Read What the Heart Takes Page 35

  “Don’t threaten my wife!”

  Rage shot from him, lighting up his body the way a flash of light lit up darkness. The charge of his energy vibrated, in his heart, in his soul, in the air around him. One firm squeeze and Heaven’s troubles would be over. She wouldn’t have to worry about his father’s threats anymore.

  His father struggled to get loose. He gripped Dylan’s arm, tugging as best as he could to break his hold. Dylan didn’t budge, but then, neither did his father. “I won’t stand by and watch you throw your life away when you could be so much more. You’re my child, my only child.”

  “You know what you need, Dad? You need to go through your little black book of whores and find one to knock up. Find another child to focus on.”

  His dad sputtered when he squeezed his neck again. Spit flew from his mouth as he replied, “Who’s to say I haven’t?”

  The thought of his dad having other kids made Dylan ill. He regretted his words, hoping like hell his dad didn’t have someone knocked up. He’d never want an innocent child to go through what he had, or worse, his father brainwashing that child to turn to the dark path.

  “You would do something that vile. I regret that I just wished your insanity on an innocent life.”

  “Well, be glad you don’t have kids yet. I’m sure they’d love to spend some time with their grandpa Nate. I could teach them how to really use their gifts.”

  Dylan leaned closer, keeping his dad pressed to the wall behind him. “If you ever come near my children, I’ll show you pain like you’ve never known. You’ll pray for death before I’m finished with you.”

  Laughter bubbled in his dad’s throat before it turned into choking. He struggled to catch his breath, finally doing so a moment later. “Why are you so defensive, son? Is Heaven with child?”

  “Don’t worry about my wife. Don’t even think about her. You come anywhere near her and I’ll end you.”

  Another round of laughter shook his dad’s chest. “Your threats are laughable at best.”

  “It’s not a threat,” Dylan growled, tightening his hand once more. “It’s a promise.”

  Nothing else was said. Nothing else needed to be, because they’d reached an impasse. He gave his father one more glare—one long glare—as he backed away from the wall he had him pressed against.

  It was time to go. If he stayed here, things would get worse. He wouldn’t be able to control his temper. No one got under his skin like his dad, not even Layne, and he’d kissed Heaven in front of him.

  As he turned to walk away, the air in his lungs caught. He tried to suck in a breath, but no air would move in or out. His hands went to his neck when pressure built around it, pressure that felt like fingers squeezing. Yet none were there. No physical ones at least.

  He spun around, meeting his father’s squinted eyes. A smile teased the corner of his lips. It wasn’t until his eyes narrowed more and the pressure built again that Dylan realized what was happening. His dad was actually doing it. He was using his abilities against him, was using his telekinesis to choke Dylan the same way he’d choked Heaven at their engagement party.

  What rationality Dylan had left snapped like a twig. The lights above began flickering, just as they had when he and his dad first entered the building. It produced enough light for him to see his dad’s face. The smug smile was still there, but it wouldn’t be for long. If he got his way, it would never return.

  Dylan swung—as hard and as fast as he could. His fist connected with his father’s jaw, knocking him backward. He went in for another blow, but his father pushed back with his fist and mind. The pressure formed in Dylan’s neck again as his dad’s fist smashed into his cheek.

  Fire exploded under his skin, spreading its way across his face. He staggered back, nearly losing his balance when he stumbled over some pieces of ceiling that fell long ago. It only angered Dylan more.

  Lunging toward his dad, he thrust his hand forward, clenching his father by the throat. He drew back his arm, delivering another punch to his father’s face. His dad answered with a blow to his, and so their violent dance continued.

  Fists formed. Arms swung. Skin swelled and split with every collision. The cold wall greeted Dylan’s back when his dad slammed him into it. He gripped his dad’s shirt in his hands, tugging and twisting until he spun him around. The wall creaked and groaned when he pushed his father into it this time, busting the drywall as he did. White chunks of rock fell over his dad’s shoulders, leaving a cloud of dust to settle on his shirt

  Coughing ensued from both, but Dylan didn’t hesitate on continuing his assault. He grabbed his dad’s throat again. The cocky look that twinkled in his father’s eyes had been replaced with fear, cold, consuming fear. They started to bulge. His movements grew frantic as he dug at Dylan’s fingers. No matter how much he tried, his dad couldn’t pry them loose. He squeezed a little harder to remind him of that fact.

  Disregard played through his father’s eyes, replacing the fear. He didn’t seem to care that his face was beat red, that it wouldn’t take long to turn blue, or that Dylan was fine with the thought of killing him. He worked his lips together, spewing his insanity once more.

  “She’s poison, Dylan. I won’t stop until she’s out of your life. I won’t stop until she’s dead.”

  “And I won’t stop until you are.”

  His fingers sunk into the sides of his dad’s neck as he lifted him up. The scrapes and gashes that covered his face oozed blood. His eyes, growing more vacant by the second, stared into Dylan’s.

  There was no pity left in him for his father. The world would be a better place without him in it. Heaven would be safe, his daughter would safe, and all his problems would be gone. Ending his dad’s life would be the answer to everything.

  His dad’s body shook as he began to cough, sending splatters of blood onto his lips and his chin. The metallic scent gave Dylan a sense of gratification. He squeezed tighter, feeling his dad’s windpipe under his fingers. One, sturdy squeeze would shatter it in to pieces.

  The thought made his mouth twitch upward. He wanted his dad to suffer, to lie in torment as his life flashed before his eyes. Then darkness could overtake him, could claim him to the abyss of nothingness forever.

  “What’s the matter, son? Are you too much of a coward to finish me?”

  It was the final snapping point. The light above flickered back to life, burning brighter by the second. A loud buzzing rang through the air, and then one by one, the bulbs burst. Glass shattered above, the broken pieces raining down on them.

  Dylan held his father at arm’s length, the very essence of his soul slipping away. But it wasn’t enough. It needed to be more. He needed to be broken, body and soul, when he left this world.

  And with that single thought, Dylan delivered the final blow.

  His father’s face spun to the side. Blood sprayed through the air, any sign of consciousness ceasing to exist. His eyes rolled back, then his body grew limp.

  Dylan noticed the beat of his heart change. What once thumped rapidly under his palm grew weaker by the second. Anticipation built within him, anticipation to bring this all to an end.

  He tightened his hand once more, picking his dad up off the ground and slamming him back to it. A cracking sound followed when his head hit the floor.

  Silence fell over the building. The only sound was the heavy breaths leaving Dylan’s mouth. He stared at the ground, stared at the form of the man lying upon it. Then darkness consumed the building.

  A moment later, it consumed Dylan as well.


  Dear Reader,

  Thank you for reading What the Heart Takes. I must say that writing Dylan, Heaven, and Layne’s story was a roller coaster ride for me. I hope the story took you on the same adventure that I took in writing it.

  If you follow me on Facebook then you know that Soulmate Series Book Four will be releasing summer of 2014. Make sure to watch the Fan Page or follow my personal author account for upda

  Now comes the fun part. I need your help. If you enjoyed reading What the Heart Takes, I hope you will consider leaving a review on Amazon. Every review helps a book reach more readers. If you would like to help out even more, fill out this form to join my street team. There are perks to joining the team, so please come help us spread the word about the series.

  Thanks again for taking this journey with me. Stay tuned for the rest…

  About the Author

  As a curator of characters, you’ll normally find Kelli McCracken sitting at her desk, working hard on her next novel. When she’s not arguing with those persistent people inside her head, you can find her hanging out on Facebook, chatting with readers about books and upcoming writing projects.

  “It seems like all I ever do is write...and listen to Layne. He's always whispering something naughty in my ear, like being dipped in

  chocolate. Now I'm craving a Kit-Kat. Welcome to my zany life, where sanity is optional, romance is required, and liquor is most definitely quicker. Jack Daniels keeps me sane, my characters, not so much.”

  Kelli lives with her husband, four children, and her German Shepherd in the Ohio Valley Region in the United States. If you’d like to learn more about Kelli, please visit her on the Web at

  Contact Information

  Kelli McCracken


  Dream Team (Street Team)


  Series Fan Page

  Author Fan Page

  Dylan McBride Fan Page

  Layne Perry Fan Page





  Writing is a long, stressful process that is not as glamorous as some may think. The hours are grueling, the stress is horrendous, and there are days I’d like to hide under a rock. At the same time, it’s beautiful madness. It’s taking an idea and creating something that is moving and magical enough to transport readers to another place, another time. I wouldn’t trade this life for anything.

  For me, writing is a remarkable journey that continues to grow every day, and that wouldn’t happen without some pretty amazing people in my life. Words can never express my gratitude to each and every person who has helped me along the way, but please know how much each of you mean to me.

  To my husband, for changing my life from the very day I met you, for loving me when I’m very hard to love, and for helping me be all that I can possibly be. You are my rock, and I don’t know where I’d be without you. I love you, always.

  To my children, for the hours of free entertainment, for teaching me patience, for smiles that brighten my day, and most of all, for reminding me there is so much more to life than what is on my computer screen. I love each of you so very much, and no matter what happens in life, I’ll always love you.

  To Amber, my career coach, for your helpful advice, for encouraging me to keep writing, for our chats and silly conversations about hot men, good music, and chocolate. Thank you for sticking by me through the rough patches. Your friendship means a lot and always will. I lunar you…

  To Rhonda, for your keen eye and good grammar. To my beta review team, for your loyalty, discretion, and amazing feedback. To my readers who I interact with every day, for your endless support and encouragement.

  To my Dream Team, for all those hours you spend promoting me, for taking a chance on a new author you knew nothing about until you read my books, and for reminding me why I’m on this crazy journey—because my stories hold a special place in your heart. You ladies are my rock stars who I can never repay with anything other than kind words and gratitude of the deepest level. You each brighten my day, every day.

  To Lisa, for taking the notion to befriend a stranger, for the long chats we have about Layne, for all the kicks-in-the-ass when I’m in a mood, and for not allowing me to give up. I honestly don’t know how I would have made it through writing this book without you. I value our friendship and want you to know that I appreciate all that you do. I’m proud to call you my friend.

  And to Elena, I always save you for last, not because you’re at the bottom of my list, but because you can’t build anything in life without a good foundation. You are my rock in this crazy industry. You’ve made me smile more times than I can count and have been by my side through good and bad. Thank you for being there for me, thank you for ‘getting it’ more than anyone I know, and thank you for being the one person I know I can always trust. I love you, my soul sister. I’m very grateful those ‘angels met in heaven’. No one could have a better best friend than I do, because my best friend is you.

  Copyright Information

  This book is a work of fiction. The characters, incidents, places, and dialogue are from the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Copyright © 2014 by Kelli McCracken

  Twin Flames Press

  All rights reserved

  Nook Edition

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite ebook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  Table of Contents





























  About the Author

  Table of Contents




  Main Menu



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27


  About the Author

  Connect with Kelli McCracken



  Table of Contents



  Kelli McCracken, What the Heart Takes



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