Read What the Heart Wants Page 5

  Not the best reaction.

  She gazed up at Chelsea, noticing the smile on her face falter.

  “You okay, Hev?”

  “I’m fine. Just trying to grasp the reality of this.”

  “You and me both. It’s my wedding, and I’m having trouble realizing that I’m about to get married. But seeing this,” Chelsea paused to touch the dress hanging across Heaven’s arm, “this makes it more real.”

  “Okay, I gotta say something here,” Faith chided from behind. “Granted, it’s a pretty dress, but I thought you would at least go with a designer label.”

  Her voice is like nails on a chalkboard. Where’s the duct tape?

  “Would you shush, already?” Hope grumbled.

  Heaven turned just in time to see Hope elbowing Faith in the ribs.


  What had taken Hope so long? Normally she would have smacked Faith upside the head before now.

  Heaven turned to face Chelsea, hoping Faith’s rudeness hadn’t gotten the best of her, yet. Lord knows Faith was bouncing on Heaven’s last nerve.

  “Oh, Faith,” Chelsea began, “you should know me by now. I’m not going to let wealth or social status change my way of life.”

  “So you’re marrying a celebrity, but you aren’t going to have any designer clothing?” Faith flipped her hair behind her shoulder and then crossed her arms as she scowled at Chelsea.

  Chelsea simply smiled. “You look really nice in the bridesmaid’s dress, Faith. Green is definitely your color.”

  “Please, I could make a potato sack look like haute couture,” Faith snorted, “but that’s not the point. We’re talking about you. Why aren’t you taking advantage of your future husband’s wealth and buying a dress that’s going to make the paparazzi stutter?”

  “Because I don’t want the paparazzi involved in this.”

  Chelsea blinked away the water forming in her eyes. She grabbed Faith’s hand, drawing it to her chest. “Everyone I want at my wedding is here. My family, my friends, and my fiancé. That’s all I need.”

  Heaven waited for Faith’s snarky comeback. But she was surprised when Faith’s lips turned upward. And her eyes. Were they tearing up?

  Chelsea had done it, again. Brought out the best in even the worst person.

  “Speaking of your fiancé,” Heaven began as she noticed the boutique owner walking out of the room. “You were about to tell us who you are marrying before Cheryl walked up.”

  “I know; I’m sorry.” Chelsea released Faith’s hand and reached for Heaven’s “My fiancé is—crap!”

  “Nice name,” Faith retorted.

  Chelsea’s attention shifted to the front of the boutique for a heartbeat or two. If her eyes grew any wider, they’d pop out of their sockets. She squeezed Heaven’s hand, spinning them both around as Heaven stumbled forward.

  Biting her lip, Heaven tried not to shout at the pain traveling up her arm. Had Chelsea dislocated her shoulder?

  Worse, she might need stitches. Chelsea’s nails were leaving indentions in her arm. Heaven was afraid to glance down for fear that blood would be trickling from open gashes.

  First duct tape, now a fingernail file. Where’s the nearest Walgreen’s?

  At least Heaven managed to keep the wedding dress from falling to the floor.

  “What’s wrong, Sis?” Brooke asked as she moved toward them like a guard dog ready to protect its master.

  “Oh, my God, Susan is here,” Chelsea whispered.

  “Who?” Faith asked as she turned around.

  “Susan? As in Susan Jenkins? What the hell is that witch doing here?” Brooke asked in a low voice. “Stupid paparazzi.” Brooke clenched her jaw as her eyes flitted from Heaven and Hope to Faith. “You know those reporters who run celebrities off the road just to get a picture and then write a story claiming the person was drunk? That’s Susan in a nutshell. Bitch.”

  “Brooke, if she finds out about this wedding…” Chelsea couldn’t continue. She tucked one hand under her arm as she hugged her chest. The other hand massaged her temple.

  “Relax, Sis,” Brooke paused, sneaking a quick peek behind them. “I’ll get rid of her.”

  “Great!” Chelsea whispered. “Don’t make a big scene.”

  “It’s okay, Chels,” Heaven said bouncing the gown still folded across her arm. “You’re not wearing your dress. She doesn’t know you’re getting married.”

  “Welcome to L.A., Heaven. She doesn’t need proof to start a rumor. Besides, she’s not stupid. There are rumors flying around about my wedding. If she finds out, it will be front page news by tonight.”

  Heaven could feel their privacy slipping away as the reporter closed in on them.

  “Chels,” she said, softening her voice. “Who the heck are you marrying? Is the guy that famous?”

  “I promise that once we get rid of her, I will tell you. And yes, he’s pretty famous.”

  Heaven stepped away from Chelsea and turned to look at the reporter. Something about the woman’s walk spoke self-assurance. Her head held high. Piercing eyes. Even a little swagger in her step.

  Would they be able to fool her?

  “Well, if it isn’t Brooke and Chelsea McConnell—and company,” she paused, shooting a frigid glance at the triplets. “What a surprise it is to see you here.”

  “Susan, your reputation precedes you. Have you been reduced to searching dress shops for your latest story?” Brooke hissed.

  “Hardly. I’m here on official business. I’m covering the wedding of…never mind. It’s not important. Just why exactly are you and your sister here? Are the rumors true about Chelsea and—”

  “Is there a problem, ladies?” Miss Cheryl’s stern voice shattered the fog of tension as she walked back into the room.

  The crease in Brooke’s forehead deepened. She gave Cheryl a quick nod while daggers shot from her eyes. “This woman is a reporter who is trying to dig for her latest story. She is bothering our group.”

  “Is this true?” Miss Cheryl asked as she glanced at a wide-eyed Susan.

  “Only the part about me being a reporter, but I’m not bothering anyone. I recognized these women from pictures I’ve taken of them and their celebrity acquaintances. I came over to congratulate whoever is getting married.”

  “It’s me,” Heaven announced.

  All eyes went to her.

  “You?” Susan snorted. “And who are you, exactly?”

  “Heaven Lewis.”

  “How interesting,” Susan answered. “I guess congratulations are in order. May I ask who the lucky guy is?”


  Maybe Heaven should have made a better plan before stepping up to the plate. But she had to get Susan’s attention off Chelsea.

  Now what should Heaven say?

  “I don’t mean to be rude,” Ms. Cheryl butted in, “but we have a fitting we need to finish. My schedule is tight.” The store owner’s eyes left Susan and darted to Heaven and the wedding gown in her arms. “Heaven, are you ready to try on your dress?”

  Thank, God. Ms. Cheryl was playing along.

  “I’m ready,” Heaven answered, breathing a sigh of relief.

  “Miss Lewis, I would love to see you in your gown. I promise not to get in the way,” Susan smirked as she took a few steps back toward the archway. “In fact, I’ll wait over here.”

  Maybe this would be the best way to convince Susan that Chelsea really wasn’t the one getting married.

  “That’s fine with me, but will you leave after that? We really have a lot to do today.”

  “Of course, I will. Thank you for allowing me to watch. I love weddings. Since I won’t be attending yours, this is a special treat for me.”

  Sure, it was.

  Heaven glanced around at her sisters and friends. All seemed to be playing along with the ruse. Faith handed Brooke her dress while Hope and Chelsea waited near the fitting room for Heaven.

  If Heaven could pull this whole thing off, she deserved an Emmy.
Her acting skills sucked.

  Once she stepped inside, a breath of air rushed from her lungs when Chelsea shut the door. Heaven began to apologize, but Chelsea shook her head.

  It’s okay, Chelsea mouthed.

  Slipping off her clothing, Heaven eyed the wedding dress, hoping like hell it would fit. If it didn’t, she knew Susan would catch on.

  Both Ms. Cheryl and Hope helped Heaven into the dress. She shimmied the satin bodice past her thighs and waist until it covered her bra.

  Chelsea helped Hope spread out the dress as Ms. Cheryl zipped it up. When the trio stepped away, Heaven gazed into the mirror.

  Her heart stopped.

  Even though it wasn’t her ideal dress or anything close to what she had envisioned, the image staring back at her took her breath away.

  “Wow, Hev,” Chelsea said, stopping to clear her throat of emotion. “You’re beautiful.”

  Heaven met her best friend’s eyes. It wasn’t jealousy Heaven saw in them. It was sincerity.

  Taking a quick peek at Hope and Ms. Cheryl, she saw both were nodding their heads.

  Heaven grew speechless. The silky fabric itched. Not her skin. Her soul.

  If only he…

  “I can’t wait to see your dress,” Susan shouted.

  Would Susan pick up on Heaven’s yearning?

  Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea.

  Chelsea brushed Heaven’s shoulder with her hair as she leaned in and whispered, “Knock her dead.”

  Heaven’s heart raced as the fitting room door swung open. Walking in the dress wasn’t as easy as she thought it would be. She took baby steps.

  Faith and Brooke’s reactions spoke volumes.


  Were they playing their part, or did it really surprise them to see Heaven in a wedding gown?

  It didn’t matter. Distracting Susan was the most important thing at the moment. Judging by her dropped jaw, the plan was working.

  “You are stunning,” Susan told Heaven as she gave the gown a full look-over. “Your fiancé will be speechless when he sees you in that dress. Be prepared to pinch him back to reality.”

  “Thanks for the tip,” Heaven chuckled.

  “He will definitely be excited. Have you been engaged long?”

  Think quick…

  “Just under a year,” Heaven lied, as she stroked the skirt of the dress.

  “I love a good romance story. How did you meet?”

  In a dream…

  “At a park. I was sitting under a willow tree reading, when he walked by and spotted me.”

  How cliché. God, she sucked at acting and lying.

  Susan’s lips parted as though she wanted to ask another question, but Ms. Cheryl stepped forward.

  “I’m sorry, Miss, but we have a busy schedule. Do you mind leaving us?”

  Susan glanced at the store owner, nodding. She adjusted the straps on her purse before looking back at Heaven.

  “Thanks for letting me share this special moment with you. Good luck with everything.”

  Were those tears in her eyes?

  Maybe the reporter wasn’t as hardcore as she pretended to be.

  Susan was almost out of the room when she tossed a final comment over her shoulder. “Green’s not really your color, Brooke.”

  Then again, maybe she really was a bitch.

  Heaven chewed on her lip, hoping Brooke wouldn’t chase Susan outside and beat the crap out of her. She and Faith were best friends for a reason. When Brooke broke eye contact and walked toward the chairs, Heaven released her breath.

  “That was intense.”

  “Oh. My. God. Hev!” Chelsea squealed. She grabbed Heaven’s shoulder as she swung her around and hugged her. “You saved my ass, girl! Thank you so much.”

  Faith punched Heaven’s arm and grinned so wide, Heaven swore her jaw unhinged. “Nice move, Sis. I didn’t think you had it in you to pull off a move like that. Now we need to find out who the hell these two are seeing that would gain a reporter’s attention.”

  “Whoa! I think I walked into the wrong fitting room. That’s not my bride.”

  The husky male voice had Heaven turning on her heel toward the back entrance. There before her stood Kyle Winters, the devilishly good-looking lead singer from Long Cold Winter.

  You’ve gotta be kidding me.

  “I…I’m sorry I’m in Chelsea’s dress,” Heaven began, but stopped when Kyle waved off the apology.

  “I’ve been lurking in the shadows for a while. Thank you for what you did. Chelsea would probably cancel the wedding if a reporter found out about it.”

  “Kyle!” Chelsea shrieked. “What are you doing here?”

  Brooke walked over to her sister and placed her hands on her hips. “That’s not the only reason my sister would have canceled the wedding. You are so lucky that it’s not Chelsea in the dress.”

  “I swear I am not here to sneak a peek. I came by to drop off this,” he said, reaching his arm out to shake an oversized, tan shopping bag.

  “Emma volunteered to bring them. Where is she?” Chelsea asked, her eyes scanning the rear entrance that Kyle had come through.

  “She can’t make it. Something came up last minute with Rob, so she had to help him. She promised to be at the church this evening for the rehearsal.”

  “Oh,” Chelsea grinned. Her eyes darted toward Heaven and then back to Kyle. “Guess it’s time I introduce you. The one wearing my dress is Heaven.”

  Heaven’s heartbeat swished in her ears. This was her first celebrity encounter. She didn’t know whether to scream with excitement or pass out from anxiety. Her palms dampened, body trembled, and if she bit her lip any harder, blood would fill her mouth. There was already a metallic hint teasing her tongue.

  She decided a smile would be the best response and her lips tightened against her teeth.


  Kyle stepped forward, reaching out his hand.

  “Hey, there…thanks again for taking on that reporter. I owe you.”

  “No, you don’t. I’d do anything for Chelsea,” Heaven replied.

  “Likewise,” he laughed and pulled her in for a hug. “I feel like I already know you.”

  Heaven could feel the heat rising in her cheeks. As if this awkward moment of meeting her best friend’s fiancé could get any stranger.

  When Kyle pulled away, his smile faded. “I’m sorry. You’re probably wondering why in the world someone you just met would hug you like that. All I can say is that I know how excited Chelsea is to have you here. Knowing she’s happy makes me happy.”

  “He’s so sweet, isn’t he?” Chelsea teased as she stepped next to him. Her arms curled around his waist.

  As Heaven watched the space between them disappear; the tender kiss they shared reminded her of the void in her heart.

  “Save it for the wedding,” Brooke cut in, gaining both her sister’s and Kyle’s attention. “My best friend is here, too. This is Faith Lewis.”

  “Hi, Faith—Wow,” he paused, shifting his eyes back to Heaven a moment. “You and Heaven look a lot alike.

  “Yeah, but I’m the hottest of the two.”

  And the mouthiest.

  Kyle chuckled. “I see why you and Brooke are such good friends. It’s really good to meet you,” he said before turning his focus on Heaven’s remaining sister. “It’s Hope, right?”

  “Yes. It’s nice to meet you, Kyle,” Hope said as she shook his hand. Kyle nodded in agreement.

  “Okay, I have to go. I have a few errands to run before I meet up with the guys.” He turned to Chelsea, cradling her face in his hands. “I will see you this evening, at the church.”

  “I’ll be there,” she winked, giving her fiancé one more kiss before he walked toward the rear exit.

  Clever guy. He was used to slipping in and out of buildings unnoticed.

  Stupid paparazzi.

  “Um, hello? McHottie is your fiancé? How the hell did you catch his interest?” Faith snorted as she walke
d up to Chelsea.

  “Personality, Faith. It’s all in the personality,” Chelsea grinned.

  “Yeah, whatever. Details, baby. We need details on that fine specimen of a man. You better not leave anything out.”

  Chelsea tucked a strand of hair behind her ear as she gazed at Faith. “There’s not much to tell. We met at the hospital while I was working in the medical records department. He came in to get his records. I guess he liked what he saw ‘cause he asked me out. Things escalated from there.”

  “No, no, no,” Faith grumbled. “I said don’t leave out any details. I want all the juicy tidbits.”

  “Later, Faith. Right now, we have stuff to do.”

  Faith’s eyes dropped to the bag in Chelsea’s hand. “So what’s in the bag?” She tried sneaking a peek, but Chelsea pulled the bag away and hid it behind her back.

  “Um, nosy much?” Chelsea teased.

  “Don’t get your princess panties in a wad,” Faith said, stepping back. “Can’t a girl be curious?”

  “You’re more than curious, Faith. You’re like Nancy Drew meets Sherlock Holmes curious, minus their brilliant minds.”

  Chelsea’s body jiggled with laughter as she walked over to one of the chairs and set the bag on it.

  “I’m brilliant, thank you very much.” Faith flipped her hair.

  Chelsea shook her head. “Sorry, Faith, but the brains in your family gene pool went to Heaven. Who graduated summa cum laude? Not you. You barely graduated high school.”

  “Is it my fault that my social life keeps me busy? Who had time for studying when the captain of the football team wanted undivided attention?” Faith’s eyes cut to Heaven. “Heaven may have gotten the brains, but I got the good looks.”

  “Really?” Hope jumped in. She folded her arms. And her brows. “Then why do people always comment about how much you and Heaven look alike?”

  Faith opened her mouth with what Heaven knew would be some smart-ass comment, but before she could come up with the perfect sarcastic retort, Chelsea shoved a tiny pink box in her hands.


  Chelsea gave Hope and Brooke exact replicas of the box before stopping beside Heaven. “Here you go. I hope you like it.”

  “What is this for?” Heaven asked as she untied the white satin ribbon and shimmed the top of the box.