Read When Day Breaks Page 19

  They quickly explained that they were investigating this as an act of terrorism, and if there was no evidence to support terrorism, the case would be turned over to the criminal investigation section of the Police Nationale.

  Damn it, but Swanny needed time to discuss with his team exactly how they were going to approach this. Pretend ignorance and play up the angle that Eden was the victim of yet another random brush with death? It was hardly plausible, but the last thing he wanted was for his team to get kicked off the case, so to speak, and have people who weren’t as diligent as he and his team protecting Eden.

  Over his dead body was that happening. His line was drawn in the sand and he wasn’t budging.

  He exchanged quick glances with Nathan and Joe, and Joe held up a finger to his lips behind the investigators’ backs, signaling that for now, they were playing it cool and not showing their hand.

  As a courtesy or perhaps because Swanny’s expression had immediately become fierce when he’d issued his dictate as to how Eden was to be handled, the investigators let Swanny take the lead as they walked farther into the suite, where Eden was huddled on the sofa.

  She’d dragged one of the throws from the arm of the couch and pulled it around her, almost as though when he left her he took her warmth away. The color that had briefly returned when she kissed him had washed away, leaving her pale and haunted-looking again. She surveyed the approaching investigators with clear apprehension.

  Swanny leaned over, lifting the blanket as if securing it more firmly around her and whispered close to her ear, “Just play it cool, honey. Follow our lead. We don’t want to tip our hand and involve them.”

  She gave an imperceptible nod, as if moving so Swanny could arrange the blanket just so, and then Swanny took a seat next to her on the couch, sitting close enough that their bodies touched. He gestured for the two detectives to take seats in the two armchairs across from the couch separated by a coffee table.

  Skylar took a seat on the other side of Eden, and Nathan, Joe and Edge stood, forming a perimeter around the seated members. Edge leaned against the arm of the sofa where Skylar sat, and Nathan and Joe stood on either side of the investigators, their arms crossed, expressions indecipherable.

  The investigators were clearly uncomfortable with the obvious disadvantage their seating gave them, surrounded by the KGI team.

  Inspector Mercier cleared his throat and then leveled his gaze on Eden. Inspector Dubois remained silent, allowing his partner to take the lead.

  “First let me express my regret for your traumatic experience, Miss Sinclair. I want to assure you that our department has made this case an absolute priority and we fully intend to apprehend and bring to justice the person or persons responsible.”

  “Thank you,” Eden murmured.

  Underneath the blanket, Eden’s hand slid over Swanny’s leg as if seeking reassurance from his touch. Uncaring of how it appeared to the others, Swanny slipped his hand over hers, laying it atop hers so that it was trapped between his leg and his palm.

  She immediately relaxed, and some of the anxiety eased from her forehead and the tight lines around her lips disappeared.

  They questioned not only Eden but the entire team for the better part of four hours. Swanny could tell it was taking its toll on Eden, but he wanted it done with. The investigators questioned why she had such an extensive security team and if there had been serious threats made against her.

  They frowned upon learning Eden had received a close call so recently, but Joe explained that the shooter had been arrested and charged and that the tighter security was simply a guard against possible copycat occurrences given the media coverage of the shooting in Boston.

  The investigators seemed to become increasingly frustrated because while every question was answered, the responses were purposely vague, not volunteering anything more than what the investigators asked. On the surface they appeared completely cooperative and forthcoming, but it was clear the investigators were getting nowhere in their minds.

  As the end of the fourth hour approached, just when Swanny was about to call an end to the entire thing, the investigators finally stood and gave their thanks for their cooperation and promised to follow up if any leads turned up.

  Eden’s shoulders sagged in obvious relief. Swanny wasn’t sure how she’d made it this far without collapsing. She had to be exhausted and was still reeling from all Swanny had told her. He wanted to get her to bed and then meet with his team to determine their next course of action.

  Sam would need to be called in with the latest developments so he could relay the information to the team tracking the source of the threat. And though he’d certainly made it clear to Eden that she was in no way obligated to call her father, Eddie Sinclair would have to be notified. Once he learned of the event—and he most assuredly would hear of it—he’d want to barge over, and that would only draw more attention to Eden and compromise her safety. It may even be the killer’s motive. To draw out Eddie and set up a scenario where Eddie had to witness his daughter’s death.

  Eden would sleep tonight, but Swanny and the others wouldn’t. There was too much to sort through and decisions to be made in regard to Eden’s protection.


  THE next morning, Swanny’s team had gathered in Eden’s suite to discuss the day’s events and schedule. They’d spent the entire night tirelessly setting into motion plans for Eden’s protection. Joe had contacted the director and the executives at Aria and had arranged to reconvene to an undisclosed location for the shooting to resume. In turn, the filming crew had spent the night relocating and setting up. The security was tightened and more added, but only KGI would have direct access to Eden and be in charge of her transportation and handling.

  Swanny was reluctant to expose Eden in any manner, but she’d been firm when she said “the show must go on” and that she wouldn’t allow some asshole with a grudge to dictate her life or ruin her career. He had to admire her determination even as it scared the shit out of him.

  There were two more days of filming before the launch party, and the very last thing Swanny wanted was a repeat of the last time Eden had ventured out for an event. But Eden was adamant that filming wouldn’t be delayed and the launch party would be held as scheduled. Too much time and planning had been put into this campaign, and Eden refused to be the one responsible for its delay.

  Joe had reported in to Sam, who had relayed the intel to Rio’s team, which was taking the lead on tracing the source of the threat. Not that KGI had ever taken the threat to Eden lightly, but Sam was even more determined to track down the bastard and take him out. He called in Steele and his team and put them on the job along with Rio’s team so they could cover more ground and dig deeper, flushing the asshole out from underneath his rock.

  And oddly, when Swanny himself had called Eden’s father, Eddie’s response hadn’t been one Swanny had expected. He hadn’t lost his shit. Hadn’t freaked the fuck out and boomed out that he and his sons would be on the next flight to Paris. He’d even agreed with Swanny that for now he and his sons should stay put and not risk giving the attacker what he may likely want. The Sinclairs together. Eddie had agreed that it would be putting Eden in more danger and had signed off on KGI’s handling of the situation. That phone call still twisted Swanny’s gut, and his senses were screaming at him that something was decidedly off. But he put that away, because his focus wasn’t on Eddie or whatever the hell he was thinking. Swanny’s sole priority was Eden.

  Eden had just come from the bathroom after dressing for the day of filming when a pounding on the door put everyone on alert.

  Swanny immediately drew his gun and headed for the door, his team on his six. He checked the peephole, stunned to see Hancock standing outside, a murderous expression on his face.

  What the fuck? What was Hancock doing here? And why? Any time Hancock made an appearance trouble was usually in his wake, and Swanny’s hackles immediately rose.

? he mouthed to the others.

  The what-the-fuck looks abounded, matching his own reaction. Hancock pounded on the door again and it was clear he wasn’t going anywhere.

  Swanny held up his hand and motioned for Edge and Skylar to take the other side of the door while Nathan and Joe stood just behind Swanny, and Swanny reached to unlock the door.

  The minute Swanny opened the door, Hancock was in his face, hands gripping Swanny’s shirt in tight fists, so fast and furious that Swanny had no time to react. His team immediately raised their guns and trained them on Hancock, and Joe barked an order for Hancock to stand down or he’d shoot.

  “Where is she?” Hancock demanded, ignoring Joe’s threat.

  Hancock was one pissed-off ball of bristling male, anger pouring off him in waves. Before the rest of Swanny’s team could follow through with Joe’s threat or Swanny could get his own gun up and between them, Eden’s voice echoed through the room.

  “Guy? What on earth are you doing here?”

  And then to Swanny’s utter shock, she pushed by Swanny, inserting herself between the two men, and threw her arms around Hancock, hugging him tightly. More baffling was the fact that he returned her hug just as fiercely, his fury seemingly diminished now that Eden was there in front of him.

  The looks on Swanny’s team members’ faces were a mixture of what-the-fuck and utter bewilderment. Had the entire world gone insane? How the hell did Eden and Hancock even know each other, much less be on such intimate terms?

  Hancock was visibly relieved as he held Eden tightly against his body, and Swanny realized that Hancock’s anger had in fact been worry. What the hell was Hancock’s connection to Eden? Hancock was a rebel, following his own set of rules and morals. Swanny wouldn’t have believed him capable of feeling emotion for another person.

  “You scared the hell out of me, cupcake,” Hancock said gruffly.

  Everyone’s mouths fell open, even Swanny’s. Cupcake? What the ever-loving fuck? And she’d called him Guy. Hell, Swanny didn’t even know Hancock’s first name or if Hancock was his first name. He knew very little about Hancock at all other than the little that had been gleaned from his run-ins with KGI on two missions.

  But there was a softness in his expression that was never present. Swanny had never seen the man appear anything except cold and reserved, but he was anything but that with Eden. There was honest-to-God relief and tenderness in his eyes as he hugged Eden again.

  Skylar’s lips parted, and she stared at Hancock as if an alien had suddenly descended. Cupcake? she silently mouthed. For real?

  Swanny was every bit as bewildered as the rest of his team. This wasn’t a contingency they’d planned for at all. How could they have? Sure, Hancock had shown up and had crossed paths with KGI in the past, but he’d never had a personal stake in any of them. And it appeared he most certainly had a close relationship with Eden.

  A tight fist wrapped itself around Swanny’s neck as jealousy and a sense of territory violation assailed him. He considered Eden his, and he didn’t like the fact that another man, especially Hancock, was evidently on intimate terms with her.

  When Eden pulled away, Hancock looked her up and down, his eyes narrowing as if studying her for injuries.

  “Are you okay?” Hancock asked in a soft voice.

  The KGI team was utterly bewildered, and it was reflected in all their expressions. Swanny’s teammates lowered their guns but didn’t holster them, and Swanny kept his up, on constant guard because he didn’t trust Hancock in the least.

  “I’m fine, Guy,” Eden said. “They’ve taken very good care of me. Why are you here? How did you know? I don’t understand. Have you spoken to Dad or Ryker or Raid?”

  “Because I saw your name splashed across the news as having been car-bombed by a fucking RPG,” Hancock growled. “If they were taking such good care of you, then why the hell were you ever in that position to begin with?”

  “Not to interrupt an apparent reunion here,” Joe said dryly, “but can someone tell me what the fuck is going on here? How the hell do you know Hancock, Eden?”

  She turned startled eyes on Joe. “The question is how do you know Guy? And why are you all treating him like the enemy?”

  Hancock slid an arm around her shoulders, pulling her into his side, and brushed a kiss over her brow. Swanny had to swallow back the growl forming in his chest. He didn’t like what was going on here and he definitely didn’t want Hancock touching Eden.

  And yet suddenly so much made sense. With a startling moment of insight, Swanny recalled her asking if Hancock had talked to her father or brothers, as though it was an absolutely normal event to have occurred. It would certainly make Eddie’s reaction make sense, and explain why he hadn’t gone off the rails and caught the first flight to Paris.

  Because Eddie knew Hancock was on his way.

  “It’s all right, cupcake. Let’s just say that me and KGI go way back and have a somewhat tumultuous relationship.”

  “That’s an understatement,” Nathan muttered under his breath.

  “Come and sit. All of you,” Eden said in a firm voice. “I’ve had enough information withheld from me and it’s not going to continue. I want to know what’s going on here.”

  “You aren’t the only one,” Swanny said pointedly.

  Hancock followed Eden into the sitting area, Swanny and his team close behind.

  As soon as Hancock was seated next to Eden, his hand engulfing hers in a reassuring manner, he pinned Swanny and his team with his steely gaze.

  “What the hell is going on, and I want it all. I don’t give a shit what your orders are or if this is some classified crap. I want to know exactly what the situation is here.”

  “I only just learned of it myself,” Eden murmured. “Swanny told me, thank God. My father and brothers kept me in the dark. They didn’t want me to know.”

  Tears welled in her eyes, and it was all Swanny could do not to forcibly remove Hancock from Eden’s side and pull her into his arms to give her comfort. But at the moment, there was the very real issue of there being a connection between Hancock and Eden that Swanny didn’t understand. It was obvious that Hancock had feelings for her. The question was in what capacity?

  They obviously hadn’t ever had a sexual relationship because she’d been a virgin when Swanny made love to her. But she’d mentioned an obvious connection to her father and brothers as well. There were a dozen questions buzzing in his head because nothing made sense right now.

  “You found out about your mother,” Hancock said in a low voice.

  Eden’s eyes widened, going even glossier with a sheen of tears. “You knew? Am I the only person who didn’t know?”

  Hancock squeezed her hand. “I would have been here much sooner, but I was in deep cover and didn’t get your father’s calls until I saw the news and then checked my messages and spoke to Eddie. I’m sorry, cupcake. I should have been here to protect you. You have to know I’d never allow anyone to hurt you.”

  She sniffled back the tears that threatened and gave him a watery smile. “I know, Guy. And please, don’t feel badly. As I said, Swanny and his team have been taking very good care of me. I have two more days of shooting and they’ve made provisions for my safety. It all ends with a launch party after the wrap-up of production, and then I’ll be done with this job and can go back home and be safe.”

  Swanny flinched at how casually Eden spoke of going home and being safe. He damn sure wasn’t ready to let her go, but neither did he want her in danger for a second longer than necessary. Hell of a note when the only way he got to be with her was if she was in danger. He wanted to mean something to her. Something more than a protector, a temporary bodyguard, whom she would forget when it was all over with.

  Hancock looked at Swanny, obviously picking up on the fact that though Nathan and Joe were the team leaders, Swanny was lead on this mission.

  “Give me the rundown,” Hancock said, his expression now hard and focused.

Swanny glanced at his teammates, wondering just how much he should relate to a man who was nebulous at best, though he had come through twice and had saved Maren, Steele’s wife, by taking a bullet for her, not to mention getting her out of a messy situation and back into KGI’s hands and protection.

  “Tell him,” Eden said softly. “I trust him with my life. He deserves to know.”

  “Just what is your relationship?” Swanny asked carefully, stalling before he got into the details with Hancock.

  “Her family pretty much adopted me,” Hancock said, uncharacteristically breaking his habit of not revealing anything remotely personal. “I owe her father and mother a lot. Eden has always been like a sister to me. It’s because of them that I survived.”

  This time Eden squeezed Hancock’s hand and smiled at him. Then she turned to Swanny. “He’s family.”

  Swanny sighed and then related the story from start to end, including everything Eden’s father had told him. Eden steeled herself, her features locked in stone as she heard for the second time about the events that had unfolded over all these years and how it was affecting the present.

  Hancock’s expression grew colder and colder, fury tightening his features.

  “So you have the other teams tracking this son of a bitch?” Hancock demanded.

  Swanny nodded. “Rio and Steele are both on the job. We hope to find and eliminate the source of the threat as quickly as possible.”

  “Not soon enough, apparently,” Hancock said in an icy voice.

  “Eden is our top priority,” Swanny said just as coldly.

  Hancock suddenly rose, pulling Eden to stand beside him and engulfing her in another huge hug. “I’m going to run, cupcake. There’s apparently a lot I need to do. I’ll check back in with you in a few days.”

  Shit. This was not a good sign. Hancock could well blow KGI’s mission all to hell. Swanny would have to warn Sam ASAP of the new development and of Hancock’s involvement in yet another of KGI’s missions. Sam was going to be pissed.

  She hugged Hancock back, and he kissed her cheek and then strode out of the suite, not saying a word to Swanny or his team.

  “Well,” Skylar said, breaking the awkward silence that had descended. “That was, um, interesting.”

  Eden sat back down but checked her watch. “We need to leave soon. I don’t want to be late and cause more disruption to the filming. But I’d like to know exactly how you all know Guy. I’m completely confused.”

  “We’ve bumped into him on a few missions,” Joe said. “Let’s just say our relationship is tenuous at best. We haven’t ever figured out exactly what his motives are, but he has helped us in the past as well as hindered us. We don’t know a whole hell of a lot about him. Our exposure to him has been brief at best. We kind of have a tacit agreement to stay out of each other’s way.”

  Eden frowned. “So he does what y’all do?”

  Swanny glanced quickly at Joe to silence him. If Eden considered him family but wasn’t aware of who and what Hancock was, he didn’t want to further disillusion her any more than she already had been.

  “Hancock is a law unto himself,” Swanny said. “We aren’t sure ourselves exactly what he does, but I think it’s safe to say that it’s mostly classified and military.”

  “Oh,” Eden said. “That makes sense. He did join the military. Followed in my father’s footsteps. It’s just that we rarely see him, so I figured whatever he did was top secret. He’s often gone for months at a time and I haven’t seen him in two years.”

  Swanny wasn’t about to tell her why or give details as to Hancock’s activities or go into any further details about his role in the two KGI missions. There was simply no need, and she’d already been dealt enough shock. He wanted her as stress free as was possible given the circumstances, and more than that, he wanted her to have faith in him and his vow to protect her and keep her safe.

  “We should go,” Joe announced. “The car is here. The new hotel has been secured and security measures implemented. You’ll be checked in under an alias and officially checked out of this hotel. With the new filming location, it’s our hope that we’ve laid the groundwork for it to appear as though you’ve left the country.”

  Eden looked perplexed by Joe’s explanation.

  “We had a double visibly leave the hotel and head to the airport, complete with paparazzi coverage. She’s currently on a plane to the U.S. under your name. The car that will be taking you to the studio is tinted so no one will be able to see inside, and we’re all cramming into one so it won’t look suspicious for a caravan to suddenly depart the premises.”

  Eden’s eyes rounded. “You’ve thought of everything.”

  “I hope to fuck so,” Swanny said. “We’re not taking any chances with your life, Eden. I won’t lie. I wish you were on a plane back home, but I also understand how important this is to you and your career.”

  She touched his arm, her eyes warm, as she met his gaze. “Thank you, Swanny.”

  “Okay, let’s roll,” Joe said, a hint of impatience in his voice. “Take your places and let’s get the hell out of here.”


  THE tension in the studio on the outskirts of Paris was thick, a tangible air that permeated every single person working. Except Eden. Swanny didn’t know how she did it, but she pulled it off with perfection. Smiling as if she didn’t have a care in the world. Playing to the camera. Saying her lines in a smoky, husky, sexy-as-hell voice that kept him hard for the better part of the day.

  There was posted security around the entire perimeter, and Skylar and Nathan had taken position on the roof with their sniper rifles, doing constant recon and reporting to Joe every half hour.

  Every single member of the filming crew, including the director, much to his displeasure, was thoroughly searched before being allowed in, and Swanny’s team had done a sweep of the entire studio much earlier that morning before returning to the hotel to bring Eden in.

  Swanny, Joe and Edge were on the inside with Eden, standing just off the set and out of the camera range but close enough to cover her quickly if things went south. Swanny was the closest to her, purposely positioning himself in front of Edge and Joe so he could keep close watch over Eden.

  Even the director was uncharacteristically silent. He was on edge, nervous and jumpy, and his mood quickly spread to his crew, who were every bit as