Read When London Burned : a Story of Restoration Times and the Great Fire Page 7



  "I find that I have to give you thanks for yet another service,Cyril," Captain Dave said heartily, when they met the next morning."Nellie tells me a young Court gallant had the insolence to try toaddress her yesterday in Cheapside, on her way back from St. Paul's,that you prevented his doing so, and that there was quite a scene inthe street. If I knew who he was I would break his sconce for him,were he Rochester himself. A pretty pass things have come to, when acitizen's daughter cannot walk home from St. Paul's without one ofthese impudent vagabonds of the Court venturing to address her! Knowyou who he was?"

  "No; I have never seen the fellow before, Captain Dave. I do knowmany of the courtiers by sight, having, when we first came over,often gone down to Whitehall with my father when he was seeking toobtain an audience with the King; but this man's face is altogetherstrange to me."

  "Well, well! I will take care that Nellie shall not go abroad againexcept under her mother's escort or mine. I know, Cyril, that shewould be as safe under your charge as in ours, but it is better thatshe should have the presence of an older person. It is not that Idoubt your courage or your address, lad, but a ruffling gallant ofthis sort would know naught of you, save that you are young, andbesides, did you interfere, there might be a scene that would doserious harm to Nellie's reputation."

  "I agree with you thoroughly, Captain Dave," Cyril said warmly. "Itwill be far better that you or Mrs. Dowsett should be by her side aslong as there is any fear of further annoyance from this fellow. Ishould ask nothing better than to try a bout with him myself, for Ihave been right well taught how to use my sword; but, as you say, abrawl in the street is of all things to be avoided."

  Three or four weeks passed quietly. Nellie seldom went abroad; whenshe did so her mother always accompanied her if it were in thedaytime, and her father whenever she went to the house of any friendafter dusk.

  Cyril one day caught sight of the gallant in Tower Street, andalthough he was on his way to one of his customers, he at oncedetermined to break his appointment and to find out who the fellowwas. The man sauntered about looking into the shops for full half anhour, but it was apparent to Cyril that he paid little attention totheir contents, and was really waiting for someone. When the clockstruck three he started, stamped his foot angrily on the ground, and,walking away rapidly to the stairs of London Bridge, took a seat in aboat, and was rowed up the river.

  Cyril waited until he had gone a short distance, and then hailed awherry rowing two oars.

  "You see that boat over there?" he said. "I don't wish to overtake itat present. Keep a hundred yards or so behind it, but row inshore sothat it shall not seem that you are following them."

  The men obeyed his instructions until they had passed the Temple;then, as the other boat still kept in the middle of the stream, Cyrilhad no doubt that it would continue its course to Westminster.

  "Now stretch to your oars," he said to the watermen. "I want to getto Westminster before the other boat, and to be well away from thestairs before it comes up."

  The rest of the journey was performed at much greater speed, andCyril alighted at Westminster while the other boat was some three orfour hundred yards behind. Paying the watermen, he went up thestairs, walked away fifty or sixty yards, and waited until he saw theman he was following appear. The latter walked quietly up towardsWhitehall and entered a tavern frequented by young bloods of theCourt. Cyril pressed his hat down over his eyes. His dress was notthe same as that in which he had escorted Nellie to the cathedral,and he had but small fear of being recognised.

  When he entered he sat down at a vacant table, and, having ordered astoup of wine, looked round. The man had joined a knot of youngfellows like himself, seated at a table. They were dissipated-lookingblades, and were talking loudly and boisterously.

  "Well, Harvey, how goes it? Is the lovely maiden we saw when we werewith you at St. Paul's ready to drop into your arms?"

  "Things are going on all right," Harvey said, with an air ofconsciousness; "but she is watched by two griffins, her father andmother. 'Tis fortunate they do not know me by sight, and I have thuschances of slipping a note in her hand when I pass her. I think itwill not be long before you will have to congratulate me."

  "She is an heiress and only daughter, is she not, honest John?"another asked.

  "She is an only child, and her father bears the reputation of doing agood business; but as to what I shall finally do, I shall not yetdetermine. As to that, I shall be guided by circumstances."

  "Of course, of course," the one who had first spoken said.

  Cyril had gained the information he required. The man's name was JohnHarvey, and Nellie was keeping up a clandestine correspondence withhim. Cyril felt that were he to listen longer he could not restrainhis indignation, and, without touching the wine he had paid for, hehastily left the tavern.

  As he walked towards the city, he was unable to decide what he hadbetter do. Were he to inform Captain Dave of what he had heard therewould be a terrible scene, and there was no saying what might happen.Still, Nellie must be saved from falling into the hands of thisfellow, and if he abstained from telling her father he must himselftake steps to prevent the possibility of such a thing taking place.The more he thought of it the more he felt of the heavyresponsibility it would be. Anxious as he was to save Nellie from theanger of her father, it was of far greater consequence to save herfrom the consequences of her own folly. At last he resolved to takeJohn Wilkes into his counsels. John was devoted to his master, andeven if his advice were not of much value, his aid in keeping watchwould be of immense service. Accordingly, that evening, when Johnwent out for his usual pipe after supper, Cyril, who had to go to atrader in Holborn, followed him out quickly and overtook him a fewyards from the door.

  "I want to have a talk with you, John."

  "Ay, ay, sir. Where shall it be? Nothing wrong, I hope? That newapprentice looks to me an honest sort of chap, and the man we havegot in the yard now is an old mate of mine. He was a ship's boy onboard the _Dolphin_ twenty-five years back, and he sailed under theCaptain till he left the sea. I would trust that chap just as I wouldmyself."

  "It is nothing of that sort, John. It is another sort of businessaltogether, and yet it is quite as serious as the last. I have gothalf an hour before I have to start to do those books at MasterHopkins'. Where can we have a talk in a quiet place where there is nochance of our being overheard?"

  "There is a little room behind the bar at the place I go to, and Ihave no doubt the landlord will let us have it, seeing as I am aregular customer."

  "At any rate we can see, John. It is too cold for walking abouttalking here; and, besides, I think one can look at a matter in alllights much better sitting down than one can walking about."

  "That is according to what you are accustomed to," John said, shakinghis head. "It seems to me that I can look further into the innards ofa question when I am walking up and down the deck on night watch withjust enough wind aloft to take her along cheerful, and not too muchof it, than I can at any other time; but then, you see, that is justwhat one is accustomed to. This is the place."

  He entered a quiet tavern, and, nodding to five or sixweather-beaten-looking men, who were sitting smoking long pipes, eachwith a glass of grog before him, went up to the landlord, who formedone of the party. He had been formerly the master of a trader, andhad come into the possession of the tavern by marriage with itsmistress, who was still the acting head of the establishment.

  "We have got a piece of business we want to overhaul, Peter. Isuppose we can have that cabin in yonder for a bit?"

  "Ay, ay. There is a good fire burning. You will find pipes on thetable. You will want a couple of glasses of grog, of course?"

  John nodded, and then led the way into the little snuggery at the endof the room. It had a glass door, so that, if desired, a view couldbe obtained of the general room, but there was a curtain to drawacross this. There was a large oak settle on either side of t
he fire,and there was a table, with pipes and a jar of tobacco standingbetween them.

  "This is a tidy little crib," John said, as he seated himself andbegan to fill a pipe. "There is no fear of being disturbed here.There has been many a voyage talked over and arranged in this 'ereroom. They say that Blake himself, when the Fleet was in the river,would drop in here sometimes, with one of his captains, for a quiettalk."

  A minute later a boy entered and placed two steaming glasses of grogon the table. The door closed after him, and John said,--

  "Now you can get under way, Master Cyril. You have got a fair coursenow, and nothing to bring you up."

  "It is a serious matter, John. And before I begin, I must tell youthat I rely on your keeping absolute silence as to what I am going totell you."

  "That in course," John said, as he lifted his glass to his lips. "Youshowed yourself a first-rate pilot in that last job, and I am contentto sail under you this time without asking any questions as to theship's course, and to steer according to orders."

  Cyril told the story, interrupted frequently by angry ejaculations onthe part of the old bo'swain.

  "Dash my wig!" he exclaimed, when Cyril came to an end. "But this isa bad business altogether, Master Cyril. One can engage a pirate andbeat him off if the crew is staunch, but when there is treason onboard ship, it makes it an awkward job for those in command."

  "The question is this, John: ought we to tell the Captain, or shallwe try to take the affair into our own hands, and so to manage itthat he shall never know anything about it?"

  The sailor was silent for a minute or two, puffing his pipemeditatively.

  "I see it is an awkward business to decide," he said. "On one side,it would pretty nigh kill Captain Dave to know that Mistress Nelliehas been steering wild and has got out of hand. She is just the appleof his eye. Then, on the other hand, if we undertook the job withouttelling him, and one fine morning we was to find out she was gone, weshould be in a mighty bad fix, for the Captain would turn round andsay, 'Why didn't you tell me? If you had done so, I would have lockedher up under hatches, and there she would be, safe now.'"

  "That is just what I see, and it is for that reason I come to you. Icould not be always on the watch, but I think that you and I togetherwould keep so sharp a look-out that we might feel pretty sure thatshe could not get away without our knowledge."

  "We could watch sharply enough at night, Master Cyril. There would beno fear of her getting away then without our knowing it. But howwould it be during the day? There am I in the shop or store fromseven in the morning until we lock up before supper-time. You are outmost of your time, and when you are not away, you are in the officeat the books, and she is free to go in and out of the front doorwithout either of us being any the wiser."

  "I don't think he would venture to carry her off by daylight," Cyrilsaid. "She never goes out alone now, and could scarcely steal awayunnoticed. Besides, she would know that she would be missed directly,and a hue and cry set up. I should think she would certainly choosethe evening, when we are all supposed to be in bed. He would have achair waiting somewhere near; and there are so often chairs goingabout late, after city entertainments, that they would get offunnoticed. I should say the most dangerous time is between nineo'clock and midnight. She generally goes off to bed at nine or soonafter, and she might very well put on her hood and cloak and stealdownstairs at once, knowing that she would not be missed tillmorning. Another dangerous time would be when she goes out to aneighbour's. The Captain always takes her, and goes to fetch her atnine o'clock, but she might make some excuse to leave quite early,and go off in that way."

  "That would be awkward, Mr. Cyril, for neither you nor I could beaway at supper-time without questions being asked. It seems to methat I had better take Matthew into the secret. As he don't live inthe house he could very well watch wherever she is, till I slip roundafter supper to relieve him, and he could watch outside here in theevening till either you or I could steal downstairs and take hisplace. You can count on him keeping his mouth shut just as you can onme. The only thing is, how is he to stop her if he finds her comingout from a neighbour's before the Captain has come for her?"

  "If he saw her coming straight home he could follow her to the doorwithout being noticed, John, but if he found her going some other wayhe must follow her till he sees someone speak to her, and must thengo straight up and say, 'Mistress Dowsett, I am ready to escort youhome.' If she orders him off, or the man she meets threatens him, asis like enough, he must say, 'Unless you come I shall shout for aid,and call upon passers-by to assist me'; and, rather than risk theexposure, she would most likely return with him. Of course, he wouldcarry with him a good heavy cudgel, and choose a thoroughfare wherethere are people about to speak to her, and not an unfrequentedpassage, for you may be sure the fellow would have no hesitation inrunning him through if he could do so without being observed."

  "Matthew is a stout fellow," John Wilkes said, "and was as smart asailor as any on board till he had his foot smashed by being jammedby a spare spar that got adrift in a gale, so that the doctors had tocut off the leg under the knee, and leave him to stump about on atimber toe for the rest of his life. I tell you what, Master Cyril:we might make the thing safer still if I spin the Captain a yarn ashow Matthew has strained his back and ain't fit to work for a bit;then I can take on another hand to work in the yard, and we can puthim on watch all day. He might come on duty at nine o'clock in themorning, and stop until I relieve him as soon as supper is over. Ofcourse, he would not keep opposite the house, but might post himselfa bit up or down the street, so that he could manage to keep an eyeon the door."

  "That would be excellent," Cyril said. "Of course, at the supper-hourhe could go off duty, as she could not possibly leave the housebetween that time and nine o'clock. You always come in about thathour, and I hear you go up to bed. When you get there, you should atonce take off your boots, slip downstairs again with them, and goquietly out. I often sit talking with Captain Dave till half-pastnine or ten, but directly I can get away I will come down and joinyou. I think in that way we need feel no uneasiness as to harm comingfrom our not telling Captain Dave, for it would be impossible for herto get off unnoticed. Now that is all arranged I must be going, for Ishall be late at my appointment unless I hurry."

  "Shall I go round and begin my watch at once, Master Cyril?".

  "No, there is no occasion for that. We know that he missed herto-day, and therefore can have made no appointment; and I amconvinced by what he said to the fellows he met, that matters are notsettled yet. However, we will begin to-morrow. You can take anopportunity during the day to tell Matthew about it, and he canpretend to strain his back in the afternoon, and you can send himaway. He can come round again next morning early, and when theCaptain comes down you can tell him that you find that Matthew willnot be able to work for the present, and ask him to let you takeanother man on until he can come back again."

  Cyril watched Nellie closely at meal-times and in the evening for thenext few days. He thought that he should be certain to detect someslight change in her manner, however well she might play her part,directly she decided on going off with this man. She would not dreamthat she was suspected in any way, and would therefore be the lesscautious. Matthew kept watch during the day, and followed if she wentout with her father to a neighbour's, remaining on guard outside thehouse until John Wilkes relieved him as soon as he had finished hissupper. If she remained at home in the evening John went outsilently, after his return at his usual hour, and was joined by Cyrilas soon as Captain Dave said good-night and went in to his bedroom.At midnight they re-entered the house and stole up to their rooms,leaving their doors open and listening attentively for another hourbefore they tried to get to sleep.

  On the sixth morning Cyril noticed that Nellie was silent andabstracted at breakfast-time. She went out marketing with her motherafterwards, and at dinner her mood had changed. She talked andlaughed more than usual. There was a flush of excitement on hercheeks,
and he drew the conclusion that in the morning she had notcome to an absolute decision, but had probably given an answer to theman during the time she was out with her mother, and that she feltthe die was now cast.

  "Pass the word to Matthew to keep an extra sharp watch this afternoonand to-morrow, John. I think the time is close at hand," he said, asthey went downstairs together after dinner.

  "Do you think so? Well, the sooner the better. It is trying work,this here spying, and I don't care how soon it is over. I only hopeit will end by our running down this pirate and engaging him."

  "I hope so too, John. I feel it very hard to be sitting at table withher and Captain Dave and her mother, and to know that she isdeceiving them."

  "I can't say a word for her," the old sailor said, shaking his head."She has as good parents as a girl could want to have. They wouldgive their lives for her, either of them, cheerful, and there she isthinking of running away from them with a scamp she knows nothing ofand has probably never spoken with for an hour. I knew her head was abit turned with young fellows dangling after her, and by beingnoticed by some of the Court gallants at the last City ball, and bybeing made the toast by many a young fellow in City taverns--'PrettyMistress Nellie Dowsett'; but I did not think her head was so turnedthat she would act as she is doing. Well, well, we must hope thatthis will be a lesson, Master Cyril, that she will remember all herlife."

  "I hope so, John, and I trust that we shall be able to manage it allso that the matter will never come to her parents' ears."

  "I hope so, and I don't see why it should. The fellow may bluster,but he will say nothing about it because he would get into troublefor trying to carry off a citizen's daughter."

  "And besides that, John,--which would be quite as serious in the eyesof a fellow of this sort,--he would have the laugh against him amongall his companions for having been outwitted in the City. So I thinkwhen he finds the game is up he will be glad enough to make offwithout causing trouble."

  "Don't you think we might give him a sound thrashing? It would do hima world of good."

  "I don't think it would do a man of that sort much good, John, and hewould be sure to shout, and then there would be trouble, and thewatch might come up, and we should all get hauled off together. Inthe morning the whole story would be known, and Mistress Nellie'sname in the mouth of every apprentice in the City. No, no; if he isdisposed to go off quietly, by all means let him go."

  "I have no doubt that you are right, Master Cyril, but it goesmightily against the grain to think that a fellow like that is to getoff with a whole skin. However, if one should fall foul of him someother time, one might take it out of him."

  Captain Dave found Cyril but a bad listener to his stories thatevening, and, soon after nine, said he should turn in.

  "I don't know what ails you to-night, Cyril," he said. "Your wits arewool-gathering, somewhere. I don't believe that you heard half thatlast story I was telling you."

  "I heard it all, sir; but I do feel a little out of sorts thisevening."

  "You do too much writing, lad. My head would be like to go to piecesif I were to sit half the hours that you do at a desk."

  When Captain Dave went into his room, Cyril walked upstairs andclosed his bedroom door with a bang, himself remaining outside. Thenhe took off his boots, and, holding them in his hand, wentnoiselessly downstairs to the front door. The lock had been carefullyoiled, and, after putting on his boots again, he went out.

  "You are right, Master Cyril, sure enough," John Wilkes said when hejoined him, fifty yards away from the house. "It is to-night she isgoing to try to make off. I thought I had best keep Matthew at hand,so I bid him stop till I came out, then sent him round to have a pintof ale at the tavern, and when he came back told him he had bestcruise about, and look for signs of pirates. He came back ten minutesago, and told me that a sedan chair had just been brought to theother end of the lane. It was set down some thirty yards fromFenchurch Street. There were the two chairmen and three fellowswrapped up in cloaks."

  "That certainly looks like action, John. Well, I should say thatMatthew had better take up his station at the other end of the lane,there to remain quiet until he hears an uproar at the chair; then hecan run up to our help if we need it. We will post ourselves near thedoor. No doubt Harvey, and perhaps one of his friends, will come andwait for her. We can't interfere with them here, but must follow andcome up with her just before they reach the chair. The further theyare away from the house the better. Then if there is any troubleCaptain Dave will not hear anything of it."

  "That will be a good plan of operations," John agreed. "Matthew isjust round the next corner. I will send him to Fenchurch Street atonce."

  He went away, and rejoined Cyril in two or three minutes. They thenwent along towards the house, and took post in a doorway on the otherside of the street, some thirty yards from the shop. They hadscarcely done so, when they heard footsteps, and presently saw twomen come along in the middle of the street. They stopped and lookedround.

  "There is not a soul stirring," one said. "We can give the signal."

  So saying, he sang a bar or two of a song popular at the time, andthey then drew back from the road into a doorway and waited.

  Five minutes later, Cyril and his fellow-watcher heard a very slightsound, and a figure stepped out from Captain Dowsett's door. The twomen crossed at once and joined her. A few low words were spoken, andthey moved away together, and turned up the lane.

  As soon as they disappeared from sight, Cyril and John Wilkes issuedout. The latter had produced some long strips of cloth, which hewound round both their boots, so as, he said, to muffle the oars.Their steps, therefore, as they followed, were almost noiseless.Walking fast, they came up to the three persons ahead of them just asthey reached the sedan chair. The two chairmen were standing at thepoles, and a third man was holding the door open with his hat in hishand.

  "Avast heaving, mates!" John Wilkes said. "It seems to me as you arerunning this cargo without proper permits."

  Nellie gave a slight scream on hearing the voice, while the manbeside her stepped forward, exclaiming furiously:

  "S" death, sir! who are you, and what are you interfering about?"

  "I am an honest man I hope, master. My name is John Wilkes, and, asthat young lady will tell you, I am in the employ of her father."

  "Then I tell you, John Wilkes, or John the Devil, or whatever yourname maybe, that if you don't at once take yourself off, I will letdaylight into you," and he drew his sword, as did his two companions.

  John gave a whistle, and the wooden-legged man was heard hurrying upfrom Fenchurch Street.

  "Cut the scoundrel down, Penrose," Harvey exclaimed, "while I put thelady into the chair."

  The man addressed sprang at Wilkes, but in a moment his Court swordwas shivered by a blow from the latter's cudgel, which a moment laterfell again on his head, sending him reeling back several paces.

  "Stay, sir, or I will run you through," Cyril said, pricking Harveysharply in the arm as he was urging Nellie to enter the chair.

  "Oh, it's you, is it?" the other exclaimed, in a tone of fury. "Myboy of Cheapside! Well, I can spare a moment to punish you."

  "Oh, do not fight with him, my lord!" Nellie exclaimed.

  "My lord!" Cyril laughed. "So he has become a lord, eh?"

  Then he changed his tone.

  "Mistress Nellie, you have been deceived. This fellow is no lord. Heis a hanger-on of the Court, one John Harvey, a disreputableblackguard whom I heard boasting to his boon-companions of hisconquest. I implore you to return home as quietly as you went. Nonewill know of this."

  He broke off suddenly, for, with an oath, Harvey rushed at him. Theirswords clashed, there was a quick thrust and parry, and then Harveystaggered back with a sword-wound through the shoulder, dropping hissword to the ground.

  "Your game is up, John Harvey," Cyril said. "Did you have yourdeserts I would pass my sword through your body. Now call yourfellows off, or it will be worse for them."
  "Oh, it is not true? Surely it cannot be true?" Nellie cried,addressing Harvey. "You cannot have deceived me?"

  The fellow, smarting with pain, and seeing that the game was up,replied with a savage curse.

  "You may think yourself lucky that you are only disabled, youvillain!" Cyril said, taking a step towards him with his swordmenacingly raised. "Begone, sir, before my patience is exhausted, or,by heaven! it will be your dead body that the chairmen will have tocarry away."

  "Disabled or not," John Wilkes exclaimed, "I will have a say in thematter;" and, with a blow with his cudgel, he stretched Harvey on theground, and belaboured him furiously until Cyril dragged him away byforce. Harvey rose slowly to his feet.

  "Take yourself off, sir," Cyril said. "One of your brave companionshas long ago bolted; the other is disarmed, and has his head broken.You may thank your stars that you have escaped with nothing worsethan a sword-thrust through your shoulder, and a sound drubbing.Hanging would be a fit punishment for knaves like you. I warn you, ifyou ever address or in any way molest this lady again, you won't getoff so easily."

  Then he turned and offered his arm to Nellie, who was leaning againstthe wall in a half-fainting state. Not a word was spoken until theyemerged from the lane.

  "No one knows of this but ourselves, Mistress Nellie, and you willnever hear of it from us. Glad indeed I am that I have saved you fromthe misery and ruin that must have resulted from your listening tothat plausible scoundrel. Go quietly upstairs. We will wait here tillwe are sure that you have gone safely into your room; then we willfollow. I doubt not that you are angry with me now, but in time youwill feel that you have been saved from a great danger."

  The door was not locked. He lifted the latch silently, and held thedoor open for her to pass in. Then he closed it again, and turned tothe two men who followed them.

  "This has been a good night's work, John."

  "That has it. I don't think that young spark will be coming afterCity maidens again. Well, it has been a narrow escape for her. Itwould have broken the Captain's heart if she had gone in that way.What strange things women are! I have always thought Mistress Nellieas sensible a girl as one would want to see. Given a littleover-much, perhaps, to thinking of the fashion of her dress, but thatwas natural enough, seeing how pretty she is and how much she is madeof; and yet she is led, by a few soft speeches from a man she knowsnothing of, to run away from home, and leave father, and mother, andall. Well, Matthew, lad, we sha'n't want any more watching. You havedone a big service to the master, though he will never know it. Iknow I can trust you to keep a stopper on your jaws. Don't you let asoul know of this--not even your wife."

  "You trust me, mate," the man replied. "My wife is a good soul, buther tongue runs nineteen to the dozen, and you might as well shout athing out at Paul's Cross as drop it into her ear. I think my backwill be well enough for me to come to work again to-morrow," headded, with a laugh.

  "All right, mate. I shall be glad to have you again, for the chap whohas been in your place is a landsman, and he don't know amarling-spike from an anchor. Good-night, mate."

  "Well, Master Cyril," he went on, as the sailor walked away, "I don'tthink there ever was such a good wind as that which blew you here.First of all you saved Captain Dave's fortune, and now you save hisdaughter. I look on Captain Dave as being pretty nigh the same asmyself, seeing as I have been with him man and boy for over thirtyyears, and I feel what you have done for him just as if you had doneit for me. I am only a rough sailor-man, and I don't know how to putit in words, but I feel just full up with a cargo of thankfulness."

  "That is all right," Cyril said, holding out his hand, which JohnWilkes shook with a heartiness that was almost painful. "Captain Daveoffered me a home when I was alone without a friend in London, and Iam glad indeed that I have been able to render him service in return.I myself have done little enough, though I do not say that theconsequences have not been important. It has been just taking alittle trouble and keeping a few watches--a thing not worth talkingabout one way or the other. I hope this will do Mistress Nellie good.She is a nice girl, but too fond of admiration, and inclined to thinkthat she is meant for higher things than to marry a London citizen. Ithink to-night's work will cure her of that. This fellow evidentlymade himself out to her to be a nobleman of the Court. Now she seesthat he is neither a nobleman nor a gentleman, but a ruffian who tookadvantage of her vanity and inexperience, and that she would havedone better to have jumped down the well in the yard than to have putherself in his power. Now we can go up to bed. There is no moreprobability of our waking the Captain than there has been on othernights; but mind, if we should do so, you stick to the story weagreed on, that you thought there was someone by the gate in the laneagain, and so called me to go down with you to investigate, notthinking it worth while to rouse up the Captain on what might be afalse alarm."

  Everything remained perfectly quiet as they made their way upstairsto their rooms as silently as possible.

  "Where is Nellie?" Captain Dave asked, when they assembled atbreakfast.

  "She is not well," his wife replied, "I went to her room just now andfound that she was still a-bed. She said that she had a bad headache,and I fear that she is going to have a fever, for her face is paleand her eyes red and swollen, just as if she had been well-nighcrying them out of her head; her hands are hot and her pulse fast.Directly I have had breakfast I shall make her some camomile tea, andif that does not do her good I shall send for the doctor."

  "Do so, wife, without delay. Why, the girl has never ailed a day foryears! What can have come to her?"

  "She says it is only a bad headache--that all she wants is to be leftalone."

  "Yes, yes; that is all very well, but if she does not get better soonshe must be seen to. They say that there were several cases last weekof that plague that has been doing so much harm in foreign parts, andif that is so it behoves us to be very careful, and see that anyillness is attended to without delay."

  "I don't think that there is any cause for alarm," his wife saidquietly. "The child has got a headache and is a little feverish, butthere is no occasion whatever for thinking that it is anything more.There is nothing unusual in a girl having a headache, but Nellie hashad such good health that if she had a prick in the finger you wouldthink it was serious."

  "By the way, John," Captain Dave said suddenly, "did you hear anynoise in the lane last night? Your room is at the back of the house,and you were more likely to have heard it than I was. I have justseen one of the watch, and he tells me that there was a fray therelast night, for there is a patch of blood and marks of a scuffle. Itwas up at the other end. There is some mystery about it, he thinks,for he says that one of his mates last night saw a sedan chairescorted by three men turn into the lane from Fenchurch Street justbefore ten o'clock, and one of the neighbours says that just afterthat hour he heard a disturbance and a clashing of swords there. Onlooking out, he saw something dark that might have been a chairstanding there, and several men engaged in a scuffle. It seemed soonover, and directly afterwards three people came down the lane thisway. Then he fancied that someone got into the chair, which wasafterwards carried out into Fenchurch Street."

  "I did hear something that sounded like a quarrel or a fray," JohnWilkes said, "but there is nothing unusual about that. As everythingwas soon quiet again, I gave no further thought to it."

  "Well, it seems a curious affair, John. However, it is the businessof the City watch and not mine, so we need not bother ourselves aboutit. I am glad to see you have got Matthew at work again this morning.He tells me that he thinks he has fairly got over that sprain in hisback."