Read When Day Breaks Page 10

  back there, of the pain and despair I felt—still feel at times.”

  Her eyes shone with sympathy. With anyone else he would hate that sympathy. It was the last thing he wanted. But with Eden, he didn’t feel the accompanying shame he so often felt over appearing weak.

  “I can only imagine,” she murmured. “It must have been such a horrible time for you, Swanny. I’m glad you had one night of peace. I’d hate to think that you were giving me so much and that I was giving you nothing in return. So it makes me feel good that you slept as well as I did. I think we make a good team,” she said, a sparkle entering her eyes. “Maybe I’m good for you.”

  “I know you’re good for me,” he said with a growl. “There’s no question of that. Now at the risk of sounding like an asshole, you’ve got to get up and get moving. I’ll grab a shower in the other bathroom and then we’ll go down and do your workout. If we have enough time, you can show me your moves and then I can analyze what you need further work on and we’ll fit it in around your shoots. I don’t want you to overdo it. I know this shoot is going to be exhausting enough.”

  “Oh, I’ll be fine,” she said as she climbed from the bed, taking her warmth and sweetness with her. “Besides, if it means getting to spend more time with you, then I’ll make the time.”

  God, but she had him so twisted into knots that he didn’t know up from down. How could someone so utterly perfect be interested in someone like him, who not only had physical scars but stains on his soul and emptiness in his heart that until meeting her he’d thought would never heal?

  And yet within the short time they’d been together he could feel those missing parts starting to fill in. Like he was regaining all he’d lost during the horrific time he was held captive and taken apart little by little, his very will to live chipped away until he was ready to give up and end it all.

  He hauled himself out of bed without the all-business attitude that was his usual morning routine. After taking a quick shower, he made a call to Joe to let him know he and Eden would be down in the gym until it was time to take her to the shoot. Joe had already made arrangements for the cars that would take Eden and the rest of KGI wherever they needed to go while they were in Paris.

  “I’ll send Skylar and Edge down to cover the entrance to the gym,” Joe said. “We can’t be too careful and we definitely can’t afford to let our guard down.”

  Swanny bristled at the notion that he wasn’t adequate protection for Eden, but he knew Joe was right. What Swanny couldn’t do was become involved with Eden to the extent that he became distracted from their number one priority: keeping her safe at all times.

  Her safety came first, above everything else. Even the attraction between them. Nothing could compromise their goal. This was a mission. A job. Their reputation, not to mention Eden’s life, was riding on this. He damn sure wasn’t going to be the reason they failed, and he definitely wouldn’t be the reason Eden got hurt or killed.

  Yanked back by the reality of the situation, he went in search of Eden, some of his earlier lethargy and the warm haze that had surrounded him when he’d wakened in Eden’s arms replaced by a sense of purpose.

  He stuck his head inside the bedroom door. “You ready?”

  She came out of the bathroom finishing up the ponytail she’d secured in her hair. She was wearing a tight-fitting halter top and a pair of low-rise sweats that bared a few inches of her abdomen. His body reacted instantly and he quickly reined himself in, reminding himself of what was at stake here.

  “I’m ready. You ready to get your ass kicked?” she asked mischievously.

  It was impossible to adopt a sterner, more businesslike demeanor when she radiated warmth and sweetness.

  “Pretty cocky for someone who hasn’t sized up her opponent,” he replied.

  “Oh, I’ve sized him up,” she said, letting her gaze wander over his body until he felt as though she’d stripped him of every piece of clothing with nothing more than her eyes.

  “You’re incorrigible,” he said in mock exasperation. “Let’s get moving. We’re on a tight schedule.”

  She snapped to attention, giving him a soldier’s salute. “Yes, sir. Lead the way.”

  Cheeky little wench. But he loved every bit of her sass. There wasn’t a single thing about her he didn’t like. She seemed impossibly perfect, and no one was that perfect. Everyone had flaws. So what were hers?

  They took the stairs down to the second floor where the gym was located, and Edge and Skylar were already standing outside the door. Eden looked surprised to see them and maybe even a little chagrined. Swanny would have to have a talk with her later to remind her of everything he himself had discarded momentarily.

  “It’s clear,” Edge said, his voice rumbling from his chest. “You and Eden will be the only ones inside unless someone else comes in after you. Sky and I will make sure that anyone who enters is on the level.”

  “Thanks,” Swanny said. “We’ll be an hour tops. Eden needs to eat before we head to her shoot.”

  “Just a vitamin shake for me,” Eden interjected. “I’ll need to shower again after my workout, so I can drink it on the way. But if y’all need to eat, go ahead and get room service ordered while I get all my stuff together. Hair and makeup will be done there, so I’ll just wear sweats and a T-shirt to the studio. I won’t take long to get ready at all. Just get my bag together and I’ll be done.”

  Swanny shook his head but didn’t comment. If it were up to him, Eden would be eating a hell of a lot more, but she knew what was best for her and it wasn’t his place to interfere.

  He used the room key to gain entry to the small fitness room and then grabbed towels for him and Eden.

  She went straight to the stationary bike and immediately began a rigorous workout. He didn’t join in because quite simply he enjoyed watching her work up a sweat. She was one of those women who didn’t sweat. She glowed. A sheen of perspiration made her perfect skin glisten in the light and it made him want to do crazy things, like run his tongue over her flesh and suck up every drop of perspiration.

  After fifteen minutes, she switched to a cardio stepping machine and put in another fifteen minutes there before moving to one of the benches to do abdominal crunches.

  He was impressed by her stamina and the fact that she didn’t look in the least winded. She was obviously in excellent shape. Her body certainly didn’t tell a different story. She was toned. Hard in the places she needed to be hard and delectably soft in the places she should be.

  Next, she went to the treadmill and threw a smile over her shoulder. “Give me fifteen minutes to cool down and then I’ll throw you on your ass.”

  He grinned back and drawled out his response. “Keep dreaming, princess.”

  She rolled her eyes and refocused her attention on the treadmill, swinging her arms as she started out with a brisk pace only to back it down gradually until she finally turned it off and stepped down.

  She made a show of cracking her knuckles and assuming the stance of a fighter as she circled him warily.

  “I propose a wager,” she said in a cocky voice. “I throw you and I get one request you have to fulfill.”

  “And if I throw you? Or you don’t throw me?” he asked, lifting one eyebrow.

  “Then you get one request of me that I have to fulfill.”

  His mind was immediately ablaze with all the possibilities. And judging by the calculating smug expression Eden was wearing, her thoughts likely mirrored his. Hell, in his way of thinking it didn’t matter who won the bet because they very likely wanted the same things. But just in case, he wasn’t about to let her win because it had suddenly become very important that he get what he wanted.

  Her. In his bed. Him so deeply inside her that he felt swallowed up by her, heart and soul.

  “Deal,” he said in a challenging tone.

  She was good. He had to hand it to her. Being up against a man twice her size would normally make it impossible for her to get the upper hand.
But she was fast and she’d obviously been trained well.

  He groaned when he saw that they had an audience outside the glass door leading into the fitness room. Joe and Nathan had joined Skylar and Edge, and they all were watching in obvious amusement.

  His distraction almost cost him the bet. She went in for the kill and he stumbled but righted himself immediately and did a quick leg sweep while she was unbalanced and took her down, rolling himself underneath her so he took the brunt of the fall.

  She stared down at him, panting softly, her hair in disarray. “I don’t suppose since I’m on top and you’re pinned down that I win?”

  He laughed at the chagrin on her features. “Sorry, princess. I didn’t want to hurt you so I took the brunt of the fall, but I definitely took you down. Victory is mine.”

  She pouted, which only made him laugh harder. She was so damn cute with that bottom lip stuck out and the puppy-dog look in her eyes.

  “I hope your request will be at least as fun as mine was going to be,” she grumbled.

  “Oh, it’ll be fun,” he said softly. “I know I’ll love every minute of it and I plan to make damn sure you enjoy it every bit as much.”

  Fire ignited in her eyes and for a moment he thought she was going to kiss him. But a quick glance in the direction of the doorway was enough to make her temper her reaction. She didn’t want an audience any more than he did.

  Instead she scrambled off him and then extended her hand down to help him up. He bounced upward and stood with his back to the door so Eden was shielded from view.

  “You’re good,” he said sincerely. “But there’s more I can teach you. I can sharpen your skills for sure if you’re interested.”

  She lifted both brows in an exaggerated expression of surprise. “Let’s see. More one-on-one time with you and getting to wrestle you to the floor, no matter who causes the fall? Nah, I’m not interested at all.”

  “Incorrigible,” he muttered, knowing he was using that word a lot when it came to describing her.

  She flashed him a million-dollar smile. “So, um, when do I get to hear this request I’m supposed to fulfill?”

  Making sure Eden was still hidden from view, he leaned in close so his lips brushed her temple and were close to one ear.

  “Later,” he murmured. “I’m thinking tonight, that is, if you aren’t working too late and aren’t exhausted afterward.”

  Her eyes gleamed and pink dusted her glossy cheeks, made so by the light perspiration of her workout.

  “I can assure you I won’t be so exhausted that I can’t hold up my end of the bargain,” she murmured.


  SWANNY’S respect for Eden’s profession increased all the more as he stood back, watching the shoot for the commercials. It had to be exhausting for her but she worked steadily, took instructions from the director and responded perfectly, each and every time.

  He didn’t see what the problems were when the director yelled “Cut!” and then demanded a reshoot. She looked fucking perfect to him. But the director seemed like a real dick.

  He’d thrown a fit when Eden had arrived accompanied by him and his team. He’d complained loudly about having so many people underfoot, and even though Eden’s agent had arrived and pulled him to the side to explain the situation, it was obvious the director still wasn’t happy.

  He barked orders in a loud, obnoxious voice that made Swanny grit his teeth. The way the director talked to Eden made him want to plant his fist right in the fucker’s face.

  After several hours of shooting, the director called a halt and then barked for hair and makeup to go in and do touch-ups.

  “She looks like shit,” the director complained loudly. “I need perfect, goddamn it. Give me perfect.”

  “What a dick,” Skylar muttered next to Swanny, perfectly echoing his own assessment of the asshole. “She looks amazing. The woman couldn’t look like shit even on her worst day. What the hell does he want?”

  Swanny growled his agreement, his stance rigid as he watched people rush in to touch up Eden’s hair and makeup. How the hell did she work under these kinds of conditions? And further, how on earth could she keep that thousand-megawatt smile in place when some asshole was constantly criticizing her?

  He knew this deal was important to Eden. She’d said it was the biggest break of her career. But hell, nothing seemed worth signing up for this kind of abuse.

  Eden’s agent came to stand beside Swanny and Skylar, watching the goings-on with a bored expression. As if nothing was out of the ordinary and this was just another day on the job.

  “Is it always like this?” Swanny bit out.

  Her agent looked surprised that Swanny was talking to him and then he blinked, clear confusion on his face.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Does she always have complete dickheads barking at her, telling her she looks like shit and complaining about every goddamn thing she does?”

  Her agent actually took a step back, his expression wary, but then Swanny was sure he bristled with anger and his expression was probably not exactly pleasant.

  “This director is one of the best in the business,” her agent defended. “He may sound overly critical to you, but the end result certainly can’t be argued with. He’ll shoot until he’s satisfied that it’s not just good but perfect. This is too big an account to accept anything less than the best.”

  “He’s still a dick,” Skylar muttered.

  Eden’s agent laughed nervously. “I suppose it seems that way to someone not in the business, but Eden takes it with grace, just as she always does. She realizes the importance of having a flawless product and she’ll work until she achieves that. It’s what she does, and she’s very good at what she does. It’s why she landed this deal.”

  He glanced at Skylar and then Swanny before hesitantly extending his hand, first to Skylar. “I’m Nigel Blackstone, Eden’s agent.”

  “I’m Skylar, part of Eden’s security detail.”

  He was more reserved when he offered his hand to Swanny.

  “I’m Swanny, also part of Eden’s security detail,” Swanny said shortly.

  “Is she really in that much danger?” Nigel asked, concern flaring in his eyes. “I mean, I know the shooting turned into a random thing and they apprehended the man responsible. But is there something more I should know?”

  “We’re just taking extra precautions,” Swanny said in a neutral tone. “With her name splashed all over the news, there’s no guarantee some idiot won’t get an idea in his head and take a shot at her. This shoot was important to her, and one she couldn’t miss, so we’ve just tightened security around her for the time being.”

  He grudgingly gave Nigel credit. He did seem to be concerned for Eden and he hadn’t uttered a single complaint about KGI’s presence and had even intervened, explaining the situation to the director. Nigel had been firm and his tone had brooked no argument.

  He might appear to be too slick and too polished, too damn pretty for a man, but he stood up for Eden and made it clear that the director could suck it if he didn’t like the situation.

  That, and his apparent concern for Eden’s well-being, brought him up several notches in Swanny’s esteem. He wouldn’t say he liked the man. He was too smarmy for his tastes and he was a man Swanny could easily see being someone completely different under the facade. Unlike Eden, with whom what you saw was what you got. No fakeness. Just absolutely genuine to her bones.

  “Of course Eden’s safety has to take priority,” Nigel rushed to say. “I hope I haven’t given you any reason to doubt my commitment to her both professionally and personally. She’s my biggest client, so whatever precautions need to be put into place, I’m on board completely.”

  “I’m sure Eden appreciates your support,” Swanny murmured.

  “She is my top priority,” Nigel said, further pushing his point. “I’ll handle any issues with the director. A lot of models would give their eyeteeth to land this account,
but Aria isn’t stupid. They want Eden because they want the best and if Lonnie—the director—causes any problems at all, I’ll go over his head and either he’ll be canned or he’ll come around in short order.

  “He’s doing the shoot because like Eden, he’s in the top of his field. But he can be replaced. Eden can’t. That’s not negotiable. I have an ironclad contract and if they did something stupid like try to get rid of Eden, they’d forfeit the payment already made to her. But between you and me, if anyone goes, it won’t be Eden. Aria wants her too badly.”

  “If he keeps acting like a dick toward Eden, you’ll have to find a replacement for him sooner rather than later,” Swanny growled. “Because if he doesn’t let up, I’ll rearrange his face for him.”

  Nigel went pale, his nervous gaze flitting between Swanny and Skylar. “I’ll have a talk with Lonnie as soon as we wrap up for the day. I also need to speak to Eden and, well, I suppose you as well since you’re her security detail.”

  Swanny raised an eyebrow in silent question.

  “As you likely know, there’s a formal launch social at the end of the shoot. Everyone will be there,” he said, emphasizing everyone though Swanny didn’t have the first clue who everyone meant.

  “Yes, she told me,” Swanny replied. “She told me I’d need a tux so I’d blend in.” He winced inwardly at sharing that particular piece of information.

  Beside him Skylar snorted, and he shot her a glare to see her regarding him with a mischievous sparkle in her eyes.

  “This I gotta see,” she said, laughter in her voice.

  “You have to dress for the occasion too,” Swanny said dryly.

  Skylar shrugged. “I’m perfectly capable of picking out a swanky dress with to-die-for shoes. Just because I spend most of my time in fatigues and face paint doesn’t mean I don’t know the art of socializing and ‘fitting in.’”

  Nigel cleared his throat, turning their attention back to him.

  “In three nights’ time, we’ll be hosting a smaller soiree. Mostly just the Aria representatives and the crew working on the shoot. So I’d suggest buying that tux soon because you’ll need it for both occasions.”

  Fuck me.

  And goddamn Skylar was clearly enjoying his discomfort. He shot her another glare that would wither a normal person. But she only smiled more broadly and pressed her lips together in what looked like an effort not to laugh out loud. He was positive she was laughing her ass off on the inside.

  “Guess I know what you’ll be doing tomorrow,” Skylar drawled.

  “Yeah well, smart-ass. You have to come too. No way we’re going to expose Eden any more than what is absolutely necessary.”

  “I’m looking forward to it,” Skylar said, her expression sincere. “It’s been a while since I got to dress up and actually use makeup that isn’t camo paint. You’ll have two hot chicks on your arms when we walk into the place.”

  He chuckled but didn’t disagree with her statement. Skylar was indeed a very beautiful woman, in fatigues and combat gear or just regular street clothes. And she was a badass on top of that.

  Something about kick-ass women like Skylar and Eden wearing spiked heels and cocktail dresses that conformed to their every curve just did it for him. Not that he looked at Skylar that way. Never had. She was his teammate, but more than that she was like a sister to him. They shared a strong bond, one he’d never compromise by making an impulsive pass at her.

  Speaking of which, he now needed to go over the addition of the cocktail party with Nathan, Joe and Edge so they could prepare for it and ensure that Eden got there safely and that one of KGI would be in hearing distance of Eden at all times.

  He’d speak to them after the shoot, but he planned to make it brief because all he wanted to do was take Eden back to the hotel room, get her something to eat and then give her a full body massage, because she had to be uncomfortable as hell after so many hours of the same damn thing over and over.

  The selfish part of him knew he just wanted her to himself. The previous night had been one of the best nights of his life and they’d never even taken their clothes off. But it hadn’t kept him from imagining that perfect body scantily covered by that sexy silk negligee.

  He had no doubt that despite their vow to take things slowly, she would be in his bed tonight. Even if they didn’t make love, she would be sleeping with him. But he also knew that the combustible chemistry between them made having sex—soon—inevitable.

  Action resumed and in this session, Eden had been transformed into a seductive siren wearing a bold red dress that would have men drooling at a hundred yards away.

  They used props resembling iconic fixtures in Paris. She laughed, flirted and nearly drove him insane with the way she worked the camera. How could any red-blooded man possibly be within close proximity to her and not be out of his mind with lust? He knew he sure as hell wasn’t immune.

  A quick glance at the unattached males of his team told him they were doing their fair share of fantasizing as well.

  He had to call back the growl that welled from his chest. He didn’t want any man looking at her, seeing her as he saw her, even as he recognized the stupidity of such a thought. Eden was paid to look like every man’s wet dream, and it was a look she’d certainly perfected.

  It brought back all the insecurity he battled, and he questioned again why someone of Eden’s caliber would even give him a second glance.

  There were several outtakes of Eden standing with the Eiffel Tower behind her, looking sultry, her hair blowing from a fan that had been set up so it appeared she was outside on a perfect day, the silken mass lifted by the wind and scattering around her.

  Even her lines drove Swanny to the brink of insanity. She was in turns playful and full of mischief and then sultry and seductive, inviting her audience to try the product she was endorsing in a husky, throaty-sounding voice. Like she