Read When Knighthood Was in Flower Page 2

  The Play

  The initial performance of the play was given in St. Louis on theevening of November 26, 1900, and the first New York production was onthe fourteenth of the following January.

  Its instant and continued success is well known. A prominent dramaticcritic of the press has said:

  "Julia Marlowe fully realized the popular idea of the Mary describedby the novelist. She seemed to revel in the role. With itsinstantaneous changes from gay daring to anger and fear, from coynessto the dignity that hedges a princess, from resentment to ardent love,the part of Mary Tudor gives Julia Marlowe full scope for the displayof her talent. She has never appeared to better or as good advantageas in this play for the reason that it gives opportunity for broaderand more effective lights and shades than anything she has hithertogiven us."

  When Knighthood Was in Flower