Read When Knighthood Was in Flower Page 25

  _Note by the Editor_

  Sir Edwin Caskoden's history differs in some minor details from otherauthorities of the time. Hall's chronicle says Sir William Brandon,father of Charles, had the honor of being killed by the hand ofRichard III himself, at Bosworth Field, and the points wherein hisaccount of Charles Brandon's life differs from that of Sir Edwin maybe gathered from the index to the 1548 edition of that work, which isas follows:

  CHARLES BRANDON, ESQUIRE, Is made knight, Created Viscount Lysle, Made duke of Suffolke, Goeth to Paris to the Iustes, Doeth valiantly there, Returneth into England, He is sent into Fraunce to fetch home the French quene into England, He maryeth her,and so on until "He dyeth and is buryed at Wyndesore."

  No mention is made in any of the chronicles of the office of Master ofDance. In all other essential respects Sir Edwin is corroborated byhis contemporaries.

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