Read When a part of me died Page 2

  “My life changed after six months, I was in heaven taken care of by a guardian angel. I don't remember a day where we had a fight over anything in two years of our relationship. I remember the day we went to our favorite coffee shop and sat there for two hours with nothing to say. We stared at each other and started laughing, we felt as if we were an old married couple.

  “Let’s go to the amusement park, I want to play” Diana said.

  “I looked at her without saying a single comment; I knew how crazy and fun loving she was. She would have turned a very boring day to a very exciting one, so we jumped into my car and went, we started playing, joking and enjoying just like little kids. I’ll can never forget that day”.

  After remembering this day, I couldn’t continue talking and kept quiet for a while. Joseph was looking at me waiting for me to continue, at the same time his eyes were begging me to do so; and so I did…

  “I wish that we had a fight or an argument, I wish it wasn't all that perfect, at least for my satisfaction”.

  Saying that made Joseph even more curious and more believing to the fact that I made the wrong choice in choosing my life partner, so I went back to fill in the blanks for him.

  “It was the end of April and I was running up and about trying to find the perfect gift for her, it was our first anniversary. I wanted it to be the best and so did she. I did arrange a colorful bouquet of flowers, but the only thing missing was a gift. In my struggle and all the searches I made to find that gift, there it was in front of it was in an antique shop. “

  It looked like a treasure box but different then any other treasure box I’ve seen in my life. The exterior was black and gold in colour and the interior been decorated with a light brown chamois, and there were two locks holding the front side of the box to the rest. Opening the locks caused the front side of the box to flip down leading to the secret of that box, attached beneath the chamois was a secret photo album, the touch of the pages seemed like the touch of papyrus.

  We met in the coffee shop to celebrate our anniversary and along with her and the gift, another surprise was waiting. Her sister came along with her and it was my first time to meet someone from her family, I wasn’t ready for it as much as I wanted to meet her family. Diana introduced us “Greg this is my elder sister Sara”.

  her sister smiled “Finally I got the chance to meet the one and only” Sara said.

  “Well I believe I hold the pleasure of finally meeting the role model” I replied.

  We sat down, had a great time talking about different things and making fun of anything we spoke about. Sara truly was Diana’s role model as they both held the same characters.

  It was time to leave, Sara left to her car giving us the privacy for a few minuets to exchange our gifts and have that special moment. If romance wasn’t the moment, then it would have been fun and at this moment it was fun. We argued on who was to open the other’s gift first, when we couldn’t convince each other on why we should open our gifts first, we solved it in a modern way. We played rock, paper and scissors, and after a very aggressive game, I lost. Unfolding the gift-wrap made me feel guilty, as it was so beautiful. It was the first time I’d been presented with such a gift; she got me a silver wristlet, a gift that I still wear wherever I go,

  Two months later I decided to take our relationship to the next level, I showed up to her house after the permission I received by her mother. I was welcomed in and leaded to the living room where I met her father who didn’t seem comfortable in meeting me “Yes, you wanted to see me so what is it?” he asked.

  I choked at first, from his harsh tone but I had to pull myself together “I am here today sir, proposing to your daughter” as I finished my sentence it seemed that his eyes were surfing the room for any sharp object to stab me with.

  He refused the proposal. However, we didn’t stop loving each other and still continued our relationship, I had the plan of proposing again later on but to Diana there was something more important than that, my birthday!! It was getting closer and she wanted me to have the experience of a surprise party for the first time in my life. I was at work when she met my friend Steve

  “Hi Steve, How are you?”

  “I am great Diana, what about you?”

  “Greg’s birthday is coming soon, and I want to arrange a surprise party for him but I need your help to make it happen”

  “Sure Diana, what is your plan?”

  “I am reserving a small banquet hall”

  “You are reserving?” interrupted Steve

  “Yes, don’t worry about the arrangements just bring Greg along with the excuse that it is your cousin’s engagement”

  “Hmmm, ok I would do that. I just have a question, will the soft drink girl be there?” asked Steve

  Diana laughed remembering the first time we met and how Steve sacrificed being soaked in soft drink just to give me the chance in having that minute with her

  “You mean Aimee, yes she would be there and if you are worried that you will be treated similarly to your first meeting then don’t worry I guarantee that it won’t”

  Arrangements been done behind my back, friends were invited and as much as I met Steve and spent my time with Diana, they never showed or mistakenly slipped in front of me. If I was ever impressed, it would have been due to Steve because he was the master of tongue slipping, with all these arrangements who knew that God had a different arrangement for us that day.

  And then came the big day, a date I wish I could change, I wanted to have my birthday with Diana not knowing that she had arranged everything so grandly. I called Steve “Hi Steve, please don’t get mad at me, I would follow you to your cousin’s engagement, but first, I want to celebrate my birthday with Diana”.

  Steve didn’t say a word, he called Diana to inform her about my plan. As she was busy the whole afternoon with the decoration of the hall, she didn’t pay attention to my text message. She only replied my text at 8:00pm, three hours later apologizing for the late reply and telling me that she was busy with the family. Therefore, she asked me to wait for her call. She also didn’t give me a clue.

  At that time I was making some calls arranging for the perfect dinner and all what I thought necessary to make it a great evening. At that same time, she pulled Aimee out of the hall and asked everyone to stay where they were as she and Aimee rushed to the road to meet me as a surprise and then drag me to the party. Aimee was driving when suddenly; the car went out of control causing most of the damage to the passenger’s side.

  I tried to contact her several times with no success; I felt bad at that moment and had to cancel my arrangements for the first time in two years. I felt angry with her. I never knew what had happened, until someone called me from the hospital to inform me that she got admitted and she just woke up from her coma. I rushed to see her and as soon as I reached the wing, the nurse asked me to go to the hospital’s library and wait there until the room was clear. I didn't know who this nurse was, or what her relation was with us, but she was another angel to me. As soon as her parents left, the nurse called me out.

  I entered the room and I couldn’t bear to see how she looked, wounds on her lovely fair face, her beautiful light brown hair were covered with bandages, her right arm was in cast. “I am sorry babe, I never knew” I said with pain

  She tried to talk but I hushed her, I didn’t want her to talk or do anything that would exhaust her I just kept holding her hand until the nurse asked me to leave. I continued seeing her for a while on the same way till one day coming off the shower I saw a missed call on my mobile, when I called back it was her Sara her sister asking me to meet her at the hospital. I asked her about her parents as her father didn't actually like me being around his daughter. Though he knew, I was visiting because Diana would have not hid anything from her parents when it came to us.

  Sara told me that he isn't there and the way is free for me, I came as soon as I could when I saw Diana she was happy, like always she?
??d hide all her pain when she sees me pretending as if she didn't get hurt and that this admission is just a routine and spoiling thing from her parents. I only stayed for around half hour before I leave hiding my way to work. Few hours later her sister calls me back again this time I couldn’t get a word of what she said, her voice was mixed with sadness, tears, background noise, air and not to mention how bad the network was so all I heard “Your….. She…. Please…..” and the line got cutoff.

  I never called back or even met Diana’s family after that phone call, deep inside I knew what happened I guess not hearing the words Sara wanted to tell me is the reason my sadness is not yet complete, I never wanted to hear them, I never had the courage to do so”


  I tried to take a deep breath and continue what I started, somehow a tear found her way out "I understand now that all your choices would have sounded wrong compared to this one" Joseph said

  Joseph left leaving me alone. Trying to avoid a hidden pain, I never wanted to face.

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