Read Wicked Edge Page 12

  He leaned forward. “What’s the name of Bychkov’s partner, Cee Cee?”

  Her eyes widened.

  Yeah. He’d figured out she had an inkling as to the identity of the traitor witch, and it was time she helped him instead of hindered his mission.

  Bear’s phone buzzed and he glanced at the face, frowning. Then he reached over his shoulder for a remote control with enough buttons to launch a space shuttle. “I think it’s for you,” he murmured, pointing the device at the massive screen and pushing a key.

  Vivienne Northcutt, the leader of the Council of the Coven Nine, slowly took shape.

  Daire and Adam both snapped to attention and stood. “Aunt Viv,” Daire said.

  Her black eyes shot all sorts of sparks. “Don’t you even think of Aunt Viving me, Daire Dunne.” She’d pulled her dark hair atop her head and wore a sparkly dress enhanced with diamonds, obviously having been interrupted doing something fancy.

  “You look lovely, Aunt,” Adam said.

  “You’re in trouble, too.” Viv leaned toward the camera, which distorted her face. “I take it you’re Felicity Kyllwood?”

  Cee Cee stood. “Yes.”

  “Ah.” Viv glanced to the side. “Bear?”

  “Yes, ma’am.” Bear stretched to his feet, all lazy grace. “I’m innocent in all of this.” Charm coated his smile.

  Viv sniffed. “Right. The term has never been applied to you, young man.”

  “Fair enough,” Bear returned. “Why is the leader of the entire witch nation using my phone number?”

  Viv glanced at the enforcers. “Rumor has it my enforcers are holding Zane Kyllwood’s mother hostage in your territory, so I went to the source. After leaving a very nice ball, I might add.”

  Daire shook his head. How the hell had she gotten such quick Intel? “This is enforcer business, and we’ve got it handled.” He ignored Adam’s snort.

  Blue fire crackled in Viv’s eyes. “This is Coven Nine business, and you’re out of it. Ms. Kyllwood? Per your earlier request, I guarantee your transport to the airport, as soon as you give me the name of the witch mining planekite in Russia.”

  Daire slowly turned toward Cee Cee, whose skin darkened to a nice color of strawberry. Somehow, the woman had sent a message across the world in order to bargain with the Coven Nine. Yet again three fucking steps ahead of him. “How?” he asked.

  She lifted her chin. “I may have borrowed Lucas’s phone before leaving your penthouse.”

  Ah. So she’d been smart enough to know Daire would come after her. “You offered a deal to the Coven Nine?”


  Bear rolled his shoulders. “All due respect, this is Coven Nine and demon nation business, and I’m out of it.” He turned to head toward the doorway.

  Cee Cee shook her head. “You can be out of it, but Lucas promised me five men on the next mission.”

  Bear turned back around, eyed Felicity, looked at Viv, and then landed on Daire. “No.”

  Felicity huffed. “Yes.”

  Bear grinned, dimples flashing. “No way in hell, Blondie. My men are out of it.” He loped back toward the doorway, pausing just long enough to throw over his shoulder, “If you and the enforcer reach peace, give me a call. You haven’t lived until you’ve ridden on the back of my bike.”

  Daire’s muscles tightened. He was going to kill Bear . . . when he got the chance. Right now, he eyed his aunt and boss. “Kyllwood will declare war on us if we allow his mother to be harmed, and believe me, whatever crazy plan she has right now, she will come to harm.”

  Felicity pivoted in a stunningly graceful move and kicked him in the jaw.

  His head snapped back, and stars exploded behind his eyelids. Slowly, fighting every urge he owned, he lowered his head and kept from grabbing her and tossing her over his knees.

  Viv chuckled. “Nice move.”

  “Thank you.” Felicity stepped closer to the screen. “My mission is my own, and I don’t require my son’s permission or assistance. If you want my information, then I give you my word I’ll send it to you once I’m in the air.”

  Daire growled low, about to give in to temper. He wasn’t known for restraint, and yet he’d showed nothing but with Felicity Kyllwood since day one. Enough was enough.

  Viv’s eyes glimmered. “Isn’t it an odd world when the kids whose diapers you changed start to give you orders?” Her gaze slammed both Daire and Adam.

  Felicity nodded. “Yes, yes it is. You and I both know it’s unacceptable.”

  “Yet I don’t need war with the demon nation,” Viv said, calculation littering her tone.

  “I can see how that would be troublesome,” Felicity murmured. “Holding me hostage isn’t the path to peace, I assure you.”

  Viv played with a ten karat diamond at her throat. “Turning you over to Zane would guarantee peace with him, and yet, I agree that we can’t allow the younger generation to dictate our lives.”

  Felicity smiled, obviously thinking she’d found an ally.

  Daire knew better. Viv was a master negotiator as well as manipulator. “Get to it, Aunt Viv.”

  “Here’s the offer. Felicity, I will ensure you meet your plane at the airport. When you reach cruising altitude, you’ll send me the name of the witch working with Bychkov to mine and distribute planekite.” Viv leaned in.

  Felicity nodded. “That’s acceptable.”

  “And Daire accompanies you to your destination,” Viv finished.

  “There it is,” Adam whispered.

  Aye. There it was. “I’m not taking her anywhere,” Daire bit out.

  “Enforcer? You are hereby ordered on protection detail of our good ally, Felicity Kyllwood.” Viv leaned over and signed something with a bold stroke.

  Felicity clasped her hands together. “Absolutely not.”

  Viv sighed. “It is my understanding that the forces you thought you had just walked out the door with Bear, which means you’re going it alone. Sending you off on a dangerous mission, without even informing the leader of your people, regardless of your affiliation with him, would be a colossal mistake I am not prepared to make.”

  Daire relaxed his stance. Felicity was tough, but Viv had about six centuries on her and understood family and duty. He wanted to believe there wasn’t the slightest glimmer of matchmaking frenzy in her eyes, but he wouldn’t bet his bike on it. Viv loved to get them tied up in, well, love. “Whatever you are planning in your head, Auntie, knock it off,” he said.

  She rolled her eyes. “Don’t worry, nephew. I can already see she’s too good for you . . . as well as too young. Ironic, right?”

  Now that was a direct hit. Daire lowered his chin, recognizing a challenge when one rammed him full in the head. “Felicity? Coven Nine orders or no, you’re not getting on a plane without me. Period.”

  Felicity took several moments to think, a myriad of expressions crossing her face. “In exchange for allowing the enforcer to accompany me, I’ll require his assistance in several matters.”

  “Done,” Viv said.

  “Good. I will send you the name of the witch you seek upon completion of these matters,” Felicity said, meeting Viv’s gaze head on.

  Viv lifted her chin. “That was not the deal.”

  “We hadn’t struck a deal, Ms. Northcutt.” Felicity kept her stance. “I’ve just offered you one. Take it.”

  Damn, the woman had balls.

  Viv breathed in. “The traitor witch is causing havoc and mining planekite as we speak. I can’t wait for the name.”

  Felicity smiled. “I assure you, the witch and Ivan Bychkov are distracted right now and not mining. They will, I’m sure, begin doing so again in the near future, at which time you’ll have the name. If you and your enforcer cooperate.”

  Daire leaned back and watched the women play chess. If Felicity called him the enforcer one more time, he was going to retaliate for that kick to the face. Oh, he wouldn’t hurt her, but she’d think twice before kicking him again.

>   “Fair enough,” Viv said, and the screen went dark.

  Felicity turned toward him. “How do you feel about bank robberies?”

  Felicity leaned into Daire as he took a corner, acutely aware of the hard body in front of her and the rumbling machine between her thighs. How different from when she’d ridden behind the shifter. Daire had wasted no time in setting her on the back of his bike and taking off, his back a rigid line of anger.

  While she couldn’t blame him, not really, she had to finish what she’d started in order to protect her kids. Finally. She wouldn’t fail again. Clouds began to cover the moon in true Seattle fashion, and soon the wind carried a bite. After thirty minutes of riding, she realized they weren’t heading for the airport. In fact, they had turned in the opposite direction.

  She dug her nails into Daire’s flat abdomen and levered herself up to yell in his ear. “Wrong way.”

  He didn’t answer.

  She wiggled and tried to move the bike, but he slapped a hand over hers and held her in place. When she struggled, his grip tightened. A warning.

  Damn it. Not for one second had she even considered he’d disobey a direct order from the leader of the Coven Nine. He was an enforcer, for Pete’s sake. Anarchy would ensue if enforcers just willy-nilly decided not to follow orders. She fumed behind him, her hand caught, the inside of her thighs tight to the outside of his. His hard, very masculine, oh so hot thighs.

  Her nipples peaked.

  Of all the ridiculous reactions. So, she’d had sex—great sex—for the first time in decades. Daire was creative, full of fire, and sensual as hell. Her body didn’t need to react to such a degree.

  More than ever, she wished she could melt minds with her brain.

  No such luck.

  They drove down a dirt road with overhanging trees covering them. Soon the rush of a river competed with the pipes of the bikes. How Daire could see, she had no clue, but he drove on as if knowing exactly which potholes to avoid. Finally, he stopped outside of a rustic cabin and silenced the bike.

  She immediately launched into speech. “This is kidnapping and treason, Daire Dunne.” Sucking in a full breath in order to let him have it, she choked when he yanked her in front of him, cradled between the handlebars and his length. “Why you—”

  His mouth was on hers. Not gentle and sure not nice, he conquered her mouth like the soldier he was. No mercy, no cajoling, just pure, raw male. Demanding and strong, his tongue swept inside her mouth, stealing even her breath. One arm secured her back while the other held her chin right where he wanted her.

  Her legs dangled over his knee, and if she kicked, she’d only hit air and then the bike on the down swipe. But she didn’t think of kicking.

  In fact, she stopped thinking the second he released her chin and palmed her breast. Need licked down to her clit. A moan rumbled up from her abdomen, through her chest, and into his mouth.

  “Knock it off, you two.” Adam’s voice jerked her back to the present.

  Daire released her mouth, his hand remaining in place.

  She panted, her body rioting. A corner of her mind cataloged Adam stomping up wooden steps and shoving his way inside the cabin.

  Green eyes pinned her through the darkness. Slowly, deliberately, Daire tweaked her nipple through the thin cotton.

  She bit her lip, her brain fuzzing.

  He leaned in, pinching with just enough bite to keep her still. “I’m done being played by you, Cee Cee. Agree right now to work with me; no more secrets and no more lies.”

  She could only blink.

  He caressed down and palmed the flesh between her legs. Even through the jeans, his hand heated her. “I can see you need persuading.”

  “No.” She finally regained some sanity. “I’ve got it.”

  He paused. “You sure?”

  “Yes.” There was no doubt he could bring her to orgasm, probably multiple times, and she didn’t want to scream with Adam in hearing distance. Yet a part of her, one on fire, almost challenged Daire. How much could one little orgasm hurt? She shook her head. “I’m sure.”

  “Good.” He released her and swung her to the ground. “Let’s go inside, and I want your whole damn plan.”

  Chapter 14

  Felicity stumbled after Daire across the wet leaves. A cranky enforcer was no fun. She bit back a smile at her sarcastic thoughts, feeling almost high from his kiss. Even now, her lips tingled and her body ached for more.

  And the damn man knew it.

  Of course, she hadn’t missed his deliberate shifting to ease what had to be rather tight jeans. Take that, witch.

  She clomped up three wooden steps, inhaling their cedar scent and walking across the long porch. The smell of cedar continued to fill her nose when she stood inside the quaint cabin. Adam crouched near a fireplace, setting paper on fire with his own energy.

  Witches had it cool.

  A small kitchenette took up one wall, fronted by a long oak table. A gathering area with bluish green sofas and chairs snuggled cozily around the stone fireplace.

  Two doorways led to the north, probably to a bedroom and bathroom.

  Papers were scattered across the table, and she inched forward, noticing the red circles around Russian mining interests. She pointed to a mountain near Nijoy. “There’s another mine here. Coal, planekite, and supposedly some silver.”

  Daire glanced at her, grabbed a red pen from the center of the maps, and made a circle. “Owned by Bychkov?”

  “No.” She rubbed warmth back into her hands, not realizing how chilly it had been on the ride. Her attention had apparently been on the hard body driving the bike. “I’ve traced the owners through several dummy corporations, but I haven’t connected the dots yet.”

  Daire nodded. “We’ll have allies check it out tomorrow.”

  She shrugged. “Good luck. There’s one road in, and it’s secured. My plan was to take care of that mine last, and I figured on parachuting in.”

  Adam stood, dusting off his hands. “Have you ever parachuted?”


  He grinned. “Cool.”

  Daire rolled his eyes. “Not cool.”

  Felicity pointed to three more areas across the Russian tundra. “There are mines here, all closely held corporations, but I think they’re diamonds and not anything else. My people haven’t had the chance to check them out personally.”

  Daire drew more circles with question marks. “We have more allies than you do in Russia and will take care of it.”

  “Actually, you don’t.” She’d spent years gathering allies and favors. When her brother, Suri, had died, she’d quickly confiscated all his Intel. She’d also continued with his allies, having blackmail information on many of them. Once this mission was over, she planned to burn it all. “But go ahead.” She moved across the map and tapped on Fryser Island. “We need to get into Sjenerøse mine somehow.”

  He nodded. “I know. My people will take care of that mission as well as checking out Bychkov’s other mine on Fryser.”

  “Good. That’ll free up my people for other work.”

  “Speaking of which, what’s your grand plan?” Daire dropped into a chair and stretched out his legs, his fingers tapping on a closed silver laptop. “You mentioned bombing mines, stealing companies, and robbing banks. What’s next?”

  She slid out a chair and sat. “Banks.”

  He eyed her, his green gaze revealing nothing. “Is this all for revenge?”

  “Yes.” She met his gaze evenly. “Ivan took the father of my boys away from them, and I had to return to hell in order to protect them, which I did a very poor job of doing. This is all about vengeance.” Before her sons discovered the truth and put themselves in more danger than ever before. Would the enforcer understand?

  “Does Zane have any clue who Ivan is?” Adam asked, leaning against the wall.

  “No.” She reached for the laptop.

  “Zane has impressive forces as well as ironclad allies,” Adam said
gently, his gaze no less intense than Daire’s. “Why not let him wage war?”

  “There’s been enough war,” she spat, her body vibrating. “We finally have peace, and Zane has a one-year-old daughter to protect. All of this is because of me, and I need to take care of the threat.” She’d failed her sons enough.

  Adam shook his head.

  Her gaze focused on Daire, and she lifted an eyebrow.

  No expression crossed his chiseled face. “You need this?”

  On so many damn levels, she needed this, and she had to protect her kids for once. Daire seemed so close to his cousin, Simone, and that woman was tough and independent. Maybe he could see that side of Felicity, too. Instead of going into details, instead of trying to convince him, all she did was nod. “Yes.”

  He studied her, a knowing intelligence in his eyes. “All right, but not by yourself.” Flipping the laptop around, he pushed it toward her. “Show me your plan to rob banks.”

  Relief flushed through her, even as her phone buzzed. She winced and pulled it out to answer. “Hi, Logan. I’m fine, and I’m sorry we didn’t get a chance to talk tonight.”

  “Mom? Where the hell are you?” Logan all but yelled. “I’m at Daire’s, and the place is trashed.”

  “I’m on a plane—long gone. Please keep doing your job in Seattle, and I promise I’ll be back soon to talk. Also, tell your brothers not to worry, that everything is taken care of.” She winced as she lied about her location. “Love you.” On those words, she disconnected.

  Daire shook his head. “His next move is to call Zane, who will call Vivienne. She doesn’t know your plan, so you’re all right for now. But I wouldn’t be surprised if we meet up with demon forces soon enough.”

  Felicity nodded. “I know. But even Zane doesn’t understand the forces that Ivan has amassed through the years.”

  “But you do,” Daire drawled, his posture relaxed but waves of tension cascading off him.

  “I do. For years, even while dealing with Suri, I’ve watched Ivan and kept track of his every move. I’ve waited until my boys were safe and the war ended to make my move, and now is the time.” She leaned forward. “Ivan is in bed with the witch trying to take down your people, and they both deserve to die.”