Read When I Lie With You Page 2

  “Have you set a date yet?” I asked as I got up from my chair to walk her out.

  “Not yet. That’s what Daniel and I are going to discuss as soon as he gets home.”

  She walked over to Ian and gave him a kiss on the cheek. “You’re a smart man, Mr. Braxton, and thank you for bringing her home.” She winked as she looked at me and gave me a light hug.

  “You should be thanking her because I thought she’d tell me to fuck off and I’d be coming home alone.”

  Adalynn turned around and smiled at him before walking out the door. I sat down on Ian’s lap and wrapped my arms around him.

  “You look tired, sweetheart,” he said as he stroked my cheek.

  “I am. I’m exhausted.”

  “Then let’s go to bed. As much as I want to finish what we started earlier, you need your rest.”

  I pouted as I put my forehead against his. “You’re right, but there will be plenty of time for rest after you make love to me.”

  The corners of his mouth curved upwards before his lips brushed against mine. “You’re so sexy and you’re all mine.”

  “I was always yours,” I whispered as our kiss became passionate.

  He lifted me off his lap and then picked me up and carried me to the bedroom. He set me down on the bed and took down his pajama bottoms as I lifted off my shirt. I ran my hand up and down his hard shaft and a low moan came from deep inside him. He lifted me from the bed and slowly took down my pants. His mouth crashed into mine, pushing me back on the bed as he hovered over me while plunging his finger inside me.

  “I want and need you so bad, Rory.”

  “I want you so bad too, Ian.”

  He growled as he inserted another finger, making sure I was ready for him. “You’re so deliciously wet, sweetheart, and I need to taste you.”

  He removed his fingers as his tongue slid down my torso and to my aching clit. He wrapped his fingers around my wrists and lifted my arms above my head. A soft moan escaped my lips as he worked his tongue around my swollen area, which was begging for him to take me. I wrapped my legs around his neck as he continued to pleasure me, causing my body to tighten as he brought me to orgasm. As my body released itself, he let out a moan and released my wrists, taking my hardened nipples between his fingers.

  “I need to fuck you right now. There’s no more waiting. I need to be inside you,” he whispered before crashing his mouth into mine.

  The sensation going through my body was electrifying when I felt him push inside me. Every time we made love, the connection between us grew stronger. We were no longer two people; we were one.

  Chapter 3


  I stroked her hair softly as she lay in my arms. It felt good to hold her, and it felt more than right to have her in my bed. I needed her more than I would admit, and the pain it caused us both was more pain than I’d ever known in my whole life. Her scent was now embedded in my bed and this was where she belonged; not in the room down the hall or even in the room next door. But here, in my bed, where I could love her for the rest of my life. Now that we were back in Malibu, back to reality, there were going to be some issues we’d have to deal with, one of them being Richard.

  I couldn’t help but run my finger lightly across her cheek. She opened her eyes and looked at me with a smile on her face.

  “Good morning,” she whispered.

  “Good morning. I’m sorry if I woke you.”

  “You didn’t, and I wouldn’t mind if you did. How long have you been awake?” she asked.

  “About a half hour. I just laid here and couldn’t help but stare at you.”

  Her smile grew wider as she lifted her head and softly kissed my lips. “I love you.”

  “I love you more, sweetheart. Are you up for a run?” I asked.

  “Yes. I miss our runs along the beach,” she said.

  We climbed out of bed and threw on our running clothes before heading downstairs to see Charles. I could smell the fresh blueberry muffins Charles had made and they were making my mouth water.

  “Stop salivating, Ian. You can have one when we get back.” Rory smiled.

  She already knew me way too well. When we walked into the kitchen, Rory walked over to Charles and gave him a hug.

  “Charles, it’s good to see you, friend. Miss Sinclair will be moving in permanently, so you are to accommodate her and her requests.”

  “Welcome home, Rory. It’s good to see you.” Charles smiled.

  “Thank you, Charles. It’s good to see you too,” she replied.

  I walked over to the counter by the stove where Charles had the blueberry muffins cooling. Just as I picked up one, Rory walked over and took it out of my hand.

  “Hey! What are you doing?” I asked.

  “You can wait to eat that when we get back.” She smiled. “It will give you something to look forward to.”

  I placed my hands on her hips as I kissed her nose. “I’m already looking forward to something else.”

  “Me too! So we better get running so we can hurry up and get back.” She winked.

  “Damn you, woman. You’ve already started getting—”

  Rory put her hand over my mouth and whispered in my ear, “Not in front of Charles.”

  I kissed her head and ran out the door. She followed behind me, laughing. We ran down along the shoreline and kept our usual steady pace. I looked over at her and smiled.

  “What?” she asked as she caught up to me.

  “Nothing. I was just thinking about how this is our first run together in Malibu as a couple.”

  “Yes, it is. Do you like it?” she asked.

  “I love it, Rory, and there’s something I need to tell you.”

  I didn’t want to tell her, but she’d eventually find out and she’d be pissed. So I thought it better to come clean now. She had a look of worry on her face as she stopped.

  “What is it?”

  “Keep running, sweetheart. It’s nothing bad. It’s just something I did that I think you should know about.”

  “Ian, just tell me,” she said as she started jogging again.

  I took in a deep breath. “I bought the building that was the bakery and your apartment and I called in a favor to a friend of mine that works for the city and had him put the note on your door.”

  “You did what? Why the hell would you do that, Ian?” she asked as she stopped behind me.

  This was the hardest part for me. I could no longer just tell her because I could. I owed her an explanation because she was my girlfriend and simple little answers wouldn’t work anymore. I ran my hands through my hair as I turned around and stood a few feet in front of her. She had her hands on her hips and her head cocked, waiting for my answer.

  “I did it because I hated you living in that tiny little room. I wanted you at my house, and if I would’ve asked you to move back, you would’ve said no.”

  “So you just lied to me?”

  “I didn’t lie, I don’t think. I just didn’t tell you,” I said as I walked closer to her.

  “No, Ian. I think that classifies as a lie.”

  “Sweetheart, listen to me. I wanted you with me, in my house, where I could keep you safe. I wanted to save you from your nightmares, and I wanted you in my arms at night. At that time, it was the only way to get you back home.” I smiled as I held her face and lightly kissed her lips.

  “Since you’re so free with telling me things, I have some questions that I want answers to, and I feel like you owe me since you lied to me.”

  “Rory, I didn’t lie to you. But I will answer any questions you have.” I smiled as I kissed her again.

  “The blonde you took to the gala; did you bring her home and fuck her that night?”

  I couldn’t believe she asked me that. It obviously was bothering her, and I wasn’t going to lie. I wasn’t starting off our relationship on a lie.

  “No, Rory. I didn’t sleep with her. In fact, I left the gala early and left her there with Andrew. See
ing you before I left made me feel like complete shit. I came home that night, alone, and went to bed.” A small smile graced her face after I gave her my answer. “Was there something else you wanted to ask?”

  “Yes, actually, there is. When I came over the morning after you and Andrew went to dinner, I saw Andrew and the two women walking down the stairs. One of them said to thank you for last night and then Andrew said you were out running, but he didn’t know how, since you only got a couple of hours sleep. Did you fuck one of those women?”

  “That explains your attitude that morning when I asked if you were pissed at me. I knew something was bothering you.” I pulled her into me and held her head against my chest before pulling her back and giving her another kiss. “I swear to you, Rory, on my life, that I did not sleep with any of those women. I let Andrew use the room. He was with the both of them, not me. They were telling him to thank me for letting them use it. Andrew wanted you to believe that I slept with one of them. God, I wish you would’ve asked me about it that day.”

  She wrapped her arms around my neck and hugged me as tightly as she could. “Thank you, Ian, for being honest. I love you so much.”

  “I love you more, sweetheart, and don’t ever forget it. Now, can we finish our run because I can’t stop thinking about those blueberry muffins?”

  “You bet.” She smiled as she took my hand and we finished our run.


  “Damn, Charles, I think these are the best blueberry muffins you ever made,” I said as I took a bite.

  Rory looked at me and laughed as she walked over to where I was standing and wiped a crumb from my mouth.

  “You should have heard him when we were in Paris, Charles. He was telling the people at the French bakery that they needed to get the recipe from you for blueberry muffins because theirs weren’t cutting it.”

  “Ian, seriously?” Charles smirked.

  “It’s true, Charles. The muffins over there are shit.”

  I sat down at the table with my muffin and coffee and stared at Rory as she looked out the window. She was sweaty from our run and she never looked more perfect. I was getting hard just staring at her.

  “I think we need to go shower now. I have to go into the office for a while.”

  She looked at me with a smile and got up from her chair. She walked over and stood behind me, wrapping her arms around me and whispering in my ear. “Taking a shower is a good idea because I’m dirty, and I want to be even dirtier with you in the shower.”

  She ran her hot ass up the stairs as I jumped up from my chair and ran up after her. She lifted her top over her head before she reached the bedroom and threw it behind her. Damn, she was hot and I couldn’t wait to get her in the shower. She had it started before I fully stripped out of my clothes. I stepped into the shower and grabbed her hips as she wrapped her arms around my neck.

  “I’m afraid that I’m going to have to punish you.”

  “Why’s that, Mr. Braxton? I didn’t do anything wrong.”

  “But you did, Miss Sinclair. You didn’t let me finish my blueberry muffin.”

  “I do believe I taste better than your blueberry muffins. So if you’re still hungry, then by all means, help yourself.” She smiled at me.

  Not only did she awaken the beast inside, she welcomed it, and I was more than happy to do as she wished.

  Chapter 4


  I kissed Ian goodbye as he walked out the door and headed to the office. Since he came to Paris, we spent every waking moment together, and it felt strange that he left, even if it was only for a while. Tomorrow was visiting day over at Hudson Rock and I couldn’t wait to see Stephen. We Skyped every Thursday when I was in Paris, but I still missed him and I couldn’t wait to hug him.

  I walked over to the piano and ran my finger along the top. I sat down, positioned my fingers on the keys, and played some Chopin. I lost myself in the melody, but this time, I didn’t need to be transported to another reality. The reality I was in was perfect, and I was happy. As Mandy walked into the room with a smile on her face, I stopped playing and gave her a hug.

  “Rory, I’m so happy you’re back. It was awful while you were gone. Mr. Braxton was miserable and I was so afraid I wouldn’t ever see you again,” she said as she hugged me tightly.

  “I missed you, Mandy, and I’m here to stay.” I smiled.

  “I was so worried that you weren’t going to take Mr. Braxton back. He knew I missed you because he came up to me the day he left for Paris and he told me not to worry because he was going to bring you home.”

  “And he did. How were your holidays?” I asked.

  “They were good, thank you.”

  “How’s your daughter?”

  “She’s really good. Just between us, Mr. Braxton gave me a raise as a Christmas gift. He said that I do a really good job and I deserved it.”

  My heart melted at the thought of Ian doing that for Mandy. He was finally opening up and becoming the person he was meant to be before his mom left him.

  “That’s wonderful, Mandy. I’m so happy for you. Now, when am I going to get to meet that daughter of yours?”

  “Oh, I don’t know. I don’t think Mr. Braxton would want me to bring her here. He’s not fond of children.”

  I was stunned to hear Mandy say that. Ian and I had never talked about kids in general, so I guess I wasn’t aware of his feelings. My mind went back to that day when Connor and Ellery were here and he was holding Julia. He looked very uncomfortable and, when he saw me, he handed her to me right away.

  “Don’t worry about Ian. I can handle him. I really would love to meet your daughter. What’s her name?”

  Mandy looked at me and smiled. “Her name is Molly.”

  “Molly is a pretty name.”

  “Thank you, Rory. I better get back to work,” she said as she turned and walked away.

  I headed upstairs to move some of my things from my room to Ian’s. As I reached the top of the stairs, I started down the hall and stopped and stared at the door to “the room.” I put my hand on the doorknob and, surprisingly, it turned. I slowly pushed the door open and gasped when I saw the inside. The walls were no longer gray. They were a light yellow with white crown molding. There was a queen-sized bed with a beautiful duvet cover across it. A white-washed dresser sat on the wall where the hooks used to be and a beautiful matching armoire sat quaintly in the corner. I was in shock and had to look around and be sure this was the same room I had seen not too long ago.

  “Do you like it?” Ian’s voice said from behind.

  I jumped and placed my hand over my heart. “Ian, you scared me.”

  “I’m sorry, sweetheart,” he said as he clasped my shoulders.

  “Why are you home already?” I asked.

  “Don’t you want me here?”

  “Of course I do. I just thought you’d be gone longer.”

  “I grabbed what I needed to and I left. Truth be told, I missed you, and I can do some work from home.”

  “Aw, baby,” I said as I turned around and hugged him. “I missed you too.”

  “Answer my question. Do you like it?”

  “Yes. The room looks great. But why?” I asked as I looked up at him and placed my hand on his cheek.

  “I wanted it gone. The memories, what it represented; everything. The room was an outlet for me; a way to release the pain I felt inside. The women I brought here were used to this kind of sex. But, you.” He smiled softly. “You were different. I had no desire to do any of those things to you or with you. You were so innocent, and all I could imagine whenever I looked at you was making love to you as passionately as I could.”

  “Oh, Ian,” I whispered as I softly stroked his cheek.

  He leaned in and kissed my lips and then turned around and shut the door.

  “What are you doing?” I asked.

  He didn’t have to say anything; his smile said it all. “I want to make love to you in this room right now. I want to create a
new memory in here and I want to do it with you.”

  “I would love that.” I smiled as my fingers deftly lifted his shirt over his head.

  After we made love, Ian had to do some work in his study, so I put on my workout clothes and headed downstairs to the gym. The first thing I did was run on the treadmill for a while before switching over to the punching bag. Now that everything was settled and perfect with Ian, my mind wouldn’t stop wondering about what my Aunt Nancy said about my dad. He left my mom when he found out she was pregnant and abandoned his children. Desperation was settling in, and I wondered if my life would’ve been different if he’d stuck around. I felt an overwhelming need to confront him because I was pissed and hurt by a man I’d never even met. I stepped off the treadmill, wrapped my hands, put on the gloves, and started jabbing at the bag. Jab. Jab. Punch. Punch. The more I thought about him, the harder I punched. I bet he didn’t even know he had twin children. The thought consumed me as I continued to punch. The sweat was dripping from my forehead with each punch and kick I made.

  “Remind me never to piss you off.”

  I gave the bag a few more punches and then stopped and stood there, trying to catch my breath. Ian walked over to me and handed me a towel.

  “What was that all about? Don’t get me wrong, sweetheart; watching you do that was fucking hot, but seriously, it looked like you were about to rip the bag from the ceiling.”

  “I was just thinking about my dad,” I said as I wiped my face with the towel.

  “I wondered how long it would take for what Nancy said to sink in.”

  “It’s been there since she told me, but I had someone else on my mind and there wasn’t any room for any other thoughts,” I said as I kissed him on the lips.

  “You’re getting me hard, Rory. I’m standing here staring at you and wishing that I was the reason for you sweating.” He winked.

  “You’re sexy, Mr. Braxton, but I do have to take a shower. I’m starting to stink.”

  “Yeah, I know.”

  I playfully punched him in the arm. “You ass.”