Read Wicked And Wild Page 27

  Genevieve flinched.

  Elliott growled and flashed very, very sharp teeth.

  “I think your love spell is totally broken,” Valerie announced in a too loud whisper. “And I think he’s pissed.” She waved at Elliott. “Good news for you, though, bear. You get to keep living, and I’m hopeful that you’ll even be able to redeem yourself one of these days.”

  “He gets a second chance? And I don’t?” Genevieve blasted. “He’s an animal! I’m a witch!”

  “No, you’re human. Now.” And that was the best possible punishment for Genevieve. “It’s going to be hell trying to live without magic, isn’t it?”

  Genevieve’s hands fisted around the bars. “I know what you are!”

  Valerie let her brows rise. “The leader of the witch council? The strongest witch on earth? The—”

  “They think you have a heart, under all of that fire. That you aren’t as evil as you seemed to be. That you actually care about those fools who think they are your friends.”

  Valerie’s shoulders tensed as her hands fell away from her hips. “You’ll want to be very careful how you proceed.”

  “Why?” Genevieve shrieked. “What do I have to lose?”

  Everything. Oh, wait. Valerie had already taken all of that.

  “It was planned. From the very beginning, wasn’t it? Wasn’t it?” Genevieve’s voice probably could have broken glass.

  “If by beginning, you mean the moment when you and Devon stopped me from saving Tomas…?”

  Genevieve gave a jerky nod. “Yes. Then. You learned what you could do. That you could raise the dead. A terrible magic that no one should use. It’s unnatural.”

  Valerie gave a little wince. “I’m pretty sure most magic is.”

  “You didn’t save anyone out of the goodness of your heart. There is no goodness there, despite what the fools think.” Spittle flew from Genevieve’s bow-shaped mouth. “You did it because you had a plan. An end game.”

  Valerie just waited. She was rather curious to see what all Genevieve had figured out.

  Genevieve backed away from the bars. She lifted her right hand and raised her index finger. “First piece of the puzzle…you knew the only poison that could immobile a witch was Medusa venom. So you needed venom and that’s why you raised Stefan. Not because you saw some poor kid being attacked, but because you saw an opportunity. Hell, maybe you originally planned to use his venom against me and Devon or maybe—maybe you knew that, eventually, we’d use the venom on you. So you got Stefan to help you. Got him to give you small amounts of the poison so that you could develop an immunity to it. Fucking diabolical.”

  “Yes, I was. I mean…I could have been.” Valerie waited to hear more.

  “After Stefan, you raised that crazy Scot, Magnus. The witch who was turned into a vamp.”

  “You don’t see those particular transformations every day.”

  “No, you don’t.” Genevieve’s chest heaved. “You brought him back because you knew that someone with his particular skills—witch magic and vampire blood—someone like him could make your blood poison. That way, you could stop vampires.”

  What an interesting story. “Now why would I be interested in stopping vamps?”

  “Because you knew I’d transformed Tomas!” A shriek.

  Valerie blinked in surprise. “You did that? No.”

  “You knew. Just like you knew I was the one whispering in his ear, convincing him to burn you at the stake. Tomas was your weakness, and I wasn’t going to let him age and die. Not when I could potentially use him in the future. I convinced a vamp to transform him. And then I fed Tomas’s rage against you.”

  Valerie slanted a glance at an avidly watching Elliott. Then she focused on Genevieve once more. “Did you use a love spell on Tomas, too?”

  “Yes.” A hiss.

  “Then if I were you, I’d be careful. I mean, that spell is broken. And he’s still alive. Or, rather, undead. And you know what? I bet he’s pissed at you.”

  Genevieve’s mouth dropped. “You—you didn’t kill him?”

  Valerie shrugged. “I saved him from death once. Couldn’t quite bring myself to kill him after all that effort. But, let’s just say your story so far is right—and I knew he was a vamp—maybe I just wanted to protect myself in case Tomas got biting close. And that’s why I turned my blood into vamp poison. A poison that was, of course, inspired by Medusa venom.”

  Genevieve shook her head. “What will you do with Tomas?”

  “Magnus gets him.” She wasn’t going to say more, not then.

  Genevieve’s breath came faster, harder. “The djinn was your next save.”

  Valerie pressed a hand to her chest. “What? You think I didn’t just feel sympathy for a woman who’d been tragically betrayed by those close to her? Who’d had her magic stolen and tainted? You didn’t think I might feel a little connection with her?”

  “Nothing can trump a djinn’s wish. That was your ace in the hole in case everything else went to hell.”

  “Or in case I did,” Valerie muttered.

  Genevieve’s face had mottled a terrible red. “The one I don’t understand…” She pointed to Elliott. “He told me that you raised that useless boy, Rio.”

  Now Valerie stiffened. You don’t call my henchman useless.

  “He can’t help you. The boy can’t even shift. Everyone else was brought back to serve your battle plan. The boy makes no damn sense.” Genevieve glared. “You didn’t save him to be kind. I know there has to be a reason. There is no kindness in you. There is no goodness. There is nothing but a dark void.”

  “Go ahead, tell me what you really think…”

  “Why did you save the shifter kid?” Someone sounded hysterical.

  “First of all, he’s not a kid. He’s an adult. A guy who was willing to risk his life to protect me.”

  “You don’t care about that crap!”

  She should put this in terms that Genevieve would understand. “Big picture. He’s a late bloomer. One day, he’ll shift into the strongest beast the world has ever seen.”

  Genevieve gulped. “I knew it…”

  “A beast who can destroy witches. Vampires. Demons. You name it. He will be the best assassin the world has ever seen. And he’ll swear his loyalty to me.”

  “How do you know? Who helped you? Who told you all of this?” Genevieve’s eyes narrowed to slits. “It was Fate, wasn’t it? She always liked you, hell if I know why.”

  “I’m likeable.” Valerie winked at her.

  Genevieve let out a primal scream. “She told you what would happen. Bits and pieces, and you figured out the rest, you figured—”

  “I can see potential.” Those words shut up Genevieve. “I can look at a person and feel the power inside. What might be. What could be. Under the right circumstances, mind you. Not like it happens with every single individual. It’s a little gift I have. A gift that came in handy while I was planning my future.”

  “I was right. There is nothing good in you, there is—”

  Valerie finally dropped her act. It was time. “There is darkness and there is evil. There is pain and there is retribution.” She wasn’t smiling any longer. “Never think there is anything else. I administered your punishment. Your powers are gone. Those bracelets—even if you someday get them off—you’ll never work magic again. I ensured that. My magic has bound you, soul deep.”

  The mottled spots on Genevieve’s face faded. Her skin turned far too pale.

  But Valerie wasn’t done. “If you ever come after me or anyone who belongs to me, I will burn you to ash. I won’t hesitate. I won’t stop. I will protect what is mine with a fury that you cannot comprehend.”

  Genevieve backed up a step.

  “You’re right about me,” Valerie told her with a nod. “I’m not nice, and I’m certainly not good. Let the others believe I am. All of those witches who now want to embrace me? Let them think they misunderstood me all along.” She leaned forward, as if imparti
ng a deep, dark secret. “But you’ve always known who I truly am. Just as I’ve always known who you are.”


  “I’ll kill you, and I’ll make sure you never rise again. You see, even Death fears me.”

  Genevieve didn’t have a comeback.

  Valerie’s nostrils flared. She could smell the other woman’s fear. “Good. I think we’re done here.” But before she left…her gaze cut to Elliott. He was watching her with wide eyes. “That warning goes for you, too, bear. Ever try and tell anyone the truth, and I’ll rip your beast away. You can join Genevieve in the human world. Your second chance isn’t being given because I’m weak. It’s being given because now, I own you.”

  She held his gaze because she wanted to make sure he got that message.

  Then she brought her hands together in a little clap. “Well, good talk. I’ve got to get back upstairs. There are parties waiting. Parades being planned. Lots of people want to tell me how amazing I am. You know… the usual.” She turned her back on them. Headed forward with her head high and her shoulders back.

  After all, she knew how to make an exit.

  And she knew how to keep up appearances.

  Her steps were confident and determined as she climbed the stairs. Up, up, she went—

  And hard hands grabbed her. She was pulled into the shadows on the second flight of stairs. She opened her mouth, and Griffin kissed her.

  Kissed her like a starving man.

  Kissed her like a man in love.

  Kissed her…as if she weren’t wicked.

  Her hands curled around his shoulders. She’d known he was there, of course. Waiting and watching, wanting to make sure she didn’t need protecting.

  Sweet shifter.

  His head lifted. He stared at her. Just stared with his dragon’s eyes. Then his hand twined with hers. They walked up the rest of the stairs. Headed away from the dark, dank dungeon and didn’t speak until they were in the privacy of their bedroom. When the door shut behind them, he was still holding her hand. She glanced at their linked fingers.

  He’d heard everything.

  She wondered…what story would he believe?

  That she’d planned every act, that she was cold and hard-hearted?

  Or would he think that perhaps there was something more to her? That she had saved the others because there was a shred of goodness inside of herself? That she’d just been lying to her arch enemy?

  Griffin brought their linked hands to his lips. He pressed a kiss to the back of her knuckles. “The first time we met…”

  “When you were trapped in that dungeon and I saved you?” Just in case he needed the reminder.

  His lips twitched. “You told me that you were a liar.”

  Her stomach knotted. “I am. I am a very, very good liar.”

  “I know, love. I know.” He pulled her closer.

  But did he think she’d lied to him? Or to Genevieve?

  “You saved Rio because the kid wormed his way into your heart.”

  She would never admit that. Never. She had a reputation—

  “I could see it in your eyes. You became his protector from the first moment you saw him. That’s why you went crazy on Lucinda. You have a soft spot for the underdog.”

  Valerie neither confirmed nor denied his theory.

  “You never expected him to get killed. When he died for you, you reacted instinctively. I was there, baby. I saw you. I always see you. The real you.”

  She caught her lower lip between her teeth.

  “I wasn’t there when you saved Stefan, but I can imagine the scene. A kid getting attacked by vamps? That would have pissed you off. You don’t like it when the weak are threatened. It’s kind of your thing.”

  She bit down harder on her lip.

  “And a witch who’d been forced to become a vampire? Of course, you would have felt bad for Magnus.”


  “Then there’s the djinn. She reminds me a lot of you. I wonder…did you know her before she died?”

  Her lashes lowered. “I did.”

  “And she was your friend, wasn’t she? Rather like Calliope? I don’t think you like to give up the friends you have.”

  She made herself look into his eyes. “Genevieve was my friend once.”

  “And I think that is the only reason she is still breathing.” He moved closer. Lifted their joined hands and pressed them over her heart. “I see you, love. All of you.”

  “Don’t make me into some kind of do-gooder. I’m not. Never will be.”

  Griffin laughed. “I wouldn’t dare.” His laughter faded, but his eyes continued to hold a faint glow. “You dance on the graves of your enemies.”

  “Damn straight.” If Devon had a grave, she’d be dancing on it right then. But his ashes had blown away.

  “You seek vengeance for the wrongs done to you.”

  “Always.” She had a list of revenge plans a mile long.

  “You curse and you hex, and you have one hell of a good time.”

  “Only every single day.” Life was about having fun.

  “And you hold my heart…” He unfurled her hand. “In the palm of your hand.” He brought her palm to his mouth. Kissed her skin. “You’re my witch. And I love you, every single part of you. Good, bad, and all of the stuff in between.”

  Valerie shot onto her tip-toes. Kissed him. Kissed his sexy, delectable mouth. Kissed the shifter who’d chosen her. Her. With no magic involved. With no love spell. With nothing to blind him to her dark nature. He’d still chosen her.

  And she’d always choose him. “I love you, too.” Her perfect match. Her sexy beast. “Every single bit of you.” Strong. Smart. Powerful.

  His head lifted. “What do you want to do first, my queen?”

  A laugh slipped from her.

  And she could see the love in his eyes.

  Her gaze darted to the bed. Then back to Griffin. “First?” Valerie murmured. “I’d like to do you.”

  He picked her up and carried her to the bed. She wound her hands behind his neck and lost herself in his kiss. She finally had what she wanted, and, no, it wasn’t her new position as ruler of the witch nation. It wasn’t all of the power that was suddenly at her command.

  What she wanted…

  Griffin. Someone who loved her, someone who wanted her…the good parts and the bad.

  Her true mate.


  The raven’s echoing cry flooded through the dungeon. He perched on his master’s shoulder, and they closed in on their prey.

  The vampire glanced up, flashing his fangs.

  “Am I supposed to be afraid?” Griffin bared his own sharp teeth. “Dumbass, think again.”

  Tomas swallowed. His eyes were the size of saucers.

  “As a general rule, I don’t like vampires.” Griffin ran his claws over the bars of the cell. “And I especially don’t like you.”

  “You’re going to kill me.”

  “I would like nothing more.” He could picture it so easily. In his mind, Griffin opened the cell. Swiped out with his claws. And the fool’s head hit the stones. “You hurt the woman I love.”

  The raven gave a rough gurgle.

  Griffin stroked the bird’s head. “Easy.” He smiled at Tomas. “Edgar wants your eyes.”

  “You’re as fucking crazy as she is!”

  “No.” And he lost his smile. “I’m crazier. Because I had to be in this world without her. I know what it is like when she isn’t here, and I will never let that happen again. Valerie is mine, and I will always protect her.”

  “I didn’t want to be a vampire! Didn’t want any of this! That other witch—Genevieve—she had me under a spell. She forced a vamp to transform me—”

  “Bitch and moan. Bitch and moan. Is that all you can do? Try being a man. Try owning your shit.” Griffin snapped his teeth together. “Valerie is giving you to a vamp named Magnus. She’s trying to form an alliance with the vamps, and she believes she’s
showing some kind of good faith gesture. At least, that’s the story Valerie is circulating. I think she just doesn’t want to get her hands dirty by killing you herself.”

  Tomas flinched. “I’m sorry…for what I did. It was like…it wasn’t me, it was like—”

  “It’s fucking you now. So you listen to me, and you hear me clearly.” He held Tomas’s gaze. “If you ever threaten her in any way again, I will burn the flesh from your body. I will make you suffer before the gates of hell finally open up and claim your ashes.” He waited a beat. “Are we clear?”


  The raven flapped his wings.

  “Right,” Griffin added, because he thought he knew exactly what Edgar wanted him to add. “And my pal here will make sure he takes out your eyes before the fire gets them.”

  Tomas backed up a step. For a moment, it looked as if the vamp might vomit.

  “Valerie is not being weak by allowing you to live. She’s showing how strong she truly is. Never forget that.” If Tomas did forget…

  The dragon would be ready.

  Griffin spun on his heel. He was done there.

  “I won’t come after her! I-I swear, I’m different now…I’m me…and I loved her. I loved Valerie once. I—”

  In a flash, Griffin was back at the cell. “Don’t think about that shit again, got me? She’s over you. She’s taken. And she deserves far more than some weak ass fool who never appreciated what he had.”

  “What did I have?” Tomas whispered.

  “The whole fucking world.” Griffin could almost pity the vamp. Almost. “Valerie is giving you a second chance, but that chance isn’t with her. Do exactly what Magnus orders, don’t hurt humans, and, most importantly, stay away from my witch—or you’ll find a dragon hunting you down.”

  Now he was done. Griffin and Edgar headed for the stairs. He marched up, thinking he’d showed incredible restraint. After all, he hadn’t ripped out the fool’s spine.

  Valerie was waiting on the stairs. Hidden in the shadows. Much like he’d hidden and waited while she faced Genevieve.

  He glanced at Edgar. “Did you tell her I was going down to the dungeon?”