Read What the Heart Wants Page 16

  Would he go away if she ignored him? Probably not. She took a sip of her drink, for liquid courage, and then turned in his direction.

  “Hi, Zeke,” she said with the enthusiasm of a wet mop.

  “Ah, she speaks to me, finally,” he smiled.

  Could she throw up now?

  “I don’t know what you mean. I spoke with you earlier, before the wedding, when you came to see Chelsea.”

  “Yes, you did. Though I got the impression you’d rather skinny dip in a pool of acid.”His eyes raked over her body. “I thought maybe we could talk now.”

  He took a step closer. Too close.

  Could she make it to the nearest exit? Screw it. Why give him the satisfaction. Instead, she took a step back and drew her brows down.

  “Is there something I can help you with?”

  “Well, I was just getting around to that.”

  Gross. If that was his way of being seductive, he failed. Miserably.

  He took another step toward her.

  Heaven tried stepping back, again, but the wall decided she’d gone far enough.

  Great. Now she couldn’t escape. And that’s what he wanted.

  Murky eyes devoured her body. His tongue snaked between his lips, releasing a stench of beer and cigarette breath. “I think I want to help myself to some of you.”

  Acid churned in her throat. If he didn’t back off, she would vomit on him. Maybe she should stick a couple fingers down her throat and hurry the process.

  “That is the worst pick up line I’ve ever heard. Thanks, but I’m not interested.”

  Zeke tossed his head back. His body jerked with laughter.

  Goosebumps spread across her skin as his eyes went to her chest, like he was mentally undoing each button on her shirt.

  “You don’t have to hide the attraction, anymore. Chelsea’s married and off the market now. You, on the other hand,” he stroked her arm with his finger, “are fresh for the picking.”

  Yep. Another line like that and he’d be cleaning chunks out of his hair for a week.

  Her eyes dropped to the ground. “You make me want to throw up.”

  The admission didn’t faze him. Zeke just roared with laughter.

  * * *

  Dylan’s leg shook like an alcoholic in detox. The motion vibrated his entire body. His hand ached from clenching his bottle. He wanted to hit Zeke over the head with it. Probably would if he didn’t step away from Heaven soon.

  She didn’t want Zeke close. Dylan could sense it. His bones ached with tension. Her tension. Hell, maybe it was his tension. Funny how the feeling was similar to the one yesterday. The feelings that had shot to his core right before he had found Heaven, surrounded by the paparazzi.

  “He needs to step away from her,” he mumbled.

  “Who, Zeke?” Layne asked as he finished off his beer. “She’s not interested in him. Don’t worry.”

  “I knew that before I even looked at her.” Dylan retorted, his eyes never once faltering from the scene unfolding in front of him.

  “Are you psychic now?” Layne snickered, tapping his empty beer bottle on the table.

  Dylan shrugged. “I don’t know. But I can feel her frustration.”

  “Did you just say you can feel it?”

  He didn’t have time for Layne’s questions. The nausea Heaven radiated increased.

  “Go ahead. Laugh. I know you want to.”

  Of course, they wanted to. He would. If he wasn’t experiencing it. He turned to grab his drink from the table.

  “Hey,” Scott said as he raised his hands. “No judging here. Your mom has some superpowers.”

  “So tell us more about this feeling.” Layne choked as he rocked the chair back on two legs.

  Dylan ignored his best friend’s smirk. He tried tuning into whatever connection he had with Heaven. His stomach lurched.

  “It’s hard to explain. I felt it yesterday at the rehearsal, when I went looking for her.”

  “And that’s when you found Heaven with the paparazzi?”

  Dylan nodded at Scott. At least he was being civilized with his questions. Whether he was laughing on the inside as much as Layne, Dylan would probably never know. Honestly, he didn’t care. Heaven was his only concern.

  “I thought it was a coincidence, but not now. Not with the vibes I’m getting from her.”

  He stood up so fast, the table shook. He wanted to hurt Zeke. Bad. His anger like a raging bull…Zeke his matador.

  Scott joined him. His hand heated Dylan’s shoulder. “Bro, I know it sounds crazy as hell, but there’s a lot of freaky shit in the universe. You’ll figure this out.”

  “Do you think some people are…I don’t know. Made for each other?”

  Layne snickered into his beer. “That sounds like something your mom would say. Let me guess. You think Heaven’s your soulmate or something?”

  Dylan’s eyes went to Heaven at the mention of the word soulmate. Something rippled deep within him.

  “Bite me,” Dylan retorted.

  “Focus your anger on Zeke.” Layne snorted, letting the front legs of the chair slam against the floor. “He’s the one after your soulmate.”

  Dylan’s eyes shot across the bar. He had two choices: Knock Layne on his ass or break Zeke’s fingers…

  Layne would have to wait.

  * * *

  “Keep your hands off me,” Heaven demanded in a low voice. “You’re barking up the wrong tree, Zeke. I’m not interested in you.”

  What was it with her and psycho men? Was she a beacon for every loser within a hundred-mile vicinity?

  “Oh, I think you are, sugar. You’re just playing hard-to-get.”

  “My sister wouldn’t know how to play hard-to-get if it was a game with an instruction manual.”

  Faith. You had to love her sarcastic retorts. Especially when she aimed them at someone else for your benefit.

  She stopped at Zeke’s heels, her eyes piercing the back of his head like an asp ready to strike. “I think it’s time you leave her alone.”

  Was he deaf or just stupid? Heaven decided on the later. If Zeke knew Faith at all, he would have backed away the moment she made her presence known. Fighting with Faith was like doing the tango with a tornado. She wreaked havoc on everything in her path.

  “Pipe down, you little twit. I want the beautiful sister, not you.”

  Yep. He was definitely stupid.

  “Son of a—!”

  “Faith, stop it,” Hope shouted. Her fingers caught Faith’s arm mid-swing. “What the hell is going on?”

  “I’m going to knock his fucking head off; that’s what’s going on!”

  Dear God. Zeke had no clue about the evil he had just unleashed on himself.


  * * *

  Cat fights were common out on the road. Lord knew Dylan had seen his share. But rarely had he seen a woman go toe to toe with a man the way Faith did with Zeke.

  Looks like Faith had some redeeming qualities.

  Just like Layne.

  “Did you see that?” Layne yelled as he jumped up from the table, sending his chair back on its side. He looked over at Dylan, eyes wide. “Faith was going to waylay the bastard.”

  “Not if I do it first,” Dylan retorted. The vein in his temple pulsed. “He keeps pursuing Heaven. She’s made it obvious that she isn’t interested.”

  “Calm down, man,” Scott urged. He sidestepped the table and grabbed Dylan’s shoulder. Was he trying to calm him down? Too late for that. And if he thought he could stop him from walking away, he was sadly mistaken.

  Dylan shook Scott’s hand from his body. He clenched his fists. “I can’t calm down,” he said, nostrils flaring. “Zeke is messing with my girl.”

  “Laying claim, huh?” Layne teased. “Not that I blame you.”

  “Yeah, she is my girl; she just doesn’t know it yet.”

  Layne shook his head. “I think Zeke’s trying to move in on you.”

  Over his dead

  Dylan jolted from the table. Heaven’s pleas rang in his ears.

  She’d had enough. Dylan could feel it. Could even feel the throb in his hand when Heaven sent hers across Zeke’s cheek.

  “Seriously, leave me alone!” she demanded.

  Zeke shook off her attack and leaned in toward her.

  “Quit toying with me. You know you want me to touch you.” His hand stroked Heaven’s neck and collarbone.

  Hell, no.

  It was Dylan’s snapping point.

  It was like hitting a brick wall at seventy miles an hour, driving a Mack truck. Air rushed out of Zeke’s lungs as Dylan pushed him to the ground. As Zeke slid across the floor, Dylan went into protective mode, even more than he already was.

  “Keep your hands off her!” He stepped in front of Heaven, shielding her from Zeke’s glare. Warmth hugged his back as he pressed against her.

  “Dude,” Zeke said as he rubbed his chest. “What the hell was that for?”

  God, this guy had shit for brains.

  “Are you blind, deaf, or just stupid? She told you to leave her alone.” His body went rigid. One hand went behind him and landed on Heaven’s hip. The other pointed straight at Zeke.

  “Leave my girl alone!” Dylan pressed his back closer to Heaven.

  She placed one hand on his waist and gripped his arm with the other. Slender fingers squeezed his muscle. His body burned as if a million bees were stinging him.

  Heaven pressed into him, her scorching breath setting his neck ablaze as she whispered. “I’m okay.”

  She was telling the truth. The bond between them settled from a rapid beat to a steadier pulse.

  But he still wanted to break every bone in Zeke’s body for touching her.

  “Your girl?” Zeke questioned. He tried to steal a glance at Heaven to confirm the statement. But Dylan blocked his view. “Damn, man, I didn’t know you were together.”

  Did being single justify forcing himself on her?

  “We are, so back the hell off or I swear, you’ll never hold a drumstick, again.”

  “You should listen to him,” Layne added as he forced his way between them. “You don’t want to piss him off any more than he already is.”

  “You don’t want to piss off the rest of us, either,” Scott added from behind Zeke’s back.

  “We’re cool, dude,” Zeke said, brushing off his shirt. “My apologies to the ladies. Hope everyone enjoys the rest of the evening.”

  Dylan glared at Zeke until he lost sight of him in the crowd. Punk. Zeke was lucky he let him off so easily. He turned to look at Heaven, meeting her eyes.

  If she were any closer, she’d be in his arms. After his confrontation with Zeke, he wanted her close to him. He wanted to protect her.

  “Are you okay?”

  Heaven nodded. “I am now. Thank you, Dylan.”

  He gazed at her a moment, wishing he could comfort her. Instead, he took a step back.

  “I’m sorry for telling him you were mine, but I could tell you weren’t in to him.” Those damn rosy cheeks. If she only knew what her blushing did to him.

  “Don’t apologize,” she whispered and stepped closer to him. His heart knocked on his chest as soft skin filled his palm. And her eyes, sweet as marmalade, gazed up at him.

  Christ. How could he keep his distance when she looked at him like he was a hero?

  “I’m glad you told him what you did. I haven’t liked him since I met him at the wedding.”

  Dylan’s closed his hand around hers. Her breath filled his nose with its coconut scent. The ache in his fingers deepened. If he could touch her the way he wanted to. Just once…


  She’d been through enough for one night.

  And nothing between them had changed.

  Or maybe it had.

  His gut hinted at change.

  “He shouldn’t bother you any more if he thinks we’re together.”

  Did she just squeeze his hand? Ah, hell. If she listened closely enough, she could probably hear his heart racing.

  Why was she giving him mixed signals? First, she refused him at the reception. Now she was holding his hand, looking at him with those eyes. Mixed signals or not, he’d take this moment or any other with her. He flexed his fingers around hers, caressing the backside with his thumb.

  “Me and the guys can follow you back to Chelsea’s. To make sure he doesn’t follow you. We can do the same when you leave for the airport.”

  Great way to slip in his question. How long was she staying in L.A.?

  His eyes dropped to her lips. Maybe one day he’d know what they felt like against his.

  “Thank you. I think we’ll take you up on the offer for tonight. We won’t need any help to the airport, at least not yet.”

  “Oh?” He held his breath. The answer he was searching for was almost his.


  “What I mean is that my sisters and I aren’t leaving until August. Chelsea invited us to stay at her condo for our summer break.”

  There was a God. And he answered prayers.

  “I’m sure Chelsea is happy you are sticking around.”

  As was he.

  Dylan gazed down at her lips, again, noticing the way she bit the inside of her bottom one. Did she have more to say? He did. But now that he knew she wasn’t leaving soon, all those words would find their time and place. Until then, he’d enjoy every second he could spend with her. If she’d let him.

  He followed her eyes down to their clasped hands. Was she ready to break their closeness?


  His heart pinched when she let go.

  But only for a second.

  Fire spread from his stomach, down his legs as warm lips pressed against his cheek.

  “Thank you, Dylan,” she whispered in his ear.

  God didn’t just answer prayers. He granted wishes.

  The heat of her breath traveled down his neck, to his chest.

  “You’ve been my hero twice in two days. I don’t know how to repay you for your kindness, but I’ll be forever grateful.”

  When she backed away, he looked into her eyes, again. Every nerve in his body pulsated with need. He had to fight back the desire arousing the primitive part of him.

  He’d never forget this night. Not in this lifetime. Or the next.

  But one question still remained.

  Did Heaven want to be with him?

  * * * * *


  A week dragged by when you weren’t having fun. Or when you were obsessing over a man. Like Heaven was. Maybe she’d misread Dylan’s signals that night at the club.

  The same night everything changed.

  In her mind and heart.

  Had she made a mistake?

  “It was just an act of kindness. That’s why I haven’t heard from him.”

  At least she had a great view of the ocean while she wallowed in her misery.

  The distant waves crashing against the shoreline caught her attention. Each white crest covered the wheat-colored sand, enticing the grains to join with it as it receded back into the salty water. Above the playful waves, sea gulls cried as they searched for nourishment, circling the water in hopes of finding their next meal.

  She longed for the beach. Wanted to feel the warm sand between her toes. Feel the salt in the water as it splashed up her leg. Enjoy the gentle breeze as it rustled through her curls.

  But leaving the condo meant risking a run-in with Zeke.

  Fire churned in her stomach. Not the good kind, like when she thought about Dylan. More like acid churning.

  Zeke was warped. Did he actually think she wanted his grimy hands all over her that night? And what if no one had been around? Would he have—?

  “You over-think things, Hev.” Hope’s voice drifted from Chelsea’s room. “Maybe he is busy with the band.”

  Maybe. But…

  “If that is true, how have Scott and Layne found time to see you and Faith???

  “Because we’ve made ourselves available. You’ve holed up in this condo for the last week. Have you been anywhere?”

  Heaven shrugged. She turned her back to the ocean as the wind whipped her hair about.

  “No. But can you blame me? After the crap Zeke pulled? What if I run into him and he asks about my relationship with Dylan?”

  “Don’t worry about that idiot. If anything, I’d be afraid of him trying to break in here. I mean, if he’s friends with Chelsea and Kyle, he may know where she lives.”

  Hope sure knew how to diminish a person’s fears.


  Heaven drew in a breath until her lungs tickled. She faced the warmth of the sun. “Why do I attract all the crazy ones?”

  And now Hope was laughing.


  “You attract more than the crazy ones. I mean, look at Dylan. He isn’t crazy.”

  “That we know of,” Faith added as she came walking through the bedroom toward the balcony.

  Someone was chipper this morning.

  Heaven opened her eyes to meet Faith’s. Hope’s eyes fell on Faith as well. Her brows seized above her nose. “How long have you been eavesdropping?”

  “Not long. I have better things to do with my time,” Faith’s eyes rolled like sarcasm off her tongue. “I came to see if I could borrow your pink sundress, the one that ties around the neck?”

  Hope crossed her arms. Her fingers tapped her skin. She finally nodded her head “Go ahead, but try not to get it dirty.”

  Faith’s face puckered like a prune. “You act like I’m going to root with the pigs or something. Layne is taking me to lunch and then around the city.”

  “That’s not the type of dirty I was talking about,” Hope grumbled.

  Was Faith actually blushing?

  “I won’t get anything on your dress.” Her eyes moved past Hope to Heaven. “What’s wrong with you?”

  Heaven pursed her lips. Did she really want to provide Faith ammunition to humiliate her with at another time?


  “She hasn’t heard from Dylan since the night after the reception.”

  That was it. As soon as Heaven found a needle and thread, she would sew Hope’s lips together. Instead, she gazed back at the waves.