Read Wicked Bite Page 26

  “Look for the dragon,” Nick whispered.

  Bear nodded and dug deep, closing his eyes, letting the demon navigate inside his brain.

  “Simone,” Nick said.

  Something warm and comforting tilted around Bear’s mind. He smiled.

  “Nessa,” Nick said.

  Warm, comfort, hope, possessiveness, and pleasure melded into a lump inside Bear.

  “Find the dragon,” Nick murmured.

  Bear searched inside himself, touching on that power he tried to avoid. He growled as a bear, but his arms tingled like a dragon’s.

  “Now, Bear,” Nick said.

  Bear dropped his forehead to Nessa’s and searched deep inside her, using both sides of himself. He found her pain, and it was fucking breath stealing. Breathing in unevenly, he imagined taking her pain into his own body.

  His spine snapped, and his head rocked. He took more of it. Then more.

  “Get rid of it,” Nick growled, his voice so hoarse it was hard to make out the words.

  Bear imagined the pain spinning into nothingness. He opened his eyes. “Nessa?”

  She slowly stirred.

  His heart beat more rapidly. “Sweetheart?”

  Her eyelids fluttered open. “Bear.” She sighed his name, and her body relaxed against him. “I’m glad you’re okay.”

  “I’m fine.” He eyed the dried blood around her nose and ignored the residual pounding between his ears. The dragon inside him slowly slipped away. “How about you?”

  Her smile was exhausted. “I need sleep. Bad.” She pushed away from his chest, and he gave her room. “Wanna check on Simone.” She turned.

  “No,” Simone said. “You need to heal.”

  Nessa shook her head. “Please, Bear. I just need to check. Donna’ need any powers.”

  He couldn’t say no to her ever again. So he silently carried her over to his sister and knelt on the bed, unable to release Nessa.

  She reached out and felt Simone’s chest. “You’re okay,” Nessa sighed. “Might take a few days to regain your strength, but your body can handle the remaining bits of Apollo.” Her eyelids fluttered shut, and she moved her hand to Simone’s abdomen.

  Nessa’s smile was the sweetest thing Bear had ever seen. “The babe is fine. She’s a tough one, she is.”

  “She?” Nick asked, his voice shaking. The demon looked like he’d been through a meat grinder.

  “Yes,” Nessa sighed, slumping against Bear’s chest. “Need to . . .” She dropped into a deep sleep before she could finish the sentence.

  Bear held her to his chest, trying to force his world to settle. “Thank you,” he mouthed to the pale demon.

  Nick nodded, his gaze warm. “You so love her.”

  Great. Now a demon knew every secret he’d ever held. Bear sighed, unable to draw up much anger against Nick. However, there was an enemy out there that needed to go down and now. His men had better be carrying out his orders. As soon as he could let go of Nessa, he was going to go torture her uncle and her best friend.

  One of them would break.

  Chapter 30

  Nessa awoke slowly, her body buzzing with pain. She blinked grit from her eyes to see the master bedroom of the river house. A drill and hammers echoed from the living room. The sound was kind of muffled. She rubbed her ear and felt dried blood. Oh yeah.

  She sat up, holding the blankets to her chest. Weakness assailed her limbs, so she concentrated and tried to send healing cells wherever her body hurt. A sensation kind of sputtered and died out. Wonderful. She was useless for the time being—totally out of juice. Pouting, she limped from the bed like an old human woman.

  Where was everybody?

  Her knees wobbled, but she made it to the bathroom for a very hot shower that served to restore a little bit of her energy. She dressed in jeans and a sweater, tying her hair on top of her head. She wore flat boots out of necessity today. Even thinking of trying to wear heels made her want to cry. A couple of quick swipes of lip gloss, and she steeled her shoulders to meet the day.

  She needed to check on Simone.

  Allowing herself to limp until she reached the door, she plastered on a smile and stepped out into the living room. All the furniture had been removed and the entire area cleaned. Teams were repairing the wall, installing new carpet, a new window, and what looked like multiple security systems.

  She moved toward the kitchen to find Nick and Simone in the breakfast nook eating off paper plates.

  Her stomach growled. Man, she was starving. She stepped over a pile of lumber, around a bunch of electrical cords, and moved into the nook. “Morning.”

  Simone looked up. Dark circles marred the smooth skin beneath her eyes, but her eyes themselves were clear, as was her skin. She smiled, looking both fragile and determined. “How are you feeling?”

  “Better. You?” Nessa sat and leaned over to press her hand against Simone’s abdomen, hoping with everything she had that the babe was all right.

  Nick stilled, his eyes darker than dark, intensity swirling through them. His focus was absolute, which was probably how his people could demolish a mind in a good attack. The idea that he could squish her brains out of her ears was one she needed to forget about.

  Nessa ignored the dangerous demon and concentrated on Simone. The witch sucked in air, and then held her breath. A strong and very steady baby heartbeat echoed where Nessa looked. Relief nearly made her sway. Thank God. She tilted her head and just felt for a moment, enjoying the little person’s essence. Oh, she was going to be a handful. Everything was healthy around the babe. “Your baby is fine. Spunky little thing.” Nessa smiled.

  Simone hiccupped and quickly wiped away a tear. Her relief was palpable. “Thank you, Nessa,” she whispered, her voice thick.

  “You’re welcome.” Nessa lifted her hand toward Simone’s neck and felt. Her pulse was a little sluggish, but Simone would survive. “You’re out of danger. Might take a week or so to completely recover.” She released her friend and reached for a cup of coffee.

  Nick grasped her wrist.

  She started and looked up.

  His chin lowered, his eyes blacker than the darkest midnight. “Thank you for saving them. If you ever need anything, I am at your disposal.” His hold tightened. “Anything.” He released her.

  Wow. The vow was heartfelt, and she might take him up on it someday. “It was my pleasure,” Nessa murmured, pouring coffee, her hand shaking.

  Nick took the coffee carafe from her and finished pouring. “You’re not all right.”

  Simone piled eggs on a plate to set in front of her. “You’re not. I’m so sorry. What is wrong? Can I help?”

  Nessa reached for a fork. “I’m fine. The healing—it was a lot. Not too much, just a lot, and there’s a price. I’ll be back in good form in a few days. I remember what you did for Bear . . . and me. Thank you, Nick.”

  “Was my honor,” the demon said.

  Protein would help. She tasted the eggs. “Where is Bear?”

  As if on cue, he strode in from outside, issuing orders to a battered Lucas. When he caught sight of her, he said something quietly and then moved toward her. He knelt down, his hands on her thighs. Her entire thighs. “How are you feeling?” he asked, his honeyed eyes swirling and his voice gravelly.

  “Just fine,” she said, gently touching a bruise on his chin. He must’ve had to heal some pretty bad injuries to have been unable to get this one.

  He grasped her hand and pulled it away from his skin. “No healing.”

  “I can’t right now,” she said simply. “I’m probably out of commission for a week or so. Recharging batteries and all that.” She forced a smile. “I was just touching.”

  “In that case.” He put her hand back on his face. “Touch all you want.”

  She studied him. There was a hardness to him that hadn’t been there before. Or rather, that had been hidden behind charm and crankiness before. Now it was out for all to see. “Are you all right?”

/>   “Yes. The wolf bar was a setup. Obviously.” His lip curled.

  “Wasn’t your fault.” She grasped his shoulder. “You know that, right?”

  He looked toward Simone. “How are you doing?”

  “Fine, and the babe is well.” Simone’s smile was tired but relieved.

  “Good.” Bear’s hands flexed on Nessa’s legs. “I’ll find out who set us up.”

  Nick put his napkin on his plate. “Speaking of which, I think I should head that, ah, investigation. It’d be better all around.” His gaze flicked to Nessa and back.

  “No,” Bear said shortly. “You and Simone are allowed to stay as long as she wants, but the rest of your soldiers need to be out of my territory within the hour. Or we start shooting.”

  Nessa’s mouth gaped open and she quickly shut it. “What are you talking about?”

  “Grizzlies only.” He leaned over and pressed a kiss to her nose. “And one healing witch. That’s it.”

  She tried to make sense of his words. “I don’t understand. Why are you making everyone leave? A lot of their soldiers saved us last night. They fought hard.”

  “The only way I can control this area is to control it with my people.” He ran a knuckle along her chin. “I’m not forcing you, but I have to know if you really are resigning from the Guard.”

  She nodded numbly. “I don’t have a choice. It’s done.”

  “In that case, I want you to resign now. The sooner we get it over, the less danger you’ll be in.” He kept her gaze.

  Too much was happening all at once. “Right now?”

  “Yes.” His implacable face had no give in it. None.

  She missed his laid-back attitude. “Even if I resign, I might be a target.”

  “Maybe, but it’s one box checked. What needs to happen?” he asked.

  She looked around, her gaze seeking, trying to concentrate. What was wrong with him? He seemed so . . . distant. “I, ah, need to sign a Declaration of Resignation and do so in Coven Nine headquarters in Dublin.”

  “No.” Bear looked to his sister. “She’ll sign the letter and do so via video from here. Will that suffice for the Council?”

  Simone watched him carefully. “Yes. Bear, you need to take a step back and breathe for a moment. Think everything through. I know you’re angry—”

  “I’m not angry.” Bear turned back toward Nessa. “Finish your breakfast, and I’ll have the video room set up for you. Remain here until I come for you.”

  “I, ah, need my uniform,” she whispered.

  He looked at his sister. “Get her one.” With that, he stalked across the living room toward one of the rec rooms in the back.

  “What is wrong with him?” Nessa asked, watching his broad back.

  “He almost lost you last night,” Nick said, taking a drink of his coffee. “And he almost lost his sister and his niece. He’s trying to hold it together, but he’s going to blow. Get ready for the explosion.”

  Nessa shuddered. She couldn’t take another explosion, not right now. “Is there anything I can do?”

  Nick shook his head, his jaw incredibly tight. “No, and there’s no way I’m letting any of my soldiers leave until I take Simone with me, whether Bear likes it or not.”

  Nessa exchanged a worried look with Simone. Perhaps Bear wasn’t the only one about to explode.

  Her phone buzzed and she lifted it to her ear just as Simone and Nick both reached for their phones. Her body settled and her mind cleared, her adrenaline starting to hum. “Lansa,” she answered.

  “Ma’am? The chatter went silent across the world. However, undercover operatives are calling with signs of movement around possible targets,” one of her soldiers said, his voice low.

  “Affirmative.” She held the phone away from her head and focused on Simone. “Whoever is after us is making the move now. You getting the same intel?”

  Simone pushed back from the table. “Aye. We need the war room.”

  Nick stood, stopping her. “Are you all right to move? To do this?”

  She looked at him, her shoulders straight. “Aye. It’s my job. All I need to do is sit and type today, Nick. It’s okay.”

  The demon drew in a deep breath. “All right. If you start cramping or bleeding, you promise to tell me.”

  She reached up and soothed his cheek with her hand. “I promise. I won’t let anything harm this babe.”

  “We’ll take a four-wheeler. You’re not walking,” Nick returned.

  “Where are Garrett and Logan?” Nessa asked, standing and moving toward the living room while still on the phone.

  “War room,” Nick said shortly, following her with Simone. “Our techs are interpreting hacked e-mails right now. Whatever is happening is going down today.”

  Nessa had been waiting for this. They all had. Panic heated her, and she shoved it down. Time to think. “All right. War rooms.” She pressed the phone to her ear. “I’ll coordinate from the shifter location. Gather intel and be ready with a report in fifteen minutes. I want everything.” She clicked off, having to stretch her legs to make it over another pile of lumber.

  “You’re not fucking going anywhere,” Bear said, striding in from the rec room. “We’re almost set up for your news conference.”

  Nick stopped and looked like he wanted to say something. Then he glanced at Nessa. “We’ll be outside getting a four-wheeler.” Taking Simone’s arm, he assisted her around the construction area and into what looked like another snowy day.

  Nessa took a deep breath. “I can’t resign today. We need somebody in charge, and it’s me for now.”

  “No.” Bear put his hands on his hips. “This is the most secure place I have at the moment, and you’re staying right here.”

  “The war room is the most secure.” She knew he was acting from concern, maybe even caring, but she didn’t have time for this. Not right now. “My people are under attack. This is my job, Bear. Either you understand that fact or you don’t.”

  He looked so hard. Determined and cold.

  She wanted to reassure him, head right back to bed and snuggle. But she couldn’t. Not right now. “Time matters.”

  Something softened just a little in his eyes. “Are you up to this?”

  “There’s no choice.” She reached for his hand. “I could use your help.”

  He turned them toward the exit. “Oh, you’re getting my help. If you’re in the war room, so am I. But you’re either there or here for now, got it?”

  Was he turning the entire territory into a secured zone? She’d worry about that later. “I got it.” They moved quickly out into lightly falling snow. She’d forgotten her jacket again. What kind of targets would be hit today? Key people in government, medicine, law enforcement were all at risk. How many could she protect? Her hands shook, so she shoved them in her pockets.

  They reached the four-wheeler and jumped in.

  “Here we go,” Nick said, the sound low and ominous.

  Chapter 31

  Bear followed his mate into the war room, his senses on high alert. He needed to get to Jasper and Boondock, who were downstairs. Logan was on one set of computers, Garrett the other.

  Yeah, they weren’t bear shifters. But he needed them, and he trusted them. Plus, he’d promised the king. In fact, he’d given Logan all the codes dealing with Grizzly personnel and a challenge to find Brinks, Lars, and Duncan. The kid’s eyes had gleamed.

  Nessa strode over to the conference table. “We have worldwide chatter of an imminent attack on prominent witches and our holdings. Garrett, I need you to coordinate with the vampire nation and the Realm. Get them online.” She grabbed the remote control and turned on the large screen across the room, bringing up a map of the world. “Simone? Get on those computer banks and start coordinating with the Coven Nine and your Enforcers. I want any Level Alpha members of the nation under lockdown. Now.”

  The woman was impressing the hell out of him.

  Bear turned and signaled for three guards—a
ll waiting in the rec room—to set up a perimeter around the headquarters building. “Team of ten,” he mouthed.

  They hustled off to obey his orders.

  Lucas ran in from outside, snow dusting his hair. “We have patrols set around the entire perimeter, and I’ve given orders that all other species have to leave. I gave them the entire night to do it, but they’re not moving. We may have to engage.”

  Bear bit back a growl. “Hold tight for now.” He couldn’t have his people fighting the witches while Nessa coordinated a worldwide operation.

  Lucas’s head jerked up. “We need to get them off our land. We’re surrounded by witches. And demons.”

  “Agreed,” Bear said. “But not right now. Have our people on alert.”

  “Copy that,” Lucas said, moving to the side and reaching for his cell phone.

  Bear turned back to Nessa.

  She looked at Nick. “I need either you or Logan to get on computers with the demon nation.”

  “I’ve got it.” Nick sat next to Simone at a computer and started typing rapidly.

  “Bear?” Nessa looked around. “The shifter nations need to be brought in.”

  Bear leaned to the side and brought up his contacts, most of whom had already checked in with details. Their intel was as good as the Guard’s. “Logan? Be me for about an hour.” Bear pulled the demon’s chair toward his computer and typed in his code. “Maybe two hours.”

  It hit him then that he was trusting a demon with his entire life—again. Not just a demon this time, and not one he was related to, but a vampire-demon mix. Interesting.

  Logan switched gears. “I’ve been doing the other searches you asked for. Will update with available information.” He leaned in and started typing commands.

  “All right. Keep me informed.” Bear turned for the wall and revealed the hidden stairwell.

  Nessa didn’t look his way. “Somebody find Jasper for me. Boondock, too.”

  Bear paused. “They’re otherwise engaged.”

  She stiffened and partially turned to face him. “Excuse me?”

  His shoulders went back. “The people who knew I was heading to a wolf bar in the middle of nowhere, and that you’d be alone here, and that we didn’t have air support up . . . are few and far between. Either Jasper or Boondock set us up, and I’m going to find out which one.” By any means necessary.