Read When He Found Her (#1) (The Fire Journal) Page 7

  Chapter 7

  Kitty walked around the party, her eyes scanning through the crowd. She didn’t think she talked with her guy for too long. Perhaps a few – she looked at her cell phone – well, okay, the time did appear to be a bit longer than she imagined. Still, Evie shouldn’t be too far from here. She wouldn't have left without saying anything. That’d be rude and too spontaneous for her. Evie was the steady one – the one everyone counted on. She was probably in a corner, reading or talking with someone about something intellectual.

  Kitty made her way through the crowd which seemed to be getting larger and larger as the night went on. She tried calling Evie's cell phone. “Come on,” she said aloud to herself, hearing the fourth ring. She should have picked up by now.

  “You've reached Evie. I'm -” the voice mail started before Kitty ended the call. She didn’t pick up. This was great.

  “Great,” she complained aloud as she stopped walking and stood in one place looking around. With so many people here, she doubted she’d find her friend. She’d have to make the choice either to stay here like a loser, having everyone stare at her and no one to talk with, or leave and head home. She tapped her foot for a moment, thinking it over.

  “What seems to be the problem?” Harry asked, walking up to her with an extra drink in his hand. He pressed the glass towards her, his smile seeming bright especially in the dark night.

  “Oh nothing,” she said accepting the drink. It felt nice seeing him again. Their previous meeting had been interrupted when someone needed to have his undivided attention. He must be somehow high in the fraternity. Power always appealed to Kitty.

  He continued smiling and positioned himself closer towards her. She smelt the alluring cologne he wore and wanted to move closer to him. The smell seemed stronger than she remembered and more masculine than what normal men wore. He appealed to all senses. “I think something might be bothering you.”

  She raised her eyebrow slightly. “Why?”

  “You're standing out here, alone, and your eyes are continually moving even as I'm talking to you. That's not someone who's free to experience life.” He smirked as he finished his statement. He believed he described exactly how she thought in that moment. Now though, her eyes became completely affixed to him. That was the way he wanted her to be.

  She sensed he caught her. The only remaining option seemed to play off her concern and hope everything ended in her favor. “You might be right. Maybe a big, strong, confident man like you can help me?” She ran her finger down his chest, making a small wavy line as it traveled to the upper portion of his abdomen.

  “I might be able to.” He looked at her with a twinkle in his eye. The trap was set and the bait taken.

  “I hope you can help me find my friend. The black haired girl I came with in the blue dress. If you can find her, I would be free to relax a bit more.” She coyly raised her eyes to his. “I might give you a great reward if you do.”

  He nodded, basking in her attention. It felt nice knowing the final plans were set. Nothing could stop them now. He sensed himself becoming invincible. “I know exactly the person you’re talking about. I saw her only a few moments ago leave with another gentleman.”

  “Really?” That didn't sound too Evie like. That actually sounded more like her. It brought her out of her seduction mode. “What did he look like?” She didn't see anyone so far she thought who fit Evie profile style of date material. No one over here wore tweed or stood in the corner reading.

  “I didn't get a clear view.” He’d send someone out to find her. If she arrived at this party, it shouldn’t be too easy to keep her distracted. These human women all thought the same.

  Kitty didn’t feel sure what she should do in this situation. On one hand, a handsome guy wanted to be with her. On the other, her friend already skipped out, presumably with someone else. This didn’t seem like typical Evie behavior but she did appear a little unhinged earlier today. This might just be her way of getting things out her system.

  If Evie left with someone, she doubted she’d be back until tomorrow. The poor girl hadn't gone out with anyone in a while and would probably want to have as much fun as possible. There was no use worrying about her – she was a big girl. “I’d be so much better if you told me just one, entsy, bitsy little thing about him.” Kitty batted her eyes and gave the sad puppy face she practiced many times in the mirror. Her look usually worked.

  This time proved no different. “I can tell you it was no one from our fraternity. That's all I know. I wish I knew more to help put you at ease.” He held out his arm. “Why don't you come with me? We can find somewhere for you to wait until your friend gets back.” He gave her a crooked smile.

  Kitty took his arm, wrapping her hands around his strong muscles. Something about him drew her in no matter how hard she resisted. She felt unable to place the exact desire she experienced with him. It wasn't just his looks. She almost seemed drawn to him without a choice. All she imagined was being with him for the moment. “I think she might be out all night. I hope I don’t inconvenience you.”

  “Even better for me,” he said with a smirk, looking at her. She found herself falling even more enamored with him than before.

  A small voice in the back of her mind yelled at her, telling her she should immediately let go of his hand and get out of there. He might be some kind of crazed guy, preparing to poison her food or drug her. She read all the campus news. The past few weeks, girls always seemed to go missing at these parties. But those were the bad girls – the ones who brought it upon themselves. She wasn't like that. She only planned on having a little bit of fun for the night.

  Following him up the stairs, she waited as he opened the door to his room. Inside it looked nothing like any frat room she ever saw. The bed looked perfectly made, the corners folded tight. A stack of books sat on the nightstand arranged in size from largest to smallest. The only true sign of technology being used besides the light bulb was the laptop computer with its aquarium screensaver. He didn’t own a TV. She never saw a room without one.

  “Well, your room looks nice,” she lied, “Why don't I get out of this stiff dress and into something - ” Kitty started before Harry held up his finger to her lips.

  “Shh,” he said, “It's fine. You can stay here all night. There's no need to rush anything. Just enjoy yourself.” He caressed the side of her face gently, pushing her hair behind her shoulder.

  The voice in the back of her head started getting louder. “I really - ”

  “You're not going to notice a thing,” he stated calmly with a slight laugh. He pushed a needle, hidden within his long sleeved shirt, into the side of her neck. It pierced through her skin, embedding itself into her vein. He compressed the end of it and sent the liquid directly into her system.

  Her eyes fluttered for a moment, the drug taking over quick. She sensed her body becoming lighter, losing all her abilities to operate it. As everything started getting black, the last thing she heard was Harry saying, “And that makes five.”