Read When Cithians Attack Page 13

Chapter 8 The Battle Exams

  We all sat down on the floor. I looked at Michael.

  “How’d you all meet?” I said.

  “I’ll go first.” Mitchell said. He stood up.

  “A week ago, Pedro came to my prison cell first. And then he convinced the prison guard to let me out for a year. As we walked down the street, we stumbled upon a mansion. Now this Mansion was huge. The sidewalk was massively decorated with wilted flowers, because snow was falling onto the ground that day.

  The door was a foot taller than me and when Pedro said politely that he wanted the door open to that big wooden door that had a golden phoenix carved into it, the door answered back that he wanted to know who it was, and then Pedro said to the door these words: “Don’t you recognize my voice?” and then the door replied with great delight that he was glad to hear Pedro’s voice and that the master of this great house had been waiting all evening for his arrival. The door then swung itself open and a man in white and black clothing appeared and then at that very moment I said to Pedro that I wanted to know who this person was.

  And then he showed me by carving his name into the icy wind; then as the name froze into ice I saw this name: Vogler Brixen. Then Vogler said that it was a pleasant surprise to see Pedro and, then he asked why Pedro and I had come. Then Pedro said that we came to his house to speak with his son, Michael and, after that he shouted that Michael should front and center. Michael came running down the stairs in only his pajamas that had red dragons on them and when he got to the door he asked what the heck was going on. Then Pedro said that he wanted him to meet some new siblings of his and that he should go get dressed into Day clothes. Then Michael said that if the big shining ball (the sun) wasn’t up that he wasn’t going to be. Then Vogler demanded that Michael should do what Pedro told him to do, because he might have some adventures on the way to meet his siblings.” he said.

  “I definitely had some unexpected things happen too. Like, remember when we accidentally bumped into Vade Markson.” Michael said.

  “Yeah, he wasn’t happy about it. He almost attacked us. But, Pedro stopped him freezing him in midair. Then we teleported to Thomas’s house. We all appeared in front a house with blue doors, a small staircase leading up to that door and windows that had small cracks in them, we saw a blue mailbox and the house was a sort of tan mixed with yellow lines. Watching Pedro fall to the ground, we all rushed towards him and I knelt down beside him and pounded on his chest.” Michael said.

  “The only reason that happened was because the teleportation drained all of Pedro’s energy out of him!” Mitchell said.

  “Let’s get back to the real story.” Michael said.

  “Since we’re finally staying with on the right topic again and not going off on a tangent; it’s my turn to tell the story. “Thomas said.

  “No it’s not! It’s my turn!” argued Mitchell.

  “Can you guys please just give it a break with the fighting? I mean, you and Thomas have been constantly bickering back and forth between each other ever since you met! You two fight so much that it seems like you're not even happy you did met each other! You should be happy to have siblings because if you didn’t, you’d be very lonely. ” Michael said, yelling and crying.

  “Alright, I’ll stop it.” Mitchell said, hanging his head in guilt. “Sorry about being such a jerk, bro.”

  “It’s alright.” Thomas said, biting his lips.

  “I think you should tell Slyer the rest of the story about how we all met each other.”

  “You mean it, Mitchell?” Thomas said as tears streamed down his face.

  “Yeah, you’re a better storyteller than me or Michael.”

  “Okay. Here it is: ‘When I heard my doorbell chime, I answered and then I said ‘Who are you and more importantly what do you want?’ Then Pedro answered that the people with him were my brothers and that his name was Pedro. And that he was trying reunite them with me, so that I could get to know them by entering through a new kind of brotherhood and meet one more sibling along the way.’ And then I replied that I didn’t know what trick he was playing, but I wasn’t going to fall for it.

  Then my dad, Gazer Books came into the room and said that he had heard our entire conversation and that what Pedro said wasn’t a trick. And that every word that Pedro had spoken was the truth. Then I said back to Gaser: ‘Wait a second; why didn’t you ever tell me I had siblings?’ Next Gazer said that he did because he didn’t want to ruin the prophecy of the four great warriors. After that I shouted’ What are you talking about?’ Then after I said that my dad said: ‘It’s a long story, but, first: I want you to know that I had great time raising you as my own son and I’m proud of the man you’ve become. But it’s time I told you the truth.

  ‘12 years ago me and your mother, Thora found out that she couldn’t have babies naturally and we found out about an orphanage called The Seventh Dragon. And when we got to the orphanage, the caretaker of the orphanage said that there was one baby left and that he would gladly give it to us if we really wanted it. And that baby was you, Thomas. When we got the permission from the judge to raise you as our own child, we we’re so happy, but, while we were enjoying that happy moment, the judge said that we shouldn’t be celebrating yet, because of the prophecy of the four great warriors. After he said that, we asked: ‘But what does that have to do with our so

  Then the judge said these words: ‘Well for one, it’s about your son’s future. Now I can’t tell you everything, but except that your son has three other brothers that are the same age as him that we’re separated from him. And please don’t be surprised if some people try to reunite him with his brothers in twelve years.’ So please just go with Pedro and your new brothers and fulfill that prophecy that the judge told me of.

  Then I said that it was a great thing that he was being honest and that I would gladly go with Pedro and my new siblings to meet my long lost brother to fulfill the prophecy that you told me of. And we’ve been together ever since that day.”

  “So, Skyrid, why’d you come to Gailems?”

  “I injured someone and now Furliceo’s after me for my Helios part.”

  “Are you sure he’s after you?” Mitchell said.

  “Yes.” I said.

  “I know Furliceo destroyed your hometown, but that doesn’t mean he’s after you.” Thomas said.

  “Yes, it does! He sent me a letter saying that he’s coming after me.” I said.

  “He did?” Mitchell said.

  “Kursta! Damn it! Yes, he did!” I said.

  “Fine! We believe you! Don’t we?” Thomas said.

  “Yes...we do.” Mitchell and Michael said in unison.

  The eastern Sun shined through the window. A knock on the door was heard by me. I opened the door. Pedro stood in the doorway.

  “It’s time for your battle exams.” he said. Pedro looked at us.

  “Follow me to the Hall of Battle.” he said. We all followed him to a golden pedestal with a silver orb carved into it. I looked behind us. I saw a crowd of students. Apparently, they were following us.

  Pedro touched the orb. A room with three rectangular battlefields. They all were sky blue. Pedro stood in the center of the first battlefield.

  “Today, y’all will fight to see what class you are in. There are: Class 1- The Power Beam makers, Class 2- the Fusion Power beam Makers, Class 3- the weapon makers, and class 4- The orb makers. The first fight will be Jaren and Skyrid vs. Karrithea and, my son, Chaser.” he said. A boy stood beside me. He looked to be about 12. His red hair shimmered like silver. His eyes were jet black and his face was pasty white. He wore a green cloak. His hands were very muscular.

  They were big. About the same height as mine. He was the same height as me too. We both stepped onto the battlefield as Jaren and Karrithea did the same. Jaren walked to my side as chaser went to the other side.

  Pedro stood in the middle of us.

  “The rules of this duel are 1: You can o
nly defend yourself, 2: No calling in help, and 3: Have fun!” he said. We all got into our battle positions. Jaren and I shot two beams of light at them. They deflected them with mirrors that they made out of their powers. The beams came towards us.

  We threw two gray beams at them. Hitting against each other, the beams turned into a huge orb and knocked Chaser and Karrithea unconscious. Pedro came towards us. He stood beside us.

  “Congrats to our winners, Jaren and Skyrid. They are now in class 1 because they didn’t show me that they could make fusion beams.” he said. Pedro looked at the crowd.

  “The next battle will be: Michael Crop V.S. my daughter, Caitlyn Jerricus. If either of them lose, they’ll be placed in the area below their area of knowledge.”

  Michael combined a beam of fire and a beam of light to create a fire tornado. He threw the tornado at Caitlyn. She deflected it with barriers that she made out of her powers. Michael threw a beam of water at the fire tornado and it turned into smoke. It rose into the air; filling the room.

  We all got down on our hands and knees. Pedro glared at Michael like he was mad at him for filling the room with smoke.

  “By my choice, this battle ends in a draw for their safety. They are both placed in class 1. Parser and William it’s your turn to clash.” he said.

  Starting their scuffle, William fused a beam of fire with a beam of magma to create lava and shot the new beam straight towards Parser’s side of the combat field. Fusing two beams of water together; Parser then turned them into a giant wave and shot it towards the lava beam that William shot over to his side. Throwing itself into the lava beam that Will created, the giant wave cooled down the magma; it turned into lava and smoke rose out of the middle of their brawling ground. Spreading, it covered the top half of the room, we tried not to panic, but, alas many of us including me started to scream and some of us got into crawling positions on the floor. Fortunately for us, Pedro got down on his knees and led us into another metal trough.

  Going down the shaft, we were thrown into a room full of medieval weapons that were scattered all over the wooden platform. Landing on our back ends, we started to feel intense pain as we got onto our knees. Then as the pain got worse, we try our best to stand up. Unfortunately, in despite all of our great efforts on trying to get up on our feet, we proved unsuccessful. Then Pedro shouted: “Parser Isaac Jerricus and William Omer Jerricus, I will deal with this problem by giving you both in school suspension. Once all of the students are done with their mêlée tests, you two will follow me to my office where you’ll spend the entire night with me. Because of your choice, you will both be in class 1. “

  Once the pain disappeared, we all stood up. Pedro looked at Mitchell.

  “The next fight will be between Mitchell and Thomas.” he said.

  “I don’t wish to fight him. He‘s my brother and I cannot fracas with him.” Mitchell said.

  “But if you do not, I cannot train you to master your powers. So, you’ll lose your chances of ever learning to control them.”

  “Fine, I’ll do it! Thomas, prepare to meet your worst nightmare.” Mitchell said.

  Going to different sides of the room, Mitchell and Thomas stood in their fighting positions. Picking a sword up from the ground, Pedro lit it on fire, threw it as it landed in the center of the room and this action made the sword go down into the center so much that you could only see the top of it. Then Pedro declared “Mitchell and Thomas please pick up your weapon of choice from the floor. There are two ways to win this competition. The first one is to make the sword in the center shoot up out of the center and make it land on your opponent’s side of the room. The Second and last way to end this fight is to trap your opponent in a way that he can’t make any moves. Now that I have told you the ways to win Mitchell and Thomas, you may start your battle.”

  Mitchell then started the battle between him and Thomas, by throwing an orb of light towards the center of the room and sucking the sword that was in the center into it. But just before Mitchell could drop the sword on Thomas’ side, Thomas threw his arrow that he had chosen as his weapon and froze it as it headed towards Mitchell’s orb of light. Cracking the orb wide open, Thomas attached a flame around the sword that was in Mitchell’s orb of light. And then, Thomas unlit the flame that was attached to the sword by shooting a beam of water at it and, that event made the sword that was in the orb of light drop itself on Michael’s side of the room.

  “Congrats to our winner, Thomas Crop. He will placed in class 3 along with his brother, Mitchell. Pedro said.

  Pedro looked at all of us.

  “Now it’s after curfew, Classes 1 and 3 will be rooming together and will be nicknamed The Dragons of Light. Classes 2 and 4 will also be rooming together. They’ll be named The Servants of the Sayis’. Chaser will lead The Dragons of Light to their dorm and Pakia will lead the Servants of the Sayis will lead them to theirs.”

  Pakia and Chaser lead their individual groups to two separate silver pedestals with mossy green orbs carved into them. They each touched their individual orbs. A dark blue portal appeared in front of each of them. They both lead their groups into the portals.