Read Who Brings Forth the Wind Page 7

  return home, slowly now, but with a solid purpose in his heart.

  He wasn't certain he could live with his decision concerning

  Stacy, but the thought of her leaving London was simply not to

  be entertained.

  Tanner pushed his mount until the horse was blown and

  lathered. He'd sought out one of London's largest parks in an

  effort to ride and think. It would have been an ideal time to

  return to his estate in the country, but putting that many miles

  between him and Stacy was more than he could take right


  If he couldn't take the miles between London and Winsow,

  what he would do in four days' time when Stacy went

  home for good? Tanner's torturous thoughts plagued him.

  When had Stacy Daniels gotten so deeply under his skin? And

  why? What was it about the girl that was causing him to

  consider marriage, something he vowed would never happen


  His faithless wife came to mind then, as did his brother,

  William, along with all the pain he had experienced in the

  first months after their deaths. The betrayal and anger and

  then the cold bitterness that ate at him for more than a year

  before he determined not to give them another moment of

  thought. Now, sitting alone on horseback in a remote section


  lucinda regarded tanner with serious eyes as he stood

  across the library from her the morning after the accident. He

  had quietly and with surprising humbleness asked for Stacy's

  hand in marriage. It was what Lucinda had been hoping for.

  With this commitment, she now believed he would make

  Stacy a fine husband, but it suddenly occurred to her that she

  didn't know Stacy's heart.

  Roddy had assured her that Stacy loved Tanner, but Lucinda

  had never heard this from Stacy's lips or really seen

  anything to confirm it. Luanda's guilt over all her niece had

  been through weighed heavily upon her. The last thing she

  would do was force Stacy into a union she did not desire.

  "I find your offer quite satisfactory, but I will not accept

  until I've spoken with Stacy."

  "Are you worried that she won't agree?" One of Tanner's

  brows rose in what Lucinda could only label a sinister fashion.

  "Exactly," Lucinda told him. "I realize it's not the custom

  to consult the woman, but Stacy is not some bubble-headed

  girl who cannot be trusted to know her own mind. I will speak

  to her and let you know."

  Tanner's look was full of amusement now. "You'll be wasting

  your breath, Lucinda." He called her by name for the first

  time. "I assure you, Stacy will accept."



  "Nevertheless," the older woman stated firmly, "I will find

  for myself."

  "On three conditions," Tanner told her. Lucinda knew she

  now seeing the man, the duke, who always had his own

  /. "You must find out within the hour how she feels, and you

  lust do so without telling her of my offer."

  "And the third condition?"

  **You will allow me to ask her for her hand in marriage."

  Lucinda looked perplexed It was happening a little too

  Swiftly for her comfort, but she didn't know how to slow the


  "Yesterday I watched Stacy fall from a horse and lie unconscious

  in the park," Tanner said when Lucinda remained

  itilent. "I want the right as her intended to visit her and see for

  myself that she is well. I want this settled today"

  Lucinda felt she had no choice. She had managed to hold

  him off for many weeks now and knew it was not wise to push

  f$" her advantage. She would never have given into Tanner's request for a mistress, but now that he'd made a legitimate

  offer of marriage, Lucinda felt she needed to go along with his

  desires as much as she was able.

  "As you wish. I will send word to you as soon as I know.

  And," Lucinda paused, "you may plan on joining us for dinner.

  Come early, and I will see to it that you have a few minutes

  alone with Stacy. And I do mean a few minutes."

  Tanner nodded and replaced his hat. "Until 7:30?"

  "Seven-thirty," Lucinda confirmed and stood quietly as he


  "Another pillow, Lady Stacy?"

  "No, Rayna, I'm fine. You don't need to stay. I'm going to sit

  here very quietly. I promise to ring if I need something."

  The maid looked uncertain, but Stacy put her head back

  against the settee and shut her eyes until she knew she was


  alone. She smiled and opened her eyes when the door closed

  They were all like a bunch of mother hens.

  Most of Lucinda's staff were beyond their fortieth year, and

  they had all adopted Stacy when she moved in. She was

  surprised she had put on only a few pounds since coming-- they were forever sneaking things into her room. They showed

  Stacy repeatedly how much they cared

  Up to now all the pampering had been fun, but after Stacy

  had been brought home yesterday, they'd all been frantic. She

  did have a concussion, but she was not dying as Rayna and

  Craig both seemed to think. It would be wonderful to walk in

  the garden, but knowing it would stop the hearts of half the

  staff, Stacy resigned herself to staying in her room.

  When Lucinda knocked on the door, Stacy nearly lay back

  and pretended to be sleeping. But she had never been good at

  deception and simply waited for the entrance of the next

  anxious servant. To her surprise it was Lucinda.

  "How are you, dear?" Lucinda asked after placing a kiss on

  her cheek.

  "I'm fine. A little tired perhaps, but I'm doing well."

  Lucinda smiled, seeing that it was true. Stacy's color was

  good, and she had already learned from Rayna that she'd had a

  good night's sleep. They talked on for a time, and Lucinda

  asked to see Stacy's needlework. It was in a basket by the

  settee, and in a moment Stacy had retrieved it to proudly

  display her art.

  "It's beautiful, dear. I especially love the use of the blues."

  Stacy smiled her thanks and gazed on as Lucinda continued

  to study the intricate needlepoint. When Lucinda spoke,

  her voice was so casual that Stacy was taken unaware.

  "It was very kind of Lord Richardson to take you to Lady

  Brent's yesterday."

  Lucinda watched surreptitiously as the color crept into

  Stacy's cheeks and her eyes slid shut with remembrance.

  Lucinda's own eyes closed for a moment as well, and when she

  looked at Stacy again, the younger woman's gaze was distant


  I soft. Lucinda would have felt stunned had she known that

  _/s mind was reliving Tanner's gentle kiss in the library.

  'You're looking a bit flushed, my dear," Lucinda said softly

  icn she could "Maybe you should sleep for a time."

  "Maybe I will." Stacy grasped at the chance to be alone

  ith her thoughts. "Thank you for coming up to see me, Aunt


  Lucinda's hand gently patted Stacy's cheek. Once out in ithe hall, Lucinda found that her hands were shaking. She

  |>colded herself and tried to calm down
before she was forced ' to dictate her note to Tanner.

  Ten minutes later, back in her room, she was able to write it herself. It said simply that they would discuss the terms of

  the betrothal immediately following dinner.

  Had Tanner not insisted, Lucinda would have kept Stacy in

  her room for yet another night. It helped to remind herself

  that Stacy had looked very well that afternoon.

  "You look lovely," Lucinda told Stacy as she met her outside

  her bedroom door.

  "Thank you," Stacy said simply and stared down at the

  cream-colored gown that hung with lace. Rayna had brushed

  her hair out long and straight, and beyond a simple comb at

  the crown of her head which pulled the hair from her face, she

  was unadorned.

  "I really wanted you to stay one more night in your room,"

  Lucinda said as she hooked her arm through Stacy's. "But you

  have a visitor."

  Stacy glanced with surprise at her aunt, but didn't question;

  she simply walked along as Lucinda led her to the upstairs

  salon. Lucinda stopped outside the door and turned to

  face Stacy.

  "Tanner Richardson is waiting for you. I'll give you a few


  minutes alone before Roddy and I come to collect you both

  for dinner."

  Stacy's eyes had grown large on this announcement, but

  she had no time to reply. Lucinda turned on her heel and

  marched back down the hall. Stacy looked at the back of her

  aunt and then at the doorknob for only a moment before

  turning it and stepping quietly inside.

  Nearly the entire expanse of carpet separated them as

  Stacy closed the door and stood just inside. Tanner was by the

  window, looking incredibly handsome and larger than ever in

  formal black evening clothes, with a white shirt and black tie.

  He stared at Stacy before stepping to the fireplace and speaking.

  "Come over here, Stacy."

  Stacy obeyed without question, moving with natural grace

  to stand some two feet away. The distance was too far for

  Tanner's taste, and with a gentle touch he reached for her

  hand and drew her closer.

  Tanner looked into her wide, trusting eyes and knew

  frustration. Without a doubt Lucinda would hold to her word

  of coming back in a few minutes, and there was so much he

  wanted to say to this woman.

  "I have asked Lucinda for your hand, and she has agreed to

  my proposal," Tanner began, hearing the tick of the clock so

  near his ear on the mantel. "Now I wish to ask you, Anastasia.

  Will you be my wife?"

  Stacy's breath left her in a rush. Her face flushed and her

  mouth dropped open. 'You wish to marry me?"

  For some reason her reaction amused Tanner, and a huge

  smile broke across his face. "Yes, I do, and if you don't answer

  me quickly I won't even have time to kiss you before we gain

  an audience."

  Suddenly Stacy's smile matched his own. "You kissed me

  in the library. Do you remember? I thought I would have to be

  content with that for the rest of my life."

  "Oh, sweetheart," Tanner said softly before pulling her

  into his arms. She was a perfect fit.


  Stacy didn't think she would ever breathe again. Tanner's

  >ld felt like a walk through paradise. She wanted his kiss to

  on and on.

  Fortunately Tanner's head was more level. He broke the

  and stepped away from her just before the door opened

  admit Roddy and Lucinda.

  Stacy spent the rest of the evening floating on a cloud. She

  ildn't have told anyone what was served for dinner or who

  Iked at the table. She was so happy that she didn't even mind

  ^feeing sent upstairs early so the others could talk business.

  Her cocoon of joy lasted until right before she fell asleep;

  right up to the moment when she realized she wouldn't be

  seeing her grandfather in a few days as planned, and she

  would probably never live in his home in Middlesbrough



  the next morning, before the wedding agreement could

  be drawn up and signed or the banns posted for the coming

  wedding, Stacy went in to see Aunt Lucinda. Lucinda was at

  her writing desk in her bedroom, already making a list for

  Madame Angelica concerning Stacy's wedding trousseau. She

  had been half-expecting her niece, so as soon as Stacy appeared,

  Lucinda put her task aside.

  "Aunt Lucinda, may I speak with you?"

  "Of course, my dear."

  Both women made themselves comfortable in chairs by

  the window.

  "I'm trying to write to Papa, but I just can't find the words,"

  Stacy began. "I love Tanner, but I feel as though I've betrayed

  the man who has loved and taken care of me since I was a


  Lucinda rose and went back to her writing desk. She

  opened the top drawer and withdrew a letter. Returning to

  Stacy, she opened it and began to share.

  "This arrived just a week after you did, my dear, but there

  has never been a reason, until now, for you to see it. I shall

  read it to you.

  Dear Lucinda,

  I know that Stacy must be well ensconced in

  your care by now, and I wish you both a wonderful


  summer. As you may or may not realize, Stacy is the type of girl who would gladly lay down her life for

  someone she loves. There have been times over the

  years when this has not been an asset; now is just

  such a time.

  I told Stacy that no one would push her into a

  marriage and I meant it, but I also fear that Stacy

  might deny her heart if she fears hurting me or

  missing Morgan. I want Stacy to follow her heart. I

  trust you to judge the type of man who might show

  interest, and if you find him worthy of my precious

  girl, then act in wisdom.

  Stacy works hard to see that those around her

  are happy. Above all else, Lucy, see to Stacy's happiness,

  for there are times when she does not look

  after it herself. Give her my love and to you also.


  Stacy was not a woman given to tears, and in fact none

  filled her eyes, but her heart was so full she could not speak.

  "I will ask you what your grandfather would at this moment."

  Lucinda gazed at her tenderly.

  "Are you happy, my dear?"

  Stacy could only nod.

  "Then I will write Andrew and tell him all that has transpired.

  I will also say that you will be writing soon to give him

  the wedding date and details."

  Stacy's answer to this was to throw her arms around her

  aunt. Lucinda laughed as she embraced her, thinking she

  would topple a smaller woman.

  "You run along now, dear; I've got things to do."

  Stacy was more than ready to comply now that her mind

  was set to rest. Returning to her room she sat down at the table

  by the window, now knowing that she could write that letter. It

  wasn't as easy as she believed, however. Before she'd written

  two words, her mind began to wander. The quill was set aside

  and soon for
gotten. Stacy never even noticed the cool breeze



  coming in the window and moving her hair. Her mind was

  wholly taken up with Tanner and what he might be doing at

  the moment.

  'Price," Tanner bellowed The servant appeared at the top

  'the stairs as if by magic.

  "Yes, your Grace."

  "Riding clothes. And order my horse saddled." His reply

  curt, but he simply had no time to be civil. He had to see

  icy, and now. There was no other help for it.

  Stacy might have been pleased to know that Tanner was

  thinking of her, except that his thoughts were turning rather

  pensive. His breakfast sat growing cold as he let his mind

  dwell on the night before.

  Dinner had been a delight, and Lucinda, with a few suggestions

  from Roddy, had been more than reasonable concerning

  the marriage contract. Not that Stacy's dowry mattered to

  Tanner in the least. She could come to him with nothing more

  than the clothes on her back, and he would still many her.

  The now-familiar tightening in his chest that happened

  every time he thought of her was coming on again. She was so

  precious. Tanner's eyes closed when he remembered the way

  she felt in his arms and the way she had shyly returned his kiss.

  Without warning, the face of his first wife, Leslie, swam

  before his mind's eye, her expression very soft and open as it

  had been when they'd first met. She too had been sweet and

  seemingly innocent, promising to love and honor him for all

  of her days.

  With an abrupt gesture Tanner rose from the table, his

  breakfast completely forgotten. It isn't too late to back out, he

  told himself. The papers have not been signed or the newspapers


  "Ifear ibis latest incident tvill destroy what is left of Stacy's


  Luanda's words suddenly sounded in Tanner's ears, and

  he stopped dead on his way into his study. The way Stacy's

  eyes had looked last night, so full of trust, caused Tanner to

  shake his head as if to clear it. Still, the black cloud of his past

  still lingered. With a decisive turn he moved for the stairs.


  wish you could have seen her face when I read that

  letter. She was so relieved, but I worry a little that Tanner likes

  to have his own way and will run right over the top of her if she

  stands in his way."

  "I don't know," Roddy spoke contemplatively. "If you could

  have seen his face when he bent over her on the grass..." He