Read Where to Belong Page 24


  Leave Again

  Madison gasped and waved for Chase to go. He didn't hesitate or question her and shoved his car into the shrinking opening that the SUV had occupied. Levi threw his large truck in reverse and tried to return to the lane. Chase was already flowing with the other cars, leaving the dark and bulky vehicle behind in the chaos. Madison turned around and watched out the back window in time to see another SUV like the first swerve around the gridlocked Levi and speed after them.

  "I've got this," Chase cheered as he charged onto a red light. He didn't slow. Madison braced herself when she caught onto his intent. With a hoot, he ran the light and narrowly missed the crossing traffic. Reminding herself to breathe, she turned to look back. The SUV cleared the maze of vehicles as well. "Where's a cop when you want one?" he barked when he noticed their pursuer in his mirror.

  The crazed pace continued through the busy lanes of city traffic. Chase was quick thinking, and his car was quick to respond as he barreled along. The little car was definitely more nimble than their oversized shadow, but the SUV didn't let them gain much ground along the way.

  The lights started to work with them. There was a string of greens for several blocks before Chase slipped through a few yellows. "We can't lose them," Madison muttered as the black SUV never left the mirror.

  "If I can reach the expressway, we'll be fine."

  "This isn't your fight, Chase."

  He didn't respond and zipped through a light just as it turned red. The sound of blaring horns told of their pursuers continuing after them. Madison shook her head and tried to think. There had to be a way to stop the madness.

  The cars ahead of them came to a standstill. Chase dove into the turn lane and pressed on until that one cluttered up as well. He slammed on the brakes. The little car slid to a screeching halt just shy of the bumper in front of them. They were trapped.

  Chase mumbled something that missed Madison's ears. She was too busy watching the dark SUV pull up behind them. Its grill filled the rearview mirror.

  "They aren't after you," she said in a whisper.

  "It doesn't matter," Chase growled and locked the doors.

  Madison turned to him and put her hand on his arm, "Thank you for trying, but this isn't going to work. They're not after you. They weren't even after Skyler at first. It's me they want. I have what they are after."

  "I told Skyler I'd keep you safe. That's what I'm going to do. We can talk about this later."

  "Go on to your parents' house and stay put. Skyler will call you when we're out. When the light turns, just go. Don't wait for me." She reached to open the door.

  Chase grabbed hold of her before she could get out. "We can still get away. I'm two lights from the expressway. They won't be able to keep up."

  "I'm not leaving Skyler again. He's in trouble because he tried to help me. I can save him." He didn't release her, but his expression softened. He was following her meaning. "He'd do the same for you and me." Madison peered at him and begged with her eyes.

  He cringed and checked the light. It was still red. He looked to the mirrors as two men stepped out of the SUV behind them. "You promise you know what you're doing?"

  She nodded once. "I can save him."

  "And yourself," he quickly posed. "You both have to come out of this."

  "We'll call you as soon as we can."

  His grip lessened. "I'm not afraid, you know."

  "I know." She tried to smile. "But you would be a distraction. I have to concentrate on getting to Skyler, and to do that, I have to go alone."

  Chase shifted and studied her. "Be careful."

  He released her arm. She forced another smile. "Thank you."

  With that, Madison drew a deep breath and stepped out of the small car. She shut the door without looking back at Chase. She knew his unsettled stare would only add to her own nervousness. The two men stopped their advance when she turned to them. Neither made a move for her. She held her hands up for them to see she was unarmed and walked towards them.

  The light turned green when she came beside the black SUV. Chase didn't go. She shook her head at him in case he was watching. One of the men from the SUV gestured at him. His partner started for the car. Madison called him back, "He's just a kid. Let him go." The man looked to her then his partner.

  Chase finally caught on and took off. A chirp from his tires sounded as he sped away. She watched him go. There was a moment of relief in the mountain of fear that weighed upon her as the blue car disappeared in the sea of traffic.

  "Get in," the man closest to her ordered as he opened the side door. These two were not what she had pictured Morgan sending after her. They were less intimidating. Instead of the black suits and glossy shoes she imagined his goons to don, they wore simple slacks and sport coats. They could pass as the average pencil pusher or desk jockey.

  She gazed around for a breath and found her bearings. Their current location was known to her. She made a resolve to keep tabs on their heading and not to get lost. As long as she knew where she was, she would have an idea of how to get away.

  Madison climbed into the black SUV behind the front passenger seat. She was alone inside. The man closed the door and walked around the back of the vehicle with his partner. The second SUV pulled up at a hurried pace. Levi and another man got out and joined them.

  She knew she wouldn't be able to make out what they were saying, but she tried anyway. She got nothing. Instead, she made a quick check of the inside of the truck. There was a toolbox in the floor behind her.

  Madison kept her eyes on the men behind the vehicle as she unlatched the box and opened the lid. She glanced to find three sedation syringes among other things. Grabbing one, she stuffed it in the sleeve of her coat and closed the box.

  Her eyes went back to the men in time to catch Levi coming around to her side of the SUV. He pulled the door open and stared at her. "So we meet again," he smiled a sleazy smile.

  "Take me to Geoff," she ordered before he could continue.

  "Now why would I do something like that?"

  "Because I have something he wants."

  Levi sneered at her. "What's to stop me from killing you right here and taking it to him myself?"

  Madison gave a mocking smile. "Because I said I have something he wants. I also have some bunny slippers. But, as you can see, they're not with me at the moment."

  "And if I don't believe you?"

  She shrugged, "Then you can deal with Geoff. I'm sure he would understand. He's an understanding guy."

  They peered at one another until one of the other men came beside Levi and whispered something to him. When he walked away, Levi slammed the door and followed after him. Madison breathed a sigh of relief. Her hand involuntarily went to the wound on her belly that began to ache as the rush of adrenaline started to calm.

  The two men got back into the SUV while Levi and the other returned to theirs. The driver went on his way heading for the expressway and turned north. They stayed with a route she knew for the most part. When they shifted their heading to a more northwestern direction, she was less sure of her surroundings.

  They drove for some time. The traffic began to dissipate. Madison found herself wondering if she had made the right choice. She was lost.