Read When He Found Her (#1) (The Fire Journal) Page 14

  Chapter 14

  Uriz waited until the Reachers traveled past him before moving at all. They were getting ready for the arrival of their new host. Undoubtedly Harry was already down here, placing last minute touches to the sacrificial altar. “We have to move fast,” he said helping Evie to her feet. His eyes remained on the entrance towards the back of the cavern system.

  The sound of low chanting sounded throughout the cave, echoing off the solid walls and making it sound like thousands of Reachers were present. Evie felt herself freeze up. “What are they saying? It sounds like something I should know.” They were talking in some strange language but it seemed so familiar.

  He nudged his head from side to side. “Is this one of those questions you really want to know the answer to or would a general explanation work?”

  “How about I just say it's not something good. I can leave it at that.” She feared if she learned more things about elementals and everything tonight she was never going back to sleep. Already she seriously contemplated never going to a party for the rest of her life. Traveling through caverns and swimming in the river were definite cross-offs.

  They continued moving through the cave, using the irregularities to hide themselves and move through the shadows. Their feet passed along the slimy ground, skidding every once in a while on a slick patch. The drone of their chanting masked any sounds the duo made. For that, both Evie and Uriz were grateful. The sound continued growing louder as they followed the Reachers through the cave.

  Water began dripping onto Evie's head. “They're singing too loud. I think the cave might collapse,” she confessed to Uriz. She hoped it didn't. She didn't want to swim once again or, even worse, die buried underneath the pile of rubble dropping upon her. The vision of the darkness she had earlier was enough to keep her content with living.

  “I doubt it. They might have hastily built it but it can withstand the pressure from above.” The cavern system was made completely from stone. There was little chance it would collapse. He hoped. He could bluff his way for a while.

  “Water's dripping down,” she pointed out.

  “All part of the design.”

  “Because they're fish?”

  “That sounds a little speciesist.”

  She slouched her shoulder and looked at him skeptically.

  He smiled at her. It was nice teasing her. “But you're right again. They need the water.”

  “This entire place is built underwater. How could they possibly –” She was silenced once she saw the large flame leap in front of them. They had reached the central, interior room where all of the Reachers were gathered. Luckily, no one spotted them. They dropped back, hiding behind a pillar carved near the edge. In the middle of the room sat a giant altar, already aglow with what seemed like an inner flame. The rest of the room remained in darkness, ebbing with the light being given off.

  He gave her a knowing glance. “Fire.”

  “Yeah. Yeah, I can see that.” This was pretty much what she pictured in her mind. All she needed now was to see her friend lying on the altar about to be killed and it would be compete.

  “We need to figure out a way to get to the altar and destroy it.” The faint wording he read from here was atypical. He needed to get closer to read better. The blast of fire interfered.

  “They seem pretty intent on keeping it.” All of the Reachers gathered in the room; their hooded figures facing the altar. Their heads bowed as though in solemn prayer, the sound of their chanting continuing to filter through the room. She could almost recite a few of the words by now. The strange music embedded itself in her mind.

  “The thing is figuring out how to get to it before they can use it for the sacrifice.”

  “You mean Kitty.”

  “Yes, Kitty.” He had forgotten her friend's name. Names weren’t sticking with him tonight.

  “Well that's not going to happen. She's not going to be sacrificed.”

  “Oh really?” This young human was surely determined in herself right now. Even he had a few hesitations about how he planned on pulling off such a task. It would be a gamble to reach the center before something happened.

  She tapped at the rock with her nail, keeping it as quiet as possible. She couldn't move around much or else someone would spot her. Her nervousness had to come out some way. “You said they're like fish right?”

  “With fish heads, yes. I'm following you so far.”

  “If they're fish, then all we need is some bait.”

  He paused and stared at her for a moment. That was brilliant. He should have thought about it hours ago. He could have already moved on to his next task.

  “What? Did I say something wrong?” Maybe the Reachers weren’t like normal fish. It was worth a try in her opinion.

  “How are you figuring out things before me? That's bothering me. Are you sure you're not someone else, pretending to come with me to stop them so your real master can come through?” He looked at her in the eyes. She seemed normal. In his line of work, those were often the ones who were the deadliest.

  She paused. “Are you asking me if I'm an elemental?”

  “I was trying to be subtle, but yeah.”

  “I can guarantee you I'm not.”

  He shrugged. “I'll take your word on it.” He would keep his attention on her. She might be one and not know it. It would be a first.

  She returned her attention to the scene in front of her, casting a glance at him to state something else but biting her tongue. Right now was not the time to argue. “So what kind of bait can we use against them?” He might have something on him they could use.

  He shrugged to himself. “Pretty hard to determine that. They seem intent on carrying about this ritual so it would need to be something good.” He looked at her.

  “Not this time.” She pointed at him.

  “I can't be sacrificed. Not human.” He could be but she didn't need to know that. She needed to think she was the only hope. She wanted adventure and now was her chance.

  Shaking her head, she said, “You won't be. All you'll need to do is keep their attention for a few moments. It's not that hard. Just run around and be your normal self.” At least what she saw so far. They would want to come after him.

  He nodded. “Well that sounds - ” and he pushed her forward, causing her to trip over the rocks in front of her. He hid himself carefully behind the pillar further.

  “I'm going to kill him,” she muttered to herself when she noticed the eyes of the Reachers upon her. She couldn't believe he would do this to her. She smiled, hoping it would keep them from chewing through her flesh. He definitely was no angel.