Read Wheelchair Moccasins Page 29

  "Did anything happen that could be construed as lesbian behaviour, Bean? I don't care if it did. However I need to know if it did."

  "It didn't happen like that. Those were lies."

  "This tape from the shower? What will we see?"

  "Nothing, Yolanda. I was mostly trying to wake up. But I was naked. Are these men going to see pictures of me naked?"

  "I'll try and prevent that."

  # # # # # # # #

  Yolanda's attempt to keep the video out of the case was denied. The judge ruled that she had no legal basis for exempting it. Yolanda asked that the video be reviewed by the two women: herself and the detective. They would agree on what was shown. The judge ruled against her. "I need to see it for myself."

  "The two bailiffs?"

  "They have to remain here in case she tries to escape."

  "Could we move up to the front of the court where we can ensure that she doesn't unlock her manacles, Judge?" Dangle asked.

  "Granted," the judge replied.

  "You're an aboriginal, aren't you?" Dingle asked Yolanda as he planted his chair next to hers.

  "What if I am? What does that have to do with my ability to defend my client?"

  "Not a thing. I was only curious," Dingle replied before nodding at the prosecutor.

  "I'll keep the video in abeyance if the defendant pleads guilty to the charge of sexual perversion," the prosecutor offered.

  "What would be the consequence of her pleading guilty?"

  "She'll receive compulsory medical help for the condition inside an institution set up to deliver that program," the prosecutor replied.

  "Bean, they can't convict you of the murder and religious extremism charges," Yolanda whispered. "I don't know about the shower camera until I see the video. If it's another trumped up charge, I should be able to fight it. It means some people will see you naked. What do you want me to do?"

  "Let them see the video," Bean moaned.

  # # # # # # # #

  "Your honour! We've seen this video four times now. Nothing is happening other than my client is using soap and a face cloth to wash herself."

  "I disagree," the prosecutor argued. "I saw a lesbian act. Plus the defendant’s body fits the classic profile of a lesbian perp. She's almost a man."

  "I saw the act too," Bailiff Dangle offered unasked. "I believe she's a half-man. We should have her examined by a doctor. I've had some medical training," he lied.

  "We should ask for public input," Dingle said. "I can put the video up on the Internet."

  Bean groaned.

  "Is that a threat?" Yolanda asked.

  "No, not at all. It would be the same as a jury trial," the prosecutor defended.

  "Except that thousands would see it and the video would never disappear. Judge, there's no such thing as a classic profile of a lesbian body. The defendant is thin and tall, that's all. We saw no act of lesbianism in this video. She was simply washing her body like all women would do. This evidence does not contribute anything meaningful to the case. It was introduced in an attempt to force a false confession."

  "I agree that the video contributes nothing, Counsellor. This case comes down to Detective Bertoia claiming she was attacked sexually and the defendant claiming she did not. My job is to determine who is telling the truth. Detective Bertoia is an officer of the court with a sterling record. She willingly turned herself in and admitted to lesbianism performed under duress. On the other hand, the defendant is a violent foreigner with a criminal record. The court rules that Benedikta Ekelund will be taken to a local institution where she will receive treatment for the condition of lesbianism until such time as she is no longer a lesbian. I will defer judgement on the two other charges until then. This sentence is to be effective immediately."

  "Your honour. May I accompany my client to this local institution so that I can talk with her about the prospects for her appeal?"

  "There are no grounds for appeal."

  "If that's the case, at least I should be able to tell her that."

  "Agreed," Judge Ambrose said quickly.

  Yolanda, in the past medical treatment for what was considered deviant sexual behavior meant electro-shock treatments. They'll torture her until she confesses to the murder charge.

  Thanks, Doc. They won't go to the trouble. I think they'll kill her and make her body disappear, Yolanda predicted.

  # # # # # # # #

  As Yolanda accompanied Bean to the heli-pad on the roof, Mac sent a mind-message to a number of Wilizy who were loitering in the area.

  Operation Bean Harvesting is now in effect. Wanda and I will accompany the STUSA copter in case the agents decide to fake a copter accident. The rest of you go ahead to the copter's destination. Yolanda – this is your operation and your plan. We'll follow your lead.

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  Chapter 49

  Dingle was flying the copter as quickly as he could to the non-descript STUSA building. He and Dangle were in high spirits. Soon they'd remove the Islamic terrorist from their list of threats and, at the same time, deal with another threat that hadn't been uncovered in the Chicago area for years. Aboriginals were part of the conspiracy to weaken the USA and, as such, STUSA agents were obligated to cleanse the country of them on confirmed evidence of their heritage. The aboriginal lawyer lady had admitted her affliction in court and walked right into their hands with her request to accompany the extremist to the institution. Judge Ambrose had seen Dingle's thumbs-up signal and had quickly agreed to her request. Everybody was going to come out of this mess safely. It's funny how a trial could look so depressingly bad and then turn out better than they could have imagined.

  Meanwhile, in the two back seats of the copter, Yolanda was putting a gray putty-like substance onto the lock connecting Bean's leg shackles with her hand shackles. She mimed the passage of twenty minutes and then gave the signal of a violent tug on the shackles. Bean nodded her head in recognition. Yolanda gave Bean her own thumb's up signal that everything was going to turn out OK.

  # # # # # # #

  "Did you push me?" Yolanda accused Agent Dangle as she struggled to rise from her sprawl to the ground right in front of the open door to the STUSA building.

  "No," Dangle said, somewhat surprised that the lawyer had turned around to accuse him after falling all on her own. "I was nowhere near you."

  "Something caused me to fall," she accused as the entered the doorway. "Get away from me," she told Dingle and pushed him into the building. Then she bent over to inspect the entranceway for whatever had caused her to trip onto her knees. Above her, eight invisible bodies slipped into the building and six of them went their separate ways. Mac and Wanda would remain close to Yolanda and Bean. Yolanda continued to inspect the doorway into the building and then turned her attention to the rip in the knees of her pantsuit. Only after the Wilizy searchers were long gone, did she stand up. "I want to see where my client will be kept and don't give me any argument about that. It's a reasonable request."

  "We're happy to oblige," Dingle said. He actually was happy to oblige. It was all he could to stop his face from breaking into a bright smile. "We'll use the elevator so that your client won't trip and fall like you did."

  Bean looked a question at Yolanda who shook her head No.

  As they entered the elevator, Yolanda appeared to be brooding about the casualty in her professional attire. She had other things going through her mind too.

  Jock to Battle Commander: There's nobody on the top floor.

  Hank to Battle Commander: Nobody on the second floor.

  Lucas to Battle Commander: Nobody on the ground floor.

  TG to Battle Commander: I've reached the basement through the stairs. There are actually three levels to it. I'm searching for heat signatures now on the top level. It feels like an empty cellblock.

  Nary to Battle Commander: I'm on the basement's second floor. It's definitely empty but Contrary has found a scent that should not be he

  Battle Commander to all Wilizy: We're on our way to the basement now. They pressed the first basement level button.

  Theo to Battle Commander: I've searched the cellblock on the bottom basement level. I saw twelve skeletons in the cells. Theogun reports a faint smell of rotting flesh.

  Wanda to Battle Commander: Mac and I are waiting for you at the top basement level.

  Nary to Battle Commander: I'm on the way to TG's level. You should assume that Contrary will identify the scent of rotting flesh there too.

  Jock to Battle Commander: This building shows no sign of use other than by the two dingle/dangles. Hank, Lucas and I will be in the basement shortly. We'll block off all possible exits from the top basement floor.

  # # # # # # #

  When Operation Bean Harvest was in the planning stage, Yolanda had objected to being addressed as Battle Commander. She wanted to be addressed by her first name. The military members of the Wilizy wanted her to be called by her position. "Using first names would set a precedent for sloppy operations in the future," Jock had argued.

  "Does a battle commander outrank a second lieutenant?" Yolanda had asked.

  "In this case, most definitely," Mac had said.

  "In that case, I agree. Battle Commander to Second Lieutenant Lucas: Communicate with your mother more often."

  "Yes Ma'am," the lieutenant had responded.

  # # # # # # #

  Back to the present. The Wilizy's battle commander was inspecting a cell on the top basement floor.

  "This is the cell my client will be kept in?" Yolanda asked.

  "Yes. Plenty of room. Working toilet. Fresh water supply. Food delivered three times a day. Reasonably soft bunk."

  Theo to Battle Commander: I see some heavy-duty electrical cables coming into a locked room at the rear of the basement's bottom level. Electro-shock therapy room, I suspect.

  Nary to Battle Commander: Contrary told me that people have died and rotted on the first basement floor.

  Mac: It's safe to say that people have died throughout this basement. We don't know how they died or how many there were.

  Battle Commander to Wilizy: I will get that information.

  # # # # # # #

  "You say that the bunk is reasonably soft?" Yolanda asked. "May I determine for myself?"

  "You bet," Dingle/Dangle said. Squaws like her were soooo dumb...

  Yolanda turned at the clank of the cell door closing behind her. "What's going on?"

  Bean looked a question at Yolanda who shook her head No.

  # # # # # # #

  Having demonstrated how dumb she was, having admitted that she had no means to escape, and having realized that her time left in this world was limited, Yolanda was anxious to hear the truth before she died. Dingle/Dangle fell all over themselves to impress her with their cleverness.

  "How many people have died here?"

  "In the first decade that we were here – about one hundred a year. It's been slow going the last year or two. This year, you and the bean post over there will make thirteen and fourteen. But in all, we've killed over twelve hundred while we've been in charge."


  "Starvation mostly. We leave them alone to rot. It takes a year or two. You'll be the first ones to die on this floor for quite some time."

  "Did you ever rape the women?"

  "We had sex with the good looking ones, sure. But only when they offered it in exchange for food. We're not rapists. We're traders. You're safe. You're too old. We're not perverts."

  "My client?"

  "Sure we'd have sex with her if she offered it, but she'd have to be in manacles. We're not stupid."

  The Battle Commander nodded at Bean. "I disagree," Yolanda said.

  # # # # # # #

  "Feeling better?" Yolanda asked Bean who had dealt with the dingle dangle duo before unlocking Yolanda's cell door.

  "Very much so. I didn't kill them."

  "Would you like to? It would be easy to justify given what they've done to other prisoners here."

  "No. I promised my mother that I wouldn't kill again. She agreed to forgive me for what I had done while I was working for the military. I'm going back home. My dad needs me."

  "How were you able to talk with your mom?"

  "You wouldn't understand. Can I take the STUSA copter? You can have all of my stuff. You know where my camp is and what's in it, right?"

  "Yes. I put trackers on you. That's how I was able to find you."

  "Why did you track me and rescue me? I don't deserve it."

  "I wanted to ask a favour of you."

  "To kill somebody?"

  "No. To translate a tape."

  # # # # # # #

  All in all, Yolanda's newly renamed operation – The Dingle Dangle Duo – went very well indeed. Dingle and Dangle had confessed to murder and rape on a live camera floating above their heads. The STUSA building where they confessed their crimes was indeed owned by a foreign jurisdiction as they claimed. The land ownership records that Yolanda produced revealed that the crimes they had confessed to were committed in a tiny piece of land belonging to British Columbia, Canada. In time, after Wilizy lives had settled down, two flowering Dogwood trees appeared in a British Columbian clearing.

  So, Dingle and Dangle received justice. My readers may be wondering about the personal Heavens that Bean's rapist and Jak, her former partner, were living in. To hear them talk about it, their Heaven allowed them to kill, torture, and rape. Bean didn't believe that Heaven could be like that. What kind of justice is that?

  While I have not been in a position to verify the existence of those two personal Heavens personally, I am reminded of a story I once heard that may offer an insight into why two obvious sinners had been pardoned. I will tell this story as though Bean's rapist was the pardoned sinner living in his personal Heaven. This same story would apply to Jak as well.

  Charming Boy, the rapist, was in his personal Heaven busy raping away. His preferred targets were young, brown-skinned girls wearing multi coloured scarves, ankle length skirts in browns and blues, and white short-sleeved blouses with a starched collar. He had just finished with one and was eyeing the line of similarly dressed victims arrayed in front of him for his personal pleasure. All of them avoided his leer, just as he hoped. He liked them scared. He was just about to choose his fourth of the morning when a loud siren wailed through the alley where he was employing his talents. Everybody stopped to listen. When the reverberations died down, he looked up to see the line of young girls disappearing through a previously closed door in the alley. A man in a black suit approached him.

  "What was that siren for," Charming Boy asked."

  "Is this your first month here" Black Suit asked.

  "Yeah. How'd you know?"

  "You've been using guest privileges in Rape Alley," he said. "We wanted to be sure that you knew what would be happening here."

  "I'm sure," Charming Boy replied.

  "Good. Your month as a guest is over." The man clicked his fingers and then disappeared.

  Charming Boy noticed two things immediately. He was now wearing a multi coloured scarf, a brown ankle length skirt, and a white long sleeved blouse with a starched collar. He checked the blouse with his hands. The boobs were real. The door in the middle of the alley was open again. A line of creatures was forming. What form of creature they were couldn't be determined but their gender was obvious. Turns out that Charming Boy wasn't in his personal Heaven after all. He was in his personal Hell instead. The receptionist had lied. Who would have thought?


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  Chapter 50

  On Monday, November 11, Kashmira woke up before noon and wheeled herself to the galley where the family was having lunch. She was dressed in her best red and black finery. "My father will be ready to sign now," she announced. "I will go to the house to accept his surrender."

  "I have the papers ready," Stu said. "
But I don't think that this is exactly when and how Melissa had planned his surrender."

  Kashmira ignored him. "Winnie, could you help me with the wheelchair? Mathias and Doc, could you protect me in case my father attacks? Granny, could you dress up in your costume and bring a lightsabre? Oh, and we'll need an air horn."

  # # # # # # # #

  They arrived at the empty lot where a mansion once stood in all of its mansion-hood. A lot of interested citizens were trailing behind them – all of them watching the big figure with the lightsabre. As Winnie wheeled Kashmira down the ramp of soil to the bottom of the basement, the citizens crowded to the edge of the pit to watch. Winnie positioned Kashmira's wheel chair so that she was in front of the cement pad blocking the vault door from opening. Kashmira raised the air horn in her lap and gave three long blasts. Then she waited.


  "Ramón. Is that you?" El Patrón's muffled voice came through the door loudly enough for the Wilizy to hear.

  "No, Father. Ramón has deserted you. As have all your other guards."

  Then she waited. Silence waited back.

  "Are you feeding the rats so that they won't eat you?"

  No response.

  "Do you understand that when you feed them, they will grow bigger and they will breed? In time, rats will be everywhere in the vault. In time, your body will become their only source of food. You have no place in the vault where you can hide from them. They're probably already snacking on you when you sleep. It's only going to get worse."

  "Why are you doing this to me?"

  "So that you'll know what death was like for my mother."

  Silence from inside the vault.

  "I'll be going now, Father. You've only been in the vault a couple of weeks. You might last two years like my mother, but I doubt it."

  "What do you want?"

  # # # # # # # #

  Kashmira had all the power. El Patrón agreed to everything that she dictated.

  She'd open the vault and let him out.

  He'd sign some legal documents that transferred all of his possessions over to her as of this date.

  Some of her friends would take him to a secret place. There, he would tell them everything that he had done as a criminal and who in the city had helped him. If he held anything back, she'd put him back in the vault with even more rats.

  His confession would be turned over to a judge who would use that information to conduct a series of trials for everyone implicated by El Patrón. The judge would also preside over El Patrón's and Paterfamilias' trials afterwards.