Read Wicked And Wild Page 17

  Devon lifted a brow. “Shifter.”

  “Great. So we both know what we fucking are.” Warren let his claws burst out. “Now you won’t be surprised when I cut the skin off you.” He took a menacing step forward. Guess Griffin was right about this place needing protection. “Because I doubt Griffin gave you an invitation to his home.”

  Devon shook his head. “This isn’t his home. We both know Griffin barely tolerates the human world.”

  True enough.

  “Just as he barely tolerates witches.” Devon’s expression was grim. “I can hardly blame him, given what happened to his parents. The guy doesn’t have a good history with my kind.”

  Warren kept closing in on the fellow. He’d warned Devon. When the guy got cut, it would be his own damn fault.

  “He didn’t choose her, you know. Valerie. She wasn’t the one who should have been his mate.”

  “Oh, you can see someone’s destiny, huh? Didn’t think witches could do that.”

  “Witches can do all manner of things. Like…love spells.”

  Warren stilled.

  “Do you know Valerie’s specialty? Have you been around her long enough to figure it out?” But before Warren could reply, Devon announced, “Illusions.”

  “Yeah, I know that.” She’d used one hell of a spell on his niece.

  Devon’s eyes narrowed. “Used a spell on you, did she?”

  Warren didn’t answer.

  “Or maybe she used one on someone you care about.”

  A muscle jerked in Warren’s jaw.

  “Illusions.” Devon drew out the word. “She can make you think you’re seeing heaven or that you’re facing hell. Her gift. Never found anyone who can match her power.”

  “You should get out of here.” He could still hear the boat’s engine. Closer now.

  “She’s using her magic on your king. Making him see her in a different way. The image she shows him is nothing more than an illusion. It’s the illusion he’s fallen for—”

  Warren’s laughter cut off Devon’s words.

  The witch’s expression tightened.

  “You’re a damn fool.” Warren was still smiling. “Griffin hasn’t fallen for her. It’s just the mating bond. That’s all. Lust. He wants to fuck her. He’s not in love with her. He’ll get his fill while the mating burns hot, and he’ll control her.”

  Now Devon stared at him in pity. “I’ve known Valerie for centuries. No one controls her. Your king is the fool.” He turned away.

  Warren grabbed him. Whipped Devon back around. “He’s a fool who put his mark on you.” And he pointed to the still red lines on Devon’s face. “You might have healing magic, but I know the marks left by a shifter’s claws.”

  “I was trying to help him.”

  “Why don’t I buy that?”

  “Because you—like every other male who meets Valerie—you underestimate her power. You think it’s just lust. You think it’s just fucking. It’s not. You’ll blink, and she’ll own him. He’ll be willing to give up everything for her. He won’t take her back to his realm like he promised. He’ll keep her here, and Griffin will start a war between the witches and the shifters. The ground will be red with blood, and the air will be filled with magic.”

  The bastard was wrong. He was—

  “I gave Griffin the tools to use against Valerie. If he wants to fuck her, if he wants to keep her, he can.” Faint lines of tension bracketed his mouth. “I understand shifters can’t ever let go of their mates. He can keep her forever. He just has to bind her magic.”

  “Bind her? How?”

  “I gave him the tools.” Devon’s eyes began to brighten. He lifted his hands. “You need to convince your king to use them. Before it’s too late.”


  The witch snapped his fingers and vanished.

  “Fucking witches,” Warren spun around, searching the room around him. But Devon was long gone. Warren hated magic. Hated it.

  The roar of the boat’s engine was even louder now. He rushed out of the mansion and ran down to the pier. He waved his hands, wanting to warn Griffin that they had company. Company that might still be lingering close by. “Witches!” Warren yelled. “The sonofabitch was here!”

  Devon. A guy who’d come to spread lies because there was no freaking way that Griffin was actually falling for Valerie. Couldn’t happen.

  The boat pulled into position near the dock. He tossed a line to Elliott, and his friend tied off the vessel. And Griffin—

  Griffin had his arm wrapped tightly around Valerie. The shifter king carefully lifted her onto the dock, and once she was steady, he removed her life vest. When she shivered, Griffin tucked her against his side.

  Every move was tender. Careful.

  Valerie glanced up at Warren and gave him a wide smile. “Did I hear you calling for witches? Ta, da. Here I am.”

  She was soaking wet. Her dress clung to her like a second skin. A blanket had been wrapped around her upper body, but it blew in the breeze. The woman was absolute pure sex appeal. Too beautiful by far. And Griffin…

  Griffin was staring at her as if he’d just glimpsed heaven.

  Valerie. The mad witch.


  Devon had been right.

  She’d put Griffin under a spell, and Warren had to set his friend free.

  Chapter Sixteen

  “This will be your room.” Griffin stood inside the bedroom doorway, looking unbearably cute yet uncomfortable as his gaze darted over her body, then away. “For as long as we’re here.” He rubbed a hand over his jaw—a jaw that was showing serious stubble signs. “Hope to hell that’s not long.”

  His words brought up an interesting point. “You haven’t tried to force me back to the other realm.”


  “Why not?” Not that he could do it. But…

  “Because it should be your damn choice.”

  Warmth bloomed inside of her. “Won’t that break the deal you had with the witches?”

  “Already broke that deal. Told Devon to screw himself.”

  Devon. “That’s how you knew about Tomas.” She hugged the blanket a little tighter to herself. “He told you.” Thanks, asshole.

  Griffin nodded. “And I told him there was no deal. If he really wants a war with my kind, if he’s going after my queen, then I’ll give him a war. Shifters aren’t afraid of anything.”

  No, but there had been a lot of young shifters in his realm. She’d seen plenty of them. And there were young witches, too. “When I take over, I won’t let the witches ever hurt a shifter.”

  His eyes widened. “That’s your plan? To take over? To rule?” He shut the door and slowly strode toward her.

  She stiffened, a wee bit.

  “Because you can already rule. You don’t need the witches.” He caught her hand, lifted it to his lips, and pressed a kiss to the back of her hand. “You’re my queen.”

  Her breath was coming a little too fast. Her heart was pounding too quickly in her chest. Of course, he’d hear those sounds. He’d know the impact he was having on her. He’d know—

  “Get some rest, Valerie. I’m not making any plans to leave, at least not until I see how that meeting goes with the vamp.”

  Enzo. Right. Her shoulders sagged as Griffin walked away. Wait. Hold up. Walked away? “You’re leaving me?”

  His shoulders stiffened. “Like I said, this is your room.”

  “But you’re my mate.” She bounded toward him. Let her blanket fall. “Don’t you want to be with me?” Valerie put her body between him and the door.

  “Hell, yes.” An instant response. One she liked. “But after what happened…the way you ran from me, I didn’t think you wanted back in my bed.”

  “Look me in the eyes. Tell me that you had nothing to do with the arrow that hit Rio. Swear that you weren’t trying to kill me.”

  He stared straight into her eyes. His hands closed around her arms, and he pulled her close. “I swear that I
had nothing to do with that arrow. After you left me, the first thing I did was destroy the poison that remained in the tower. It will never be used on you again.”

  Valerie only saw truth when she looked in his eyes. She wasn’t some lie detector, though. She couldn’t just look at him and know. But, oh, damn, she wanted to believe him. With every single fiber of her being. “We’re real mates now. You can’t kill your mate.” Not if all the stories were true. “You do that, and you’d go crazy.”

  “Without you, I’d be freaking insane.”

  “That is so sweet.” She stood on her toes and pressed her mouth to his. “Stay with me.” The words came out almost as a plea. That wasn’t what she’d meant. Valerie never pleaded for anything. Not since Tomas. Not since she’d begged Genevieve and Devon.

  Tears pricked her eyes as she hurriedly pulled back from Griffin.

  “What just happened?” His voice rumbled.

  “You don’t have to stay.” She motioned to the door. “Do what you want.” No begging. Not from her. No pleading. She didn’t need Griffin. She didn’t need anyone.

  He picked her up. Scooped her into his arms, and Valerie let out a cry of surprise.

  “You’re what I want.” He stalked to the bed. Dropped her. She bounced a little. “And you’re most definitely what I want to do.” He glowered at her. “Baby, you are still soaking wet. Why the hell haven’t you magicked yourself dry?”

  She crooked her index finger at him. “Can you keep a secret?”


  So serious. She smiled. “I put a spell on my own blood. Made it so that any vamps who ever drank from me would become paralyzed. Well, that’s what a few drops do. The idea is that I’d immobile the vamps long enough to get away. You know vamps…they love magic blood. I’m like their dream dinner.” Stefan had actually been the inspiration for her brilliant idea, but she wasn’t going into all of those specifics right then.

  Griffin yanked off his shirt. He tossed it into the corner.

  “If they take more than a few drops from me, they die.” And, hopefully, she’d live. “But the spell has a downside.” Most spells did. “There’s a price for magic. Always.”

  His hands dropped to his sides. “What price did you pay?”

  “I get weak when vamps drink from me. I power the spell as the vamp takes my blood. So I get lethargic. My power weakens. I’m almost…human.” Talk about a killer secret. If the wrong person heard that, it could definitely be used against her.

  She’d just trusted Griffin. Did he get that? She’d seriously trusted him with her life.

  His eyes went wide. “Valerie.” Her name came out as a curse. Or maybe a caress. Sometimes, it was hard to tell the difference.

  “Let’s keep that between us, okay?” She offered him a quick smile. “Long story short, I’m still wet because I don’t have the magic to dry myself.”

  “But the giant wave, that monster wave that attacked—”

  “I didn’t do that deliberately.” She swallowed the lump that had risen in her throat. “Pain did that. Pain that I try really hard to keep bottled up. Because if all of my pain ever escapes, I’m pretty sure I could wreck the world.”

  Griffin gave a low and vicious curse.

  Welcome to my hell.

  “Is pain all you know?” His voice was guttural.

  Sometimes, it felt that way. “No.” Her hand lifted. He’d leaned over, and her fingers trailed down his bare chest. His muscles were rock hard. Very impressive. “When I’m with you, I know more.”

  “You’re about to know a whole fucking lot about pleasure.”

  She smiled at him. “Promises, promises, shifter.”

  His grin came slowly as he flashed his sharp incisors and made her stomach do a little flip. Her shifter was so sexy. She absolutely loved his body.

  Maybe she should show him just how much she loved it. Maybe—

  “It can be a real bitch to get out of wet clothing. Let me help you.” His claw slid down the front of her dress. He sliced into the material as Valerie gave a little gasp. The dress fell open, revealing her bra and panties because he cut the garment open from her chest to her thighs. But he didn’t so much as scratch her.

  Careful shifter.

  He lifted her up. Shoved the dress off her. Threw it. Then his eyes were back on her. “Much better.”

  Valerie shivered.

  “Cold, love? I can help warm you.”

  Her shiver hadn’t been due to the cold. It had been due to the big, bad shifter who loomed over her and stared at her with ferocious lust glowing in his green eyes.

  But he’d already bent over her. His mouth pressed to her neck. He licked, he sucked her tender skin, and then Griffin let her feel the edge of his teeth.

  Her hips slammed up against him.

  And he kissed his way down her body. His lips feathered over her collar bone. Down to her breast. Another slice of his claws, and her bra had been cut open. Her breasts thrust toward him. Her nipples were tight and aching, and when he took one into his mouth, Valerie’s whole body flooded with desire. Her hands flew up, clamping around his shoulders, and she let out a ragged moan.

  But down, down he went. Licking her stomach. Pressing a soft bite, then kissing away the wound. He caught the edge of her panties with his teeth. Valerie’s breath panted out in a frantic rhythm. The pounding of her heartbeat filled her ears.

  Using his teeth, he tugged her panties down. She kicked them away, and Griffin helped—then he was shoving her thighs wide. He’d opened her to him completely. He stared at her exposed sex a moment. Licked his lips.

  “What are you waiting for?” Valerie whispered.

  His smile was absolutely wicked.

  His head lowered. He put his mouth on her. Valerie would have erupted off the bed if his hands hadn’t been clamped so tightly around her hips. She cried out his name and pushed herself against his mouth. His lips. His tongue.

  He was stroking her. Licking her. Tasting her like he’d been starved. And she couldn’t hold off her orgasm. He’d promised her that she would know pleasure.

  She did.

  The climax poured through her. It rippled along every nerve and cell in her body, and she yelled his name.

  Aftershocks flashed through her. Contractions fluttered in her sex. She opened the eyes she’d squeezed shut to find him staring down at her. His face was harder, rougher. And his incisors seemed even sharper.

  Valerie swallowed. “That was a great…start.” She tried to smile, but it was kind of hard to catch her breath.

  “Want more?”

  Yes, please.

  He flipped her over. Rolled her in one of those fast shifter moves. In a blink, Valerie found herself up on her knees, with her hands clutching the headboard. He was behind her. Big, strong, aroused. His cock shoved at the entrance to her body, but he didn’t plunge inside of her. Not yet.

  Why not?

  “Hold tight.” His breath slid over her ear.

  She shivered. Again, not from cold. Not even close. She was burning hot now. Her hands tightened around the top of the headboard.

  “Good.” His hand feathered around her hip. Dipped between her legs. His fingers slid over her clit.

  Her head tipped back. She didn’t want to be good. Didn’t he get that? Good wasn’t her deal.

  Valerie pushed her hips back at him. Bad. That was what she wanted. To be very, very bad—with him. “Make me come again.”

  He growled. Her favorite sound. And he shoved into her. All the way inside. So deep that she lost her breath, and it was awesome. He withdrew, plunged deep, over and over, and his fingers kept strumming her clit. Her hands clamped around the wooden headboard as she drove her hips back against him. The slap of their bodies filled the air. She was moaning, and Valerie didn’t care who heard her. Another climax was coming, one bearing down hard on her, and there was nothing that mattered to her beyond this moment.

  His mouth locked around her shoulder. She felt the press of his t

  The climax hit her. Even stronger than the first. A storm of pleasure that swept over her as her body shuddered against him. But Griffin wasn’t done. He kept thrusting into her. Holding her so tightly now with both of his hands on her hips. He lifted her whole body up. Plunged deep.

  Then he was pouring into her on a hot tide of release. His body wrapped around her, and this time, the thundering heartbeat that she heard was his. She could feel the mad beat. And she could also feel her own heart struggling to match his rhythm.

  He lowered her onto the bed. Curled around her. Her breath continued to pant out too fast, and even though he’d slid out of her, Valerie swore that she could still feel him inside of her body. She licked her lips, lips that had gone very dry, and she wondered just what all she’d been saying—or maybe screaming—there at the end.

  “Don’t run from me again.” His voice was low. Deep.

  Her head turned toward him. Her body was absolutely replete, and she wanted to snuggle down right there and just sleep. To let go of her worries and fears.

  Right. Like that ever happened. “Don’t try to lock me up. I don’t do so well as anyone’s prisoner.”

  He tucked a lock of her hair behind her ear. “What about as someone’s partner? Could you do well as that?”

  Valerie swallowed. “I don’t know.”

  “Are you afraid to find out?”

  Was he trying to taunt her? She wasn’t in the mood for games. Not with him. “Yes.” She held his stare. “I barely survived losing one man I cared about. I don’t think…if it ever happened again, I wouldn’t survive.” She already didn’t want to think of a world that didn’t have the shifter king in it. And what did that say about her?

  That it’s already too late for us both.

  She slid closer to him. Caught his arm and wrapped it around her body. “Remember, I’m a screamer.”

  “So I heard a moment ago.” She could almost feel his smile.

  Her own lips quirked. “I mean while I dream. Just wake me up if I start doing crazy shit.” A yawn slipped from her.

  His arm tightened around her. “Will you tell me why?”

  Why. Why she screamed in her dreams. Why she levitated. Why it hurt. “I already told you. There’s a price for magic. When you break the rules, when you make the rules, when you go dark…” Her eyes closed. “The price is higher than you can imagine.”