Read White Chocolate Moments Page 12

  "What about Lexa?" Sam asked. "Is she still around?"

  "I'm going to marry her:' Austin said confidently. "I haven't told her that, but it's true

  "She's a sweet girl:' Sam said sincerely, "and she'd be lucky to have you:'

  Austin looked inordinately pleased, and Sam knew a moment of disquiet. He really didn't seek the boy out enough--he suddenly knew that--but found it easy to blame on Austin. He'd been a little


  odd as a child and a rather strange teen, but Sam now admitted to himself that college life seemed to agree with him.

  Indeed Sam asked Austin about his schooling a moment later, and that young man had plenty to say on that subject as well. They enjoyed the best visit of their relationship before Tiffany arrived, looking for coffee.

  What had seemed like a long-ago plan was finally in front of them. Arcineh finished her finals on December 19 and became an official graduate of Fetterman Academy. There was no ceremony for December grads--she would come back in June to walk with her class--but when she got home, she was greeted by Violet and a cake.

  "And this is just the start:' Violet said cryptically.

  Arcineh soon found out that her grandfather had been very busy. The cake was not to be eaten until she, Violet, and Daisy dressed up and were taken to the Shedd for a lovely meal at the Soundings Restaurant.

  Arcineh floated on a cloud the whole evening. She felt as though she'd waited her whole life for this moment, and that wasn't all: In just three weeks, she would be back at Bryant Marble.

  Arcineh climbed from Sam's car in front of the Bryant warehouse and followed him inside. Taking notes on what he said and trying to look around at the same time, Arcineh was surprised when Sam suddenly stopped.

  "You're not wearing safety glasses'

  "I didn't know I had to:"

  "Have you not been in the warehouse before?" Sam asked as he took her arm and marched her back to the door where they came in.


  "I guess not:' Arcineh answered, not having thought of it.

  Sam plucked a pair of safety glasses from the bin and handed them to her. Arcineh put them on and stared at him.

  "Let me guess:' she said dryly, "I've never looked better:' "You look like a bug:'

  "So do you, now that you mention it:"

  The two continued their work right up to the moment Arcineh spotted something.

  "Is this the tile you have in your bathroom?"

  "Good eye Sam complimented her. "It's a bit rare and hard to find:'

  "Where's the marble from the kitchen?"

  "Over here:'

  And with that the two of them were off. Arcineh had never thought about seeing these goods in their raw form. Sam had come to check on a few items, but Arcineh was not running out of questions. They didn't get out of the warehouse for almost two hours.



  "I can't take the drama anymore Jeremy told his wife and daughter. "Quinn, you're going to be done with Tayte. He's hurt you for the last time:'

  "No, Daddy, please begged the sobbing 18-year-old.

  "Stop:' Jeremy commanded. "I tell you, I just saw him with a blonde plastered to his side in the front seat of his car. It's over, Quinn:'

  "How can it be, Jeremy?" Tiffany chimed in, fighting her own rage and tears. "She sees him everywhere she goes:'

  "Then we'll get her out of Creve Coeur, out of Missouri if we have to. But he's not going to hurt my girl again:'

  Quinn dissolved into full-blown hysterics, but Jeremy's mind was


  made up. He would do whatever had to be done to get Quinn away from Tayte Urbik.


  "Something has come up:' Sam opted to tell both Violet and Arcineh

  the news at the same time. He found them in the kitchen. "What's wrong?" Violet asked, not liking the look on his face. "Quinn will be coming to live here for a while"

  Arcineh couldn't keep the shock from her face. Violet flicked a glance at her and then back to Sam, whose jaw had tightened. He was clearly preparing for battle.

  "How long?" Arcineh managed after a moment of silence. "That's indefinite"

  "What happened, Sam?" Violet asked.

  "Something with Tayte. Jeremy wants her out of the area for a while

  "What about school?" Arcineh asked.

  "She'll come as soon as the year ends:"

  Arcineh could hardly believe what she was hearing. Quinn coming. And not just a visit but to stay. Arcineh had vowed never to compete on this, but she could not stay quiet this time.

  "What happens to me?" she asked.

  "Nothing:' Sam answered shortly. "You'll live here as usual."

  Arcineh could only stare at him. She could see that there was no use in trying to argue, but in her heart she knew she couldn't do it. She could not share a home, not even one this large, with her cousin.

  Arcineh left the room without another word, but her mind was already at work. Her eighteenth birthday was still six months away, but one way or another she would get out of the house. Right now she didn't know how to do that, but she knew that if Quinn was coming, she could not possibly stay.


  "How can you do that to Arcie?" Violet asked the moment she and Sam were alone.

  "What exactly am I doing to Arcie?" Sam snapped, ready to do battle with Violet as well.

  "This is her home:'

  "And it's large enough to include Quinn:"

  "You know how she feels about Quinn!"

  "She doesn't have to feel that way about Quinn. If she would just be a little kind and compassionate:'

  Violet considered walking out on the spot but knew she couldn't leave Arcineh. She also knew that it would do no good. Where Quinn was concerned, Sam had only one view. She just hoped it wouldn't cost him his younger granddaughter

  "Were you in my jewelry?" Arcineh asked of her cousin two weeks after she arrived.

  "I needed some pearls:' Quinn nearly whined. "I can't believe you would miss them:'

  "I wouldn't have Arcineh replied, her voice rising, "but you left my jewelry spilled all over my closet:'

  "Sorry:' Quinn muttered.

  "You sound sorry:' Arcineh's voice dripped with sarcasm. "Please tell me you're not arguing' Sam said from the door. "Because if you are, I'm going to lose my mind:'

  Both girls turned and looked at their grandfather. Arcineh was about to explain, but as usual, Quinn beat her to it.

  "I just wanted to borrow some jewelry from Arcineh, and she's throwing a fit:'


  The look Sam gave his younger granddaughter mirrored all his frustration, but he turned back to Quinn.

  "Did you ask?"

  "No, I forgot'

  "Next time, ask:'

  Quinn nodded in complete agreement before Sam's eyes swung back to Arcineh.

  "And can you please just share?"

  "I'll do that:' Arcineh said quietly as she slipped from the room, grabbed her purse, and headed to the kitchen. Arcineh almost left the house without speaking to Violet, but she stopped.

  "I'm going out:' she told her.

  "Where to?"

  "Just out:'

  "Arcie." Violet's voice caught her before she could go. Arcineh stopped but didn't turn around until Violet touched her. "It's not too late to apply for college:'

  Arcineh slowly shook her head. "College won't solve a thing, and I can't take it here much longer' she whispered when their eyes met. "I don't want to be separated from you, but I can't stay here with Quinn:'

  "I know" Violet agreed, tears filling her eyes.

  "I'll be back in a little while:'


  Violet stood very still when the teenager left. She had tried to talk to Sam twice more, but nothing had changed. In her heart she felt sorry for Quinn but knew that all her troubles were of her own doing. Violet just hoped that someday Sam would come to the same conclusion.

  Sam didn't move from his b
ed, but he knew the exact moment


  Arcineh arrived home. His bedside clock said 2:00. He had been ready to go to sleep for more than three hours but had not been able to put her from his mind.

  She had missed several days of work in the last month, simply asking Carlee for the day off and not telling anyone where she was going. Sam knew that Quinn was the reason, but he couldn't send Quinn back to Creve Coeur to fend for herself. Life had handed his older granddaughter a bad hand, and he had to be there for her until she sorted it out.

  Arcineh's footsteps in the hallway and then the closing of her bedroom door finally let Sam relax. He thought about going and talking to her but knew they would only argue. Sam drifted off, telling himself it was a stage they would all have to get through and trying not to think about how old he would be by the time all his grandchildren were in their twenties.

  Arcineh had seen more of Chicago since Quinn moved in than she had in all of her 17 years in that city Arcineh used any excuse to be out of the house, picking new spots and places where she would not know anyone.

  The café she settled on near the end of August was eclectic and interesting. Finding a table on the patio, Arcineh ordered coffee and a sandwich. She had brought a paperback to read, but couldn't get into the story and ended up watching people go by. Her food had just arrived when she heard conversation from the table behind her.

  "You'll never leave me:' a man's voice said. "I own you:'

  "You don't own a thing--" a woman answered back, "not your own pathetic choices and certainly not me."

  The next sound was a slap, flesh hitting flesh. Arcineh turned in time to see the man grab the woman's arm, and she moved without


  thinking. Taking her purse, she hit the man over the back of the head and continued until the woman's voice got through.

  "A play! A play!" The woman was waving a small book at her. "We're just rehearsing. It wasn't real:"

  The man had scrambled away from her in fear and now stood looking at her with huge eyes. The woman's eyes were large as well,

  and Arcineh wished the ground would swallow her whole.

  I'm sorry" she whispered. "I'm so sorry"

  Ducking her head, Arcineh sat back down. She looked unseeingly at her food, wishing she'd never ventured out. Staying home with Quinn was preferable to making a fool of herself in front of these complete strangers.

  The other two chairs at her table suddenly moved, and the actors sat down. Arcineh, blushing from chin to hairline, forced herself to look at them.

  'Anyone who comes to my aid in this day and age is a person I have to know," the woman said, holding her hand out. "Jalaina Ciofani." Arcineh shook the hand.

  "Arcie Bryant'

  "And I'm Mic Abbott," the man said, also offering his hand. "Were we really that convincing?" He leaned forward in his excitement.

  "You were," Arcineh admitted. "I'm so sorry I hit you, but I heard that slap, and when I turned, you were grabbing her."

  Both the actors looked very pleased over this, and Arcineh had to laugh a little.

  "I've gotta go," the man suddenly said as he stood. "It was nice meeting you." He kissed Jalaina on the cheek and told her he would see her in the morning. Arcineh watched him walk away before looking back to find the woman studying her.

  "So you're an actress?" Arcineh ventured uncertainly.

  "At the moment," Jalaina said, her voice perky and matter-of-fact at the same time "I like to try different things'

  Arcineh nodded, not sure what to say. She realized she was hungry but didn't want to eat in front of this woman who had no food.


  "Go ahead:' Jalaina said. "I'll order something the next time the waiter comes by:'

  "How did you know I wanted to eat?"

  Jalaina looked again as though she'd been given a compliment. "I pride myself on reading other people. It's the creative side of me:'

  Arcineh did eat. It was a little odd having Jalaina watch her, but she was well and truly hungry.

  "Where are you from?" Jalaina asked.


  "What side?"

  "Near the lake:'

  "I knew you couldn't be from around here:'

  "Thy?" Arcineh felt a bit defensive. If Jalaina noticed, she didn't let on.

  "Your clothing and jewelry for one thing, but also the way you hold yourself and eat. You're a dancer, aren't you?"

  "How did you know that?"

  Jalaina looked so delighted at having guessed correctly that Arcineh began to relax and enjoy herself. She wasn't sure what she'd expected, but this wasn't it. The longer they sat together, the more Arcineh liked her. And when Jalaina suggested they go to a movie that night, Arcineh agreed. She had the time of her life.

  Where the weeks went from there, Arcineh could not have said, but Jalaina's friendship was like a balm to her hurting heart. She was fun, but also levelheaded enough to be practical. Jalaina ended up being just the person Arcineh needed.

  The evening before her eighteenth birthday, Arcineh called Carlee's number at the office and left a message saying she would not be back. She hugged Violet goodbye, gave her a letter for Sam since he was on a business trip, and told the housekeeper she would be staying with a friend. She also remembered to tell Violet not to expect her home anytime soon.


  Chapter Eleven

  life could have prepared her for Jalaina Ciofani's house. She did not have an apartment but still lived with her family on Chicago's northwest side. Her family included her older brother, younger brother, and a grandmother, who at the moment was visiting her sister in Rockford.

  All the way up the stairs to her room, Jalaina told Arcineh what to expect, and especially not to let Nicky bully her.

  "Who's Nicky?"

  "My older brother. He owns my uncle's business and thinks it makes him king of the universe. Whatever you do, stand up to him. He's never even met anyone as classy as you, and you'll intimidate the life out of him. I can hardly wait:"

  Arcineh wasn't sure what any of that meant, or even if she heard it all. She was too busy looking around her. Jalaina had taken her to a bedroom that would have fit into Arcineh's closet at home. It had two beds, but Arcineh had no idea how she was going to fit herself or any of her things.



  "Are you really sure it's all right that I stay here, Jalaina? I mean, did you ask someone?"

  "I didn't need to:' Jalaina said with utter confidence. "You can stay as long as you like. Throw your stuff anywhere. We'll get organized later. Come on." Jalaina was already back at the door. "It's my turn to make dinner."

  Arcineh found out in a hurry what Violet had been doing in the kitchen for years. Jalaina gave orders to both her and Marco, her younger brother, but since Arcineh had done little more than boil water, it was not as easy as it sounded.

  "So tell me something, Princess:' Jalaina teased after Arcineh bent too far over the pot and got a face full of steam. "What was your cook's name?"

  "She wasn't my cook:' Arcineh retorted, taking the teasing in stride. "She was my grandfather's housekeeper, and her name is Violet:" "But you didn't go near the kitchen, I can see:'

  "Not to cook:' Arcineh said quietly, and Jalaina watched her face.

  "Not even gone a day and you already miss them:'

  "Not them. Just Violet:' Arcineh said in a tone that closed the door. Jalaina, still watching her, realized she'd never had such a gentle putdown. She could have crowed with laughter thinking about Arcineh going head-to-head with Nicky.


  "Who is that?" Nicky demanded of his sister the moment he got in the door. He'd come inside through the kitchen door and spotted Arcineh setting the table in the compact dining room.

  "A friend of mine' Jalaina worked to keep the pleasure from her voice. "She'll be living here for a while'

  "Just what we need:' Nicky muttered. "Another deadbeat:'


bsp; "You can say that with some of the lowlifes you bring home?" his sister threw at him.

  "I also bring home the money:' Nicky said, giving his standard line as he went to wash for dinner.

  "Did you get kicked outta your place?" Nicky asked near the end of the meal. Marco had done little but stare at Arcineh all evening, but he was done eating now and in the living room watching television.

  "Not exactly:' Arcineh said quietly, trying to recall Jalaina's advise. "Your sister offered me a change of scenery, and I took it."

  Jalaina, her eyes swinging between the two, had all she could do not to laugh. Nicky's brows had risen on this dignified reply of so few words. There wasn't anyone in their world who could have pulled that off.

  "So where you from?" Nicky asked next.

  "Chicago:' Arcineh answered as she had to Jalaina.

  "What side?"

  "Near the lake:'

  "Let me guess:' Nicky's slight Italian accent became more pronounced, his tone knowing but also a bit skeptical. "You got a Mercedes for your sixteenth birthday

  "Actually it was a BMW, and it was for my fifteenth birthday," Arcineh stated simply. "Nine days in Hawaii covered my sixteenth, and for my seventeenth birthday, sapphires and diamonds:'

  "You expect me to believe that you have sapphires and diamonds?"

  Arcineh reached for the gold chain on her neck and pulled it free until it revealed a pendant of unmistakable wealth and beauty Sapphires clustered around a half-carat diamond, all set in an 18-carat gold circle.


  "The matching ring, bracelet, and earrings are in my bag upstairs:'

  Nicky's eyes went from the pendant and back to Arcineh's face several times before he turned to his sister.

  "Where did you find her?"

  "At Barlow's Café, and I'm keeping her:'

  Nicky laughed, and the mood instantly lightened. The three ended up talking for hours before Arcineh helped do dishes for the first time in her life. Not until she climbed into bed many hours later did Arcineh miss Sam and Violet. Seeing their faces in her mind, she felt as though her heart would burst. It probably would have done a world of good to cry herself to sleep, but Jalaina was in the next bed and she didn't want her to see how weak she truly was.

  "You're in a good mood:' Arcineh said to Jalaina a few days later. That young woman was whistling in front of the mirror, the mascara brush moving fast.