Read Wicked And Wild Page 10

  His chest ached.

  “You did.” Valerie winked at him. “You’ll realize that truth, one day.”

  He would never understand her. But…now he had plenty of time to try. Plenty of time—as in, forever. “We’re mated.”

  “We’ve been mated. Darling, did you miss that part?”

  Why did he like it so much when she called him darling? Griffin cleared his throat. “Forever now. Once are bodies are joined, there is no going back.”

  Her gaze slid over him. “There never was any going back.”

  She was still naked. And when he looked at her body…

  Griffin licked his lips.

  “Someone looks hungry,” Valerie murmured as she arched one delicate brow.

  The woman had no idea. But he had to hold his control. This time. His people were waiting for him. And there were questions that had to be answered. “Could you…summon clothes?”

  Her brows climbed. “Are you asking me to do magic?”

  “Yes,” he hissed.

  She wiggled her fingers. Clothes appeared on his body. Pants. A shirt. Boots.

  But she was still stark naked.

  He was about to grab her. His hands fisted. “You.”

  “What about me?” She strolled around him, giving him a perfect view of her front and her back. Valerie hadn’t just been boasting before. Her ass was world-class.

  He might have to kick the shit out of some guards who’d seen too much of her.

  “Clothes,” Griffin gritted out. “On you.”

  “Again, you’re showing this weirdly prudish tendency for a shifter, but whatever.” Her fingers did their little shimmy again, and she was suddenly wearing tennis shoes, jeans, and a black shirt. Her hair had magically dried. “Better?”

  Actually, no. She was still sexy as all hell.

  “Does this mean that you’re suddenly on board with me using my magic?” Valerie wanted to know.

  He thought about what she’d done to Rio. The way lightning had traveled through her body and into Griffin when he’d tried to pull her away from the boy.

  And the way flames had consumed her. “Hell, no.”

  Disappointment flashed on her face. “Someone is a great lover, but no fun outside of the sexing.”

  Griffin glowered at her. “You’ve been lying to me.”

  She immediately straightened her spine. “I have not.”

  His fingers curled around her wrist. First things first, they were getting out of the dungeon. He pulled her with him, moving over the spilled buckets, past the scorched stones, and toward the stairs. “You have lied.” They began to climb. “You’ve tricked and manipulated me from the very first moment we met—”

  “And that’s why the witch should die.”

  Griffin’s head whipped up. He hadn’t sensed anyone else there. Hadn’t picked up any odor or heard any sound—until then. Until the moment he heard those dark, angry words.

  Carmichael stood at the top of the stairs. A hard glare was on his face. A glare directed at Valerie.

  Griffin immediately moved, positioning his body protectively in front of Valerie. “You aren’t supposed to be here.” He’d given strict orders that Carmichael had to stay away from the castle.

  “You were dying—or so everyone thought. And if you weren’t dead because of the witch, then you were trapped as a beast.” Carmichael’s shoulders rolled in a shrug. “I’m the next in line of succession so no one tried to get in my way when I came inside.”

  Probably because everyone had been busy battling a dragon.

  “I’m fine,” Griffin told his brother, voice curt. “So how about you get the fuck out.” He marched up the remaining stairs, bringing Valerie with him. He would cower before no one. And Carmichael sure as hell wasn’t going to stare down on him and his mate.

  Carmichael backed up, moving up the stairs until he was on the first floor. His nostrils flared, and fury flashed on his face. “Mated.”

  Griffin started to reply—

  “Yep, we are,” Valerie sang out happily. “And not some temporary link, either. Marked and mated forever now. Boom.”

  Griffin frowned at her.

  She smiled. Blew him a kiss. “Try getting rid of me in a month. See how that works out for you.”

  A growl came from Carmichael.

  Valerie just laughed. “You guys are so growly. It’s adorable.”

  Shock slackened Carmichael’s face.

  But the shock faded as Valerie stalked toward him. She still had a smile on her face, but her eyes were ice cold. “If I find out you fired that arrow at me…” She lifted her hand. Stabbed her index finger into Carmichael’s chest. “I will cut out your heart. Then I will dance on your grave.” Her head cocked to the right as she studied him. “That’s what I do to my enemies. I love to dance when they’re dead.”

  Carmichael seemed incapable of looking away from her. “You’re crazy.”

  Valerie shrugged.

  “You’ve tied yourself to an insane witch!” Carmichael threw at Griffin. “Why? Because you wanted to screw her? She’s hot as hell, but crazy as—”

  Griffin had thrown his brother a good ten feet. Carmichael’s body thudded into the wall.

  Valerie glanced at Griffin, raising one eyebrow. “You moved so fast.” Her lips curled down in a pout. “No fair. I was going to throw him. You beat me.”

  He took her hand in his. Brought it to his lips. Pressed a kiss to her knuckles. “No one calls my mate crazy.”

  Carmichael slowly rose to his feet.

  “No one ever disrespects her. She is mine, and I will fight to the death for her.”

  Valerie’s hand gave a little jerk in his. “No need for you to go dying.”

  His head turned. He smiled at her. And didn’t let go of her hand. “I won’t be the one dying, baby. Anyone who comes at you will be.”

  “That is so sweet.”

  “That’s fucking insane!” Carmichael roared.

  Warren rushed from the alcove. About damn time. Elliott was right behind him.

  Carmichael glared at Valerie. Then at Griffin. “You can’t want to be with her forever!”

  It was done.

  Carmichael focused on Valerie. “And you can’t want him! You’re playing some kind of game. Using my brother.” His gaze cut back to Griffin. “Witches can’t be trusted. You’re the one who told me that, Griffin!”

  Because it was a lesson they’d learned long ago. But Griffin wasn’t trusting Valerie. He was mating her. There was a difference.

  “I won’t let you destroy him,” Carmichael fumed. “I will stop you.”

  “Promises, promises,” Valerie murmured. She didn’t look or sound worried.

  And she shouldn’t be worried. Because Griffin was about to make certain Carmichael never hurt her again. “Take him out of here,” Griffin snapped to Warren.

  A smirk covered Carmichael’s face. “Because I’m not supposed to be in the castle. My home. She’s taken that over. She’s—”

  “Out of the realm,” Griffin added. “Open the doorway. It’s going to be a one-way trip.”

  Carmichael paled. “What?”

  Valerie’s eyes widened. “What? You’re—you’re banishing your brother?”

  He fucking was. Griffin’s gaze slid to Elliott. “Did you find the arrow?”

  Elliott’s hands had been behind his back. He gave a grim nod and lifted his right hand—revealing the arrow. “Had to fight to get it from Rio.”

  Valerie sucked in a sharp breath.

  “He is okay,” Elliott added hastily. “Kid’s upstairs. Totally safe.”

  Griffin stalked forward. Took the blood-stained arrow. Inhaled.

  “You can’t banish me,” Carmichael blasted him. “This is my home! You can’t turn me out for a witch!”

  Griffin tried to choke down his rage. He turned toward his brother. His blood. “Did you think I wouldn’t know?”

  Carmichael stiffened.

  “I can smell the pois
on. Your scent isn’t there. Right now, the only shifters I can detect on it are Rio and Elliott. But the scent of the poison is very, very distinct.” He snapped the arrow in his hand. “A poison designed for one very specific purpose.”

  Carmichael shook his head. “No. No!”

  Griffin stalked toward him. Claws burst from his fingertips. “Yes. Only you and I knew about that poison. Only us. We were the only ones who knew where it was hidden.”

  “Griffin?” Valerie’s voice was hushed. “What’s going on?”

  “A poison that can paralyze a witch. It just has to get into her blood, right? But the arrow didn’t pierce her skin, so Valerie didn’t feel the effects.”

  Carmichael denied, “I didn’t—”

  “It’s the same poison I used on the witch who killed our parents.” Because he’d been thirteen when he’d hunted her down, and he’d been no match for her on his own. Getting that poison had been no easy chore. Once he’d had it, though, he’d been able to get vengeance. Finally. And the bit of the poison that had remained stayed locked in Griffin’s tower. His secret. His and Carmichael’s. Until now. The secret is out. “Did you get it when you came to the castle yesterday? You snuck it out, and you tried to use it on my mate?”

  “You didn’t want her!” Carmichael bellowed. “You hadn’t slept with her! Don’t act like you’re suddenly in love with the witch. It’s the mating doing this. You don’t give a damn about her.”

  Griffin stood toe-to-toe with his brother. “You know nothing about me. Or her.”

  “Griffin—” Valerie began, voice high.

  “Banishment.” The punishment had been given. “And if you try to fight, Carmichael, if you ever so much as look sideways at her…death.”

  The tension in the air was palpable.

  “Valerie, go upstairs.” Griffin didn’t look back at her. If his brother fought, he didn’t want her watching as he killed his only blood relative.

  But she didn’t move.

  “Valerie…” Griffin glanced back at her.

  And he found her staring at him with wide, shocked eyes. “You have a poison…that paralyzes witches?”

  Guilt tore through him. No, no, she can never know the rest. Never. “We’ll talk upstairs.” Away from prying eyes and shifter ears.

  She shook her head. “Would you have used it on me? Wait—will you use it on me? So that I’m too weak to fight back from an attack? So that I can die?”

  Did she think he could hurt her? “We’re mated now. If you die…” He could lose his sanity. That was how deep the mating went for the shifters in his blood-line. “You won’t die.”

  “That’s not an answer. You sonofabitch, that’s not an answer.” Then Valerie stormed away. He wanted to run after her. To grab her. Hold her tight. But…

  Eliminate the threat. His brother couldn’t be allowed to stay near Valerie. Her safety had to come first.

  From now on, her safety would always be his priority.


  Valerie flew up the stairs, and she hissed at every guard who so much as glanced at her. Her fingers wiggled in the air—hell, yes, she was doing magic—and she used a locator spell to find her henchman. When she closed in on Rio, she found a tall, dark-haired shifter guarding his door. The fool actually stepped aggressively toward her.

  “You do not want to try me right now,” Valerie fired at him. “Don’t make that mistake.”

  He backed down. Wise. He was smarter than he’d looked on first glance.

  She threw open the door. Rio was on the bed, with Edgar perched on his shoulder. When Rio saw her, he jumped to his feet. Edgar cawed.

  Valerie glanced over her shoulder. The shifter guard stood in the doorway. Smiling sweetly, she said, “Back the hell up.”

  He’d barely cleared the threshold when she slammed the door on him.

  Then she was swallowed in a too tight hug. “You saved me!” Rio announced, his voice rising with each word. “I know I was dying. You healed me. You made me stronger. You—”

  She shoved his arms away. “What were you thinking?”

  “I—” He blinked.

  “Who in heaven or hell told you to put your body between me and an arrow?”

  Rio pressed his lips together.

  Edgar let loose a gurgling croak.

  Valerie glared at the raven. “Could you be useful? There’s witch poison in this place. I just found out that crap a few minutes ago! You’re supposed to pick up details like that for me!” She was…scared. Utterly terrified. “Go eavesdrop. Find out what else they’ve been keeping from me.”

  The bird flew toward the open window.

  “Y-you told me,” Rio stammered. “Said it was a henchman’s job to always stand between you and—”

  Her temples ached. “That is not your job any longer.”

  Was he about to cry? He blinked his eyes a few times. “I’m fired?”

  “No. But when danger comes, stand behind me. Got it? Not in front. Behind. You listened wrong before. So everything that happened is your fault. I will not forgive you.” Her chin jerked into the air. “You pull something like that again, and you will most definitely be fired.”

  Rio shook his head. “But—”

  Valerie tackle hugged him. “Don’t ever do that shit again.” She’d gotten a stupid soft spot for the kid. “Not ever.”

  Chapter Eleven

  “I didn’t attack your witch!” Carmichael shouted. They were outside of the castle, just beyond the gates. And Griffin was trying to not kill his younger brother.

  “If I’d attacked her,” Carmichael continued, voice grating, “she’d be dead.”

  Elliott and Warren were on either side of Carmichael. Each man held one of his arms.

  Griffin smiled at his brother. “Let him go.”

  Elliott frowned. “You sure about that?”

  “Positive. It’s no fun to kick the ass of someone who can’t fight back.”

  Warren and Elliott freed Carmichael.

  Carmichael stood there, expression bemused. “What is going on with you?”

  Instead of answering, Griffin drove his fist into Carmichael’s face. His brother’s nose broke with a wonderful crunch. “You won’t kill her. You won’t touch her.”

  “Fuck!” Carmichael swiped away the blood. “I told you, I wasn’t behind the attack!” He didn’t fight back. “And why the hell are you acting so high and mighty?”

  A raven flew overhead.

  “I know what you were planning! You think I didn’t hear? Hell, everyone in this town knew the reason you’d left this realm.”

  This time, when he hit Carmichael, Griffin would use his claws—

  “You were supposed to kill her!” Carmichael spat. “The witch council hired you to take her out because everyone knows Valerie Storm is psychotic. The council didn’t think they could handle things on their own, so they hired you. You took out the last witch who went bad. You poisoned her so she couldn’t use her powers, and then you eliminated her. It’s been a century, but who the hell is keeping count?”

  Carmichael was, obviously.

  The raven suddenly dove low, flying right at Griffin as it released a shrill cry. He batted the fool bird out of his way. It flew up again, cawing.

  For some reason, that caw reminded him of Valerie’s laugh.

  I was supposed to kill her. And if I hadn’t been attacked and had to shift into my dragon, I fucking might have done it. Because he never would have gotten to know Valerie. A fact something only those in his inner circle realized…Griffin was a paranormal assassin. He took out the monsters who were too strong for others to handle. That was how he got money for his people. How the shifters kept their power and influence.

  And, yes, he’d fucking agreed to kill Valerie Storm.


  Before he’d become trapped as a dragon.

  Before a beautiful, wild witch had sat next to him in a dungeon and told him that he had giant claws.

  Before she’d saved a
young shifter who’d been dead to the world.

  Before she’d reached past Griffin’s guard. Before his witch had started to make him feel something more than duty and vengeance.

  “You were going to kill her, not me.” Carmichael laughed at his brother. “I never had those plans for Valerie. I’m not the one who used the poison. So banish me, fine, but you won’t be eliminating the threat to your mate. You can’t eliminate it.” Carmichael closed in on him. “Because you want to know who is the greatest threat to her? Try looking in a mirror to see him.” Then, in case Griffin had missed the point, Carmichael thundered, “It’s you, bastard. You.”


  The raven flew through the window.

  Valerie finally stopped hugging Rio. She’d probably hugged him too hard. He seemed to be struggling for breath. She lifted her left hand, and the raven perched on her wrist. “Tell me,” Valerie said. “And it had better be good.”

  Only…it wasn’t good.

  Her stomach twisted. The room became a little blurry, and that was odd. Why would the room blur? Why did her cheeks feel wet? Why was her chest aching?

  “Valerie?” Rio’s voice rose with concern.

  “He wanted to kill me?” Her heart couldn’t be breaking. She didn’t have a heart. Ask anyone. Ask everyone.

  The raven stared back at her.

  Her breath sawed from her lungs. “I can only leave with a shifter.” That was how she’d gotten into this cursed realm. Her head turned. She focused on Rio. “You’re a shifter.”

  “But I can’t shift—”

  “I don’t need you to shift.” She just needed him to hold her hand. To touch her while they passed through the portal. “We’re ditching this world.”


  “I told you before that humans weren’t so bad. They’re not. They’re fabulous. You’re going to love them. You’ll live a rock star life.”


  “I’m absolutely not.” She swiped at her cheek. “My eyes are just leaking. I’m allergic to dragons.”


  “I’m leaving. Are you coming with me?”

  “I can’t open a doorway.” He rocked forward onto the balls of his feet. “Griffin has to do that. I don’t possess that kind of power.”