Read When You Were Mine Page 11

  We both promised to change. To grow up. You still have a chance to keep your end of the deal too. Extend me the same courtesy PLEASE. It’s all I ask. Stay out of my life. Don’t call. Don’t text. I’m moving on.

  A giant “ASSHOLE!” would’ve made him feel better.

  Things were definitely changing. In all the times they’d fought, through all the tears, this was the first time she’d said she was moving on. This was the first time it felt so final.

  Alex glanced back at his sleeping beauty, feeling the terror of this reality seep into him. This had been too damn close. Another careless move on his part, and he could lose it all. He had to be more careful, damn it. Clearly, Valerie was done forgiving him. But he was so close.

  Leaning over, he kissed her softly on her forehead then sprinkled smaller softer kisses down her temple. “Almost, sweetheart,” he whispered. “I promise you.”


  It was one of Alex’s best games yet, and it couldn’t have happened on a better night. It was the annual family night game. It felt even better knowing Valerie was up in the stands with his family where she belonged. When the game ended in a dramatic last-minute win for them, Alex and Angel made their way through the crowd that had spilled onto the field in excitement. Alex wasn’t used to ignoring girls like Angel, so when he’d barely lifted his chin at a few of the smiling girls who’d gone up to him clearly wanting to give him a congratulatory hug, it was a weird feeling. Blowing chicks off was new to him.

  Now he knew why Angel always scrambled through the crowd after every game. Alex had always just assumed his whipped ass younger brother was in a rush to see and hug Sarah. Since Alex had never blown off the girls before, he didn’t realize how overbearing and unwilling to take a hint they were when he tried. No wonder Angel had set the precedent early on. By the time Alex reached Valerie and his parents in the crowd, he was more than relieved to have Valerie’s hand in his.

  The last thing he needed was another uncomfortable moment. They’d had enough with the calls and texts he was still trying to dodge or avoid around Valerie. And damn it if Valerie didn’t pick up on his unease every time. So getting through that crowd and to her without having to do any damage control had been exhausting.

  More than a few girls still passed them, congratulating him on what a great game he had and how good he looked out there. He and Valerie exchanged glances each time, but she smirked and he hugged and kissed her openly, holding her close. This was a statement he was not only putting out there for his admirers but Valerie’s as well. Too many times after the games he’d walked through the crowd when he and Valerie were on the outs, only to spot her with another dude up in the stands or in the crowd.

  She was never doing anything bad, but she didn’t have to be. The fact that he knew she was mad at him and would likely end up at a party with the guy or exchanging numbers if they hadn’t already was infuriating. He wrapped his arm around her neck, holding her close even as his mom addressed him. “Your ankle, mijo? How is it feeling?”

  “Good,” he looked down, wiggling his foot around. “Real good actually. The trainers wrapped it nice and tight before the game. It didn’t bother me at all.”

  He’d seen the glances his mom had given him and Valerie already, and he was sure she was wondering what was up. Since he didn’t do the horn dog thing in front of his mom and he’d never done the love sick thing in front of anyone, this was a first for his mom. She obviously knew he and Valerie had a history but not the extent of it since he was yet to make any official announcements about his relationship with her either. But tonight on a crowded football field didn’t feel like the place. Even if he did let them in on this change, it wasn’t like him to make a huge deal out of something like this. But he was hoping when he did he could say something as solid as “She’s living with me now.”

  It was a lot to hope for so soon. He knew this. But the longer he was around Valerie, the more this felt like the right change at the right time. Waking with her in his arms felt perfect. If there’d been any doubt, there was zero now. He was more than ready for this kind of commitment with Valerie.

  Family night ended perfectly. They all went back to Alex’s parents’ house where his mom and Sofie had prepared dinner earlier. Having Valerie there with them felt perfect. Over the years, they’d all become so used to Valerie being part of the bunch, but he could tell everyone had noticed the difference lately.

  The last two times Alex had happened to talk to Sal on the phone were either very late at night or early in the morning. Somehow the mention of Valerie being at his place both times had come up. So tonight, when Alex mentioned they were going home to hit the hay, Sal smirked as Valerie walked out before Alex. He tugged at Alex’s elbow. “She living with you now?”

  Alex smiled with a shrug. “Not yet.”

  He left it at that for now, and surprisingly, his brother had smiled in what looked like approval. Even more surprising was not how fast everything was happening but how unafraid any of it made Alex. He could almost kick himself now for not suggesting this sooner. Since everything else was moving just as fast and he might just finally be in the clear with his schoolwork, maybe tonight he’d suggest even more.

  Chapter 9


  “You’re lying.”

  Valerie stared at Alex with her arms crossed until he showed her his notebook and her mouth fell open. Then she laughed, but it was more like a squeal of delight.

  “You see!” he said, closing it immediately. “That’s why I didn’t want to show you!”

  “No!” she said, still smiling from ear to ear and feeling her heart beat a little faster as she reached for the notebook he pulled away. “I just . . .” She shook her head. “I thought that was something only girls did. I mean I’m sure some guys do too but not big tough guys like you.”

  “In my defense,” he said, still holding the notebook way above his head so she couldn’t reach it even on her tiptoes, “the first time I didn’t even realize I was doing it. The lecture I was sitting in was so fucking boring I had to doodle to keep myself awake.”

  “So you did it unintentionally,” she said, rolling her eyes.

  “That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.”

  “That’s even better though.” She laughed again.

  “You see how you girls are?” he said, pretending to be hurt. “I knew you’d make a mockery of this and crush my sensitive heart.”

  “Sensitive heart?” She laughed even louder, reaching in vain for the notebook. “Since when? Let me see it, please!”

  “Are you kidding me?” He was still trying to feign being hurt, but the humor danced in his eyes. “I’m not showing you ever again.”

  “I’ll tell Romero,” she said, totally bluffing, and stopped him in his tracks, “and your brothers.”

  “You wouldn’t.”

  “Try me.” They stood at a standoff until she slumped her shoulders. “Come on, Alex. Please! I’m sorry I laughed. It’s just”—she had to refrain from squealing again—“so not like you.”

  She lowered her hand to the front of his crotch, running it up and down and staring into his eyes until he closed them. That unmistakable bulge filled his pants within seconds.

  “Please?” she whispered, wrapping her hand around him over his pants.

  “You’re not playing fair, Z.” he said, lowering his face to kiss her, then nipped her bottom lip with a groan.

  “Please,” she said again as she pulled his arm around her and into the back of her shorts.

  Instantly, his big hand squeezed her bare ass, and he groaned again, handing her the notebook, but he lifted her into his arms, and she nearly dropped it.

  “Wait,” she screeched as he threw her over his shoulder and started for the bedroom.

  When she was finally lying on the bed with him over her, he stopped and watched her closely as she read what he’d written in script in the notebook more than once.

  Alex and Valerie Moreno
r />   Instantly, she was choked up, and she was sorry she’d laughed now. Flipping through the pages, she brought her hand over her already quivering lips as she saw the same thing scribbled in corners, on the top, and near the bottom. It was everywhere.

  “I showed you my secret,” he whispered as he kissed her lips softly. “Now you tell me one of yours.”

  Valerie turned to him as he stared at her so sweetly. She never would’ve believed this if he hadn’t shown it to her himself.

  Clearing her throat and pulling herself together, she smiled. “I’ve been known to do the same thing.” She felt her face heat as she continued her admission. “I do different variations. Sometimes it’s ‘Valerie Moreno’ and other times it’s just ‘Mrs. Moreno.’ But I have my pretend signature down.”

  His smile was so big and genuine. Those magnificent dimples took her breath away as he leaned in and kissed her tenderly.

  “Good,” he said, pulling away. “Keep practicing because it won’t be pretend forever.”

  She stared in his eyes almost afraid to comment on that, but before she could, his expression went a little more serious.

  “Sal asked if you’d moved in with me.”

  Once again she was rendered speechless. Was he actually suggesting . . .? She gulped, continuing to stare at him without saying a word. She dared not. He had to just be playing though she had practically lived at his place the past few weeks. But he couldn’t possibly be saying he wanted her to.

  Without another word, he kissed her again softly then a little deeper. She felt him slide down slowly until she knew what he was up to. He was off the bed now on his knees, and he pulled her to the edge, already tugging at her shorts. Her entire body trembled, knowing what he was about to do to her. Once her panties were off, he spread her legs and slid her all the way to the edge of the bed. “Valerie Moreno, I love it,” he said, and in the next second she felt his warm tongue on her, making her arch her back in reaction.



  Patience would never be his virtue. Alex stood outside Professor Davenport’s office. He was finally done with this shit and not a moment too soon. This had nearly cost him big time with Valerie more than once. If he could just get over this hurdle, he’d be home free, at least with his school stuff. He had enough in his life taking from his Valerie time. But this took up the most, so by default, it was the most annoying. He could hardly wait to walk into Davenport’s office a few days early and hand in his paper.

  The door opened and Professor Davenport observed him for a moment. Alex had a feeling the guy would be surprised to see him here almost a week before this was due. He motioned for him to come into his office.

  When they reached his desk without saying a word, the professor again motioned for Alex to take a seat in front of the desk.

  Alex held the binder with his paper in his hand.

  “Handing your paper in early doesn’t get you extra credit, Mr. Moreno.”

  “I understand,” Alex responded quickly. “I was just done with it, so I figured I might as well turn it in.”

  The professor nodded, holding out his hand, and Alex gave him the report. The old man flipped through the pages of it, stopping a few times until he got to the end then flipped back through the last few pages again with his brow lifting then looked up at Alex. “Your forecasting report is short.”

  Alex shook his head, instantly feeling hot. He’d worked on that damn report until he was late getting home the other night, nearly causing another argument between him and Valerie.

  “No,” he said. “That’s what your assignment package asked for. I did exactly what it stated.”

  “Mr. Moreno, when you asked me if there was anything extra you could do to bring up your grade, I explained this was a regular assignment under normal circumstances. Your circumstances are not normal.”

  He examined the paper again and flipped through the final pages, shaking his head. It dawned on Alex just then what this pretentious idiot had said that day. Those instructions weren’t written anywhere, and he’d forgotten all about them.

  “This would not be enough for any extra credit,” Davenport said, handing it back to him. “There’s barely enough there for any credit since you did the absolute minimum required for this regular assignment. It’d be pointless to hand it in this way, but the good thing is you still have time to get it right. Now did you need me to go over what you need to do for the extra credit you’re in dire need of?”

  Alex shook his head, already standing up. He remembered now. Full reports with charts and graphs to back them as if the ones he’d done already hadn’t been a big enough bitch. Grinding his teeth, he glanced back at the professor. “I’ll have it to you before it’s due.”

  The professor nodded without saying another word. Walking out of that office felt like déjà vu. But Alex was beyond furious with himself this time. This weekend would already be busy enough with his away game and the quinceañera the restaurant was hosting on Sunday. His time with Valerie was so tight as it was. Now he’d have to find time for this damn thing. Fuck!

  He pulled out his phone, already making arrangements. No way would he risk meeting Gwyneth at her dorm again. Already word had gotten back to Valerie that he’d been seen “getting cozy” with a long-legged whore at the library. Valerie’s damn friends even described Gwyneth’s short shorts. Was it his fault that Gwyneth had great legs and liked showing them off?

  At least that time he’d been partially honest about where he’d had to be that night. He did have to put in some lab hours for another class. So at least he hadn’t used working late at the restaurant as his excuse for not being home. He was on campus as he’d told her.

  For a moment, he contemplated just telling her the truth and being done with this already. Then he remembered her coming across some of the work he’d been doing for this damn paper and how impressed she’d been. She’d even made a comment about how complicated it seemed and that it was the kind of course she imagined Sal taking. Yeah, no shit he’d take something this complicated. His brother lived for academic challenges.

  No way was he admitting now he was barely scraping by. He’d just have to bite the bullet and do whatever it took to finish the damn assignment in time and be done with it.



  Funny how she always thought it was just a saying. Her heart actually hurt. Switching cars with Isabel so she could spy on Alex and find out once and for all if her suspicions were warranted was admitting that her worst nightmare might actually be happening. Since that past Saturday when she’d spent the night at his place after he got home late from his away game, things took a turn.

  Sunday morning he’d warned her he was going to be out of reach most of the day because of the quinceañera at the restaurant but that he’d call or text her when he was done. She’d been busy that day herself. Her dad and stepmom were celebrating their anniversary and had thrown a little something at her dad’s house. She’d expected Alex to call or text her to meet him at his place that evening, but he never did.

  Instead, she didn’t hear from him until Monday afternoon. That was just a text to say he missed her and that he’d gotten home so late the night before he didn’t want to call her that late. The dread she’d been feeling for over a week because of the weird things that had been happening crept into her belly almost immediately.

  He was doing again.

  All the progress they’d made in the past few weeks felt as if it were going down the toilet. When he didn’t call her again Monday or text her to meet her at his place, she did what she’d told herself she wouldn’t do. She called Sarah. Sarah wouldn’t confirm but was fairly sure Angel hadn’t worked the night Alex told her he’d been called in to get the final release from the team medic—the night Monica called to tell her she’d seen him with a girl near the dorms.

  It was Wednesday now, and once again she’d chickened out of staking out his place. She’d switched cars with Isabel all week, bu
t she just couldn’t do it. Despite how nearly perfect the past few weeks with Alex had been, the thought of actually confirming what she feared most—that she wasn’t enough for him and never would be—terrified her.

  The tears wouldn’t stop even as she lay in bed, chiding herself for not having just done it and gotten it over with. She was being her cowardly self once again, avoiding the truth because she still wasn’t sure she could actually go through with it. Could she really cut Alex out of her life once and for all? She’d even lied to Isabel and said she had parked up the street from Alex’s place for a while until she gave up waiting for him to get home.

  She’d been this close to telling Isabel she didn’t need her car tomorrow—making an excuse for Alex once again that he was just busy and he’d call her soon enough. Then she remembered the night she saw him with Nadine at the party. Seeing him with someone else had been so brutal . She knew the only way she could force herself to walk away was to face the truth—confront him so she could see what he’d been up to and who he’d spent this whole week with while ignoring her—no matter how much it hurt.

  She even considered praying that he would call her and explain himself, but she refused to pray about this. Praying was for bigger more important things like her dad’s health. But she did pray for strength because, terrified or not, tomorrow she would force herself to stake out his place, no matter how long she had to wait, and get the truth. This charade had gone on long enough, and she’d been absolutely right. Her heart couldn’t take it anymore.

  If this was what she really feared—that he hadn’t changed and was still the immature asshole playing games like in the past—she was really done this time. No more turning the other cheek. She owed it to herself.

  Bringing her hands to her chest because the ache was unbearable, she turned her face to her pillow and cried herself to sleep.

  Chapter 10