Read When He Found Her (#1) (The Fire Journal) Page 18

  Chapter 18

  Evie and Uriz ran as fast as they could, the water seeming to make considerable ground. It would be a close call to see if they could make it to the entrance before it completely engulfed them. He wasn't too worried about himself – he was worried about her. The strong force may knock her against something or she could lose her breath once more.

  “Think you can hold your breath again?” He didn’t want a repeat of what happened earlier.

  “I'll have to,” she answered hearing the thunderous roar behind her. A few splashes of water crashed against the walls, sending drops upon her skin. This wasn’t perfect and certainly not something she planned on. She continued running as fast as she could, her feet slipping every once in a while against the moist ground beneath her.

  Before reaching the entrance, the water overtook them, crashing hard. Evie reached out, grabbing onto Uriz's hand. She couldn't see him in the darkness. Her second hand reached out, gripping onto his arm harder. The force continued pushing her through the system, its intensity seeming to increase. His hand slipped through hers. Desperately reaching out once more, all she grabbed onto was the flowing water.

  She felt herself being pushed out into the middle of the river. With every ounce she had, she started swimming upwards but her body could not handle everything it recently endured. She was exhausted. She opened her mouth, hoping to use whatever little bit of air she could possibly find to bring her to the top. It was no use. She knew she couldn't make it. Reaching upwards, she hoped to feel the air to give her one last bit of push.

  She felt her arm being grabbed. Uriz found her hand by accident and took hold of her tight. He kicked hard against the water, lifting her up to the surface. She couldn't help him much, only looking at him as he pushed her ahead of him into the night air.

  The breaking of her face against the surface water was refreshing. She took a deep breath, feeling her lungs once again fill with air. She coughed, whatever water being in them leaving. She officially hated swimming. “Thank you,” she said regaining her voice, “I thought I was going to die down there. Again. I'm never swimming again.”

  He smiled. “Never say never.” He took a few deep breaths himself. He hadn't expected the water to catch up with them that quickly. “Are you okay?” She seemed to be but he might not be certain.

  She patted herself for a moment. Nothing seemed out of place. “I'm fine. Could be better but I'm fine.”

  They moved towards the edge of the river, fighting their way through whatever rubble rose to the top along with them. Reaching the edge, she clambered out and sat on the ground. This was definitely a night to remember forever.

  Kitty came rushing towards her, her face filled with concern. “Are you all right Evie?” She cast a glance at Uriz, puzzled to see him as well. “Who are you?” He didn't look too bad. Then again, she thought the same of Harry. He could be one of these fish people.

  “I'm fine. Nothing's broken. And he's good too,” Evie said glancing over at Uriz with a smile, “He's the one I was telling you about.” At the moment, he was busy tapping the side of his head, trying to get all of the water out his ear.

  “Ah I see. He's the fire elemental you were talking about.” A smile appeared on her face. She needed to thank her hero.

  Uriz looked up, his attention on Evie. She gave a slight shrug, looking down when she noticed his expression. He shook his head. “Wow. So I guess no one really keeps secrets anymore,” Uriz said with a weak smile, “I need to remember that.” He was disappointed in Evie.

  “Don't worry about it. Your secret's beyond safe with me.” Kitty smiled at him. She was already thinking about how interesting it would be to kiss him. It would be a new experience.

  “I know.” He moved himself closer to her.

  Evie looked off to the side. It made sense he wanted to be with Kitty after everything that happened. She was in the friend zone. She knew her exciting night had to end at some point.

  “Then let me thank you.” Kitty closed her eyes, moving her lips closer to his.

  He touched the side of Kitty's head. She dropped onto the ground, her eyes remaining shut. He shook his head once more. Girls like her were always being taken by the evil elements. They should learn how to behave after a while.

  “What did you do?” Evie crawled over and touched her friend. She still had a pulse. At least she wasn't dead. There was some comfort in knowing that.

  “She's fine. She's only sleeping right now. In a few hours she'll wake up and completely forget any of this happened. If she does remember any of it, it'll just be like a bad dream. You’re not supposed to remember who I am,” he said looking at Evie. He mentally prepped himself to do the same to her. It almost seemed a waste.

  Evie knew where this was headed. “Are you going to do that to me too?”

  He shrugged his head, moving it from side to side. “I have to.” He would follow the standard protocol he always used. So far it managed to keep him from being bogged down by people who wanted thrills in their life. She should go on and continue with her life, living in the same manner she did before meeting him. That was fair – to both of them.

  She looked down at the ground and nodded to herself. He seemed determined to do it. After all, if she tried fighting him, she knew she wouldn't win. It didn't take a genius to know that. The only thing she could do was agree. So what if she didn't remember everything that happened. Maybe it was for the best. She could finish school, get a cubicle job, and do everything normal people did. She felt herself choking up. “Yeah sure. I guess it makes sense. Why not, you know? The best night I ever had, the most fun I ever had, and I won't remember it tomorrow. I'm really looking forward to it.”

  He felt uncomfortable now. She had valid reasons to be upset. If he was in her position, he would feel the same. The risks were too great. Her being a human, she would be in far more considerable danger than him. He would constantly be keeping watch over her, protecting her from creatures. It wouldn't be safe. “I'm glad you see it my way. Can you help me bring her back before I clear yours?”

  She looked at him incredulously.

  “It's a long walk and I don't feel like hailing a taxi covered in water.” He expected a slap from her.

  “You do know this is like asking someone to dig their own grave before shooting them.”

  “This nothing like that.”

  “Another thing you have experience with?” She glowered at him.

  He crossed his arms. “That hurt.” She felt angry with him – that was obvious. He wished she’d attack him so he could feel better. It always felt easier to wipe someone's memories of him when the last thing they did was lash out physically.

  She shrugged. “I won't remember saying it tomorrow.” She knew she hurt him. It didn't matter. She felt braver knowing there was little he could do at this point.

  “Just help me. If not, it's two bodies I have to bring back. One I can pass off as being drunk but two causes too much suspicion.”

  They looked at each other in silence for a while, neither one of them saying what they wanted to. The little partnership they had tonight was over. He knew he needed to clear her mind. Otherwise she was liable to tell everyone about him being an elemental. That was the last thing he needed. Everyone would come to him with their questions about what happens in the other planes and he would have to tell them some of the gruesome truths. No one was ready for it.

  “This is the last thing I'll do for you,” she said, meaning it. If he wanted anything else, she would refuse.

  “That seems fair.” He reached over and helped position Kitty between the two of them. He kept his eyes facing forward, unable to look at her. This was not how he expected things to go when he first arrived.

  Making it back to the house, they placed Kitty's body on her bed. Her clothes, along with the others, seemed to dry enough during the walk. Moaning slightly, Kitty rolled over once and continued sleeping. This was a normal night for her.

  Heading back int
o the living room, Evie stood there uneasily and said, “Okay. Let's get this over with.” The longer she remained aware of what was going to happen, the longer she wanted to avoid it. She couldn't fight it – having a humdrum life was her lot. She had to accept it.

  “Yep.” He scanned the room nervously. Maybe one of the Reachers or another elemental could show up and force him not to clear her mind. It didn't look like that possibility was happening.

  “Well, it was nice meeting you.”

  He bowed forward slightly. “And you too.”

  “If you're ever back over here -”

  “Doubt it,” he interrupted. He laughed nervously. He knew he shouldn't have said it so brash.

  “Well, if you ever are, feel free to drop by. I won't remember but then again I don't remember all my relatives. Just say you're one of them.” She smiled at him weakly. She didn't want to go back to normal. She hated having the same, monotonous life. Her hopes were being dashed once more.

  “Sure.” He raised his hands and touched the side of her face lightly.

  “Wait. Just..,” She started, choking on the words. She looked up, hoping to at least keep some of her dignity which seemed to be diminishing at a rapid rate. “Just don't forget me.”

  He grinned at her. “I won't.”

  She smiled back.

  Closing his eyes, he concentrated once more, absorbing the memories she had of the night. She dropped in his arms, her eyes closed tight as she slumbered. He carefully carried her to the bed and laid her down. With one last look, he reaffirmed to himself the course he chose and left the house.