Read When I Lie With You Page 7

  “Thank you, friend,” he said as he patted me on the back.

  Chapter 12


  “Would you like to feed her?” Ellery asked.

  “Really? I would love to feed her.”

  Ellery handed the baby to me and I laid her in my arms and put the bottle in her mouth. She grabbed hold of my finger and stared up at me with her beautiful blue eyes.

  “She’s so beautiful, Ellery. You and Connor make amazing babies.” I smiled.

  “You and Ian will make beautiful babies too. You’re drop dead gorgeous, and Ian, well, look at him.”

  “Thank you, but, I don’t think Ian ever wants children. Hell, he gets pissed off when you mention the word marriage.”

  Ellery cocked her head and looked at me. “Why?”

  “I don’t know. He’s totally anti-marriage. He wants nothing to do with it and we got into an argument this morning in the hotel room because the girl that brought up our breakfast thought we were married and Ian snapped at her. He was totally out of line and he saw nothing wrong with it.”

  “Are you two okay now?” she asked.

  “Yeah. He apologized after I yelled at him and locked myself in the bedroom.”

  Ellery laughed. “Sounds like something I would do.”

  I looked down at Julia as she was drinking her bottle. It felt so good to hold her and so natural. “Ian still has a lot of issues, and a lot of them have to do with his mom. He feels betrayed and I think she just really left her mark as far as he’s concerned with relationships.”

  “Help him work it out. Connor was a hot mess before I stepped into his life. You need to peel away the layers until you find the man Ian truly is.”

  I smiled at Ellery. “Thank you.”

  The elevator doors opened and Ian and Connor walked into the living room. Ian stopped and looked at me as I was holding Julia. Connor and Ellery went upstairs for a moment to freshen up before we headed out. Julia finished her bottle and I sat her up to burp her.

  “Aren’t you going to say hi to Julia, Ian?”

  He gave me a small smile and sat down next to me. He looked at Julia and smiled.

  “Hey, Julia.”

  She screeched and laughed at the same time. “Do you want to hold her?” I asked.

  “No. You keep holding her. She’s happy with you.”

  “Here, just take her,” I said as I started to hand Julia to him.

  “No, Rory. I don’t want to hold her. I’m not a fan of children.”

  His words startled me. I sort of knew that already, but to hear him say it made it very real. “How can you not like children?” I asked.

  “I don’t want to discuss this now, sweetheart.”

  I sat there and stared at him in disbelief.

  “Why are you looking at me like that?” he asked.

  I couldn’t say a word to him. His issues were on a deep, unreachable level. I looked down at Julia, because at that moment, I couldn’t look at the man I deeply loved.

  “Rory, please. We’re going to have a great night with Connor and Ellery. Please, don’t be upset with me right now. I promise, you can punish me later.” He smiled as he reached over and lifted my chin with his finger.

  He was right; we were going to have a great night with great friends and I didn’t want anything to ruin it. His issues were something that I was going to have to forget about for tonight and deal with later. I gave him a small smile as the elevator doors opened and Mason stepped out.

  “There’s my princess. Come to Uncle Mason, sweetie.” He smiled as he walked over to me. “Hi, Rory, Ian. It’s good to see you.”

  “Hi, Mason. It’s good to see you too.” I smiled as I stood up and handed Julia over to him.

  Ian said hello and he got up and lightly shook Mason’s hand. Connor and Ellery walked back into the room and asked if we were ready to leave. I kissed Julia’s head and stepped onto the elevator as we took it down to the parking garage where the limo was waiting for us.

  “Ellery really wants to take Rory to Times Square, since she’s never been to New York,” Connor said.

  “She’d love that. Wouldn’t you, sweetheart?” Ian asked with a smile.

  “Yes, I’ve always wanted to see Times Square.” I smiled at Connor and Ellery.

  “Great! You’re going to love it, Rory!” Ellery exclaimed.

  We walked around the streets of Times Square, and I was in awe. The crowds of people, the street vendors, and the variety of things to do amazed me. Being from a very small town, this was something I wasn’t used to. Ian and I held hands and, every time he looked over at me, he smiled. The words he had said earlier about children and how he wouldn’t hold Julia still consumed my mind. Connor didn’t make dinner reservations because Ellery said she just wanted to go eat somewhere that was unplanned. I really liked her. She was a fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants kind of girl and I admired her. As we were walking across the street, Ellery saw Ellen’s Stardust Diner and told Connor and Ian that was where we were eating.

  “Elle, are you sure?” Connor asked with a look on his face.

  “Of course I’m sure. Rory is going to love it! The wait staff sings!” She smiled as she grabbed my hand and we walked ahead of the guys.

  “I thought maybe we could go somewhere a little more quiet and—”

  “And what, Connor? Classy? No, not tonight, babe. I’m sure Rory gets enough class in Malibu. Tonight, she’s going to experience New York City at its best!”

  “Okay.” Connor sighed.

  The line was long and the hostess told us there was about an hour wait. Ian and Connor both reached in their pockets and Ellery grabbed their hands.

  “Oh no you don’t, you two. No trying to buy our way in. We’re going to wait in this line like everyone else.”

  “But, Ellery, I really need a drink and I’m hungry,” Connor said.

  “There’s a bar right there. You and Ian go and have a drink and Rory and I will wait in line.”

  “No. We aren’t leaving the two of you here alone. We’ll wait.”

  Ellery looked over at me. “Connor has safety issues,” she said.

  I couldn’t help but laugh. I looked at Connor and smiled as he rolled his eyes. As we were waiting in line, there were two women standing behind Ian and Connor and they were whispering. I couldn’t hear exactly what they were saying, but I did hear the words “sexy and hot.” I leaned over and whispered to Ellery what I heard.

  “I think those two are talking about our guys,” I said.

  Ian and Connor were oblivious to it all because they were too busy talking about stocks. “I’m sure they are. Women hit on Connor all the time and I’m sure Ian gets it too. I mean, look at them.” She laughed.

  I turned around and saw the one woman with the long, blonde hair tap Ian on the shoulder.

  “Excuse me. Could you please take a picture of me and my friend?” she asked.

  “Sure, no problem.” Ian smiled.

  I watched him take her phone as the two women smiled and he took their picture.

  “Thank you so much.” She giggled.

  She took her phone back and I thought she pulled up the picture to look at it. She smiled and turned her phone around for Ian and Connor to see.

  “You take great pictures,” she said as she showed them a picture of her tits.

  Connor and Ian both smiled. “I don’t think we took that picture,” Connor said.

  “Oops, wrong one. Sorry.” She smiled.

  Ellery and I both smacked Connor and Ian on the arm. “What a whore,” I said.

  The blonde looked at me. “Excuse me? Who are you calling a whore?”

  Ian grabbed my hand as Connor grabbed Ellery’s. I turned around and ignored her, but it didn’t last when she continued to speak.

  “I said, who are you calling a whore?”

  “We can take her down together,” Ellery said to me.

  “Rory, let it go,” Ian whispered.

  I stared the blonde r
ight in the eyes. “Next time you want to show off your tits to a guy, make sure they aren’t with their girls. Okay? Because we women have a code. You know the code that says we won’t try to steal another woman’s man? We women have to stick together and follow that. How would you like it if you were with your husband or boyfriend and someone did that to you? You’d be pissed, right? Well, am I right?”

  The blonde sighed and nodded her head. “Yeah, I’d be pissed. I’m sorry. I really am.”

  “I appreciate your apology. Enjoy your dinner,” I said as I turned around.

  The hostess called our name and we were seated at our booth. I slid in and Ian slid next to me. He leaned over and kissed my head.

  “You’re amazing. I just wanted you to know that.” He smiled.

  “I would have ripped her head off,” Ellery said.

  “Yes, she would have.” Connor nodded.

  “You’re a classy woman, Rory.” Ellery smiled at me.

  “She sure is,” Ian said as he put his arm around me.


  Denny dropped Ian and me off at our hotel and we said our goodbyes to Connor and Ellery. I hugged Ellery and told her to give Julia a big kiss for me. She smiled and told me to call her. After I hugged Connor, and Ian said his goodbyes, he helped me out of the limo and we made our way to the elevator. Ian pushed the button and, as we waited for the door to open, he pulled me into him and kissed me on the head. When I looked up at him and smiled, it seemed like everything for which I was mad at him earlier was gone. It was the little things he did that made me swoon over him. The elevator doors opened and we took it up to our room. As soon as Ian unlocked the door and we walked into the room, my phone chimed. I pulled it from my purse and smiled as I read a text message from Andre.

  “How is my beautiful American girl?”

  “I’m good. How is my sexy French man?”

  “The sexy French man is good. I was just checking in with you. Talk to you soon.”

  “Really, Rory?” Ian said.

  I set my phone on the table and looked at Ian. “What?”

  “It seems to me that you’re flirting with the French guy.”

  “Are you jealous, Mr. Braxton?” I asked as I bit my bottom lip and began unbuckling his belt.

  “Jealous of a man with an accent? Never.” He smiled as lifted my shirt over my head.

  “You’re not even a little jealous that the sexy French man sent me a text?” I said as I took down his pants.

  “You’ll know when I’m jealous, sweetheart,” he said as he leaned in and kissed my neck while he unhooked my bra.

  I gasped as his hands cupped my breasts. “How will I know?” I said with bated breath as I stroked his hard cock.

  He moaned. “I’ll do this.” He pushed me up against the wall. “Then I’ll do this.” He ripped my panties right off of me.

  I was excited and my heart was pounding in anticipation.

  “Then I’ll do this.” He plunged two fingers inside me. “Then I’ll do this.” He grabbed my wrists and pinned them above my head with his other hand. “Then I’ll do this,” he said as he removed his fingers and pushed himself deep inside me, banging my ass against the wall with each thrust.

  He brought my leg up around his waist and held onto me tight. I wrapped my other leg around him as he held me up with one hand and the other still had my wrists pinned to the wall. He was so strong. He thrust in and out of me as growls escaped from deep within his chest. Each thrust was harder and longer than the one before. I was out of breath and the last thrust inside me sent my body into pure bliss as he pushed me over the edge and into an amazing orgasm. My body shuddered as did his as he released himself inside me, spilling into me every last drop of pleasure he had in him. He moaned as he finished off and then buried his face into my neck.

  “Yes, I’m jealous,” he whispered.

  He let go of my wrists and I wrapped my arms around him, holding him tight. He carried me to the bedroom, still buried deep inside me and laid me down on the bed. He hovered over me and stared into my eyes.

  “You’re mine and don’t ever forget it,” he said.

  “How can I when you fuck me like that?”

  He smiled as he leaned down and kissed me on the lips.

  Chapter 13


  We boarded the plane and took our seats in first class. I always let Rory have the window seat because she said it calmed her to look at the clouds. I sat there, thinking about what my father said about his plane. There was no need for him to buy a new one because there was nothing wrong with the one he had. It wasn’t like him just to buy things like that.

  “You look like you’re in deep thought.” Rory smiled as she took hold of my hand.

  “I was just thinking about my father and him buying a new plane. It’s just odd to me.”

  “Why? The man can afford it,” she said.

  “I know he can, but that’s not the point. The plane he has now is practically brand new. It’s only a few years old. It’s just out of character for him.”

  “Well, maybe Richard is having a change of heart about things. He was very nice to me that night he came over, for the first time ever.”

  “I’m happy he’s finally warming up to you. He has no choice, really,” I said as I brought her hand to my lips. Did you enjoy New York, sweetheart?”

  “I did. Thank you for taking me.” She smiled.

  One of the many things I loved about Rory was the fact that she was always thanking me for things. She didn’t expect anything from me except my love, and I knew Andrew was dead wrong about her.

  “You’re welcome. There are going to be many more trips in our future. I’m going to show you the world, Rory Sinclair. Just the two of us.” I smiled.

  She smiled back and rested her head on my shoulder. I rested my head on hers and closed my eyes, remembering our day yesterday, when it was just her and me spending the day touring New York City. She was so excited about everything; like a big kid. She fell in love with the art museum and, of course, all the shopping we did. We were only interrupted by Adalynn a couple of times when she was face timing Rory and showing her maid of honor dresses that she liked. I made a comment and she told me to shut up. I loved Adalynn and nothing pleased me more than her and Rory becoming best friends. Rory needed someone like Adalynn in her life. I lifted my head and so did Rory. She looked at me and then leaned over and gave me a kiss.

  “I love you,” she said.

  “I love you.” I smiled.

  Those words. Those three words that I never spoke to anyone except to my mother when I was just a child. Those three words that meant nothing to me and had no meaning. My mother had told me she loved me every day, but she left and never came back. As far as I was concerned, she showed me that those words didn’t have any meaning. But, when I almost lost Rory, I found that those three words meant everything to me.


  We pulled up to the house and I saw Adalynn’s car in the driveway. I looked at Rory.

  “Did you know she was coming over?” I asked.

  Rory looked away and then made the cutest face that I’d ever seen. “Well, she texted me and said she wanted to show me some dresses, so I said okay. I’m sorry, Ian. It’s just that—”

  “Shh, sweetheart. It’s okay,” I said as I kissed her.

  How could I be mad? Rory was so excited to see those dresses and who was I to deny her that? We had a beautiful few days alone and now it was time for her to help Adalynn with the wedding. As soon as we walked into the house, Adalynn came strolling out of the kitchen. She ran right to Rory and hugged her.

  “I’m so happy you’re back. I can’t wait to show you the dresses! Oh, hi, Ian.” She smiled.

  “Hi, Adalynn. Good to see you, darling.” I smiled as I kissed her cheek.

  “Good to see you too.” She smiled before grabbing Rory’s hand and taking her into the living room.

  While Rory was looking at dresses, I went into my study to catch up
on some work. I pulled my phone from my pocket and noticed I had a missed call from Andrew. I punched in my password and listened to his message.

  “Hey, Ian. Hope you had a good time in New York. Give me a call when you get back. I’m not sure if you remember, but that event we committed to about six months ago is coming up next week and you have to be there. Call me.”

  Shit, I forgot about the event for K Corp. Damn it. I dialed Andrew’s number.

  “Hey, buddy,” he answered.

  “Hey, Drew. I completely forgot about the K Corp event.”

  “Good thing I reminded you. We both sponsored it, so we have to be there.”

  “No problem, Rory and I will be there. I suggest you bring someone along.”

  “Don’t worry, friend. I intend to. I knew there was no way you would leave Rory at home.”

  “Good, as long as we’re clear on that.”

  “Are you up for some golf tomorrow? It’s Sunday.”

  I did miss playing golf and maybe it was a good idea to spend some time with Andrew so he’d get off my back about Rory. “Sure. How about nine?” I said.

  “Great, Ian! I’ll pick you up tomorrow morning. See ya, buddy.”

  I hung up and continued going through my messages. I was going to have to tell Rory about her father and I was still trying to decide when to do it.

  “You look like you’re in deep thought,” Rory said as she stood in the doorway.

  I looked up and gasped when I saw her standing there in a floor-length red dress. She looked like an angel.

  “Do you like?” She smiled as she spun around.

  “You look gorgeous, sweetheart, simply stunning. Is that the one?”

  “Yeah, I think so. I love it and so does Adalynn.”

  “It’s perfect.” I smiled.

  “I’ll be sure to tell her. I’m going to go change.”

  “Okay. I’ll be done here in a few minutes.”

  I watched her beautiful body turn around and walk away. I decided that maybe it was best to tell her about her father tonight, over a couple of drinks and some Thai food out on the patio. I unlocked my top right hand drawer to get out my checks and, as I pulled them out, I stared at the white envelope that I’d kept tucked away for the past five years. A white envelope that was addressed to me. There was no return address on it, but I knew who it was from and I had no desire to or intention of reading it. I didn’t even know why I kept the damn thing. I shut the drawer just as Adalynn walked in.