

  “It’s Hope,” she answered, tucking the phone back inside her purse. “She and Scott will be here in a few days.”

  Dylan seemed pleased with the news. He gave her shoulder a gentle squeeze and pulled her closer. It made walking more difficult, but she loved the feel of his arms around her. “The more people we have surrounding you, the safer you’ll remain. It will be good having Scott around too.”

  Of course it would. Too bad Scott couldn’t have stayed with them in Jamaica when he and Hope came to visit. At least they stayed for a couple weeks. The tension had been minimal during that time, thanks to Scott’s Cooler abilities. Besides, they’d been too busy celebrating Scott and Hope’s decision to get married. That kept them all busy for a few days.

  Had she known how the tension between Dylan and Layne would increase, she would have begged her brother-in-law to remain until they left. God knows she hadn’t succeeded in getting them to be civil, at least not at the time. All of that changed a few days ago when she and Dylan had their big discussion inside the bedroom. What a revealing conversation it turned out to be. She’d never forget the way he confessed his fears about them being the unfortunate pair, about her dying, about losing her to Layne because of his jealousy.

  “You okay?” he asked, tipping her chin up until she met his eyes.

  “Yeah, I’m good. Just thinking about having my sister close. I’ve missed her.” So it wasn’t the complete truth, but she didn’t want to dredge up the past. They were here to have some much needed alone time. That had to be her focus.

  Satisfied with her answer, Dylan rounded the corner of the lobby, pulling her along with him. “Come on,” he said in a low voice, the one that always made her knees weak. “Let’s go find our room. We’ll get our stuff inside and then grab some lunch. Or, if you’d rather, we can stay in and order room service.”

  Could they stay in for the entire weekend? She loved the thought of lying in bed, wrapped in his arms, forgetting that the rest of the world existed. “Hmm,” she sighed. “Are you trying to spoil me one last time before the baby gets here?”

  They came to a stop just shy of the elevator doors. His eyes darted to her stomach as the biggest smile covered his face. “I’ll always spoil you, both of you, and any other kids we have.”

  She wanted to kiss him. Even wetted her lips to do so, but once the elevator doors opened, a high-pitched squeal pierced her ears.

  “Oh, my God! It can’t be.”

  Heaven turned in the direction of the voice and stared into a set of blue eyes, sapphire eyes she’d know in her sleep. They were a striking contrast next to the layers of platinum blonde hair surrounding an oval face.

  “Chelsea?” she laughed. “What in the world are you doing in Cleveland?”

  Just before her friend could answer, Kyle stepped around her, grinning at Dylan. “What’s up, buddy?”

  The site of his friend made Dylan laugh. She loved the deep sound as much as she enjoyed seeing his chest shake. He reached for Kyle’s hand, but his friend pulled him into a hug. “Sure is good to see a friendly face. I’ve stared at the same people day in and day out for the last few months. We just ended a leg of our tour last night.”

  “Dad’s not with you, is he?” Dylan managed to keep his voice calm, even kept his question nonchalant. Kyle knew how much he and his dad didn’t get along. Luckily, she was the only one who could sense the anxiety flooding her husband’s energy.

  “Nah,” Kyle said, stepping clear of the people waiting to enter the elevator. “He made a few appearances throughout this leg, including last night in Buffalo. After the show, he flew back to L.A.”

  The news had Dylan and her both sighing in relief. She released the tension in her shoulders, letting her purse slip down her arm.

  Chelsea’s gasp regained her attention. When she noticed her friend’s eyes on her protrusion, she chuckled to herself. “Whoa… Oh, my God, Heaven. Look at your little pregnant belly.” Pressing her hands to Heaven’s stomach, her brow shot skyward. “I couldn’t believe it when you texted me that you were expecting. When are you due?”


  “Now I have the baby itch even more.” She winked at her husband. “Listen, are you guys heading somewhere? Kyle and I were about to grab some lunch. You guys should come with us.” She pulled away from their embrace and grabbed Heaven’s hand. “Please say you will. I miss hanging out with you.”

  Meeting her husband’s eyes, she sensed he was disappointed in the fact that they weren’t getting the alone time they both wante
d. Yet he enjoyed seeing their friends as much as she did. He enjoyed seeing a smile on her face even more.

  He nodded his head and wrapped his arm around her again. “Give us just a few minutes to take care of our luggage and we’ll be set.”

  Chelsea looked like a kid in a toy factory. She clapped her hands feverishly and did a happy dance. “Yay! You just made my day. Go check on your room and then meet us in the lobby. We have so much to catch up on.”

  * * *

  The ice water cooled Heaven’s lips as she placed her glass against them. She stared at the plate the waiter set in front of her, disbelieving the huge portion of fettuccine piled upon it. While the waiter asked if they needed anything else, she eyed Chelsea’s margarita, wishing she could join her friend in drinking.

  After the last few days of tension, she needed a drink, as did Dylan. He looked as though he was admiring Kyle’s beer. He could have ordered one for himself, but she knew he didn’t because of her.

  Without Layne around to keep an eye on things, Dylan had to be more aware of their surroundings. Yet something in the way he kept gazing over at her during his conversation with Kyle said his choice was about more than her safety. It was about satisfying a need growing in his soul, the same need that grew in hers as well. Whatever their evening entailed, he didn’t want to be inebriated.

  Kyle’s laughter regained Dylan’s attention. They continued their conversation about the tour, sharing complaints on different venues where they’d performed in the past. Though Dylan never mentioned Sliders, there were times she sensed he missed performing. He had a gift with music. The song he’d written her for Valentine’s Day was proof that he hadn’t lost his touch. Still, no matter how much he enjoyed making music, she knew he didn’t regret his choice to turn his back on the industry.

  “So,” Chelsea began, drawing Heaven’s eyes across the table to the bench where she sat. “How long are you going to be in Cleveland?”