Read Where to Belong Page 11


  Rest Easy

  It was dark with night the next time she awoke. Her stomach still ached but not as badly. Her head was in a fog, and she slowly recalled why. She made a mental note to stick Skyler with one of his doses just so he would have a little more discretion in using it so frequently.

  She shifted and looked around the room finding herself back in the large bedroom. But this time she wasn't alone. Skyler sat at the desk just inside the door. He was slumped over asleep with his arms folded across his chest. His deep breathing was the only sound to be heard.

  Madison let her head drop back to the pillows. She was so confused. She didn't know if she should make a break for it again or give him a chance to explain his side. Even then, what good would it do to hear him out? What would it change? He was working against her. Staying close to him would undoubtedly lead her back to the dangerous lifestyle she had finally escaped.

  "Are you all right?"

  She looked to him at the whispered asking. Sarcastic replies and cutting remarks raced through her waking mind. But the look on his face told of his sincerity. Even in the dark she recognized his concern.

  He reached behind to the desk and retrieved a glass of water and offered it to her. "You need to drink this."

  Pain lanced through her when she reached to accept the glass. She froze in place and waited for it to subside. Skyler set the water on the nightstand and moved to help her. "I've got it," she protested, wary that his assistance would only agitate the wound.

  With much effort, she finally situated herself and took the glass from him. The water was room temperature, but it was welcomed. She drank it slowly, afraid it would irritate her empty stomach. "What day is it?" she asked with a pause between swallows.

  He wiped his hands down his face. "Ten minutes till Monday."

  Madison closed her eyes and leaned her head against the headboard. Last she remembered it was Friday night, early Saturday morning. That means it's been about two days since she was home. Two days since the attempted robbery of Lake View. The thought of it made her head ache. What happened to Caleb and Waylon? Poor Jack must be worried. Bradley would be even more worried. And she hadn't fed Victor in two days!

  "You need to eat something, get your strength back. Finish that water, and I'll be right back with some food."

  He looked absolutely spent as he got to his feet and staggered out of the room. She felt for him. Deep down she knew he never would have willingly put her in danger.

  When he returned with a plate in his hand, he brought someone with him. Skyler moved to the bedside and set the dish on the nightstand and ushered the newcomer into the room. The man stopped just inside the door and stood stiff as a board.

  "This is Chase," Skyler introduced his clearly uncomfortable roommate as he turned on the desk light. He was the same height as Skyler with a broader build. He had messy, brown hair and wore a dark dress shirt untucked over khakis.

  Madison acknowledged him with a small nod. She didn't blame him for being standoffish. She had threatened him with his own scissors. "Nice to meet you," she shifted and forced a smile. "Sorry about earlier."

  "No worries," he waved passively. "I can't say I'd act any differently if I had been shot and then patched up in some dude's bathroom." He took a step back when Skyler flashed him an unimpressed glare.

  "If you need anything, just let him know," Skyler knelt next to the bedside. "I have to go get my tire changed, then go to work. I'll see you later in the morning. I'm sure we have a lot to talk about. Please stay right here and wait for me. Don't try to go anywhere or call anyone. Just rest. I'll explain everything when I get back."

  "What caused the flat tire?" she said, trying to picture him changing a tire on his massive truck.

  "Nothing," he shook his head and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Not yet anyway. I knew I would be really late going in tonight so I told them I got a flat. I just have to find a garage that's open at this hour and slash my own tire. I'm sure my boss will have my story checked." He gave a smile and seemed to hearten some. "So you think you can do that for me? Stay put for a few hours?"

  She nodded to him as he rose to his full height, "I'll stay." Her voice hinted at the uncertainty that was weighing on her. He seemed to have caught it in her tone. There was a sadness in his eyes. "I'll stay," she said a little stronger.

  "Concentrate on eating, make sure to drink lots of water, and get plenty of rest. I'll hurry back as soon as I can. I'm going to fix this. I promise."

  Madison couldn't see how he could possibly correct all that had happened and wondered if they were thinking of the same problem. She was worried about her coworkers, her cat, and if anyone was looking for her. Something told her he was aiming at a different issue. A bigger issue. "Yes, all right."

  With a forced smile, Skyler turned from her and moved across the room, pausing when he came to Chase. Madison couldn't hear what was said, but it was quick. He was soon back on his way and the sound of the front door closing left her and Chase alone.

  A few moments passed and neither moved. Madison stared at the plate sitting atop the nightstand. It looked like baked chicken and green beans. It smelled really good. She didn't want to reach for it, she had finally situated herself so as to not irritate the bandaged wound. Chase was at the edge of her vision and he was still as unmoving as a statue.

  "Um," came his hesitant voice, "does it hurt?" She looked to him and couldn't form an answer. He shook his head, "I mean I know it does. No, I don't really know," he began to ramble again. "I've never been shot. But I can imagine it isn't pleasant. What I meant to ask was if you're all right. Are you comfortable? Well, all things considered."

  "I'm fine," she softly assured him. "It only hurts when I move." She puffed out a nervous laugh, then cringed, "And when I breathe."

  Chase shook his head sympathetically. "Breathing is sort of important."

  "It is," she smiled.

  Madison shifted and reached for the plate. She slowed with a wince, holding her breath. Chase caught on and hurried across the room and helped her. He then shuffled and took her glass. "I'll get you some more water." He didn't wait for a reply before leaving the room.

  He was back shortly, bringing the filled glass with a kind smile. "I've got to get back to work as well, but I'm only a few doors down so just shout if you need anything."

  "Thank you," she said as he turned for the door. "Chase?" He paused and looked to her. "And thank you for not calling the police. Don't get me wrong, they are the good guys. It's just a little complicated I guess. But thank you."

  He gave a one sided shrug. "I don't really know what's going on. Skyler didn't tell me much. I don't know the guy as well as I should seeing that I share an apartment with him and all. I honestly freaked a bit. That wasn't something I expected to come home to, urgent care thing going on in the shower stall. But he seemed genuinely concerned. I think I trust him. I don't know you at all, but you seem a decent enough person, scissors aside. Still, if either of you are some kind of psycho killer I would appreciate it if you could remember that I'm just an innocent bystander, the unemployed artist who rents a room, that's all."

  She smiled at his telling and did her best not to laugh, to avoid the resulting discomfort. His reasoning was understood, but it was his delivery that amused her. "No psycho killers here," she said with a nod. He returned the gesture and motioned for the door. With a concluding wave, he turned and left the room.

  Taking her gained solitude, Madison gave her attention to the plate before her. She didn't realize how hungry she was until she had to stop to catch her breath for scarfing down the chicken. The plate was soon empty and she felt she could easily eat another plate full. She downed the glass of water as well and wondered how difficult it would be to get herself into the kitchen for more.

  With the plate and glass safely atop the nightstand once again, she edged to
the side of the bed and put her feet on the floor. Her belly didn't protest too much to the movement, so she went ahead and stood, using the post of the headboard for support. When she was sure of her footing, she collected the dishes and patiently made her way toward the kitchen.

  It was dark as she wandered into the main room of the apartment. The city lights cast a peculiar glow into the room from the uncovered wall of windows. She paused as she caught the full spectrum of the view from their height. Chicago twinkled and glittered with a snowy beauty she had never seen before at this angle. It was a breathtaking sight, and she drank it in. For a few moments, the continually present ache faded into the background.

  The illumination from the city gave enough light for Madison to find her way around the kitchen without having to locate the light switches. She found another piece of chicken in the fridge along with some more green beans. After filling the plate, she set it in the microwave as quietly as she could manage. While it was warming, she came across a bag of rolls and nibbled on one. She stared out the spread of windows as she refilled the glass from the kitchen faucet. The chime of the finished microwave caused her to flinch when it broke through her gaze.

  Apparently, Chase heard the microwave, too. He shuffled from his room and into the kitchen as Madison was pulling the warmed plate out. "Don't mind me," he called as he came to the counter. "Make yourself at home."

  "I wouldn't mind that at all," she said with a gesture at the windows.

  "Yeah," Chase sighed. "I don't think that will ever get old." He watched out the glass wall for a few breaths then looked to Madison. "Here, this is what I do." He strode over to the set of two chairs at the window and turned them to face the view, pulling the small table between them closer to one of the chairs. He then made an exaggerated bow and presented that chair to her.

  She happily accepted his rearrangement and took the seat, carefully lowering herself into it so as not to insult the wound. Chase took her drink and set it on the table beside her then sat in the other chair. The two stared out the panoramic view of the glowing city in silence.

  Madison had once again devoured the entire serving and considered getting more. She didn't want to move from the spot. It was so comfortable she thought she might nod off. Between the embrace of the overstuffed chair and the splendor of the scene before her, she felt she could spend the rest of her life in that very place.

  After awhile, Chase began to stir. She didn't know for sure, but she guessed he had dozed off for a few moments. He looked to her and let out a sigh. "I think I'm going to turn in."

  She glanced over at him and nodded, "I probably should, too."

  Chase got up and took her dishes, putting them in the sink. He then came back to her and offered his hand. Madison let him help her to her feet and guide her back to Skyler's room. She sat on the edge of the bed and eyed the blinds that covered the windows along the wall.

  He must have caught her wondering. "Would you like me to open the blind or do you like the dark?"

  "I like the dark, but I think I like the view even better."

  He flipped a switch on the wall, and the blind began to lower. "Me too." The mechanical reel was barely audible as it pulled the thick blind into the casing along the floor. The entire outer wall was made up of windows and let in the glow of the city's lights.

  Madison settled into the bed and was soon ready to sleep. Chase pulled the door partially closed and looked to her. "Thank you," she said as he slipped out the door.

  "You're welcome," he quietly returned. "Rest easy."

  It didn't take long for her to find sleep. Her eyes were heavy and she didn't fight to keep them open. Her hunger was sated, and the wrapped wound didn't complain as much as it had. She snuggled into the blankets and let her calm mind take her where it would and slumbered.