Read Whither Thou Goest Page 5

English name.

  Not for him the easy bowler or soft hat, and the lounge suit. He had anidea that to be successful in business it was necessary to preserve theold traditions. Financial stability was suggested by the frock coat andthe topper.

  He described himself as a financier, and so in a certain sense he was.But in spite of the name of Jackson, he was a Spaniard by birth, and hisreal cognomen was Juan Jaques. As regards his business, he was amoneylender, pure and simple.

  He had a spacious suite of offices in one of the most private-lookinghouses in Dover Street. His staff was small, consisting of aconfidential woman secretary who typed his letters, generally suave, butoccasionally menacing; an equally confidential clerk who kept hisaccounts; and a smart office boy.

  From this agreeable point of vantage, he accommodated young men of goodfamily, and equally good prospects, when they were temporarily hard up.He had a very select _clientele_, and, to do him justice, for amoneylender, he was not extortionate. "Treat your clients fairly, andthey will come again. You make regular customers of them. They don'tgo buzzing off to Tom, Dick, and Harry." These were the principles onwhich he conducted his very lucrative business.

  He was in a very good humour this morning, as he got out of the taxiwhich had brought him from Waterloo to his office.

  There were very few letters, but their contents pleased him; theysuggested good business. The last one was from Guy Rossett, whointimated that he would call about twelve o'clock, as he wanted to havea short chat.

  The astute Spaniard, known to all but a very few as the naturalisedEnglishman, Jackson, smiled.

  He had not enjoyed the pleasure of Guy's acquaintance very long. MrsHargrave had brought the two men together, and the introduction had beeneffected through the following circumstances.

  At a certain period, Guy had found himself very short of money,practically due to bridge losses at the flat in Mount Street. He hadrather hesitatingly asked the charming widow if she knew of any decentmoneylender, who would finance him at a rate of interest that was nottoo extortionate.

  Violet had raised her candid blue eyes--they were her best asset--tohis, with a world of pity in them.

  "Oh, Mr Rossett, I am so sorry to hear of this. It is all thishorrible bridge. I always seem lucky, but such a lot of my friends havebad luck. I think I shall give up these parties, if they are going toembarrass the people I like."

  There was a soft mist in her eyes, as she gave utterance to these noblesentiments. Guy felt a little thrill pass through him. She was not amere worldling, she had her full share of real kindness, of realwomanliness.

  "One's own fault, you know," he answered lightly. "I suppose I ought tobe old enough to take care of myself. I needn't play bridge if I don'twant to, need I?"

  Mrs Hargrave did not answer for a moment. She seemed struggling withher remorseful thoughts. Then, after a brief space, inspiration came toher, and she played a strong and winning card.

  She laid her hand upon his arm, and her voice trembled ever so little asshe spoke.

  "Mr Rossett, we have been very good friends, have we not? And you werea pal of dear old Jack's long before I met him."

  Rossett nodded. At the moment he had no idea what she was driving at,or what she was leading up to. And he was pretty quick too.

  "Then I want you, for the moment, to think of me as a pal. Fancy forthe time I am Jack, your old friend. What I want to say is this, don'tgo to these horrible people. They are sure to rook you. I have alittle money put by--dear old Jack left me comfortably off--and I makequite a small income out of my winnings. Let me be your banker. Now,don't be proud."

  Guy was profoundly touched, and he thanked her in no measured terms.But the idea of borrowing money from a woman, even if she were a dearfriend, was too horrible to contemplate for a second. Had there been noalternative, he would sooner have blown his brains out.

  He told her this, and she sighed regretfully, as one amazed at theobstinacy of a certain type of man. She knew, could she once have gothim to accept this loan, she would be sure of him.

  "You see, it is quite impossible," he ended, rather awkwardly. It isnot a pleasant thing to refuse the kindness thrust upon you in the mostgraceful way by a charming woman. "Do you happen to know of any ofthese sharks?"

  Frustrated in her clever little scheme, the fair Violet reflected for afew seconds. Then she spoke in a hesitating voice, as if she weretrying to recall certain memories of the past.

  "Yes, I do know a man who, I believe, is a decent specimen of his kind.You know, a lot of people wonder that Jack was so well-off. Well, inthe first place, he was awfully clever, and he had two or three goodfriends in the City who gave him tips. But he wanted a bit of capital.He found out this man Jackson, who has offices in Dover Street. Jacksonbelieved in him, and financed him, of course taking a good share. Thatwas only natural."

  Rossett pricked up his ears. The thing that had puzzled so many peoplewas already partly explained. Jack had been, as his wife said, a cleverfellow, and a bit of a dark horse. He had been making money in the Cityin a subterranean way, with the help of the philanthropic Mr Jackson,who, no doubt, had looked after his own share of the profits. But whythe deuce had not Jack Hargrave told this openly to his intimates? Thenall _innuendos_ and suspicions would have been silenced at once.

  Mrs Hargrave went on in her sweet, low voice. "I don't think I haveever told this to a soul. You will respect my confidence. I alwaysthought it a little silly of Jack, but he made a point of keeping thesecret to himself."

  "Need you ask the question?" queried Guy Rossett reproachfully.

  "No, I am sure I can trust you. Well, this man Jackson; by the way,that is not his real name, he is a naturalised Spaniard. I see himsometimes on a few matters in which he is still interested, and which helooks after for me. I will give you a note to him, and ask him to treatyou very gently."

  But, before she moved to her writing-table, she again looked pleadinglyat him.

  "Are you sure you will not reconsider my suggestion? Surely you wouldrather be indebted to me than to a mere sordid moneylender?"

  Again Guy repeated his thanks. But on this point he was adamant;nothing would move him.

  He took the letter of introduction to Mr Jackson. This gentleman wasaffability itself. Mrs Hargrave's introduction was quite sufficient.Guy was too much a gentleman to put searching questions as to Jackson'sprivate knowledge of the Hargraves, husband and wife.

  On his side, Mr Jackson had the private _dossier_ of every eligibleyoung man, from the moneylender's point of view, entered in hisreference book. He knew all about the Earl of Saxham, and the LadyHenrietta. Young Mr Rossett was quite a desirable client. He waspleased to add him to his list.

  As a matter of fact, the loan was quite a small one, and was granted onreasonable terms. There was no speculative element in the transaction.Guy was a young man who might make a mistake now and again, but he wouldnever kick over the traces for long, and he was as straight as a die.

  On this particular morning, Mr Jackson received him with the greatestaffability.

  "Delighted to see you, Mr Rossett. Too early for a drink, I am afraid,but have a cigar."

  He pushed across a box of cigars that even a Spanish Jew could not havebought under half a crown apiece.

  "Now, what is it, Mr Rossett? Just a little more ready, I suppose?"

  Guy bit off the end of the very excellent cigar with a composed air. Hehad not the appearance of a suppliant for financial favours.

  "Not quite as bad as that, Mr Jackson. But I have a bill for sixhundred due next month. It would be a great convenience to me if youwould renew half when it falls due, of course on the usual terms."

  For a moment, Mr Jackson's face fell. He had hoped he was going to getdeeper into the young man's ribs, looking forward to that blessed daywhen Lady Henrietta's fortune would wipe off all arrears.

  Then, the next moment, he cheered up. Guy was not going to be a verybig custo
mer, but he was a safe one. A young man who could pay off halfof his indebtedness was to be trusted. Not much waiting, just quickprofits.

  It took them a few moments to discuss the details of the extension ofthe loan. When these had been settled, Mr Jackson consulted his watch.

  "I think, Mr Rossett, we might venture upon a small bottle now, what doyou think?"

  Guy really did not want anything to drink at this comparatively earlyhour of the morning. But, in view of further favours, it would not bepolitic to check his host's hospitable impulses.

  The moneylender produced a very excellent small bottle of _veuvecliquot_. The two men sat chatting for some time. Suddenly, thetelephone bell rang.

  What was whispered down it seemed to agitate Mr Jackson a little.Rossett could, of course, only catch his disjointed replies.

  "Actually left the house, you say, on the way. Ought always to give menotice.