Read Whispering Angels From A Distant Star At Blue Moon Page 1




  Whispering Angels from a distant star at Blue Moon

  By Joy Bassetti Kruger

  ©Copyright 2014 by Joy Bassetti Kruger



  At that ambiguous point in time, on the very threshold of when evening begins and day departs, that exact moment when bats come out to hunt for insects, bush-babies awake in their hollow tree nests to glide from tree to tree and frogs begin to croak their trilling, bubbling evensong, -the whispering begins.

  You have to listen very diligently to hear the whispering, even when it’s very loud and when you do, your life will change forever. So prepare yourself for the event of a lifetime, during which time you’ll travel in your mind to that distant star on the far side of the moon, the source where all the whispering began, -a very long time ago.

  Silly old men who are mainly politicians, or boasters, or both, will tell you to turn a deaf ear to any whispering that you might hear and tune in only what they’re saying. But what they say is a pack of lies and full of their own boastful ideas concerning their own self-importance. So don’t listen to them -as they’ll only mislead you.

  What’s more, if you do listen to them and their ramblings, you will miss out on really understanding the mystery of life and harnessing the power of your own thinking, which will allow you to play a big part in helping mankind to improve its lot, by gaining insight into new inventions and finding other ways of using what is already freely available.

  The communication of the Whispering Angels, which will be one-third spoken to you in a whisper, one-third mentally sent to you in a vision and one-third internalized by you the listener, -is not difficult to understand or comprehend.

  All you need to do is to make yourself a circle of rounded river stones, underneath the canopy of a tree. Preferably an Indaba tree, or a Dombeya Rotundifolia, or even a Paperbark will do. Then you must wear clean white garments and wash your hands and face before you go and sit in the midst of the circle you’ve formed with the stones.

  Then once you’re sitting comfortably in a cross-legged position, roll your head backwards and with your eyes half closed, look up at the twinkling night sky through the branches and the foliage. If possible also observe the moon in its fullness and note its luminous blue hue. -If no trees or stones are available, then simply find somewhere to sit quietly, where nobody will disturb you.

  Now open your ears as well as your heart to the universe and quietly listen, -and you’re almost there. All you need to do now is to still your whirling mind by shutting out all the voices of people who are asking you questions, or telling you what to do. Then when your mind is quiet, you’ll become receptive to hearing the continuous humming that fills all space with its ohm sound and soon the whispering will come to you on the breath of the wind.

  Although the whispering goes on all of the time, at Blue Moon, the messages come through far more clearly and once in a Blue Moon, even the skeptics, the critics, the politicians and the war-mongers, can understand what is being said by their own Whispering Angels.

  Unfortunately, sometimes even when one hears the whispering, one is unable to comprehend what is being said, but don’s despair, -just keep on listening. For your understanding will begin, in that half quiet moment when the wind begins to sigh, - at the rising of a Blue Moon. The purpose of the sighing wind is to welcome all those out there, to listen in to what their Whispering Angels are telling them. This is the wind’s singing signal for understanding to begin and for the truth to finally be told.

  The cacophony of voices and thoughts that follow is almost deafening at first, before the natural order of the universe sets in and each voice awaits its turn to whisper. The initial cacophony can be likened to that of an orchestra tuning up before a performance and the whispering that follows, -to the symphony being played.

  What you will both hear and understand and also feel, will surprise you. It might possibly even scare you, but don’t be afraid. The voices of the Whispering Angels, who will whisper to you through your thoughts, are directly sending you their messages of guidance and hope, which might come to you as in the roaring of a lion, the bellowing of a hippo, or the song of a thrush.

  The path that you should follow may be unclear to you, but not to the Whisperer, who can see beyond the turmoil. So as long as you’re prepared to sit still and listen to what your Whispering Angels have to say, they will both whisper the directions and also show you the way.

  To those that whisper, there is never any confusion or misunderstanding and the directions they give, never distract one, or mislead one. The Whisperers know that the messages they send are valid and that they will help mankind if they heed them.

  To the Whisperers, the Word that they heard in the beginning was clear and it is still clear now. They want you too to hear that Word, which is the Word of God, -the Creator of the Universe.

  You won’t be confused by anything they tell you to think, or to do, or to say, as long as you’re willing to give up any preconceived ideas that are wrong, and any thoughts that you have a moral obligation not to think and any words that you should never speak.

  Instead, the Whisperers will help you to channel your thinking into the correct frequencies, -God’s frequencies. Then when you’re in harmony with all creation, you will both hear and understand what all their whispering is about. You will also begin to understand beyond your own feeble comprehension and start to feel the surge of power given to those that finally relent, mend their ways and toe the line.

  As the horse whisperer speaks to the horse and calms his nervousness and stills his racing pulse, as the beekeeper whispers and communicates mentally with his bees, so you too will become at one with the harmonious whole all around you, -once you have tuned into the whispering.

  You will no longer label others as old, stupid, drunken, thieving and poor, or call them unkind, unspeakable names. Instead, you will begin to see through the temporary disguise they wear of stubbornness, drunkenness, filthiness or unkindness and see who they really are and how magnificent they could be, if only they would be still and just listen.

  You’ll be advised by the Whisperers to see through their many disguises, no matter what happens, or how difficult it becomes. They’ll tell you to wait until peace comes to all those unfortunates in a whisper -at Blue Moon, -a whisper that will change them and reform them in a heart-beat, -forever.

  So get ready, for the next Blue Moon is already at hand, when all the Whisperers will begin to shout together quietly and say, “Come and listen to our story, which is the only true story that has ever been told. The story that will help you to mend your ways and change your thought patterns, so that you can enhance your experiences, become a better person and acquire new and better ways to do everything you have to do. Remember it is possible for you change right now, in the twinkling of an eye, -if only you would heed our words and follow our path.”

  So are you ready for this? Do you wish to go this route, even though it’s strange and difficult and the path you must travel along will often become uneven or indistinct?

  If so, then you’re ready to begin to hear the whispering and benefit from hearing the words that the Whispering Angels have to say.

  So come now, go out into the evening as the Blue Moon rises and await the Whisperer's call. The call of reason that has been going on since the beginning of time and even before that, which has taken almost a million lifetimes to reach you.

>   There are not that many Blue Moons, so take advantage of the few that there are, for a Blue Moon only occurs when two full moons appear within the time span of a single-calendar month.

  The great blue whales from the depths of the oceans can tell of their coming, so take heed of their thunderous song, which to them is but a whisper in the slow passing of time. For when they feel the coming of a Blue Moon in the movement of the tides and the tug of the ocean, they’ll send out their whale songs as an offering of pure love, -to the Whisperers.

  Dolphins too have an awareness of the Whispering Angels, the likes of which man has not yet come to know and they also possess a sixth sense that man might never in all his lifetime, ever comprehend.

  I hear you say that time flies and that you don’t have time for all this esoteric nonsense. And you can be certain that time will fly if you buy into the traditional idea of tempus fugit, which appears to govern everything we do, including those things that we don’t get around to doing.

  Instead, like nature remember that there is another form of time, once known so well to the ancient Greeks as Kairos time. During this Kairos time, all things happen at the right time and not a moment too soon or a moment too late. So when you are rushed, cling instead to this concept of time, which moves to a slower drum beat than the rest of the world around you. -For Kairos time seemingly lengthens time and makes it far less rigid than we imagine time to be.

  So make friends with Kairos time, as well as with the Whispering Angels that come to you in many forms. For their angel messages might possibly be heard in the advice of a friend, an idea from a story you’ve read, or even the words spoken directly by them.

  Be aware too that each whispering voice is equally as important as the next, so listen to the simple and the wise. The messages you need to hear are out there, so be ready for when they come to you on the up draught of a coming storm, or the suddenness of a mountain breeze, that could be either katabatic or anabatic, for the Blue Moon is rising and the Whisperers are already approaching on the crest of a wave of hope, that will be drawn to the distant shore on which you stand.

  Watch out and listen for the enlightenment that will come with the rising of the next Blue Moon and follow the advice of the ancient Whisperers that come from a distant star. And above all else, take heed of what your own Whispering Angel tells you to think and to do, for the very future of planet Earth, might well depend on a single contribution you can make, by improving the quality of your thoughts, actions and treatment of those around you.

  May the next Blue Moon, be the one during which time you begin to hear the whispering. The whispering that has gone on throughout all time, to both the rich and the poor, the needy and the lonely, the ones who’ve already heard and the ones that still hope to hear what the Whispering Angels from that distant star, -are communicating to all of us here on Mother Earth.

  The End

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