Read When Knighthood Was in Flower Page 7


  _A Lesson in Dancing_

  I laughed heartily when Jane told me of the tilt between Brandon andPrincess Mary, the latter of whom was in the habit of saying unkindthings and being thanked for them.

  Brandon was the wrong man to say them to, as Mary learned. He was nothot-tempered; in fact, just the reverse, but he was the last man tobrook an affront, and the quickest to resent, in a cool-headed,dangerous way, an intentional offense.

  He respected himself and made others do the same, or seem to do so, atleast. He had no vanity--which is but an inordinate desire for thosequalities that bring self-respect, and often the result of consciousdemerit--but he knew himself, and knew that he was entitled to his owngood opinion. He was every inch a man, strong, intelligent and braveto temerity, with a reckless disregard of consequences, which mighthave been dangerous had it not been tempered by a dash of prudence andcaution that gave him ballast.

  I was not surprised when I heard of the encounter; for I knew enoughof him to be sure that Mary's high-handedness would meet itscounterpart in my cool friend Brandon. It was, however, an unfortunatevictory, and what all Mary's beauty and brightness would have failedto do, her honest, open acknowledgment of wrong, following so quicklyupon the heels of her fault, accomplished easily. It drew him withinthe circle of her fatal attractions, and when Jane told me of it, Iknew his fate was sealed, and that, sooner or later, his untouchedheart and cool head would fall victim to the shafts that so surelywinged all others.

  It might, and probably would, be "later," since, as Brandon had said,he was not one of those who wear the heart upon the sleeve. Then hehad that strong vein of prudence and caution, which, in view of Mary'sunattainableness, would probably come to his help. But never was man'sheart strong enough to resist Mary Tudor's smile for long.

  There was this difference between Brandon and most others--he would beslow to love, but when love should once fairly take root in hisintense nature, he would not do to trifle with.

  The night after the meeting, Mary cuddled up to Jane, who slept withher, and whispered, half bashfully:

  "Tell me all about Brandon; I am interested in him. I believe if Iknew more persons like him I should be a better girl, notwithstandinghe is one of the boldest men I ever knew. He says anything he wishes,and, with all his modest manner, is as cool with me as if I were aburgher's daughter. His modesty is all on the outside, but it ispretty, and pretty things must be on the outside to be useful. Iwonder if Judson thought him modest?"

  Jane talked of Brandon to Mary, who was in an excellent humor, untilthe girls fell asleep.

  When Jane told me of this I became frightened; for the surest way toany woman's heart is to convince her that you make her better, andarouse in her breast purer impulses and higher aspirations. It wouldbe bad enough should Brandon fall in love with the princess, which wasalmost sure to happen, but for them to fall in love with each othermeant Brandon's head upon the block, and Mary's heart bruised, brokenand empty for life. Her strong nature, filled to the brim with latentpassion, was the stuff of which love makes a conflagration that burnsto destruction; and should she learn to love Brandon, she would moveheaven and earth to possess him.

  She whose every desire from childhood up had been gratified, whoseevery whim seemed to her a paramount necessity, would stop at nothingwhen the dearest wish a woman's heart can coin was to be gained orlost. Brandon's element of prudence might help him, and mightforestall any effort on his part to win her, but Mary had never heardof prudence, and man's caution avails but little when set againstwoman's daring. In case they both should love, they were sure to tryfor each other, and in trying were equally sure to find ruin anddesolation.

  A few evenings after this I met the princess in the queen'sdrawing-room. She beckoned me to her, and, resting her elbows on thetop of a cabinet, her chin in her hands, said: "I met your friend,Captain Brandon, a day or two ago. Did he tell you?"

  "No," I answered; "Jane told me, but he has not mentioned it."

  It was true Brandon had not said a word of the matter, and I had notspoken of it, either. I wanted to see how long he would remain silentconcerning an adventure that would have set most men of the courtboasting at a great rate. To have a tilt with the ever-victoriousMary, and to come off victor, was enough, I think, to loosen anytongue less given to bragging than Brandon's.

  "So," continued Mary, evidently somewhat piqued, "he did not think hispresentation to me a thing worth mentioning? We had a littlepassage-at-arms, and, to tell you the truth, I came off second best,and had to acknowledge it, too. Now, what do you think of this newfriend of yours? And he did not boast about having the better of me?After all, there is more virtue in his silence than I at firstthought." And she threw back her head, and clapped her hands andlaughed with the most contagious little ripple you ever heard. Sheseemed not to grieve over her defeat, but dimpled as though it were ahuge joke, the thought of which rather pleased her than otherwise.Victory had grown stale for her, although so young.

  "What do I think of my new friend?" I repeated after her; and thatgave me a theme upon which I could enlarge eloquently. I told her ofhis learning, notwithstanding the fact that he had been in thecontinental wars ever since he was a boy. I repeated to her stories ofhis daring and bravery, that had been told to me by his uncle, theMaster of the Horse, and others, and then I added what I knew LadyJane had already said. I had expected to be brief, but to my surprisefound a close and interested listener, even to the twice-told parts,and drew my story out a little, to the liking of us both.

  "Your friend has an earnest advocate in you, Sir Edwin," said theprincess.

  "That he has," I replied. "There is nothing too good to say of him."

  I knew that Mary, with her better, clearer brain, held the king almostin the palm of her hand, so I thought to advance Brandon's fortune bya timely word.

  "I trust the king will see fit to favor him, and I hope that you willspeak a word in his behalf, should the opportunity occur."

  "What in the name of heaven have we to give him?" cried Maryimpatiently, for she kept an eye on things political, even if she wereonly a girl--"the king has given away everything that can be given,already, and now that the war is over, and men are coming home, thereare hundreds waiting for more. My father's great treasure issquandered, to say nothing of the money collected from Empson,Dudley, and the other commissioners. There is nothing to give unlessit be the titles and estate of the late Duke of Suffolk. Perhaps theking will give these to your paragon, if you will paint him in as faira light as you have drawn him for me." Then throwing back her headwith a laugh, "Ask him."

  "It would be none too much for his deserts," I replied, falling inwith her humor.

  "We will so arrange it then," went on Mary, banteringly; "CaptainBrandon no longer, but Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk. How soundsit, Master Caskoden?"

  "Sweet in my ears," I replied.

  "I really believe you would have the king's crown for him, you absurdman, if you could get it. We must have so interesting a person atcourt; I shall at least see that he is presented to the queen at once.I wonder if he dances; I suppose not. He has probably been too busycutting and thrusting." And she laughed again at her own pleasantry.

  When the mirth began to gather in her face and the dimples cameresponsive to her smiles; when she threw back her perfectly poisedhead, stretching her soft, white throat, so full and round andbeautiful, half closing her big brown eyes till they shone again frombeneath the shade of those long, black sweeping lashes; when her redlips parted, showing her teeth of pearl, and she gave the little clapof her hands--a sort of climax to the soft, low, rippling laugh--shemade a picture of such exquisite loveliness that it is no wonder menwere fools about her, and caught love as one catches a contagion. Ihad it once, as you already know, and had recovered. All thatprevented a daily relapse was my fair, sweet antidote, Jane, whoseimage rested in my heart, a lasting safeguard.

  "I wonder if your prodigy plays cards; that is, such as
we ladiesplay?" asked Mary. "You say he has lived much in France, where thegame was invented, but I have no doubt he would scorn to waste histime at so frivolous a pursuit, when he might be slaughtering armiessingle-handed and alone."

  "I do not know as to his dancing and card-playing, but I dare venturea wager he does both," I replied, not liking her tone of sarcasm. Shehad yet to learn who Brandon was.

  "I will hazard ten crowns," said Mary quickly, for she loved a wagerand was a born gambler.

  "Taken," said I.

  "We will try him on both to-morrow night in my drawing-room," shecontinued. "You bring him up, but tell no one. I will have Jane therewith her lute, which will not frighten you away, I know, and we willtry his step. I will have cards, too, and we shall see what he can doat triumph. Just we four--no one else at all. You and Jane, the newDuke of Suffolk and I. Oh! I can hardly wait," and she fairly dancedwith joyous anticipation.

  The thing had enough irregularity to give it zest, for while Maryoften had a few young people in her drawing-room, the companies werenever so small as two couples only, and the king and queen, to make upfor greater faults, were wonderful sticklers in the matter of littleproprieties.

  The ten-crown wager, too, gave spice to it, but to do her justice shecared very little for that. The princess loved gambling purely forgambling's sake, and with her, the next best thing to winning waslosing.

  When I went to my room that night, I awakened Brandon and told him ofthe distinguished honor that awaited him.

  "Well! I'll be"--but he did not say what he would "be." He alwayshalted before an oath, unless angry, which was seldom, but thenbeware!--he had learned to swear in Flanders. "How she did fly at methe other morning. I never was more surprised in all my life. For onceI was almost caught with my guard down, and did not know how to parrythe thrust. I mumbled over some sort of a lame retaliation and beat aretreat. It was so unjust and uncalled-for that it made me angry; butshe was so gracious in her amends that I was almost glad it happened.I like a woman who can be as savage as the very devil when it pleasesher; she usually has in store an assortment of possibilities for theother extreme."

  "She told me of your encounter," I returned, "but said she had comeoff second best, and seemed to think her overthrow a huge joke."

  "The man who learns to know what a woman thinks and feels will have agreat deal of valuable information," he replied; and then turned overfor sleep, greatly pleased that one woman thought as she did.

  I was not sure he would be so highly flattered if he knew that he hadbeen invited to settle a wager, and to help Mary to a little sport.

  As to the former, I had an interest there myself, although I dared notsettle the question by asking Brandon if he played cards and danced;and, as to the matter of Mary's sport, I felt there was but little, ifany, danger of her having too much of it at his expense, Brandon beingwell able to care for himself in that respect.

  The next evening, at the appointed time, we wended our way, by anunfrequented route, and presented ourselves, as secretly as possible,at the drawing-room of the princess.

  The door was opened by Lady Jane, and we met the two girls almost atthe threshold. I had told Brandon of the bantering conversation aboutthe title and estates of the late Duke of Suffolk, and he had laughedover it in the best of humor. If quick to retaliate for an intentionaloffense, he was not thin-skinned at a piece of pleasantry, and hadnone of that stiff, sensitive dignity, so troublesome to one's selfand friends.

  Now, Jane and Mary were always bantering me because I was short, andinclined to be--in fact--round, but I did not care. It made themlaugh, and their laughing was so contagious it made me laugh, too, andwe all enjoyed it. I would give a pound sterling any time for a goodlaugh; and that, I think, is why I have always been--round.

  So, upon entering, I said:

  "His grace, the Duke of Suffolk, ladies."

  They each made a sweeping courtesy, with hand on breast, and gravelysaluted him:

  "Your grace! good even'."

  Brandon's bow was as deep and graceful, if that were possible, astheirs, and when he moved on into the room it was with a little haltin his step, and a big blowing out of the cheeks, in ludicrousimitation of his late lamented predecessor, that sent the girls intopeals of soft laughter and put us all at our ease immediately.

  Ah! what a thing it is to look back upon; that time of life when onefinds his heaven in a ready laugh!

  "Be seated all," said the princess. "This is to be without ceremony,and only we four. No one knows a word of it. Did you tell any one, SirEdwin?"

  "Perish the thought," I exclaimed.

  She turned her face toward Brandon, "--but I know you did not. I'veheard how discreet you were about another matter. Well, no one knowsit then, and we can have a famous evening. You did not expect this,Master Brandon, after my reception of you the other morning? Were younot surprised when Sir Edwin told you?"

  "I think I can safely say that I was prepared not to be surprised atanything your highness might graciously conclude to do--after my firstexperience," he answered, smiling.

  "Indeed?" returned Mary with elevated eyebrows, and a risinginflection on the last syllable of the word. It was now her turn for alittle surprise. "Well, we'll try to find some way to surprise you oneof these days;" and the time came when she was full of surprises forhim. Mary continued: "But let us not talk about the other day. Of whatuse are 'other days,' anyway? Before the evening is over, MasterBrandon, we want you to give us another sermon," and she laughed,setting off three other laughs as hearty and sincere as if she haduttered the rarest witticism on earth.

  The princess had told Jane and Jane had told me of the "Sermon in thePark," as Mary called it.

  "Jane needs it as much as I," said the princess.

  "I can't believe that," responded Brandon, looking at Jane with asoftening glance quite too admiring and commendatory to suit me; for Iwas a jealous little devil.

  The eyebrows went up again.

  "Oh! you think she doesn't? Well, in truth, Master Brandon, there isone failing that can not be laid at your door; you are no flatterer."For answer Brandon laughed, and that gave us the cue, and away we wentin a rippling chorus, all about nothing. Some persons may call ourlaughter foolish, but there are others who consider it the height ofall wisdom. St. George! I'd give my Garter for just one other laughlike that; for just one other hour of youth's dancing blood andglowing soul-warmth; of sweet, unconscious, happy heart-beat andparadise-creating joy in everything.

  After a few minutes of gay conversation, in which we all joined, Maryasked: "What shall we do? Will one of you suggest something?"

  Jane sat there looking so demure you would have thought mischief couldnot live within a league of her, but those very demure girls arenearly always dangerous. She said, oh! so innocently:

  "Would you like to dance? If so, I will play." And she reached for herlute, which was by her side.

  "Yes, that will be delightful. Master Brandon, will you dance withme?" asked the princess, with a saucy little laugh, her invitationmeaning so much more to three of us than to Brandon. Jane and I joinedin the laugh, and when Mary clapped her hands that set Brandon off,too, for he thought it the quaintest, prettiest little gesture in theworld, and was all unconscious that our laugh was at his expense.

  Brandon did not answer Mary's invitation--the fit of laughter hadprobably put it out of his mind--so she, evidently anxious to win orlose her wager at once, again asked him if he danced.

  "Oh, pardon me. Of course. Thank you." And he was on his feet besideher chair in an instant ready for the dance. This time the girl'slaugh, though equally merry, had another tone, for she knew she hadlost.

  Out they stepped upon the polished floor, he holding her hand in his,awaiting the pause in the music to take the step. I shall never forgetthe sight of those two standing there together--Mary, dark-eyed andglowing; Brandon, almost rosy, with eyes that held the color of a deepspring sky, and a wealth of flowing curls crowning his six feet ofperfect m
anhood, strong and vigorous as a young lion. Mary, full ofbeauty-curves and graces, a veritable Venus in her teens, and Brandon,an Apollo, with a touch of Hercules, were a complement each to theother that would surely make a perfect one.

  When the music started, off they went, heel and toe, bow and courtesy,a step forward and a step back, in perfect time and rhythm--a poem ofhuman motion. Could Brandon dance? The princess had her answer in thefirst ten steps. Nothing could be more graceful than Brandon'sdancing, unless it were Mary's. Her slightest movement was graceitself. When she would throw herself backward in thrusting out hertoe, and then swing forward with her head a little to one side, heruplifted arm undulating like the white neck of a swan,--for hersleeve, which was slit to the shoulder, fell back and left itbare,--she was a sight worth a long journey to see. And when shelooked up to Brandon with a laugh in her brown eyes, and a curvingsmile just parting her full, red lips, that a man would give his veryluck to--but I had better stop.

  "Was there ever a goodlier couple?" I asked Jane, by whose side I sat.

  "Never," she responded as she played, and, strange to say, I wasjealous because she agreed with me. I was jealous because I feared itwas Brandon's beauty to which she referred. That I thought wouldnaturally appeal to her. Had he been less handsome, I should perhapshave thought nothing of it, but I knew what my feelings were towardMary, and I judged, or rather misjudged, Jane by myself. I supposedshe would think of Brandon as I could not help thinking of Mary. Wasanything in heaven or earth ever so beautiful as that royal creature,dancing there, daintily holding up her skirts with thumb and firstfinger, just far enough to show a distracting little foot and ankle,and make one wish he had been born a sheep rather than a sentient manwho had to live without Mary Tudor? Yet, strange as it may seem, I wasreally and wholly in love with Jane; in fact, I loved no one but Jane,and my feeling of intense admiration for Mary was but a part of man'scomposite inconstancy.

  A woman--God bless her--if she really loves a man, has no thought ofany other; one at a time is all-sufficient; but a man may love onewoman with the warmth of a simoon, and at the same time feel like agood healthy south wind toward a dozen others. That is the differencebetween a man and a woman--the difference between the good and thebad. One average woman has enough goodness in her to supply an army ofmen.

  Mary and Brandon went on dancing long after Jane was tired of playing.It was plain to see that the girl was thoroughly enjoying it. Theykept up a running fire of small talk, and laughed, and smiled, andbowed, and courtesied, all in perfect time and grace.

  It is more difficult than you may think, if you have never tried, tokeep up a conversation and dance La Galliard, at the same time--one isapt to balk the other--but Brandon's dancing was as easy to him aswalking, and, although so small a matter, I could see it raised himvastly in the estimation of both girls.

  "Do you play triumph?" I heard Mary ask in the midst of the dancing.

  "Oh! yes," replied Brandon, much to my delight, as the princess threwa mischievous, knowing glance over her shoulder to see if I had heard.She at once saw I had, and this, of course, settled the wager.

  "And," continued Brandon, "I also play the new game, 'honor andruff,' which is more interesting than triumph."

  "Oh! do you?" cried Mary. "That will more than compensate for the lossof my ten crowns. Let us sit down at once; I have been wishing tolearn, but no one here seems to know it. In France, they say, it isthe only game. I suppose there is where you learned it? Perhaps youknow their new dances too! I have heard they are delightful!"

  "Yes, I know them," replied Brandon.

  "Why, you are a perfect treasure; teach me at once. How now, Master ofthe Dance? Here is your friend outdoing you in your own line."

  "I am glad to hear it," I returned.

  "If Lady Jane will kindly play some lively air, written in the time of'The Sailor Lass,' I will teach the Lady Mary the new dance," saidBrandon.

  Jane threw one plump little knee over the other and struck up "TheSailor Lass." After she had adjusted the playing to Brandon'ssuggestion, he stepped deliberately in front of Mary, and, taking herright hand in his left, encircled her waist with his right arm. Thegirl was startled at first and drew away. This nettled Brandon alittle, and he showed it plainly.

  "I thought you wished me to teach you the new dance?" he said.

  "I do, but--but I did not know it was danced that way," she repliedwith a fluttering little laugh, looking up into his face with a halfshy, half apologetic manner, and then dropping her lashes beforehis gaze.

  "Oh, well!" said Brandon, with a Frenchman's shrug of the shoulders,and then moved off as if about to leave the floor.

  "But is that really the way you--they dance it? With your--their armaround my--a lady's waist?"

  "I should not have dared venture upon such a familiarity otherwise,"answered Brandon, with a glimmer of a smile playing around his lipsand hiding in his eyes.

  Mary saw this shadowy smile, and said: "Oh! I fear your modesty willcause you hurt; I am beginning to believe you would dare do anythingyou wish. I more than half suspect you are a very bold man,notwithstanding your smooth, modest manner."

  "You do me foul wrong, I assure you. I am the soul of modesty, andgrieve that you should think me bold," said Brandon, with a broadeningsmile.

  Mary interrupted him. "Now, I do believe you are laughing at me--at myprudery, I suppose you think it."

  Mary would rather have been called a fool than a prude, and I thinkshe was right. Prudery is no more a sign of virtue than a wig is ofhair. It is usually put on to hide a bald place.

  The princess stood irresolute for a moment, in evident hesitation andannoyance.

  "You are grieving because I think you bold! And yet you stand therelaughing at me to my face. I think so more than ever now. I know it.Oh, you make me angry! Don't! I do not like persons who anger me andthen laugh at me." This turned Brandon's smile into a laugh which hecould not hold back.

  Mary's eyes shot fire, and she stamped her foot, exclaiming: "Sir,this goes beyond all bounds; I will not tolerate your boldness anothermoment." I thought she was going to dismiss him, but she did not. Thetime had come when he or she must be the master.

  It was a battle royal between the forces on the floor, and I enjoyedit and felt that Brandon would come out all right.

  He said good-humoredly: "What, shall you have all the laugh in yoursleeve at my expense? Do you expect to bring me here to win a wagerfor you, made on the assumption of my stupidity and lack of socialaccomplishments, and then complain when it comes my turn to laugh? Ithink I am the one who should be offended, but you see I am not."

  "Caskoden, did you tell him?" demanded Mary, evidently referring tothe wager.

  "He said not a word of it," broke in Brandon, answering for me; "Ishould have been a dullard, indeed, not to have seen it myself afterwhat you said about the loss of your ten crowns; so let us cry quitsand begin again."

  Mary reluctantly struck her flag.

  "Very well, I am willing," she said laughingly; "but as to yourboldness, I still insist upon that; I forgive you, however, thistime." Then, half apologetically, "After all, it is not such agrievous charge to make. I believe it never yet injured any man withwomen; they rather like it, I am afraid, however angry it makes them.Don't they, Jane?"

  Jane, of course, "did not know," so we all laughed, as usual, upon theslightest pretext, and Mary, that fair bundle of contradictions andquick transitions, stepped boldly up to Brandon, with her colorsflying in her cheeks, ready for the first lesson in the new dance.

  She was a little frightened at his arm around her waist, for theembrace was new to her--the first touch of man--and was shy and coy,though willing, being determined to learn the dance. She was an aptpupil and soon glided softly and gracefully around the room withunfeigned delight; yielding to the new situation more easily as shebecame accustomed to it.

  This dance was livelier exercise than La Galliard, and Mary could nottalk much for lack of breath. Brandon kept the
conversation going,though, and she answered with glances, smiles, nods andmonosyllables--a very good vocabulary in its way, and a very good way,too, for that matter.

  Once he said something to her, in a low voice, which brought a flushto her cheeks, and caused her to glance quickly up into his face. Bythe time her answer came they were nearer us, and I heard her say: "Iam afraid I shall have to forgive you again if you are not careful.Let me see an exhibition of that modesty you so much boast," But asmile and a flash of the eyes went with the words, and took all thesting out of them.

  After a time the dancers stopped, and Mary, with flushed face andsparkling eyes, sank into a chair, exclaiming: "The new dance isdelightful, Jane. It is like flying; your partner helps you so. Butwhat would the king say? And the queen? She would simply swoon withhorror. It is delightful, though." Then, with more confusion in hermanner than I had ever before seen: "That is, it is delightful if onechooses her partner."

  This only made matters worse, and gave Brandon an opportunity.

  "Dare I hope?" he asked, with a deferential bow.

  "Oh, yes; you may hope. I tell you frankly it was delightful with you.Now, are you satisfied, my modest one? Jane, I see we have a forwardbody here; no telling what he will be at next," said Mary, withevident impatience, rapidly swaying her fan. She spoke almost sharply,for Brandon's attitude was more that of an equal than she wasaccustomed to, and her royal dignity, which was the artificial part ofher, rebelled against it now and then in spite of her realinclinations. The habit of receiving only adulation, and living on apinnacle above everybody else, was so strong from continued practice,that it appealed to her as a duty to maintain that elevation. She hadnever before been called upon to exert herself in that direction, andthe situation was new. The servile ones with whom she usuallyassociated maintained it for her; so she now felt, whenever shethought of it, that she was in duty bound to clamber back, at leastpart of the way, to her dignity, however pleasant it was, personally,down below in the denser atmosphere of informality.

  In her heart the princess preferred, upon proper occasions, such asthis, to abate her dignity, and often requested others to dispensewith ceremony, as, in fact, she had done with us earlier in theevening. But Brandon's easy manner, although perfectly respectful andelegantly polite, was very different from anything she had ever known.She enjoyed it, but every now and then the sense of her importance anddignity--for you must remember she was the first princess of the bloodroyal--would supersede even her love of enjoyment, and the girl wentdown and the princess came up. Besides, she half feared that Brandonwas amusing himself at her expense, and that, in fact, this was a newsort of masculine worm. Really, she sometimes doubted if it were aworm at all, and did not know what to expect, nor what she ought todo.

  She was far more girl than princess, and would have preferred toremain merely girl and let events take the course they were going,for she liked it. But there was the other part of her which wasprincess, and which kept saying: "Remember who you are," so she wasplainly at a loss between natural and artificial inclinationscontending unconsciously within her.

  Replying to Mary's remark over Jane's shoulder, Brandon said:

  "Your highness asked us to lay aside ceremony for the evening, and ifI have offended I can but make for my excuse my desire to please you.Be sure I shall offend no more." This was said so seriously that hismeaning could not be misunderstood. He did not care whether he pleasedso capricious a person or not.

  Mary made no reply, and it looked as if Brandon had the worst of it.

  We sat a few minutes talking, Mary wearing an air of dignity. Cardswere proposed, and as the game progressed she gradually unbent againand became as affable and familiar as earlier in the evening. Brandon,however, was frozen. He was polite, dignified and deferential to theladies, but the spirit of the evening was gone, since he had furnishedit all with his free, off-hand manner, full of life and brightness.

  After a short time, Mary's warming mood failing to thaw our frozenfun-maker, and in her heart infinitely preferring pleasure to dignity,she said: "Oh, this is wearisome. Your game is far less entertainingthan your new dance. Do something to make me laugh, Master Brandon."

  "I fear you must call in Will Sommers," he replied, "if you wish tolaugh. I can not please you in both ways, so will hold to the onewhich seems to suit the princess."

  Mary's eyes flashed and she said ironically:

  "That sounds very much as though you cared to please me in any way."Her lips parted and she evidently had something unkind ready to say;but she held the breath she had taken to speak it with, and, after oneor two false starts in as many different lines, continued: "Butperhaps I deserve it, I ask you to forgive me, and hereafter desireyou three, upon all proper occasions, when we are by ourselves, totreat me as one of you--as a woman--a girl, I mean. Where is thevirtue of royalty if it only means being put upon a pinnacle above allthe real pleasures of life, like foolish old Stylites on his column?The queen is always preaching to me about the strict maintenance of my'dignity royal,' as she calls it, and perhaps she is right; but outupon 'dignity royal' say I; it is a terrible nuisance. Oh, you don'tknow how difficult it is to be a princess and not a fool. There!" Andshe sighed in apparent relief.

  Then turning to Brandon: "You have taught me another good lesson, sir,and from this hour you are my friend, if you will be, so long as youare worthy--no, I do not mean that; I know you will always beworthy--but forever. Now we are at rights again. Let us try to remainso--that is, I will," and she laughingly gave him her hand, which he,rising to his feet, bowed low over and kissed, rather fervently andlingeringly, I thought.

  Hand-kissing was new to us in England, excepting in case of the kingand queen at public homage. It was a little startling to Mary, thoughshe permitted him to hold her hand much longer than there was any sortof need--a fact she recognized, as I could easily see from hertell-tale cheeks, which were rosy with the thought of it.

  So it is when a woman goes on the defensive prematurely and withoutcause; it makes it harder to apply the check when the real need comes.

  After a little card-playing, I expressed regret to Jane that I couldnot have a dance with her for lack of music.

  "I will play, if the ladies permit," said Brandon; and he took LadyJane's lute and played and sang some very pretty little love songs andsome comic ones, too, in a style not often heard in England, so faraway from the home of the troubadour and lute. He was full ofsurprises, this splendid fellow, with his accomplishments and graces.

  When we had danced as long as we wished--that is, as Jane wished--asfor myself, I would have been dancing yet--Mary again asked us to beseated. Jane having rested, Brandon offered to teach her the newdance, saying he could whistle an air well enough to give her thestep. I at once grew uneasy with jealous suspense, for I did _not_wish Brandon to dance in that fashion with Jane, but to my greatrelief she replied:

  "No; thank you; not to-night." Then shyly glancing toward me: "PerhapsSir Edwin will teach me when he learns. It is his business, you know."

  Would I? If a month, night and day, would conquer it, the new dancewas as good as done for already. That was the first real mark of favorI ever had from Jane.

  We now had some songs from Mary and Jane; then I gave one, and Brandonsang again at Mary's request. We had duets and quartets and solos, andthe songs were all sweet, for they came from the heart of youth, andwent to the soul of youth, rich in its God-given fresh delight ineverything. Then we talked, and Mary, and Jane, too, with a sly, shy,soft little word now and then, drew Brandon out to tell of his travelsand adventures. He was a pleasing talker, and had a smooth, easy flowof words, speaking always in a low, clear voice, and with perfectcomposure. He had a way of looking first one auditor and then anotherstraight in the eyes with a magnetic effect that gave to everything hesaid an added interest. Although at that time less than twenty-fiveyears old, he was really a learned man, having studied at Barcelona,Salamanca and Paris. While there had been no system in his education,his mind wa
s a sort of knowledge junk-shop, wherein he could findalmost anything he wanted. He spoke German, French and Spanish, andseemed to know the literature of all these languages.

  He told us he had left home at the early age of sixteen as his uncle'sesquire, and had fought in France, then down in Holland with theDutch; had been captured by the Spanish and had joined the Spanisharmy, as it mattered not where he fought, so that there was a chancefor honorable achievement and a fair ransom now and then. He told ushow he had gone to Barcelona and Salamanca, where he had studied, andthence to Granada, among the Moors; of his fighting against thepirates of Barbary, his capture by them, his slavery and adventurousescape; and his regret that now drowsy peace kept him mewed up in apalace.

  "It is true," he said, "there is a prospect of trouble with Scotland,but I would rather fight a pack of howling, starving wolves than theScotch; they fight like very devils, which, of course, is well; butyou have nothing after you have beaten them, not even a good wholewolf skin."

  In an unfortunate moment Mary said: "Oh, Master Brandon, tell us ofyour duel with Judson."

  Thoughtful, considerate Jane frowned at the princess in surprise, andput her finger on her lips.

  "Your ladyship, I fear I can not," he answered, and left his seat,going over to the window, where he stood, with his back toward us,looking out into the darkness. Mary saw what she had done, and hereyes grew moist, for, with all her faults, she had a warm, tenderheart and a quick, responsive sympathy. After a few seconds of painfulsilence, she went softly over to the window where Brandon stood.

  "Sir, forgive me," she said, putting her hand prettily upon his arm."I should have known. Believe me, I would not have hurt youintentionally."

  "Ah! my lady, the word was thoughtlessly spoken, and needs noforgiveness; but your heart shows itself in the asking, and I thankyou: I wanted but a moment to throw off the thought of that terribleday." Then they came back together, and the princess, who had tactenough when she cared to use it, soon put matters right again.

  I started to tell one of my best stories in order to cheer Brandon,but in the midst of it, Mary, who, I had noticed, was restless anduneasy, full of blushes and hesitancy, and with a manner as new to heras the dawn of the first day was to the awakening world, abruptlyasked Brandon to dance with her again. She had risen and was standingby her chair, ready to be led out.

  "Gladly," answered Brandon, as he sprang to her side and took herhand. "Which shall it be, La Galliard or the new dance?" And Marystanding there, the picture of waiting, willing modesty, lifted herfree hand to his shoulder, tried to raise her eyes to his, butfailed, and softly said: "The new dance."

  This time the dancing was more soberly done, and when Mary stopped itwas with serious, thoughtful eyes, for she had felt the tingling of anew strange force in Brandon's touch. A man, not a worm, but a realman, with all the irresistible infinite attractions that a man mayhave for a woman--the subtle drawing of the lodestone for the passiveiron--had come into her life. Doubly sweet it was to her intense,young virgin soul, in that it first revealed the dawning of thattwo-edged bliss which makes a heaven or a hell of earth--of earth,which owes its very existence to love.

  I do not mean that Mary was in love, but that she had met, and for thefirst time felt the touch, yes even the subtle, unconscious,dominating force so sweet to woman, of the man she could love, and hadknown the rarest throb that pulses in that choicest of all God'sperfect handiwork--a woman's heart--the throb that goes before--theJohn, the Baptist, as it were, of coming love.

  It being after midnight, Mary filled two cups of wine, from each ofwhich she took a sip, and handed them to Brandon and me. She then paidme the ten crowns, very soberly thanked us and said we were at libertyto go.

  The only words Brandon ever spoke concerning that evening were just aswe retired:

  "Jesu! she is perfect. But you were wrong, Caskoden. I can stillthank God I am not in love with her. I would fall upon my sword if Iwere."

  I was upon the point of telling him she had never treated any otherman as she had treated him, but I thought best to leave it unsaid.Trouble was apt to come of its own accord soon enough.

  In truth, I may as well tell you, that when the princess asked me tobring Brandon to her that she might have a little sport at hisexpense, she looked for a laugh, but found a sigh.