Read When Day Breaks Page 16

  Those pictures belong to Aria. So take it out, and if you ruin it, I’ll make sure you never work in this business again. Not to mention you’ll be sued for millions of dollars that Aria will claim they lost because those photos wouldn’t be able to be used in their campaign.”

  With a sullen look, the photographer carefully withdrew the memory card and thrust it toward Lonnie. But Lonnie still stood there expectantly, hand held out for the camera.

  Swanny had gripped the man around his upper arm and now squeezed until the photographer winced.

  “Give him the camera,” Swanny said in a menacing voice.

  Looking like a petulant child, the photographer handed over the camera and Lonnie proceeded to make sure every photo was saved to the card, and then went through deleting every single photo stored on the camera itself.

  Lonnie nodded at Swanny. “He can go now.”

  Swanny turned him around and Edge fell into step on the photographer’s other side and gripped his arm in the same fashion Swanny had as they propelled him from the studio.

  When they got to the entrance they all but threw him out and he stumbled onto the sidewalk.

  “I’ll sue you for this,” the photographer yelled. “I’ll have bruises. I’ll file assault charges.”

  Swanny gave him a bored look. Edge merely studied his fingernails, digging at invisible lint underneath one.

  “Whatever makes you happy,” Swanny drawled. “But understand me on this, boy. You fuck with Eden in any way, and I mean any way at all, and I’ll come after you. There isn’t a rock you can hide under where I can’t find you. That’s what I do for a living. I get rid of cockroaches just like you and crush them underneath my boot.”

  The young man went white as a sheet and then turned and fled down the busy street.

  Edge laughed and clapped Swanny on the shoulder. “Let’s go get your girl. I think Lonnie has pretty much called it quits for the day after that stunt.”


  EDEN kept glancing in Swanny’s direction on the way back to the hotel, and he could tell she was dying to say what was on her mind or had some burning question on her tongue. Several times she’d even parted her lips as if to speak, and then, as if changing her mind, she promptly shut them again.

  This time Skylar was on Eden’s other side so Eden was seated in the middle of the backseat between her and Swanny. Edge was riding shotgun, which left Nathan and Joe in the lead vehicle, along with their purchases made earlier in the day, as they traveled back to the hotel.

  “Say what’s on your mind, honey,” Swanny murmured.

  Then he wondered if he should have encouraged that since he had no idea what it was she wanted to ask and Skylar was right there, although Swanny knew damn well Skylar wasn’t in the least fooled. She knew there were some serious sparks between Swanny and Eden and hell, the women had been thick as thieves today, whispering and likely stirring up mischief. He was just worried it was directed at him and wondered if he should be ducking and running for cover.

  Eden hesitated and then turned slightly in her seat so he could see the silent plea in her eyes.

  “Can we go out to eat tonight? I’d love to do one of those dinner cruises on the Seine. I’ve been to Paris multiple times but have never had anyone I would have wanted to share something like that with.”

  Swanny frowned, his heart sinking. God, but he hated saying no to this woman.

  As if knowing he planned to do precisely that, she rushed on. “I know we can’t go alone. I mean just the two of us. I understand the potential for danger. I’m not an idiot and I’ve actually given this a lot of thought.”

  He almost said Uh-oh out loud but wisely kept silent. Barely . . . Because a protest was already burning his lips.

  “All of you wouldn’t need to go. Just some of you,” she persisted. “Edge and Skylar could go with us. To anyone looking we would just appear like two couples out for a romantic dinner. Surely the three of you can handle any possible threat, and you have to admit, there hasn’t even been a hint of danger since that random shooting in Boston.”

  Goddamn it, but he wished her damn father had just been straight with her. Told her the truth from the start. He understood him not wanting his daughter to be ruled by fear, but fear kept people alive. It made them cautious and less trusting. Two things that could well save Eden’s life if it came to that.

  But at the same time, Swanny wasn’t sure he could handle watching that sparkle disappear from her eyes and her constant smile and sunshiny disposition weighed down by sorrow and worry if she knew the truth.

  What a fucking predicament to be in.

  Swanny saw Edge immediately stiffen and go on alert. The damn man had the ears of an elephant, and Skylar was trying her damnedest to stifle her amusement but was failing miserably.

  Swanny sighed. He knew he was a dead man, and should probably just save himself future misery by cutting his balls off, because there was no way in hell he could deny her anything. But the evening did pose a predicament.

  “Uh, just how swanky is this sort of thing?” Swanny hedged.

  “Oh it’s totally casual, or at least in theory. Some people opt for total tourist clothing and others dress a little more formally, but nothing like what we’ll have for the soiree and the launch party.”

  “There’s a problem with that,” Swanny said grimly. “I’m not going unless I’m packing.”

  “Ditto,” Edge said, interrupting from the front.

  Eden gave him a puzzled look.

  Swanny’s expression softened. “A gun, honey. We’re pretty useless protecting you if we aren’t packing heat.”

  She actually looked relieved, as if she had expected something far worse. He couldn’t quite figure her out. Guns and potential danger didn’t seem to bother her in the least. But the thought of being denied her wish obviously did.

  “Oh that’s not a problem,” she said gaily. “We’ll just outfit you in slacks and a dinner jacket. No tie. Just semicasual.”

  “Another shopping trip?” Swanny asked in horror. “We don’t have time for that if you’re wanting dinner, not to mention the planning involved in taking yet another trip to a clothing store. I’d have to clear it with Nathan and Joe and I can guaran-damn-tee they’re not going to look at those doe eyes of yours and be swayed.”

  Eden laughed, making those doe eyes even rounder. On purpose, he was certain. The little heifer knew she had him wrapped around her finger, to his never-ending disgust. And she certainly wasn’t above using that to her advantage. The hell of it was he didn’t even mind despite his early disgruntled thoughts on the matter.

  “No, silly. I have the very nice saleslady’s card, remember? And she has all your sizes. I’ll simply call her when we get to the hotel, tell her what we need, and Nathan or Joe can go pick it up, since they won’t be going out with us. Besides, it’ll take you guys half the time to get ready as it will us girls. By the time your clothing arrives and you get changed, Sky and I will be dressed and ready. I assume a jacket will conceal any weapons you carry?”

  Edge grunted, which caused Swanny to grin. Edge’s idea of packing was a little more detailed than most.

  “And I’ll just strap my thigh holster on,” Skylar said, getting into the spirit. “Never know when a lady needs a gun when she’s wearing a dress.”

  Swanny almost laughed. Despite the fact that Skylar was every bit as capable and kick-ass as P.J. on Steele’s team, Skylar was unabashedly feminine and girly in her tastes, and no amount of teasing from her team seemed to faze her one iota. He liked that about her. That she could remain her own person and still operate within the confines of KGI and be such a valuable asset to their team.

  “I’ll totally have her send you over something as well,” Eden volunteered. “Can’t have you wearing the gorgeous confection we found for the parties. I’ll ask for casual chic. She’ll know exactly what will look perfect on you. Especially when I explain the occasion. Boutique salespeople have to have an e
xpert eye. It’s what sets them apart from all the other hundreds of independent boutiques. And they have impeccable memories, so you’ll be in good hands letting her pick what you’ll wear for tonight.”

  And so Swanny found himself, two hours later, standing in the middle of the suite dressed in khaki slacks and a button-up shirt that felt suspiciously like silk, with his shoulder holster and two guns, one on either side, concealed by the darker brown dinner jacket Eden had delivered from the boutique. He had a knife and one explosive strategically hidden, but there was no reason for Eden to know just how prepared he was. She’d just tease him mercilessly anyway.

  A moment later, Eden came out of the bathroom and his mind went utterly blank. If he’d been pondering anything before, he sure as hell couldn’t remember what it was now.

  Eden was dressed in a long black sheath that clung to her every curve, with a scoop back that made it obvious she wasn’t wearing a bra. The bodice was modest, covering her entire chest all the way up to her throat, where it looped around to secure at her nape. The only thing keeping the damn dress on her. He hoped to hell it was sturdy and there were no wardrobe malfunctions because he’d be damned if another man saw what he already considered his.

  To further torture him, there were slits up both legs, coming together just at her hip bone so that every time she moved, the long, smooth expanse of her legs was bared. And the shoes? She was a tall woman but those shoes gave her at least another three inches of height, which put the top of her head right at his nose.

  “You’re trying to kill me,” he muttered. “Is this punishment for some infraction I’m unaware of?”

  She laughed. “Not at all. I want to look good for you. And even more, I want you to get a good look at what you’ll be taking off later when we get back to the hotel.”

  His entire body went rigid, his breath quickening. His pulse was about to leap right out of his chest at the preview she’d just innocently given him. The little vixen may have not been sexually experienced in the physical sense, but he had to remember that this was a woman well versed in seductive looks and words.

  And then the other thing she said registered with him and he found himself frowning. She wanted to look good for him? As if she could look anything else. But it stroked his male ego that for whatever reason she’d singled him out in a veritable sea of males who’d be on their knees for a chance to get with her.

  “Eden, honey. Unless you want to set a record for the world’s quickest dinner, you need to stop tantalizing me with that kind of talk. If you keep it up, I guarantee we won’t even leave this hotel. Because I’ll make love to you until we’re both exhausted and then I’ll order room service.”

  A knock at the door prevented him from carrying out his threat. Eden grinned and collected her handbag. Swanny checked the peephole and saw Edge and Skylar standing outside. Edge was scowling and tugging uncomfortably at the neckline of his shirt, and Skylar was grinning and looking like a million dollars.

  “All ready?” Skylar asked brightly as Swanny opened the door.

  Edge sighed and muttered something under his breath.

  Skylar seemed as eager and as excited as Eden was over the evening. But then how often did a mission afford them the opportunity to play dress-up and actually relax a little? Not that he’d let his guard down even for a moment when it came to Eden.

  He cast a glance in Skylar’s direction, knowing that in order not to be a complete dickhead he needed to remark on her appearance. He was far more used to seeing her in fatigues and camo and with blood smears, but she was indeed a very beautiful woman.

  “You look gorgeous, Sky,” Swanny said sincerely.

  Skylar actually gave him a shy look from underneath her lashes and flashed a smile through perfectly white, straight teeth. It amused him that the all-American cheerleader-looking woman was a kick-ass operative on a highly trained special ops team. Personal remarks had no place on the job, right in the middle of bullets flying and bombs going off, but here, though, it was not only appropriate but the right thing to do.

  Skylar had been very nice to Eden. The women had acted as though they were well on their way to a friendship. And Swanny appreciated that because he wanted Eden to be accepted by his team. His family. He didn’t dig too deeply into the reasons why, but they were there, hovering on the fringes, for him to ponder more deeply or perhaps admit to his own self that Eden was coming to mean a hell of a lot more to him than she should, given she was a job. A client.

  Not that such a thing had ever ruffled any feathers within KGI, since most of the men had met their wives on missions. It had become a running joke in the ranks of KGI that if any of them had hopes of finding a woman, it would have to be on a mission since they were gone so much and a relationship with a hometown girl in Tennessee seemed impossible.

  “You do look beautiful,” Edge said gruffly, almost as if he’d been shamed by Swanny’s compliment because he hadn’t yet offered his own.

  Skylar performed a cheerful curtsy and then to Swanny’s shock pulled up one side of her dress. Then he realized why.

  Holstered to the inside of her thigh was her smaller Sig P250 sub-compact.

  Then she unzipped the small clutch she held to show them an identical pistol there with two extra clips.

  “Never let it be said that vanity replaced readiness,” she said with a grin.

  Swanny laughed. “I don’t think anyone will ever accuse you of not being prepared, Sky. You’ve earned your position on this team and you’ve certainly earned your team’s respect and confidence. No need to prove anything to us. We’re a unit. Family,” he said once more.

  God, he was feeling actually mushy. Maybe it was the effect Eden was having on him. She was definitely bringing him out of his solitary existence, the wall of silence he usually stayed behind. He’d become practically verbose since this mission had started, acting more like the team leader than following the lead of the Kelly brothers.

  Thank God they didn’t have egos and act like he was trying to subvert their authority. It had never been that way with their team anyway. Rio and Steele? Absolutely in control of their teams. Their authority unquestioned. Their teams did exactly as they were ordered. Their team leaders commanded—expected—immediate, unquestioning obedience. He admired the two badass team leaders, but Swanny’s team was different.

  Their situation was different. They were led by not one authority figure but two. The twins, Nathan and Joe. And the two didn’t handle their team as Steele and Rio did. He wasn’t critical of Rio or Steele in the least. They kicked ass and got the job done no matter what. But Joe and Nathan included their team in all the decision making. They worked as a true unit. From the outside looking in, Swanny wasn’t even sure someone would even recognize who was considered the “leader.” They worked in perfect harmony, each stepping up at different times when the need arose. Just like Swanny was doing when it came to Eden. And well, he’d be lying if he said he didn’t have a very personal stake in this mission.

  He was grateful that no one had tried to talk him down. Say shit like he was letting his emotions get involved or warn him that he was losing objectivity. They accepted it calmly just as they did everything else thrown their way. It was another thing he admired about his team. They never got worked up or sweated the small stuff. They were laid back except when it came to a job. Then they were all business and worked seamlessly, feeding off one another. That kind of loyalty and camaraderie was never just there from the start. It was something that had to be worked on. Earned. And for the first while after their team had been formed, they’d spent most of their time together, learning one another and bonding. It had made them stronger both individually and as a team.

  They were a small team compared to the others. One fewer member than Steele’s team. Two fewer than Rio’s original team. Rio had lost one man several years earlier when the Kelly matriarch had been abducted from the hospital, and then he’d lost another more recently, though the man wasn’t dead. Luck
y, but not dead. Swanny understood now the control it must have taken for Rio not to kill his man after he betrayed Rio’s woman, Grace. Because he’d damn sure lay to waste anyone who fucked with Eden. Especially if it was someone he trusted.

  But Sam had made noises about adding another member to Rio’s team, which would put them at six, which would then leave Swanny’s team with five. They could probably use another man—or woman—but Swanny was reluctant to compromise what they already had. A tightly knit, loyal group that worked together like a well-oiled machine.


  Eden’s soft voice came from behind him, shaking him from his thoughts. Damn, but he was still standing in the open door, Skylar and Edge in the hallway while they talked stupid shit and Swanny was getting in touch with his inner self. He mentally rolled his eyes. Man, he had to pull it together. His mind was turning to mush and he needed to be on alert. Especially given that there would be only three people for Eden’s protection tonight.

  Eden pushed her way up beside Swanny and then smiled in delight at Edge and Skylar.

  “Skylar, you look amazing!” Eden exclaimed. “Did I not tell you the saleslady would not steer you wrong? That dress looks absolutely stunning on you.”

  Skylar’s eyes glowed with pleasure at the compliment from Eden. And it was said so sincerely that there was no doubt she wasn’t speaking from the heart. No artifice or careful politeness from her. No, she was expressive and refreshingly honest and straightforward. Yet more things to add to the quickly growing list of things he loved about Eden.

  “And Edge. Wow!” Eden said, casting an admiring gaze up and down his huge physique. “You clean up damn good. You look polished and yet you still have that air of danger that surrounds you, like someone would have to be the world’s biggest dumbass to ever piss you off. I have to say, women totally dig that. Skylar will have to be careful or you’ll have women crawling all over you tonight!”

  Edge blushed. The big man actually blushed. Swanny blinked in astonishment because he’d never seen Edge remotely ruffled, and yet he stood there like a teenager being told by his dream woman that he was the total package.

  Skylar caught it too and quickly lifted her clutch to cover her mouth, but her eyes sparkled with laughter as she watched Edge stare speechlessly at Eden.

  But then Eden just had that effect on men and women alike. She was so freaking nice. And genuine. Not a fake bone in her body. Her smile was like being touched with sunshine, and Edge was no different than anyone else in that regard. He was as caught up in her spell as everyone else who came into contact with her.

  “Glad I pass approval,” Edge said, finally finding his tongue. “If you all are ready, I’ve arranged a ride. We’ll go out the back. I’ve scoped the dropoff area. Eden said she’d have the tickets dropped off at the front desk, so I took the liberty of collecting those already. We don’t want to spend any more time than we have to in line to board.”

  “They’re VIP tickets,” Eden said cheerfully. “We’ll have a separate boarding area and separate dining area as well. Not as many people that way. I’ll go ahead and admit that I bought out half the VIP tickets so we wouldn’t have people on top of us. I figured that would put you all at ease more and perhaps you could enjoy dinner and the view better if you weren’t constantly checking out our neighbors, worried they’d jump across the table or something.”

  Swanny sighed. The woman was smart. He and Edge exchanged disgruntled looks because it hadn’t even occurred to them to set up such a thing. It gave him a measure of reassurance that Eden was taking the possibility of a threat very seriously and was acting accordingly. But then he should have known better because nothing she’d done suggested she was anything but a kick-ass, intelligent career woman with excellent business acumen, not to mention terrific instincts.

  “I’m beginning to think you don’t need us at all,” Swanny muttered. “I honestly think you could kick someone’s ass all by yourself if they tried to mess with you.”

  “Money can only buy so much,” Eden said in amusement. “But no, I’m not just a pretty face, not that I ever thought you thought so. My brothers and father have always taught me to defend myself and I’m actually an excellent shot with both pistols and rifles. And as I told you previously, though you showed me up quite nicely, David and Micah had been working with me on self-defense moves and a variety of martial arts techniques.”

  “I’m more than happy to take over that aspect of your training,” Swanny said, a grin pulling at the corner of his mouth.

  “Enough flirting, you two. I’m starving,” Skylar said. “And I’m excited to see the city at night from the river. I think this is going to be so cool.”

  Swanny glanced up at Edge. “We all set?”

  Edge nodded. “Car is around back waiting.”

  Swanny reached for Eden’s arm, pulling her into his side, wrapping his arm around her waist as they stepped from the entry to the hotel room. The door swung closed and Swanny ensured it was shut tight and not ajar and then tightened his hold on Eden.

  “Then let’s get on with your night, honey. I want you to enjoy yourself.”

  “Oh I will,” she said in a low voice as the others went ahead of them. “How could I not when I’m with you?”

  The surge of satisfaction that filled his chest lasted the entire car ride to the riverside dock.


  SWANNY relied on his gut for just about everything. It had saved his ass—and others’—more times than he could count. His teammates joked and said he had a sixth sense for sniffing out danger, but they didn’t argue that when he spoke, they listened. They accepted without reservation when he hesitated and they acted accordingly.

  Six months ago on a seemingly simple extraction, it had all gone to hell and they could have all died if it weren’t for Swanny and his legendary “gut.” They’d been sent to go in and out, cover and protect an ambassador’s wife and daughter and take them from a precarious, escalating situation in an unstable country.

  Swanny had known something was off the minute they retrieved the wife and daughter. Joe had started to lead the way to the back of the house where a helicopter was landing to complete the extrication, and Swanny had frozen, calling out to Joe as he stepped from the house.

  Thirty seconds later, they would have been in the chopper when it exploded into fiery pieces, courtesy of a grenade launcher.

  So now as he stood with Eden, Skylar and Edge, preparing to board the dinner boat, he marveled that his gut was quiet. No screaming at him that there was imminent danger or that he was an idiot for giving in to Eden’s request for dinner on a fucking boat.

  Eden looked as excited as a child at Christmas, and even Skylar had a wide