Read Whatever He Wants Page 18

  James laughed and nearly choked on a french fry.

  Isaac smiled at whatever Joni was saying. “Tomorrow.” Then he frowned. “Does Daddy have to go?” Little blue eyes rolled. “Yes, but he cried when he cut his hand.”

  “Isaac. That’s enough. Give me the phone.”

  “I’m talking to Joni,” he whispered. In the phone he said, “Uncle Ray gave him some whiskey to make it better.”

  Not good. James snatched the phone from Isaac. “Go play.”

  Isaac ran to the tunnel and crawled in. James held the phone up to his ear. “Joni?”

  “What happened to your hand?”

  He flexed his wrapped hand. “A scratch.”

  “You were drinking whiskey?”

  “Alcohol can be used as an antiseptic.” He cleared his throat. “I took off work for court Monday.” He wanted to tell her about his transfer to the prefab shop off Dauphin Island Parkway.

  “Are you okay? You sound distracted.”

  The paternity results were locked in his truck, but the words on the pages swam in his head. Joni loved Isaac more than his own mother did. If they lost him…“I’ll be fine if I can convince my son to come down from the slide and eat his kid’s meal.”

  Her laughter had healing properties. “Good luck with that. I love you, James.”

  “Goodnight, Joni.”

  Hours later, James yawned and turned into his apartment complex. He drove past the office and the pool. The truck’s headlights illuminated the back of her Honda.

  Joni was here.

  In his apartment.

  In his bed.

  He was sick of playing by the rules. Tired of sleeping alone. He needed Joni’s smile to remind him of innocence. He needed her kiss as proof of her love. He needed her arms around him to steady his shattered world. He wanted to hear her whisper that everything was all right. That Isaac was theirs, regardless of what a piece of paper claimed.

  He needed her.

  He shut off the ignition and eased out from under the wheel. He reached in the truck-bed and slung Isaac’s bag over his shoulder. Rummaging through his own bag, he dug out the box he’d purchased two weeks ago and shoved it in his front pocket.

  James held his breath and opened the passenger door. Nimble fingers unbuckled the sleeping child. Don’t wake up. Don’t wake up. He lifted Isaac against him. Using his hip, he bumped the door shut. Isaac stirred and James shifted him against his shoulder. “Shhh. Daddy’s got you.” He pressed the remote lock and eased up the stairs.

  Balancing Isaac, he inserted the key into the lock. The duffle bag slipped off his shoulder and landed with a thud. James froze and held his breath. He relaxed when Isaac remained asleep. Stepping over the bag, he opened the door and eased down the hall. The bathroom light was on. Was Joni scared of the dark? Isaac slept on while James tucked him into the bed.

  He retraced his steps. A cat ran into the night when he retrieved Isaac’s bag. Stepping back in the apartment, he closed the door. Joni’s keyboard glistened in the light coming through the window. He left his shoes and socks by the door.

  His heart thumped in his throat as he moved down the hall. He froze in the bedroom doorway. Joni slept on her side, facing him. One arm rested on top of the quilt. The bathroom light streamed in through the walk-in closet and her golden hair shimmered. James’s smile grew.

  He moved to stand beside the bed. Green silky straps crossed Joni’s bare shoulders. James swallowed and placed the box on the side table.

  She shrieked and snatched the covers to her neck.

  “It’s me.” James suppressed the urge to reach for her.

  Her wide eyes blinked. “James?”

  “Yeah.” A shaky hand ran through his hair. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you.”

  She reclined against the headboard. “What are you doing here?”

  He knelt beside the bed. “I told you I was coming home for court.”

  “I thought you meant tomorrow.”


  “It’s late.” She dropped the quilt. “I guess you can sleep on the sofa.”

  The lacy front of her nightgown dipped low. His whole body quivered. “I love you.”

  She smiled. “I love you, too.”

  He reached for the box on the side table and flipped it open. A princess cut diamond ring glistened against the black felt. Joni gasped and her hand trembled at her throat. “James?”

  “I wanted to wait until after court because I didn’t want you to question my motives. But…” He removed the engagement ring and slid it on her finger. “You need to plan our wedding.”

  “Are you proposing?” Joni tilted her hand toward the light and stared.

  He waited until she looked at him, and then he smiled. “I’m not asking. I can’t take the chance you’ll say no. Especially after tonight.”

  Her ringed hand caressed his cheek. “What’s so special about tonight?”

  James stood and shrugged out of his shirt. Joni swallowed as he tossed it on the carpet. The metal button on his jeans released with a flick of his fingers.

  She wet her lips. “James?” Color crept up her cheeks. “What are you doing?”

  “I’m not sleeping on the couch.” He stepped near the bed and held his breath. The final decision was hers.

  Joni lifted the covers and he slid in beside her.


  James whistled as he flipped the omelet onto a plate and turned off the stove. Joni’s arms wrapped around him and a soft kiss landed between his shoulder blades. He turned into her embrace and gathered her close to his heart.

  Her head buried against his chest and she whispered, “James, I love you.”

  He lifted her chin and captured her gaze. “Don’t do it, Joni. Don’t feel guilty.”

  “But we—”

  “Love each other.” He threaded his hand through hers and kissed her ring. “Didn’t Abraham go into Sarah and make her his wife? They had no ceremony. Isaac and Rebekah? No. What’s the difference between them and us? Last night, you became my wife in the biblical sense and soon we’ll make it legal.”

  “Joni!” Isaac barged up the hall and wiggled between them. “You’re here. Wait, I gotta get something.” He ran to his duffle bag near the door.

  James recaptured Joni’s gaze. “I love you.” He bent to kiss her lips.

  “Daddy, I can’t find ‘em.” Isaac yelled from the living room.

  Their lips curled at the interruption. James rested his forehead against hers. “Look in the side pocket.”

  Isaac held out a piece of construction paper with two stick figures drawn on it. The girl had yellow hair the same color as the small boy holding her hand.

  One blink and her tears were gone. She hefted Isaac in her arms. “Is it me?”

  “That’s me and you.” Isaac touched the paper. “Daddy’s at work.”

  “Thank you.” She hugged him close. “I love it.”

  James leaned against the cabinet and breathed easy. His son snuggled close to Joni and told her all about his new school. James leaned down and kissed her full on the mouth.

  “Daa-dee!” Isaac pushed him away.

  James winked at Joni. “Is there a parade today?”

  “Yes.” She smiled down at Isaac. “You’ll love it. We’ll catch beads and eat MoonPies until we’re sick.”

  “Can we go, Daddy?”

  “Whatever you want, Isaac. Today is a special day.”

  “Why? Is it Christmas?”

  James ruffled Isaac’s hair. “No. It’s better than Christmas. Joni and I are engaged.”

  He wrinkled his forehead. “What’s ‘gaged?” Joni laughed beside them.

  “One day. Soon.” James captured her smiling gaze before he looked down at his son. “Joni will marry us.”

  Isaac grinned at Joni. “You’ll be the momma. Will you go to work too?”


  “No.” James interrupted. “After court Monday, I’ll be working at the shop in
town. You can’t sacrifice your education to be with us.”

  Isaac wiggled down and ran toward the bathroom.

  Joni stretched on her toes and James leaned down to meet her halfway. Her arms slipped around his neck. “I want to be with you, wherever you go.” Her kiss left him winded.

  He winked. “You’ll have to persuade me later.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  A knock landed on the bathroom door and the knob rattled. She shut off the hairdryer.

  “Joni, we need to get in there.”

  She snatched the plug from the wall and unlocked the hall door.

  Isaac ran in. “Me first, Daddy.”

  Ducking through the walk-through-closet, she rushed to find an outlet in the master bedroom. James hooked his thumbs in the belt loops of her jeans and pulled her against him.

  She laughed. “James, I’m late for class and I have to finish drying my hair before I can straighten it.”

  “It’s already straight.”

  She turned and wiggled out of his arms. “The straightener smoothes the frizzy strands.” She unplugged the clock. It was no good setting the alarm when James turned it off after the first beep. Joni’d slept through it. She plugged in her dryer and perched on the edge of the bed.

  “I like the fluffy parts.” He lay behind her and propped on an elbow.

  Flipping her head upside down, she dried the rest of her hair. She could feel his eyes on her. Peeping through the curtain of her hair, she smiled at his wink.

  She turned the dryer off and set it on the floor. “What time is it?”

  “Don’t know. Someone unplugged the clock.”


  He laughed and picked his phone up off the end table. “Eight twenty-nine.”

  “Ugh! I’ve got to go.” Brushing her hair out, she caught his gaze in the dresser mirror. “It’s your fault I’m late.”

  “Because somebody wouldn’t stay on her side of the bed.”

  Her fingers pulled her hair through a scrunchie. Heat climbed the sides of her neck. “I like to snuggle.”

  “And I like it when you snuggle.”

  Her eyes found his in the mirror. “If I skipped class, we could snuggle for another hour.”

  He lifted her under the arms and half-carried, half-dragged her up the hall. Joni laughed the whole way to the front door. “What are you doing?”

  “Bawhahaha. I’m throwing you out.” He kissed her cheek. “Leave now or stay forever.”


  Isaac looked up from his cartoon. “If Daddy don’t want you, you can sleep in my room.”

  Laughing, Joni turned to James.

  “I don’t think so.”

  Joni broke his hold. She crossed the room, bent down, and kissed Isaac’s cheek. “I’ll see you in a little bit, okay.”

  “’Kay, Joni.”

  She slipped on her shoes while James held the door. Rising on her tiptoes, she kissed him again. “See you at eleven.” She slipped out of his arms, walked three steps on the concrete porch, and spun around. “Wait.”

  She wrapped her arms around his waist and snuggled close against his chest. Strong arms tightened around her. His heart thundered under her cheek. She held him until his heartbeat slowed to a steady pace. Lifting her face to his, she said, “You are the best daddy in the world, and I’m sure the judge will realize it.”

  James dipped his head and brushed his mouth across hers. “Thank you. I needed to hear that.” He kissed her again and Joni put all her love in her response. A few moments later, he smiled down at her. “You’re late.”

  She massaged his tense shoulders. “I know, but you need Isaac’s booster seat.”

  James turned. “Isaac, stay here. I’ll be right back.”

  “Okay, Daddy.” Lying on his stomach with his legs crossed, his little feet swayed in midair.

  She waited on the landing while James grabbed his keys and pulled the door to. They walked down the stairs side by side. At her car, he switched Isaac’s booster to his truck.

  He turned toward her and dipped his head. She rose on tiptoe, anticipating his kiss. His gaze landed somewhere over her shoulder. He pulled her arms from around his neck. Instead of kissing her lips, he lifted her left hand and kissed her engagement ring. “I love you.”

  Joni turned to follow his gaze, but when his lips met hers, the world around them faded. Holding her hand, he stepped aside and she slid in the driver’s seat. “Drive safe.” Kneeling down, he leaned in and brushed his lips over hers again. “Learn something for me.”

  With a turn of the key, the car hummed. “If I have to walk out in the middle of an Andrew Jackson impression, I’ll be there.”

  With a nod and after one more kiss, James stepped back and closed her door. Thankfully, Joni was in such a hurry she didn’t see their visitor.

  The concrete sidewalk chilled his bare feet, but James held his ground against the temper in Pastor’s eyes. The messenger of God closed the distance between them, and a cool February breeze brushed over James’s naked chest.

  “I hope that was a wedding band on her finger?” The look on his face reminded James of the church volleyball game four years ago when he’d punched sissy Billy for cheating.

  James lifted his cold toes and rocked back on his heels. “Joni and I are engaged.” He swallowed. “Come on up to the apartment and congratulate me.”


  Maybe he should’ve told her about the results of the paternity test and warned her of today’s outcome, but he couldn’t diminish the sparkle in her eyes. As James turned right on Stanton Drive, his cell rang. “Out of class already?”

  “Kathy’s here.”

  His heart stopped as his eyes darted to the little boy beside him. This wasn’t good. How did she get out of jail? He ran a hand through his hair and breathed deep. “Has she seen you?”

  “No, I’m in my car. She just walked through security.”

  Ray’s prophetic words of doom breezed through his mind. James had to protect Isaac. No matter the cost. “Don’t go in. Meet me at Tricentennial Park.”

  “I’ll be there in two minutes.”

  He curved down Lake Drive and parked the truck near the entrance.

  Isaac craned his neck to see the park area. “What we doing here? I want to see Joni.”

  “She’s coming.” James wished he could be as innocent as Isaac. Would he see him again after today?

  The little boy pointed and said, “Look, ducks.”

  “Isaac, Daddy loves you.” James blinked against the sting in his eyes.

  “Are you gonna be sad again?”

  “I hope not.” James propped his hands on his head and breathed. He couldn’t lose Isaac. He couldn’t.

  “Are you ascared?”

  The wave of dizziness passed. He shook off the feeling of helplessness and smiled at his son. “A little bit.”

  A small hand covered his larger one. “Joni says when we are ascared we talk to God.”

  He ran a hand down his face. “Joni would say that.”

  “She’s here!” Isaac reached for the buckle release.

  “Isaac, wait here.” James leapt out of the truck. Joni met him outside her car.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I think—I know—Isaac isn’t…” He couldn’t say the words. “Joni, will you trust me?”

  “Yes.” She caressed his cheek and kissed him. “I love you.”

  James wrapped her in his arms and held on until the fear eased. He lifted her chin and kissed her hard. “Take Isaac back to the apartment. Pack up our things. All of them. I don’t have time to explain, but if Kathy’s there…”

  Her eyes widened. “The judge? Doesn’t Isaac have to be there?”

  “No. It wasn’t mentioned in the papers. If they ask, I’ll say he’s with a sitter.” He grabbed her and held her tight once more. “Joni, I love you. Don’t forget it.”

  “James?” Her gaze captured his and he didn’t disguise the fear crawling in
his gut. “Oh, no. We could lose him? Why didn’t you tell me?”

  He turned her loose and lifted Isaac, booster seat and all, out of the truck.

  “Wahoo! Look, Daddy, I can fly.”

  Joni opened her backdoor and James strapped him in.

  “Where’m I going?”

  James kissed Isaac’s cheek. “Joni’ll tell you on the way.”

  “Are we going to work?” Isaac gasped. “Can Joni go with us?”


  “Yes.” She lifted her chin. “If this is what I think it is, I’m going too.”


  “You will not leave me behind.” Moisture gathered in her eyes. His love for her grew as she blinked them away. “I love you both.”

  “You don’t understand. I couldn’t find the words to tell you.”

  She caressed his cheek. “I’m not stupid. I understand exactly what’s happening here.”

  James turned into her palm and brushed a kiss on her wrist. He couldn’t let Joni quit college to be with him and Isaac, but he didn’t have time to fight about it now. “We’ll talk about it later.” He opened her car door. “I’ll meet you at the apartment.”

  “Call me and let me know what’s happening.”


  He was out of his mind. James placed his keys and loose change in a box and stepped through the metal detector. He should be on the road. Pocketing his things, he checked in with the officer in charge. But he wanted to be a real family with Joni and Isaac, and he couldn’t do that traveling across country.

  A blue pen marked through his name. “Where’s the minor child?”

  James swallowed. “With a sitter.”

  The officer cut his eyes to his partner. “Note that in the file.”

  “James.” His attorney crossed the tiled floor and held out his hand. “How you doing?”

  “Ready to get this over with.”

  “They’re ready.”

  His mom and Sara waved from the waiting area. “Give me a minute.”

  His mother looked around behind him. “Where’s Joni and Isaac?”

  He whispered, “Home.” He ran a shaky hand through his hair. “Mom, if things go bad…”

  His mother’s smile faded. “Are you expecting trouble?”

  “Pray, Mom.” He kissed her cheek. “Pray.” Sara paled at his words.

  James strode with his attorney in front of a bulletproof glass door. A guard entered a code and it opened. The attorney stopped on the other side of the glass. He waited for the click and lowered his voice. “There’s been a new development. This morning, Kathy filed for return of custody.”