Read Wicked Edge Page 9

  Daire’s attention focused. “So they’re destroyed?”

  “Yes, but we’ve been able to determine all five sent shipments to Seattle before being attacked.” Adam sat back, nostrils flaring.

  Then it was getting from Seattle to Dublin, somehow. “How big were the shipments?” Daire asked, standing up and having to duck to keep from hitting his head.

  “Pretty damn big,” Adam said.

  Wonderful. Daire reached into a cupboard and drew out a blanket before settling it over Cee Cee. He dropped to his haunches and smoothed the hair from her face. “Go to sleep and let your body heal itself. When we get home, we’re gonna talk.”

  Her lips trembled, and a definite apology glimmered in her beautiful eyes. “I enjoyed last night,” she said softly. Then she shut her eyes, and before he could respond, she slipped into sleep.

  He returned to the table.

  Adam lifted a dark eyebrow. “What the heck?”

  “Later.” Daire reached for the nearest shipping manifest. “We have work to do.” And work they did. They went through all the mine records, all the official shipping records, and everything they could glean from their allies. He catnapped every once in a while, but tension rode him hard and he couldn’t completely sleep. The plane refueled in Greenland and took them on to Seattle.

  Daire awoke Cee Cee twice to make her eat something, and each time, she fell back into dreamland with a grateful sigh. Her body naturally sent out tingles as her flesh healed, and true relief swept through Daire when the burns on her arm slowly faded. Thank God, he hadn’t scarred her for eternity.

  Even when they landed, she barely stirred when he carried her from the plane to the car on the private Jetway. They drove through town, and she slept peacefully in his arms. He enjoyed holding her, allowing himself a moment to just relax and feel.

  Finally, they reached his penthouse and he carried her up to the door. She struggled, and he set her down on the marble floor. “Whatever your escape plan is, it’s not happening.” He pushed open the heavy door and nudged her inside, closing it firmly behind them. His place was warm and clean, and he settled into home. While Simone had decorated it with black leather and green accents, he liked the peaceful feeling of the sofa, chairs, fireplace, and massive Brenna Dunne landscape painting of Ireland.

  Noise clanged from the kitchen area followed by the scent of waffles. Damn it. He’d forgotten he’d told the prospects they could hang at his place while he was out.

  Garrett came into view first, chuckling. “I think the brunette was much—” He stopped short, mouth dropping open.

  “I’m back,” Daire said, belatedly realizing the kid was staring at Cee Cee. “This is—”

  Nicholai Veis, a demon ally and right hand to demon leader Zane Kyllwood, prowled behind Garrett, his hands full of plates of scrambled eggs. He barely stopped in time to keep from running into Garrett. His dark eyes focused on Daire and then on Cee Cee, before he slowly set down the plates on the round glass breakfast table. “What in the world is going on?”

  Daire frowned. “What are you doing here?”

  Nick’s gaze didn’t leave Cee Cee. “Checking on Logan Kyllwood.”

  As if on cue, the young demon jogged out of the kitchen carrying jars of syrup. He smashed into Veis and slid to the side. “What the heck?” Then his gaze followed his friends’, landed on Daire, and moved to Cee Cee. “Mom?”

  Chapter 10

  Cee Cee winced and didn’t miss how quickly Daire rocked back on his heels. Forcing a smile, she crossed the room and leaned up to press a kiss to her youngest son’s cheek. He stood so tall all of a sudden and so handsome. Light green eyes, pure black hair, angled features. “Hi, sweetie.”

  He inhaled and his nostrils flared. His sharp gaze went from her face to Daire and back. Then he moved.

  Crap. He could smell Daire on her. She tried to grab his arm, but he was quick. Good thing Nick was prepared and even quicker. The older demon jumped in front of Logan and pushed him back a foot.

  “Hold on,” Nick said. The demon lieutenant was dressed casually in black slacks and a gray shirt, his eyes onyx and his hair a dark blond. Tall and powerful, his voice nevertheless held a note of reason, as usual. Oh, he’d kill, but he’d think it through first.

  “Cee Cee,” Daire said slowly, the consonants rolling off his tongue. “Your mother called you Cee Cee.”

  She swallowed, half-turning to face him. “Yes.”

  “Short for . . . Felicity. Felicity Kyllwood, to be exact,” Daire said, ignoring everyone else in the room.

  Her hands trembled, so she tucked them discreetly in her pockets. “Yes.”

  Fury. Hot and bright, the emotion blazed through the enforcer’s eyes. A swell of terrifying, searing, snapping heat filled the room. Anger etched into the hard line of his rugged jaw, and his lips pressed together. She took an involuntary step back.

  Nick cleared his throat. “So, Felicity. How was the luxury cruise?”

  She pierced him with a hard look. “Lovely. Thank you for asking.” She tried to summon dignity, but considering she wore no makeup, her hair had dried full of salt water, her jeans were too tight and her sweater was too large, she didn’t have much to work with.

  “Everybody get the fuck out of my flat,” Daire ordered.

  A ball slammed into her gut. She really had enjoyed their night together and had hoped they could remain at least friendly. Gently, she took her son’s vibrating arm. “Let’s go talk.”

  Daire slowly, way too slowly, shook his head. “Oh no . . . Felicity. You’re staying here. We’re overdue for a little chat.”

  She shivered, and a warning blast of heat flicked her skin.

  Logan growled, Nick half turned, and even Garrett pushed clear of the table.

  Testosterone, a whole barrel of it, rolled through the room like a prelude to a hurricane.

  She shook her head. Logan was seconds from charging, and while Nick would try to stop the fight, in the end, he’d fight with Logan. Garrett was Logan’s best friend, and while he respected Daire, he’d have Logan’s back. “Are you crazy?” she whispered.

  “If I am, it’s because of the last three days,” Daire said evenly, anger still swelling from him. “They want to fight? We’ll fight. But in the end, baby, you and I are having a long overdue discussion.”

  Felicity winced. Her son wouldn’t like the baby comment.

  Yep. Logan exploded.

  He hit Daire full on, propelling them into the door. The steel door cracked. Daire grabbed his lapels, pivoted, and slammed Logan up hard. Surprisingly, neither Garrett nor Nick moved.

  “Listen, kid, believe me, I get it.” Daire slowly lowered Logan. “But here’s the deal. Your mom’s an adult, and this is none of your business.” Daire released him and took a step back.

  “I’m going to kill you.” Logan’s voice shook with rage, and he bunched his fists.

  Felicity hustled forward. “Logan Henry Kyllwood.” She put every ounce of motherly snap she owned into the words.

  He slowly turned his gaze from Daire to her. “What?”

  She put her hands to her hips. “I realize this is confusing, but you will not provoke a fight. Got it?”

  His ears turned red. Then his head went back. “Wait a minute.”

  She bit her lip.

  He cocked his head to the side, glanced at Daire, and then looked back at her. “There is no way I should smell him on you. You used the mutated virus?”

  How did she admit to her son that she’d voluntarily undergone an experimental procedure to negate the mating bond she’d had with his father? “Logan, I—”

  “Mom!” he exploded. “What the fuck?”

  Daire put him back into the door with one hand. “Knock it off.”

  Logan swiped Daire’s arm away. “You touch me again, and I’ll fucking rip off your head, witch.”

  Oddly enough, Logan’s anger seemed to sweep some of Daire’s away. “That’s fair,” Daire said. He rubbed the back o
f his head. “Listen up. Your mom was in a fight with a witch, attacked by a polar bear, in a helicopter wreck, and nearly drowned.”

  Logan’s mouth dropped open, and his eyes widened. “Mom?” he gasped.

  She tried to keep from glaring at Daire. Her son didn’t need to know any of those facts. “I’m fine.”

  “Who’s the witch she fought with?” Logan asked, his chin lowering.

  Approval lit Daire’s eyes, and his lips twitched. “A mercenary by the name of Vegar. He’s polar bear food at this point.”

  Logan shook his head. “Mom, I—”

  “My point is”—Daire continued—“your mother needs a hot shower and some clean clothes. Then we have a matter to discuss, and after I’m finished, I’m sure she’d love to explain to you where she has been the last few days.”

  Felicity’s chin lifted. “While I do not owe anybody an explanation, Logan, I would like time to shower and get refreshed before we sit down and chat.” She gave him her hardest look, swung it to Garrett, and then landed on Nicholai. “I trust that you three will keep my current location a secret?”

  “Mom—” Logan started.

  “I mean it,” she said, her voice hoarse.

  Logan swallowed, shuffled his feet, and nodded.

  Garrett cleared his throat. “Yes, ma’am.”

  Nicholai smiled as he shook his head. “Sorry, Felicity.”

  Yes, she’d figured Nick would report back to Zane, her eldest son and the ruler of the demon nation. So she turned and smiled at Daire. “I suggest you speak with your friend, or your flat will be overrun with demons. If Zane shows up, you know Dage won’t be able to stay away, he’s such a busybody of a vampire king.”

  Daire’s eyes flickered, but to his credit, his expression revealed nothing. “Nick? If you call Zane, I’m going to sic Simone on you.”

  Nick’s eyes gleamed. “Please, do. I’ve been waiting for your cousin’s temper to explode so I can take care of unfinished business with her.”

  Felicity sighed and glanced around, seeing an open doorway. “I assume the master and bath are through there?”

  “Aye,” Daire said.

  “Good. If there’s any way to get fresh clothing here by the time I’m finished with a very long shower, I’d appreciate it.” She moved to go.

  Logan stopped her with one gentle hand on her arm. “Mom? Come with us. You don’t have to stay here.”

  She swallowed and forced a smile for her youngest. No way did she want them all to fight, and after everything, she did owe Daire an explanation. Heck. Not only had she drugged him, she’d almost gotten him killed. More than once. “I know, but I do have matters to discuss with Daire. I’ll call you when I’m finished.”

  Logan shook his head. “No.”

  She stilled. “Excuse me?”

  He kept her gaze, but his ears turned red again. “I’m not leaving you with him.”

  “Why not?” she asked, her temper prickling up her back.

  “Because you’re, I mean, you’re—”

  Hurt smashed into her stomach. Of course her own kid knew how weak she was. How she’d failed him and his brothers. Even so, the agony of that fact spurred her anger. “I’m what?” she yelled up into his face.

  He sucked in air. “You’re my mom!” he yelled back.

  Oh. Her body relaxed. “Huh. You’re right. This has to be weird.” The poor kid. She gentled her voice. “Logan, I’m barely over a century old. That’s hardly an adult in human terms. I was young when I had you boys, incredibly young for a demon.”

  “I know.” The blush moved to his face. “But . . .”

  Nick strode toward the door. “The boys and I will go out to dinner, and you two can catch up later.” He opened the door and paused. “Felicity, I am going to have to report to Zane. There were a series of mines blown up in Russia earlier, and while I haven’t connected the dots as of yet, something tells me you weren’t attacked by polar bears on a tropical cruise.”

  She glared at Daire. Man, he had a big mouth. “Enjoy your dinner,” she said sweetly.

  Nick herded the boys out, giving Logan a rather hard-looking shove to get him to leave. The door snicked shut.

  Felicity breathed out.

  Daire leaned back against the wall. “Felicity or Cee Cee?”

  She shrugged. “Both. It’s like calling a Katherine Kathy or Juniper Junie. Cee Cee is a nickname, and I answer to both.”

  “So at least you only kind of lied about your name.”

  Ah, the anger had only been banked temporarily. “Yes,” she said. She tried to brush by him, not surprised when he wrapped a hand around her bicep and halted her in place. “You said I could borrow your shower.”

  “Yes.” He leaned down, his breath heated at her ear. “Just so we’re clear. I don’t give two flying fucks who your kids are, who your friends are, or who your allies are.” His hold tightened just enough to be threatening without causing any pain. “You lie to me again, and the last few days will seem like a dream vacation compared to what I’ll do.”

  Reality hit her in the face. He really didn’t care. Daire Dunne didn’t see her as a damaged demon, a widow, or even the mother of the most powerful demon on the planet. He didn’t see any of that. The enforcer saw her as all woman.

  She turned and smiled at him, so much warmth rippling through her she nearly swayed.

  He released her and stepped back, his brows furrowing together. “Don’t even try to charm me.”

  She couldn’t help it. Her smile widened, and delight bubbled up.

  He growled and gave her a not-so-gentle nudge toward the bedroom. She couldn’t quite make out the words he muttered as she moved away, but it sounded something like it’s always the fucking smile.

  Daire finished yanking fresh jeans up after a superbly hot shower, his mind reeling. He’d prepared some scrambled eggs for Cee Cee, Felicity, for her to eat after she’d showered. His kitchen of dark granite countertops and stainless steel appliances was no longer in order, considering the kids had cooked an earlier breakfast. But he’d put it back together later. Right now, he had enough to deal with.

  In his line of work, getting involved with a woman was complicated. Becoming friends with a female demon was intricate. But bedding the mother of the leader of the demon nation was fucking crazy. Yet Daire didn’t see her as a mother or even as a demon. She was sweet, she was hot, and the sounds she made when he thrust inside her would haunt his dreams until he died.

  But he liked an orderly life, and he liked peaceful women. Felicity, on her own, was a barrel of crazy schemes and too much energy. Plus, she came with three grown sons and tight ties to the demon nation, which might create even more problems for him as an enforcer.

  She was smart enough to drug him, and she was brave enough to face down powerful enemies half the world away from safety.

  Just thinking about her made his pants too tight.

  He crossed into the living room where she sat on the leather sofa, firelight caressing her skin. Her hair, long, shimmering, and blond, had dried down her back. No curls, no wave. Just delicate femininity. Dark yoga pants covered her toned legs, and a red T-shirt, a good one, her top. Freshly scrubbed with no makeup, the woman looked about twenty years old. Her feet were bare.

  “I forgot to borrow socks from Simone,” he rumbled, leaning against the door frame.

  Felicity jumped, her dark eyes flashing to him. “The fire is warm and so are my feet.”

  She had cute feet. Small, pale, fragile. Yet she’d kicked that polar bear with enough force to break its nose.

  “I usually know exactly what I’m doing and what I need to do next,” he said, his arms crossed over his bare chest.

  She smiled. “That must be nice.”

  “I don’t know what to do with you.”

  A very pretty pink fluttered beneath her skin. Well, at least they were on the same wavelength. Yet she arched one fine brow. “I’m not yours to do anything with.”

  From any othe
r woman, the statement would’ve been a challenge. Yet with her regal tone of voice, her bearing, the woman actually believed every word.

  He smiled. “Why are you damaged?”

  Her head jerked.

  Hadn’t been expecting that one, now had she?

  Her chin lifted. “I’m not damaged.”

  All right. Enough. “Nobody has ever called me patient, lady, and I have to say, I’ve showed more patience with you than anybody else in my entire life.” He hadn’t even dealt with the fact that she’d drugged him and ransacked his office yet.

  “So?” She met his gaze full on.

  Heat flushed through him. “So? I’m done. Either you start talking, or I strip you naked, fuck you senseless, and then you start talking.” In fact, that was a damn good idea. He pushed off from the wall.

  She choked and held up a hand. “Wait a minute.”


  Her hands fluttered in her lap, and she cut a discreet glance at the clock on the mantel. What in holy hell was she up to now? She cleared her throat. “Fine. Not many people know this, but I, ah, I am unable to perpetrate a demon mind attack.”

  Perpetrate? Jesus. He’d rather have her screaming at him than using that monotone of a voice. “So?”

  She blinked. “I’m damaged. Handicapped. Half a demon.”

  That was fucking crazy. “Says who?”

  She shook her head, surprise glittering in her eyes. “Everyone.”

  “Can you teleport?”

  Her shoulders slumped. “No.”

  He could just rip the head off everyone who’d ever made her feel like less. And by the hurt in her eyes, they’d done a number on her. In fact, until Zane Kyllwood had killed his uncle and taken over the demon nation, the world hadn’t known Zane was half demon or that Felicity existed. “Your family hid you?” he asked.

  She shrugged. “My parents were protective, but they died, and then Suri took over.”

  Suri was her older brother, the former demon leader, and a real bastard. “Willa was your sister?”


  Willa was a demonness who was a torturing bitch. Both Suri and Willa were dead now.