Read Wicked Kiss Page 22

  Adam sat back, studying her pretty face. How could any man want to hurt somebody as precious as Victoria? “All right. Then here’s another reason. Whoever took your mother was well trained and part of the immortal world.” He’d been studying the matter from every angle, and there was only one thing that truly made sense. “Why would anybody take her?”

  Victoria’s gaze darted around as she thought it out. “The vampires have no reason, and neither do the demons.”

  “True,” Adam said. The woman’s brain was impressive as she logically connected the dots in a world she hadn’t even known existed not too long ago. Her ability to accept the new reality so quickly was unusual. Pride filled him.

  She swallowed. “Bear and his shifters wouldn’t want anything to do with her.” Victoria stopped moving and focused on him. “Why would the witches take her?”

  He waited for her to put it together.

  Her head went back. “Because of me,” she whispered. “You and me.”

  “I think so,” he said, willing her to trust him. “I could make us disappear if I wanted, and they know that. If they have your mother, then we have no choice but to appear before the Council as ordered.” He was reaching out to every contact he still had to see if the Coven Nine had Jennie Junie. “The good news is that they won’t harm her.”

  “You don’t know that,” Victoria burst out, color finally flooding her face.

  “Did they hurt you?” he asked calmly.

  She faltered. “Well, no. But it was still scary.”

  He nodded, his body actually aching to get up and offer comfort—but at the moment, he was of much more use in front of the computer. “I’ll find her, sweetheart. Just let me keep working.”

  A wave of energy, one he actually felt, rolled from the woman through the room. His screen blinked and went dark before coming back online. “Outside, Victoria.” Man, when they had time to actually harness that gift, she’d be a powerful weapon. “Your emotions are strong. Why don’t you go focus them on either the bike or the gun you took outside earlier?” He’d shown her enough to keep her safe. “Just make sure you point the barrel at the trees and not the cabin.”

  Her smile appeared forced. “All right.” The smile slid away. “Yell at me the second you find anything, okay?”

  “I promise.” Then they could argue about what would happen next. He needed to go to Ireland and rescue her mother, while Victoria would go into lockdown at Realm headquarters. She wasn’t going to like that plan.

  She cleared her throat. “You, ah, you mentioned getting into satellites.”


  “You’re really smart,” she mused quietly.

  Ah. She was needing reassurance. “Aye, Victoria. My brain is fully functional and fast. I’ll find your mother.”

  She nodded. “That’s what I thought. Like, your IQ is higher than Einstein’s?”

  Where was she going with that? “His was clocked only at 160. So yes.” Before she could ask, he shook his head. “Can’t be measured. So I don’t know a number.”

  “Your IQ is too high to be measured.” She said it as a statement, her tone oddly flat.

  He blinked. “Well, to be honest, most of us don’t think an IQ can really be measured. It’s a series of tests created by humans with a number attached. A faulty system, to be sure.”

  She swallowed, moving the graceful line of her neck. “All right. That makes sense. Call me when you find either of my parents.” The door softly closed.

  He stared at it for a moment. What was that all about? With a shrug, he turned back to the satellite codes. A button dinged at the bottom of his screen, and he pushed a series of keys to bring up a picture. Kellach took shape with a morphing green screen behind him. Nice. The Realm boys were doing a good job of scrambling locations. “Hi, Kell,” Adam said.

  “How’s Victoria?” Kellach asked, his black eyes sizzling. “Alexandra is about to lose her fuckin’ mind.”

  Adam nodded. “Same here. I’ve been hacking the Nine but haven’t found a location for Jennie Junie yet. Anything on Parker Monzelle?”

  “Not yet.” Kell scrubbed a hand down his face. “With Titans of Fire blown to hell, he doesn’t have allies on the outside like he did. How many of them have been rounded up?”

  “I haven’t checked,” Adam said. “Have more immediate issues. The video from his escape is still being cleared and entered into the Seattle system, so I haven’t been able to get it. They should be logging it in today.” The damn place still used video recording and not digital.

  Kell breathed out. “What about the mating?”

  Adam’s chin dropped. “Are you serious?”

  “Just asking, brother. Last time we talked, you were twisted up about the female.” Kell studied him, his gaze seeing everything

  Adam enlarged the screen to get a better view of the background. He needed to get something like that once he was back to working as an Enforcer. Well, if he kept his job. “The Nine is not forcing her to mate anybody. I won’t allow it.”

  Kell flashed a grin. “What a nicely logical way to protect her.”

  “I thought so,” Adam said, narrowing his gaze. “What’s your point?”

  “How do you feel about her?” Kell asked.

  Adam blinked. “Shit, man. Being mated has turned you into a girl.”

  Anger flashed across Kellach’s face, hot and bright, to be quickly quashed. “That’s not an answer.”

  “I don’t have time to worry about feelings,” Adam snapped. The physical attraction between Victoria and him gave him no peace. Even though she was outside right now, he could feel her. All of her. Victoria Monzelle was a complex, highly intelligent woman with a spirit that called to him. But right now, with hell descending on all of them, it was the exact wrong time to even think about forever. “How about we stick to work? You know? And the kill order hanging over your blasted head?”

  Kell rolled his eyes. “I’m just saying. If you like her, and you enjoy her company, it’d be nice for Alexandra to have her sister live for eons, too.”

  Adam’s head heated until he feared it would blow off his neck. “Victoria is full of light and energy. She, of all people in this damn world, deserves a forever mating with love. The real deep, no shit, die-for-each-other type of love.” How could Kell not see that? He was blinded by the need to protect his mate, and that was all right. “So butt out.”

  Kell studied him, his lip quirking. Something glimmered in his eyes for a moment, and then he sat back. “Well, then. I see that. Sorry I interfered.”

  “It’s okay,” Adam said, relaxing. “I understand you want to make your mate happy.”

  “I surely do,” Kell said, his expression not changing. “It’s a damn good thing you’re so smart, Adam.”

  Adam paused. Was there something in Kellach’s voice that sounded a mite, well, sarcastic? “What is your point?”

  “Nothing.” Kell’s smile widened. “It’s just nice to see you have things so under control. You know. That you see everything that is right in front of your so-brilliant face.”

  Okay. That was definitely sarcasm, with a side of amusement. Adam’s temper stirred. “Are the Realm boys working on finding Parker and Jennie Junie, or are they not?”

  “They are, but we might have better resources.” Kell lost his amusement. They both carefully kept from mentioning the two secret satellites. “Daire is at demon headquarters right now, and they have all of their techs working on the same issue. He wants to meet up in person later today and go through all the data.”

  Adam frowned. “Demon headquarters is just about a mile from Realm headquarters, right?”

  “Aye,” Kellach said, glancing to the side. “Why?”

  Adam shrugged. “Seems like they’d just have one central meeting space.” Yet, if witch headquarters moved closer, he’d probably advise against it. Alliances rarely lasted in their world. “Forget it. Speaking of which, has the Coven Nine declared war on anybody yet?”

sp; “No. They’ve withdrawn from the Realm, but that’s as far as it’s gone. The Nine aren’t strong enough to take on the entire Realm and I think they know it.” Kellach shuddered. “I hope. It seems like Gallagher has lost his mind.”

  “He’s not crazy. Just ambitious.” Adam glanced toward the quiet day outside. He hadn’t heard Tori shoot anything in a while. Maybe she was too upset. He should probably make her some coffee or something. He stood and leaned against the counter just as another screen started to spit information. “Ah, there you are,” he muttered.

  “What?” Kellach asked.

  “I found two more financial accounts linked to Gallagher, and the money doesn’t trace back to any of his legitimate or even semi-legitimate investments.” The excitement of the chase rushed through Adam. “I’m going to nail this fucker.”

  Kell nodded, his shoulders straightening. “Perfect. Keep me in the loop.” He clicked off.

  Adam scrolled through the data, his mind making rapid connections.

  Another line beeped, and he hit the button for another video conference.

  His brother Daire came into view. “Hey. Just talked to Kell. Are you going to mate Victoria or what?”

  Jesus. “Would you knock it off?” Adam snapped.

  Daire straightened and then turned to read something off to the side. His jaw hardened.

  Adam stiffened. “What?”

  Daire focused back on him, his eyes glittering. “It’s Parker Monzelle.”

  Victoria’s father? “We’ve found him?” Adam asked.

  “No.” A vein pulsed down Daire’s neck. “You’d better get Victoria. We have a message from her father. It’s not good.”

  Ah, hell.

  Chapter 28

  An hour after she left Adam hacking computer systems, Tori was cataloging different species of trees and birds. She’d spent much of her life outdoors, away from electronics, and she could name most of them.

  She strode away from the cabin, her tennis shoes leaving imprints in the damp earth. Her nerves felt flayed open and exposed. Oh, she didn’t care at the moment about her father being free, mainly because he couldn’t get to Lexi or their mom. That is, if the witches had their mom.

  The witches had to have Jennie.

  While the idea didn’t thrill Tori, at least the witches wouldn’t harm her mother for the next two days. At that point, when it became clear that she and Adam hadn’t mated, then all bets were probably off. So they had two days to rescue her mom.

  There was no way somebody like Adam wanted somebody like Tori as a mate, even if she wanted to mate him. He was strong and sexy and somehow sweet, and he’d barreled into her life and heart like he belonged there. Her self-esteem was just fine, but the differences between them were pretty huge, even without the whole immortal issue.

  Plus, and she felt this in her bones, he’d been very cautious with her. There was a side to Adam, a deep and rumbling side, that he’d kept carefully banked. She’d pushed him the previous night, and she’d gotten a glimpse. But he’d held control to himself, of himself, as usual.

  The woman who earned his love, who claimed all of him, would take that part of him as well.

  That part didn’t belong to Tori. Her chest hurt like she’d been kicked, and her body felt heavy. Okay. So she had a little crush. Like always, she’d get over it. Yet he hadn’t left her psyche alone, now had he? He’d stripped her bare, had taken all of her, holding tight and forcing her trust. Worse yet, she’d wanted to give him her trust. In that moment, on the kitchen table, she’d wanted to give all of herself to him.

  Damn it.

  She aimed at a tree, and the green laser shot out, putting a hole in the pine. It wobbled but didn’t fall down. Man, the immortal guns were cool. Who knew? Shooting at things made her feel better. She took aim and destroyed a rock in the center of the stream. Then she squinted, kept her aim true, and tried to hold back the laser as she squeezed the trigger.

  Another rock exploded.

  She sighed.

  A branch cracked behind her. She stilled and then warmed. Was Adam coming out to play? As she started to turn, a tension on the breeze caught her attention. She whirled around to see Adam, his gaze inscrutable. “Hi.”

  “Hi.” He reached out and took her hand, his fingers warm and safe around hers. “I need you to come inside.” Without waiting for an answer, he led her around several bushes and trees, right up into the cabin. It was a testament to how off balance she was from the previous night that she quietly allowed it.

  She paused by the door, wanting to stay away from his computer equipment. “You’re scaring me.”

  “I’m sorry.” He scrubbed both hands down his face. “I was wrong about your mother.”

  Tori’s knees wobbled. “What do you mean?” she breathed.

  He started to pull her toward the computers and then paused. “Wait here.” Moving forward, he turned a screen that was all fuzz toward her. After he clacked a couple of keys, Parker Monzelle came up on the screen.

  Tori’s head snapped back at seeing her father.

  “It’s a recording,” Adam said. “He can’t see you.”

  She allowed herself to sag against the door frame. “Play it,” she croaked.

  Adam pushed a button.

  Prison had aged Parker Monzelle. His once-thick black hair had turned a dull gray, and his smooth skin was heavily lined with a map of wrinkles. His chest was still barrel wide, but his gut had gone to fat. His green eyes held the same calculating intelligence, but their vibrant color had faded through the years. He cleared his throat, looking triumphant. “I’m sending this to the last number I had for you, Alexandra, and I hope you share it with your sister.”

  At the sound of his voice, pricks of pain danced down Tori’s back. She tried to breathe from her nose and not get hysterical.

  Parker paused. “I enjoyed our meeting last month so much, I’d like a repeat.”

  Tori made a sound deep in her throat. She swallowed it down. Parker had shot Alexandra, and there was no doubt he wanted to do it again.

  Parker’s smile revealed a cracked bottom tooth. “As you both probably already know, I’m on the outside again. For good this time.” He leaned closer to the camera. Even his nostril hairs had turned gray. “I’m done dealing with the justice system, and I’m never going back.”

  Adam cut Tori a concerned look, and she kept her gaze centered on the screen. The microwave started to smoke again over on the counter. She looked at it. “You plugged it back in?”

  He frowned. “No. It’s unplugged.” Pressing pause on the video, he strode to the microwave, grabbed it, and chucked it out the front door.

  Tori couldn’t look away from her father. “Finish it, please.”

  Adam pressed play again.

  Parker smiled. “Here’s the deal. I want a nice little family reunion. Both of you girls will meet me at a time and place I’ve set up, and you’ll do it at five tonight in Seattle. You will text me your phone numbers, so I can text you the location with just enough time for you to get there.”

  Tori glanced toward the bucket that held the phones near the sink. They were down to one phone only.

  Parker reached to the side of the camera and yanked Jennie in front of him.

  Tori moved toward the computer screen and stopped herself just in time. “Mom,” she whispered.

  Her mom’s eyes were wide with fright, and her pretty hair was mussed around her face. A bruise already showed on her neck. “I’m fine, girls,” she whispered.

  Parker threw her out of camera range, and something crashed.

  Tori bit back a cry of alarm. Tears pricked her eyes. Her fingers clenched, and her nails bit into her palms.

  Parker smiled. “I don’t need to tell you both to come alone, do I? If I don’t see both of you, you’ll regret it. Alone. No cops, no boyfriends, no other drug dealers. You two get your asses where I tell you, or I’m going to kill your worthless bitch of a mother.” His smile widened. “And I’m goin
g to take my time.”

  The screen went black.

  * * *

  Adam clicked off the computer and went to Victoria, enveloping her in his arms. She trembled, head to toe, but didn’t make a sound. The silence of terror was one of the worst he’d ever felt. “We’ll get her back.” He tried to keep his voice level, to be reassuring, but the words came out in a thick growl.

  Victoria rested her face against his chest.

  Fury nearly choked him, so he took several deep breaths. “I was wrong, and I’m sorry.”

  She lifted her head, and the tears on her lashes nearly snapped his control into pieces. “There was nothing you could do.”

  No, but he’d still been wrong. Nothing in him could even imagine a man wanting to harm his wife and daughters. Nothing. “We’ll make sure he pays.”

  Victoria’s shoulders shook. “I don’t care about him. He doesn’t exist. But my mom. We have to get her to safety.” Panic lit her deep eyes. “Mom has relapsing multiple sclerosis. She has been in remission, but stress like this . . .”

  He nodded, trying to provide comfort, but his mind ran through facts too quickly. “I need to know. Your father seems like a methodical man. He’d have to be fairly cold and controlled to be so successful in the drug trade.”

  She blinked, and a tear slid down her face. “Yeah. Cold as a snake.”

  So this whole revenge bit didn’t make sense. For Parker to put himself out there just to harm his ex-wife or daughters spoke of heat and revenge, not sharp business. There was more going on than Adam could see.

  The air shimmered with the hint of a lightning strike. He pivoted, putting Victoria in the corner and covering her with his body.

  “What is going on?” she asked, her voice muffled.

  The air crackled. Adam leaned back and turned her around to see Dage, Kellach, and Alexandra standing near the fireplace.

  “Lexi,” Victoria yelped, leaping for her sister.

  Alexandra reached her for a hug. Several inches taller than Victoria, she held her tight, her lighter blue eyes closed. “Are you okay?” she asked, leaning back and studying her younger sister with a cop’s eyes.