Read When Darkness Breaks Page 6

  “Yoga, huh?” Drake paused for a moment, then swung his fist and made contact with Paul’s cheek. The blow sent him to the floor.

  “Have you been sleeping with my wife, pretty boy?” Drake wrapped his hands tightly around Paul’s shirt collar.

  “Oh, you must be the self-absorbed, cheating-bastard husband I’ve heard so much about.” Paul’s comment was infused with condescension. A fight ensued, and the two men rolled around on the hospital floor. Each threw punches, as if their fists were playing a game of ping pong.

  Hospital security came and broke the two men apart.

  Paul wiped blood from the corner of his mouth. “I never slept with your wife, man.”

  “She wouldn’t have me ‘cause she’s too hung up on you, not that you deserve it. Amber’s a great girl, and if it weren’t for you, she wouldn’t even be lying in that hospital bed. Man, I’d give my left nut to have a woman like her, and don’t think I’m the only guy who would feel that way.”

  Drake thought of going after Paul again for talking about his wife like that. But coupled with the fact that he was held back by two officers, and he knew what Paul had said was true, he shrugged away from the cops, and demonstrated that they had nothing more to supervise. The fight was over. The cops escorted Paul from the premises, and warned Drake to settle down if he didn’t want to be next.

  Drake assured the officers that he would behave. He walked down the hallway to clean up his face in the bathroom, and checked with the nurse to see if he needed stitches for his eye.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Waiting for a Miracle

  For the next several weeks, Drake never left Amber’s side. He had been in the hospital so long, that he was on a first name basis with all the nurses, but not in the way he would have been in the past. Now, they were relationships based on respect and gratitude for the care being given to his wife.

  Each day, Drake would sit beside Amber’s hospital bed and read the Bible his mother-in-law had left behind. Sometimes he’d read aloud to Amber, at other times, silently to himself. His favorite verse read:

  ‘Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature; old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.’

  The passage gave him hope that things would be different, and it even made him believe that he really did deserve a second chance. When Drake wasn’t at Amber’s bedside, he could be found most often in the chapel, deep in prayer. He was definitely a changed man.

  One of his daily rituals had become hand-washing and brushing Amber’s hair smooth. She hated dirty hair, and although she wasn’t aware of it at that time, he wanted her to be as close to her normal self as possible. There were times he’d even thought about putting makeup on her face, but always came back to realizing how beautiful she was, even without it.

  Drake often imagined Amber’s fingers moving or a toe wiggling, but the doctors always assured him “those were only reflexes.”

  He missed the children terribly and knew that they were feeling the same without either of their parents being around, so he called every single day to check in on them, and then again at night to listen to them say their prayers. When the phone conversations weren’t enough, they chatted over video. He and Max even had simulated arm wrestles over the airwaves. He found it ironic that when he finally had time to devote to his kids, he couldn’t actually be with them. As awful as it felt, he knew the kids realized that they were his top priority.

  Every day he was faced with the same question from the kids, “How is Mommy today?” and each day his reply was the same, “Mommy is getting lots of rest so that she will have plenty of energy to tickle you both when she wakes up.”

  He hoped that fate wouldn’t prove him a liar.


  It had been six weeks to the day since Amber was admitted. Drake had used up all of his vacation time at work. Mr. Shelton tried to convince him to come back part-time to at least keep his insurance, but Drake insisted on staying with his wife. Thankfully, he had made some lucrative investments years ago, which he used to cover his living costs and pay the medical bills that resulted from the hospital stay. He had always taken care of his wife and kids, well … financially.

  Drake actually felt relieved when he discovered that Mr. Shelton had replaced him.

  Janie had been to visit Amber a few times, when Brad was home to take care of the kids. Drake put the house up for sale and hired a moving company to pack everything up, and transfer it to storage for a while. Janie was kind enough to supervise everything for him. She wanted to help her friend, and Drake’s newfound commitment to Amber had made quite an impression on her.

  He rented a hotel right next to the hospital, which allowed him to remain close in case any changes developed. And those makeshift beds had worked knots into his back. Occasionally, he tired of hospital food and went out for a burger or steak. But every day, without fail, he sat beside his wife’s bed, stroking her hand, and praying over her.


  Being a retired school teacher, Jill decided to home-school the kids. It provided a great distraction from the situation at hand. They did science projects and baked cookies together. Drake’s children were in good hands, and he regretted not allowing them more time with their grandmother over the years. It was obvious that she adored them. He also thought about all the missed moments he and Amber could have shared, if only he’d had a better relationship with his mother-in-law.

  One thing was certain, Drake was quickly realizing how much he had alienated Amber from other people in her life, and that he definitely had not offered a competent replacement.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Answered Prayers

  Drake was asleep in the chair next to Amber’s bed, holding her hand, when he felt something. At first he thought it was ‘just another reflex’ but he slowly raised his head to the most spectacular view he had seen in a while, Amber’s green eyes. She was awake.

  Still groggy and a little disoriented, Amber scanned the room. Not really focused on Drake yet, frantic, she asked about her children to the room around her.

  “Where are they? Where are my babies? Annie? Max?” When she tried to sit up in the bed, Drake summoned the nurse, who administered an intravenous sedative to calm her down.

  After using that momentary burst of energy, along with the morphine that quickly navigated its way through her veins, Amber became limp. Drake offered comforting words as he lowered her head back onto the pillow. “The kids are fine. They’re with Jill.”

  He took a breath in, then said, “It’s okay. I understand why you left.”

  When he saw she was drifting off again, he whispered, “Let’s not talk about this right now. You need your rest, angel.”

  Drake watched his wife’s eyes close as she succumbed to the sweet poison that was surging through her veins. He ran his finger over the top of her head and down her face, and then stepped outside to call Jill and Janie to deliver the great news.


  When Amber awoke again, Dr. Davis entered the room to check on her. She still had a severe headache, so he ordered more morphine for her drip. Then he asked Drake to step into the hallway for a moment.

  “Mr. Woods, your wife has been through a traumatic event, and we are very thankful she is awake, but she has a long road ahead of her. She’s not paralyzed, but after being in a hospital bed for several weeks, she may have difficulty learning how to use her limbs again.”

  “I understand, Dr. Davis, and I’m here for whatever she needs.”

  “We’d like to keep her for a few more days for observation and run more tests, but if everything comes back clear, she will be able to go home soon. But before that, she has a lot of rehabilitation ahead of her.”

  Drake shook the doctor’s hand and lingered in the hallway. Home? Where is home now? So much of his time and energy had been spent living moment to moment the past few weeks. His main focus was getting the kids away from that hospital to preserve some normalcy for the
m. Not much thought had been put into where they would all go when Amber was released. But, now that she was awake, there were decisions to be made.

  He had already sold the house in New York, and they wouldn’t have gone back anyway. Though he did regret how much Amber was going to miss her best friend. Drake didn’t want to take another pleasure out of her life, but New York was no longer an option.

  Before any major decisions were made, he had to ensure that Amber even wanted him back.


  “I heard everything you said when I was in the coma.” Amber spoke softly to her husband when he walked back into the room.

  “You did?”

  “I wanted to open my eyes, but I just didn’t have the strength yet.” She paused for a moment, and studied the bed sheet. “And I never cheated on you, Drake—though I had every reason to.”

  “I know, baby. Everything is going to be okay. I’m here, and I’m never leaving you again.”

  “You were here. I can’t believe you stayed by my side every day.”

  He took her by the hand and traced the pale white circle where her wedding ring once rested. The staff had removed it before the operation.

  “You’re my girl and I love you … I promised you I’d always take care of you.”

  For the first time in weeks, Drake leaned over and kissed his wife on the lips. For a moment, Amber couldn’t tell if what she was feeling was the morphine, or the fire in his touch. Deep in her heart, she knew it was the latter.


  Amber rested off and on for the remainder of the day, which gave her the energy to greet her children when they arrived later that evening.

  “Mommy!” The children squealed in delight as soon as they saw her face, despite the fact that their father had asked them to keep the noise level down in the hospital. They were so excited to see their mom awake.

  He was able to prevent them from jumping on the bed, as he guided each one gently to their mother’s side, and showed them how to touch her hand softly. Amber smiled up at him as she kissed the tops of her children’s heads.

  The nurses outside the room beamed as they watched the family reunite.

  “Another miracle,” one commented. “I wasn’t sure if she was going to make it.”

  Then they returned to their duties.

  Chapter Eighteen

  The Road to Recovery

  Amber spent the next six weeks in physical therapy learning how to use her muscles again. Drake was there every step of the way. He let her vent when she needed to, cry when she felt the pain, and celebrated every small victory with her.

  Meanwhile, he had been on a recovery path of his own. He had not touched a single drop of alcohol since the night before Amber’s accident.

  The doctors ran a multitude of tests each day to check her reflexes, mental comprehension, and strength. She had finally gotten strong enough to leave the hospital, though she would still have to continue home therapy for the next four weeks. Things were slowly returning to normal—a new normal anyway.

  Drake had Janie stay with Amber while he made a couple of trips out of town to handle some business. He had a job lined up and a few more surprises in store for her, once she was released.


  On the last day, Janie greeted Amber at her hospital room door. She held a white gown, and it was definitely not the hospital type. The satin mermaid-gown had capped-sleeves, and a sweetheart neckline.

  “What’s this for?” Amber asked her friend.

  Janie smiled. “Let me help you put it on. He’s waiting.”

  Amber agreed and slipped into the gown with Janie’s help. Her muscles were still a little sore, but she found a new burst of energy, due to the anticipation of what was transpiring. Janie brushed her friend’s hair, added a little loose powder and lip gloss, and then escorted her out the door.

  Drake waited in the hallway, and looked impossibly dapper, dressed in a gray pin-striped suit with a purple rose pinned to the lapel.

  The children wore formal clothes, and stood either side of Jill. When Amber took a closer look, she noticed Janie was dressed formally too. What was going on?

  Drake took her by the hand and placed a ring on her finger.

  “Amber, I’ve spent a lot of years blind to the vision of perfection that you are. Not only are you the mother of my children and keeper of my soul, you are my best friend. I will spend the rest of my life making sure I am nothing short of your knight in shining armor. You are a princess and deserve the very best. You make me want to be a better man. I know I alienated you for a long time, for my own selfish reasons, but I’ve learned to live every moment of the day as if it were my last. I will use my last breath of life to let you know how much you mean to me, if you’ll have me.”

  Amber cried when she looked down at the ring, and then around the room at all of her loved ones. It wasn’t exactly as she had pictured her dream wedding, but in that moment, it was exactly what she wanted.

  “But I already have a ring.” Confusion masked her tears for a moment.

  “I tainted that ring with my selfishness. This one signifies a new me, a new us. It’s my promise to you that I will never be that man again.”

  Tears painted her cheeks. Amber accepted the ring and kissed Drake with every ounce of energy she had. It was even better than she remembered, and much hotter than the one she had pictured with Paul. Her husband could still make her melt inside. Oh how she had missed that feeling.

  Then Drake gathered her things and helped her to the car. The surprises had just begun. A smile had plastered itself to his face.


  Once on the road, Amber came back from her fairytale to the real moment. “By the way, where are we going?” She hoped he wouldn’t say New York.

  Before he could answer, she looked out the window and noticed they were heading west on I-70. She smiled and closed her eyes for what felt like only a few minutes. But when she awoke, they were passing a sign that said, “Welcome to Wichita.”

  About a half hour later, they pulled down a long driveway covered in gravel. Drake parked their vehicle outside a two-story brick house, with burgundy shutters, and bay windows in front. It was pleasantly familiar to Amber.

  She looked over at Drake, flabbergasted. “What … how did you … I thought we sold the house?”

  Drake smiled.

  “We did. But I know how much you love it, so I contacted the owners, told them our story, and turns out, they were getting ready to sell it anyway. So it’s ours again.”

  With a sudden, newfound energy, Amber got out of the car and walked to the front door. She stopped when she noticed her children’s handprints embedded into the paver stones. Her fingers traced the tiny outlines.

  As she stepped into the doorway, her eyes lit up. She contemplated all of the possibilities for redecorating. Her house was a clean slate, which mirrored her life at that moment. It was a rejuvenating feeling.

  Drake unloaded the kids from the car, and carried the stuff from the hospital inside. He laid the items on the table then made his way over to Amber. She returned his embrace when he wrapped his arms around her waist from behind.

  “What about the job in New York?” She turned to face her husband.

  “Mr. Shelton found someone else to run the team. That job wasn’t right for me anyway.”

  “But, how will we live? I can’t go back to work, and I really enjoy being home with the children.”

  “I got my old job back, and I will be working from home making the same salary as before, but with the potential to be promoted within six months. Regardless, I’m not worried about it. We have plenty saved to back us up if we need it.”

  His words were reassuring. Amber was right about one thing, her husband was always good with money, and they never suffered financially.

  As she wandered from room to room taking in the memories, Amber noticed that Drake had assembled the couple’s bed in the master. How does he do it?


  Later, Jill dropped by to take the kids to her house for the night to allow the couple some much needed rest. Amber was saddened by the thought of being away from her children, but she finally agreed. Soon after the kids were gone, Drake told his wife to go lie down and rest while he ran some errands. Again, although reluctant, Amber agreed.


  Before Drake stopped by the restaurant, there was one place he had to visit, the florist. He grabbed a dozen purple roses, and one mixed bouquet then continued on his way.


  His truck moved slowly and hesitantly, as he rolled by the sign that read, Ever After Gardens, until it finally came to a stop. It was his first visit to the site since the accident. He thought his presence would have caused the Smith family more pain, had he shown up at the funeral all those years ago.

  Drake turned the ignition off and released a heavy sigh. Then he scooped up the bouquet of mixed flowers, and set a slow pace as he walked over to the headstone.

  The boy’s parents had done a great job on the design. It read: Deacon Tanner Smith 1991 – 2003, and had an image of a young boy holding a baseball glove and bat. Drake found out after the accident that Deacon enjoyed playing baseball. He knelt down by the stone, and placed the flowers on top. Then he pulled a small bible from his pocket and read these words:

  “But Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come unto me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.’

  Matthew 19:14”

  He closed the bible, and the words that followed came straight from his heart.

  “Deacon, I am so sorry that I took you from your parents. I’m sure they miss you a great deal, but I realize you are now in a better place. No harm can come to you, no sadness, and no pain. I truly hope you are enjoying your new home in heaven … and having a blast playing baseball with the angels. They are a lucky bunch to have you.”

  A tear betrayed him as he continued.

  “For a long time, I felt that I didn’t deserve to be a father, because I took your parent’s child away from them. But now I realize that not being there for my kids is only punishing them. The best way I can honor your memory is to be the best father I can be to my children, in the little time we have left together. I intend to make every moment count. Rest in peace, son, I’m sorry we met the way we did.”