Read Wicked Heart Page 25

  I glance over at Josh. He holds up his hands, defensive. “You told me to comfort her. She wanted to be comforted by beer.”

  “Has she been drinking all night?”

  He nods. “I tried to stop her, but we both know she won’t be argued with. Plus, the more she drank, the more attractive she found me. How could I resist?”

  “Ohh,” Angel murmurs as she rests her head on my shoulder. “Josh has been lovely, but Lissa … you’re so soft. This robe is comfy. Let’s snuggle.”

  She leans down and rests her head on my boobs. I hug her and glare daggers at Josh.

  He at least has the sense to look regretful. “I’m sorry. She kept flirting with me until I bought her another drink. I’m a weak, selfish man.”

  “Soon you’re going to be a dead man. We have rehearsal in two hours. Marco is going to kill both of us if she shows up like this.”

  “I know. That’s why I brought her here, so you could help sober her up.”

  I pull back and get Angel to look at me. “Hey, sweetie. How’re you doing?”

  “Ahmtired. And Josh won’t let me have more beer. He’s mean. But pretty.”

  “How about some coffee? And maybe some food to soak up the alcohol?”

  I’m about to take her into the kitchen when I remember who’s in there. Oh, God, as if this situation wasn’t bad enough. At least he has the sense to stay hidden.

  “Lissa?” Josh is frowning at me. “Why the hell are there men’s clothes on our couch?”


  Then his eyes go wide, and Angel gasps at the same time. Sure enough, I turn to see Liam standing half naked in the kitchen doorway, looking like a Greek god, except for the dustpan and yellow rubber gloves.

  “Hey, guys,” he says softly, as he looks between us. “Uh … we should probably talk.”

  Before anyone has time to speak, Angel races to the bathroom and barfs violently into the toilet.

  * * *

  Half an hour and two cups of coffee later, Angel is bleary-eyed, but definitely more sober. Liam and I are fully dressed and have explained our whole story, including our nightly line runs to counteract his secret dyslexia. So far, Angel and Josh are taking it well, all things considered.

  “You’re an asshole, Quinn!” Josh yells as he paces in front of the couch. Okay, I lied when I said he was taking it well. “Not only do you dump Elissa for this bullshit PRmance years ago, but then, when you knew you were having feelings for her again, you didn’t even think to warn Angel about the approaching shitstorm? How fucking selfish are you?”

  Liam shakes his head. “Josh, I understand why you’re pissed—”

  “Good. Because your actions have hurt two of the most amazing women I know, and if I wasn’t terrified of physical violence, I’d be kicking your ass all over this apartment right now!”

  When he stops in front of Angel, she gently takes his hand. “Josh, please calm down before Liam squashes you like a bug. Also, you’re too loud. Could you grab me some painkillers?”

  Josh throws Liam a final glare before heading into the bathroom. Angel rubs her temples, and when Josh returns with two Advil and a glass of water, she quickly swallows them down.

  “Okay,” she says with a sigh. “So, I guess we need to figure out what to do, right? I’m not going to lie. The thought of breaking the contract gets me all kinds of excited, but we know that can’t happen. Not right now.”

  Josh sits next to her and lays his arm along the back of the sofa. “So what’s the plan, then?”

  “Personally,” I say as I grip my coffee cup, “I think the wise choice would be to pretend Angeliam is business as usual until the fuss from the alley pictures dies down. When the media circus packs up and goes home, we’ll work something out.”

  Liam crosses his arms over his chest. “I don’t like having to wait, but I agree it’s probably for the best. I need to talk to Anthony about possible exit strategies, but he’s got his hands full right now. He’s already left six messages for me today. It seems we’ve had over two hundred interview requests since the press conference last night. This thing isn’t going away easily.”

  Josh frowns. “So in the meantime, you and Elissa think you’re going to sneak around behind the scenes and sex each other up without anyone noticing?”

  “Sex would be nice,” Liam says with a shrug, “but I’m not counting on it, no. I just know I’ve been away from her for six years and I’m not doing it for another damn day.”

  “And you expect Angel to be okay with that?”

  Liam glances over at Angel, who holds up her hands in surrender. “Hey, don’t look at me. As long as you two spare me the horny details, I don’t want to know what happens behind closed doors. Just promise me you’ll be extra careful. Everyone is going to be watching us like hawks from now on, and I already look like the clueless girlfriend. Even the slightest hint of another scandal will have the press swarming both of us like flies on roadkill.”

  “I promise, we’ll be discreet.” He gives Angel a warm smile. “Thanks for understanding.”

  Angel stands and gives him a hug. “You’re welcome. At least one of us is getting laid. It’s been so long for me, I’ve almost forgotten what a penis looks like.”

  Josh clears his throat. “May I interest you in a high-quality selection of dick pics, delivered straight to your phone? Elissa can attest to the fact that they’re quite artistic.”

  Angel raises her eyebrow at me. “Do I want to know why you’ve seen pictures of Josh’s dick?”

  “No,” I say with a laugh. “You really don’t.”

  Liam frowns at me. “Do I want to know?”

  “It was an accident, trust me. Now, maybe you and Josh can go and grab something for us all to eat. We have to head to rehearsal soon and I’d like Angel to get some rest before we go.”

  “Sure.” He gives me a quick kiss. “We’ll be right back. Unless Josh decides to beat me up on the way, in which case … well … We’ll be right back.”

  Josh gives him a disdainful look. “There’s a lot of traffic in New York, Quinn. Wouldn’t it be a shame if Hollywood’s leading meathead got hit by a car?”

  Liam laughs, then opens the door. “Okay, tough guy. Clearly I need to buy you a bagel to purge your rage.”

  “A bagel and a cookie,” Josh corrects. “And a crapload of very black, very strong coffee.”

  “You drive a hard bargain. Fine. Get your keys and let’s go.”

  Liam heads downstairs, and after Josh grabs his keys off the table, he turns to Angel. “Just so you know, I was joking about the dick pics. Mostly. But I am here for you if you need me. I know you’re probably hurting about this whole situation, and sometimes it’s best to get over someone by getting under someone else, you know? Rebound sex can be very cathartic.”

  Angel tilts her head, a bemused smirk on her face. “Liam and I were never in a proper relationship, Josh. No rebound necessary.”

  “So you say. But Magic Mike and I are available if you happen to change your mind.”

  “Magic Mike?” When I snort, she smiles. “That’s … sweet, Josh. Thanks.”

  “No problem. Anytime.”

  When the door closes behind him, I shake my head. “My best friend, ladies and gentlemen.”

  “You have great taste in friends,” Angel says, then yawns. “Just look at me.”

  She rubs her eyes, and the apartment is engulfed in silence. I know Angel seems to be coping with the situation, but if I were her, I’d have a healthy dose of resentment over the whole thing.

  “So,” I say, as I turn to her. “How do you really feel about me and Liam? Honestly.”

  She shrugs and flops back onto the couch. “Honestly? It’s hard to tell. I’m still extremely drunk.”

  “Do you want to hit me?”


  “Not even a little?”

  “And ruin my manicure? That’s crazy talk.” She gives me a smile. “More than anything, I’m angry at myself for not seei
ng it coming. I could tell he was weird around you; I just didn’t know why. In all our time together, Liam refused to talk about past relationships. The closest he came was one night when were both tanked and jet-lagged, and he muttered a remark about how he’d done something unforgivable once upon a time and lost the love of his life. I never suspected he’d dumped his one true love so he could pretend to be in love with me. That’s new information.”

  “Are you mad?”

  “No. Just disappointed he didn’t tell me that he’s been pining for you all these years. I mean, we’ve been through all this craziness together from the moment we both signed on to Rageheart, and even though he’s endured countless hours of me whining about my issues with my dad and my sister, he never once confided in me about what he was going through with you, or his dyslexia. It makes me feel like crap, you know? I thought we were closer than that.”

  She looks down, and I put my hand over hers and squeeze. “I’m sorry.”

  She takes a sip of her drink. “I’ll get over it. At least this stupid charade is coming to an end. The only man I’ve had between my legs in recent years is my waxologist, Hernando, and he’s gay. I’m jealous Liam’s finally getting some relief.”

  “Liam told me that you guys tried to…” I look down at my hands. “Make it work once?”

  She laughs. “God, it was so bad. Awkward as hell. I mean, Liam’s gorgeous and everything, but he does nothing for me. I love him like a brother. Weird, right?”

  “Not really. That’s exactly how I feel about Josh.”

  She screws up her face. “Seriously? You’ve never wanted to throw that hot geek down and fuck him?”

  Now it’s my turn to laugh. “Never.”

  “Well, that’s just bizarre.”

  “Hey, you just told me you have no vaginal impulses toward ‘People’s Sexiest Man Alive’ three years running, but you’re surprised I don’t want to do my best friend?”

  “Well, yeah. Liam’s good-looking and all, but Josh is hot. I’m considering taking him up on his offer for sex, even if it’s only so I can break my dry spell.” There’s a mischievous glint in her eye I’ve seen too many times to trust.

  “You fake me out so often, I have no clue if you’re joking or not right now.”

  She shrugs. “Me neither.”

  I give her a quick hug, then pull her up to standing. “Come on. You can sleep in Josh’s room for a while. I’d offer my bed, but … well—”

  “Your sheets are covered in the evidence of Liam’s luuuuurve?”

  I screw up my face. “Angel—”

  “The salty seed of his desire?”


  “The sticky-whiteness of his everlasting devotion?”

  I clap my hand over her mouth. “Stop talking or I’ll hurt you. Seriously.”

  She giggles as I lead her into Josh’s bedroom. It’s not super-tidy, but Josh isn’t a slob. Living with me has rubbed off on his sense of cleanliness.

  Angel looks around. “Hmmm. The Josh Cave. Interesting.”

  I pull back the quilt and urge her to get in. “I saw him change these sheets yesterday, so you’re pretty safe.” After she settles in, I pull the sheet up to her chin and stroke her hair away from her face. “Try to get some rest. I’ll let you know when the boys are back with the food.”

  As I go to stand, she grabs my hand. “Elissa…?”


  She looks down at my hand as she strokes it. “I feel like I owe you an apology as well.”

  “What for?”

  “Ever since we met, I’ve been shoving my magical wedding and hottie fiancée down your throat. I even made you come dress shopping with me, for God’s sake. I’ve been a total asshole. I hope you don’t hate me.”

  I laugh. “Actually, I love you, despite thinking you’d stolen the man of my dreams. You’re just that adorable.”

  “Well, yeah. Tell me something I don’t know.” She blinks a few times, then her eyes drift closed. “I just want you to know that I’m glad you and Liam have found happiness with each other. You’re both amazing people, and you deserve it.”

  Before I can tell her she deserves happiness, too, she’s asleep.



  Four Days Later

  Pier 23 Rehearsal Rooms

  New York City

  “Angel! Liam! This way! To your left!”

  “Over here, guys! Please! Over here!”

  “Can we get a few words?! How are you today?”

  “Angel, have you really forgiven Liam for making out with another woman? Is the wedding still on?”

  A burly team of security guards parts the rabid media throng, which has completely blocked off the entrance to our rehearsal space for the fourth day in a row. Yet again, vans and equipment trucks are everywhere, and it’s brought traffic in front of our building to a standstill. Add to that the dozens of passionate fans who believe screaming at their idols will save their relationship, and it’s safe to say our current address is West Bedlam Street, Crazytown.

  Before I even have to ask, Josh is on the phone to the local precinct to get the cops on-site. He knows the drill by now. We might have to live with this madness, but we can at least keep it a little more under control.

  Angel and Liam push through the crowd with as much composure as they can, but I notice they’re both finding it more difficult to keep up the charade these days. Especially Liam.

  “You guys okay?” I ask as I usher them inside the foyer and lock the glass doors behind them.

  “Just great,” Liam says through gritted teeth. He smiles and flips the bird to the photographers, who are now pressing their lenses against the glass. “Haven’t punched anyone out yet, which I’m claiming as a win.”

  Angel grabs his arm and pulls him up the stairs. “Yeah, but you’re getting that look that means you’re close to it. Just chill, dude. This can’t go on for much longer. When the buzzards fly away, we’ll magically fall out of love with each other, go our separate ways, and start macking on people we actually want to bang.”

  I notice her eyeball Josh at the end of the hall when we reach the top of the stairs.

  “Do you have anyone in particular in mind when you say that?” I ask.

  “No,” she says with a flick of her hair. “Just general people. No one you guys know.”

  Josh glances over and gives her a tilt of his chin. The smile that spreads across Angel’s face is brighter than the sun. Josh frowns at her. For all his bluster and bravado, I don’t think he ever truly expected Angel to think twice about him, and he probably believes she’s only paying attention to him now as a practical joke. I’m tempted to let him know that Angel finds him hot, but it’s much more fun to watch him squirm.

  “See you guys in the production meeting,” Angel says, not sparing me and Liam a backward glance as she heads over to talk to my bestie.

  Once she’s gone, Liam surprises me by grabbing my arm and pulling me down the hallway to my office. When we’re safely inside, he locks the door and shoves me against the wall in a crushing kiss. For a couple of minutes, we’re a mess of urgent, needy hands and mouths, and when he finally pulls back, we’re both panting way too loud considering there are other people in the building.

  “Not seeing you every night is killing me,” he says as he cups my face. “Didn’t Anthony get the memo that I’m owed six years of Elissa time? Why the hell is he torturing me?”

  All week, Liam and Angel have been putting in overtime for their PR appearances. It’s meant we’ve barely seen each other outside rehearsal, and neither of us is coping with that.

  “Let me ask you this,” he asks, assessing my skinny jeans and combat boots. “How feasible would it be for me to fuck you right now? I know we have the production meeting in five minutes, but I promise, I could be done in two. Maybe less.”

  I fist his T-shirt. “I’m sorry, but the standard procedure is seven minutes in heaven.”

  “Not sure I
can last that long. I fantasized about you all last night.”

  “Wasn’t that awkward, considering you and Angel were having a very public romantic dinner? Right in the front window of one of New York’s trendiest restaurants.”

  “Saw the pics, did you?”

  “Of course. How convenient the paps knew you’d be there. I assume Anthony tipped them off? That kiss was very believable, by the way. And seemed to go on forever.”

  “The funny thing is, our mouths weren’t even touching. I put my head in front of hers and then pretended to kiss her while we had a conversation about how to get you into my apartment without anyone seeing you. Eventually we decided you’re small enough to fit in a suitcase. We can load you into the car here, then get you to my penthouse through the service lift in the garage. We also planned a citywide chase scene in which paps on motorbikes swarm us before dying in horrible ways. On a related topic, don’t ever piss off Angel, or she’ll invent a grisly end for you, which will include having to sit through a Broadway musical composed entirely for banjos and bagpipes. I mean, no one deserves that sort of torture. Not even paps.”

  “You spoke about all that while you were pretending to kiss?”

  “We’re multitaskers.”

  “Prove it.”

  He kisses me again, and what he’s doing with his hands at the same time makes me seriously consider taking him up on his offer of two minutes in heaven. He’s undoing the top of my jeans when there’s a sharp knock at the door.

  “Elissa? You in there? It’s Anthony.” We jump away from each other at the sound of Anthony’s voice. The door rattles. “Hello?”

  I straighten myself up as Liam looks around for somewhere to hide. I shove him behind the door, then unlock it and open it a crack.

  “Anthony, hey. What can I do for you?”

  Anthony looks over my head and frowns. “You okay? Why is your door locked?”

  “Uh … I’m on the phone. With my … gynecologist.” I inwardly cringe, but what else can I say that won’t invite further questions? “Did you need something?”

  He hands me a piece of paper. “Just wondering if you could photocopy this agenda for our meeting.”