Read When Cithians Attack Page 15

  Chapter 10 the Forbidden Cemetery

  We materialized in front of two gravestones. Two skeletons hung over each stone. Mold covered both gravestones. A large crack ran down the center of the left one. I wondered how it even held together.

  The skeletons had jeweled necklaces with purple rubies around their necks. I saw a newspaper between them. I picked it up.

  “‘‘Sade has betrayed us!’ Sade disappeared on Tuesday, December 13th, 2024. The Sayis Council says they don’t know what to do about it. They say our perception about Sade might be wrong. Kodyack Blues says that he regrets turning Sade into Darkomega.” I read.

  “These are lies! Kodyack would never do something like that!”I said.

  I heard the pitter patter of footsteps. We all hid behind the gravestones. The footsteps came towards me.

  “I know there’s someone here.” the voice said.

  "Kodyack turned Sade into Darkomega?" Nester said, reading over my shoulder.

  “I don't know, Nester. But, we shouldn't trust a piece of paper."

  "Skyrid's right. We can't just jump to conclusions. Kodyack probably didn't even do it willingly." Chaser said.

  “Right. It could all be lies.”I said.

  "Kodyack is a good guy. So why would someone write lies about him?" Nester said

  "I don't know." I said, shrugging.

  “Slyer, think about it: Whoever wants to write lies about someone must hate them.”

  “People spread rumors about my dad all the time. And just the fact that he’s famous keeps them interested.” I said, my voice raising.

  “Skyrid, there’s no reason to fight with him about it. All famous people get rumors spread about them.”

  “But Kodyack isn't famous! Why would someone make up lies about him?”

  “He is the Warrior Master and all Ganters think we don’t exist. Maybe someone was trying to make all Cithians hated even more.”

  “But who'd...”I said

  “I don’t care who it is. They shouldn’t be lying about us like this. They’re making it seem like Cithians are complete jerks. “Nester said, stomping his feet.

  “Yeah, they’re saying we're bad people! “Chaser said, yelling.

  “Wait! I hear footsteps.” I said.

  We all hid behind different gravestones. I hid behind one with a crack down the center. I peered over my gravestone.

  A man in blue overalls, a straw hat, with a white beard and brown eyes appeared.

  ”I know you’re out there! So, leave now!” The man said.

  Sweat ran down my arms. Would he find us? He threw a green power beam at my gravestone.

  “What’re you doing here? This place is forbidden!” The man said.

  I stood up.

  “W-We came here by accident, Sir.” I said.

  “No, you didn’t. I saw you come here through a black portal.” The man said.

  “I swear to you that we were sucked into it and thrown here!” I said.

  “Lies! You’re here to destroy more Cithians.” The man said.

  “But, we are Cithians! How would Strikers get here in the first place?” I said.

  “Through a portal generator.” The man said.

  “We came here through Teleportation. We aren’t Strikers.” I said.

  “Prove it! Fight me!” The man said.

  “We can’t! We’re only Cithians-in-training.” I said.

  “If you don’t, I’ll feed y’all to my winged dragon!” The man said.

  “I’ll do it, Gravekeeper!” Karrithea said, stepping forward.

  “Karrithea, are you stupid?” I said.

  “Shut up, Skyrid. I have to save us from this man.” Karrithea said.

  "Let the battle begin. “The Gravekeeper said, throwing a blue beam of light into the air. Two dragon-like heads appeared on each shoulder and attach themselves to his neck as bright red armor appeared on his body and his regular head turned into a dragon’s head. Karrithea shot a beam of fire at him. He flew across the graveyard. He turned into a red orb. Lasers shot out of it towards her.

  She dodged them. He materialized back into himself.

  “You are Cithians! Ones who don’t know how to turn into their warrior forms yet though.” The Gravekeeper said.

  “So, uh, why is this place forbidden?” I said.

  "This is the Cemetery for Dead Sayis' and Warrior Council members. And, the Sayis Members aren't suppose expose themselves to Ganters. Strange creatures also roam the grounds. They’ll feast on anything, including Cithians.” The Gravekeeper said.

  “Why are they here, then?” I said.

  “To protect the Cemetarian Forest.” The Gravekeeper said.A figure in a crimson cape with a blue hood appeared. His tattoo of a red sun on his left cheek glimmered. Short eyebrows raised as green eyes glistened in the sunlight. Brown hair and a red t-shirt and jeans were on him. He was running down the cemetery and a winged dragon was chasing him. “My dragon!” The Gravekeeper said, running after them.

  “Let’s follow them!” Nester said, smiling.

  “Why? To get expelled?! We can’t fight a dragon.” A boy in tattered clothes said, tweaking his glasses nervously.

  “Who are you to tell us what to do?”

  “I’m Zane Hicks. I’ve been going here as a Class 1 Warrior.”

  “How long have you been here? “Raze asked.

  “Since last night. “Zane said.

  “Well, you have no sense of adventure.” Nester said. He rolled his eyes.

  “Stop it, Nester. We're going to follow them anyway.” I said.

  “The figure is my dad, Skyrid.” Jaren said

  “I don’t think so, Jaren!”I said.

  We followed the dragon. A forest appeared in front of us.

  The figure walked into it and we followed behind him. As we came to a clearing, we saw a silver safe door in the ground. The hooded figure got down on his knees and opened it by turning a wheel to the right five times. The door opened and we followed him in. A bronze sword stood in the middle of the room. The Sword had these words carved into it: 'The Sayis Council.'.

  It had eight gems of different colors embedded in its silver handle and a diamond on top of it and was sitting inside a glass case. Eight golden thrones with a different Sayis symbol embedded into each one were in front of us. The hooded person turned around and looked at me.

  “You will not ruin my plans this time, Kazaka.” He said, smirking. He ran at me with a butcher knife. I threw an orb of yellow light at him. He fell. I ran over to him and picked him up by his shirt.

  “Who are you? And what do you want with me?” I said, gripping his shirt tightly.

  “I will never reveal my name, but I will say that I am here to plot my revenge against you, “he said, laughing.

  "What do you mean?" I said, shaking him.

  “You burned my son!”

  "Y-You're J-Jaren's Father?" I said, my eyes widened. I let go of his shirt.

  "Yes. “He said, standing up and wiping his upper lip. Jaren looked at me.

  "Skyrid, he abused me! I wore bruises to school every day because of him! He's not a dad, he's an abusive jerk."

  "Son, how can you say that? “Jaren’s dad said.

  “Stay away from me! “Jaren said. He stepped back.

  "Jaren, we don't need any confrontations right now!" I said, pulling Jaren away from his dad.

  "Skyrid, he abused me all the time. So you can't just let him go!" Jaren said whining.

  "I don’t have time for this. “Jaren’s Father said

  “: You’re not going anywhere!” I said.

  “As if you can stop me, child. “The stranger said. He tackled me. I threw him off of me. The Stranger went out the safe door and it closed behind him instantly.

  “Now, you’ll know what it’s like to be trapped, Kazaka. Jaren’s Father said.

  We all screamed as we heard we heard footsteps going away from the door. The winged dragon that the figure left
behind came closer towards us and blew lighting at us. Dodging it, I went for the sword. But as soon as I touched the glass case, metal bars formed around me and all the rest of us. The floor beneath us disappeared.

  We all screamed as we fell into a cell with a bunch of other people in it.