Read When Good Angels Go Bad Page 6

everything in the room. The only thing I had complete control over were my thoughts and so I projected my thoughts at the open portal. "I'm only coming in to take Lynn back."

  "She is here," the voice hissed.

  "I know she's there, that's why I'm coming in," I thought sarcastically.

  Another angel snickered. Who says angels don’t have a sense of humor?

  Reaching the mirror, my hand reached up and touched the rippled glass, which vanished to steam, then clear air. I stepped inside the blackness, feeling a distinct difference in the energy around me. They were there, watching me. Curious and staring. 

  "How will I find anything?" I thought. My eyes were useless here, as was my nose, and my sense of taste. I could hear nothing. It was as if sound ceased to exist. However, I could think and I could feel their energy. Not on limbs or skin, but to the very core of my being. The energy vibrated in such a way that I felt consumed by it. 

  "Open your heart," another voice whispered. But it wasn't like I heard it. Instead, I felt the voice. It resonated in my thoughts like a song. Now I knew what it meant to hear angels sing. It was far deeper than just some distant auditory experience. No, it pulled you in, consumed you, and lifted your spirit.

  Giving way to pure emotion, I followed, not knowing if I was moving or sitting still, or perhaps passed out on the floor of the temple in Kim and Kevin's basement. Nothing existed except my consciousness, and theirs, and that all-consuming darkness. Then I felt light. Not by warmth necessarily, but by compassion and vibrancy. Another living creature. I wondered then if this is how the angels felt us, as I was feeling Lynn.

  "Yes," whispered a voice that vibrated like a C cord and then F.

  My light merged with hers and I felt the weight of it, like stone. She was clearly unconscious. "I will need help to get her out." 

  "Be the light," the helpful voice sang at me.

  The angels surrounded me. I could feel them, could feel their curiosity. I felt their gossamer wings caress my light. Focusing on carrying Lynn out, I imagined the portal and started toward it, but because I couldn't feel my body I had to imagine I had one, and that I was flying toward a bright light, back toward those I loved. Mike, Alyssa...  

  I didn't expect to catapult out of the mirror and dive to the ground gasping for air.  Everything was still foggy and my head hurt in a miserable way.  Lynn lay next to me moaning, even more incoherent than I was. 

  The blur that was Kim rushed to help Lynn up. I knew it was her because I could feel her. My own eyes had not yet readjusted to the light.

  A strong arm lifted me up and steadied me on my feet. I couldn't focus, but I could feel it was Mike. Lamont was there, too. I could feel each of their separate energies. My legs felt spongy and it was a chore to get up the stairs. He helped me sit in a chair at the dining room table. Someone brought me a glass of water. I drank, and drank, and when the glass was emptied, Mike handed me another and I drank some more. After about ten minutes I could focus and I felt readjusted to this world.

  "Why did you call Lamont and Mike? I was only in there for a few minutes."

  "Try three hours," Alyssa deadpanned.

  "You didn't have to create a trap?"

  She shook her head. "No, but we were about to."

  I looked around the table. Lynn and I sat at one end, and Alyssa and Kim sat across from us. Lamont, Mike and Kevin were standing. We all looked at each other. The doorbell rang.

  "I'll get it," Kevin said. "It's probably Brandon."

  "Good," I said, remembering I’d asked Kevin to summon him.

  Alyssa gave me that questioning look again.

  Lynn, so traumatized by the experience, seemed still in a daze. 

  "How are you?" I asked her.

  "I'll be okay," she whispered, giving me a weak smile. 

  "You need food, water, and sleep. You should take it easy for a few more days. Did anyone contact your family or check on your pets or call into your job or anything?"

  Lynn shrugged. "I live alone. No pets."

  Kim cringed. "We didn't call your boss."

  I bit my inner lip. Nice friends. Glad they weren't mine.

  Brandon made a grand entrance, his arms open. "Lynn, we were so worried!"

  Shaking my head I looked at him in disbelief. "This is the first time I've seen you since I was called in to clean up your mess."

  "You are?"

  "Elizabeth Tanner."

  Lamont pointed at me, "The Elizabeth Tanner, The Daemonolatress. Programming Director of the Black Magick Network."

  Instead of a hello or even a snotty fuck you, he gave Kevin a look of derision. "You called in a demon worshiper?" 

  Kevin cowered.

  "Someone had to come in and clean up the mess. And since I was the one who had to do it, you're all going to listen to what I have to say, and then I'm going to leave and never bother you again." I was good at laying things out like that.

  Brandon glared at me, but didn't say anything.

  "Good." I felt like I was speaking to an unruly school kid. "Experimentation is great, but you need to take more responsibility for your magick. From my understanding, the spirit trap was your idea, Brandon, and when it backfired, you disappeared, bailed on Lynn, and left your coven-mates, Kim and Kevin, to deal with it. They took it to Lamont, and Lamont contacted me. So I came in, as a favor to Lamont, and Lamont as a favor to Kim and Kevin - to clean up the mess your experiment made. You were nowhere to be found. So next time you decide to do something like this, and things go awry, maybe you should actively try to help clean up the mess. If I’m called to clean up your mess again, I’m going to send Focalor after your ass."

  The threat of Focalor didn’t scare him, a sure sign he was an idiot. "Is that all? That's the reason you called me over here?"

  "Yeah, that's all I have to say to you." Then I turned to Kevin, and Kim.  "Seriously - you guys need to tell the coven what's acceptable and what isn't. Put your foot down. It’s your house and your temple. Your rules. Personally, anyone in my group who showed the lack of responsibility Brandon here did, would be tossed out on their ear in a heartbeat. That's just a friendly piece of advice."

  I turned to Lynn then, reached in my pocket, and pulled a business card from my wallet. "If you find you've lost your job since no one in your coven thought to call your job to let them know you'd be out, call me. I know of a few places hiring, though I don’t know what it is you do. Regardless, I know people in just about every line of business."

  Then I stood up. "It was nice meeting you all, I wish it had been under less stressful circumstances." 

  "Thank you," Kim said to me. Then she shot Brandon a dark look.

  "You're welcome. If you need anything else, just let Lamont know." I nodded at Lamont. 

  Lamont nodded back.

  From her tone, I suspected Kim was pissed enough that she'd continue the ass chewing once my friends and I left. Mike and Alyssa followed me out to the car. Lamont stayed behind. 

  Mike looked at me. "Are you okay?"

  Alyssa touched my arm.

  "I'm fine. I'm going to take Alyssa home and then I'll meet you back at the house. I have guest gift bags to work on. This ball isn't going to throw itself." 

  Mike shook his head. "Life with you is never boring, gorgeous."

  Alyssa laughed.

  "Just another day, and a perfect example of what happens when perfectly good angels go bad." 

  He playfully grabbed me and kissed me full on the lips. "I'll stop and pick up dinner."

  I pulled away and started toward the car. "Some orange chicken would be delicious."

  "Bring your minion," he pointed at Alyssa, who was getting in the car.

  "Oh good. Sesame chicken for me, please." Alyssa flashed him a cheerleader smile.

  I got into the car and buckled my seat belt, and watched Mike get into his car. "Wanna help make Belial Talismans?"

  Alyssa nodded. "Yeah. Maybe I'll just stay the night if you don’t mind. It
's Saturday tomorrow anyway and Gabe is down in the Springs for the night."

  With that, we pulled away from the curb and headed toward me and Mike's place, our heads filled with grandiose ideas for our Solstice Ball. 



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  Did you like this book? Get more in the Ordo Templi Serpentis (OTS) Series: The story follows magus Elizabeth Tanner and her friends, as she navigates the underground occult scene. In each story, Liz and company find themselves sought after to help solve murders, kidnappings, and supernatural phenomena. The twist? Liz works and communicates with Daemons and her best friend, Alyssa, is the happiest Satanist on planet earth.

  Novels in the OTS Series:

  Outer Darkness

  Into Darkness

  Rising Darkness

  Ascending Darkness (Forthcoming)

  Short fiction & Novellas in the OTS Series:

  Dead Man’s Knock (Short Story)

  Sunny Satan Arizona (Novella)

  When Good Angels Go Bad

  Rocky Mountain Haunt

  Fourteen Tales of Thirteen Covens

  More than sixty years ago, a single coven rife with discord and mistrust shattered, leaving ruined lives in its wake. Its dedicated members forced to go their separate ways only to manifest as thirteen distinct covens, each with their own secrets to bear. Now, among the quiet country roads and still forests of upstate New York, a great evil is awakening and the covens may have no choice but to come together again. Are you ready to choose a side? 



  A Rising Damp

  Temple Apophis

  Lucifer’s Haven

  Shadow Marbas

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