Read Wicked Kiss Page 5

  The rock rumbled, a crack appeared, and then it began to open. It stopped when there was only an inch-wide opening.


  She rubbed her hands together again. While she’d never understood her weird problem with machinery, apparently she could affect the door.

  It slid wide open on its own, and she dropped into a fighting stance before she could stop herself.

  Brenna Dunne-Kayrs stood on the other side, her head tilting. “You okay?”

  “No.” Tori stood and pretended to fumble a bit as she did so. It wouldn’t do for anybody to know that she’d received a little training, now would it? “You people have kidnapped me again.” Brenna was Simone’s cousin and yet another witch. Hopefully Tori’s friendship with Simone would extend to Brenna. She needed a friend in this place. “Where’s Adam?”

  Brenna sighed and swept inside the cell, her clothes perfectly enhancing her gray eyes and brunette hair. Her belly protruded slightly, showing an early pregnancy. “He’s out looking for you, and I just texted him that you’re here.”

  “Where is here?” Tori spat.

  Brenna winced. A hulking guy leaning against a far wall pushed away from the stone. He had light brown eyes and hair, and a scar on his face. Tall and broad, dressed all in black, the guy looked like pure danger. “Should we get going?”

  Brenna nodded. “That’s Jase, who’s my mate. He’s a vampire.”

  A real vampire. He looked like he could deliver death if the mood so struck him.

  “What’s the plan here?” Tori bit out.

  “You know about immortals, and that puts a bull’s-eye on your head.” Brenna’s eyes swirled with fear. “We need to face the Council, our ruling body, and you have to promise not to tell anybody.”

  Tori’s mind reeled. “Like anybody would believe me anyway.”

  “True, but you’re in danger, so take this seriously.” Tension lines creased the edge of Brenna’s full mouth. She ushered Tori out the door and down a long hallway, where the vampire waited.

  Tori cleared her throat. “What’s the Council?”

  “Council of the Coven Nine, which leads the witch nation,” Brenna whispered. “I’m a member, but because of my ties to Simone I’ve been relieved of duties, as she faces treason charges. Or rather, the conviction.” Brenna reached another blank wall, tapped in the middle of nothing, and the rock slid open.

  “What the heck is up with all the invisible rock doors?” Tori muttered.

  “Amen, sister,” the vampire said from behind her, his voice hoarse in a totally inappropriate and too-sexy way.

  A cold breeze swept through the hallway. Tori shivered. Another wall, another doorway, and she entered what could only be called chambers that looked like a modern courtroom, save for the stone everywhere. “Where’s Harry Potter?” she murmured.

  The vampire burst out laughing behind her.

  Brenna elbowed her. “Try to take this seriously. These people have the power to cut off your head and will do so without losing a second of sleep.”

  The humor had been an attempt to keep Tori from screaming in a total panic attack. Gut instinct told her this was deadly serious, but she couldn’t just drop to her knees and freak out, now could she? She’d been so damn close to escaping them earlier, she’d surely get another chance soon. So she took her place behind a stone table.

  “I’ll be up over to the side just to watch the proceedings.” Brenna sounded rather peeved as she nodded to the stone bench. The room was kind of similar to the chambers of the Supreme Court of the United States, which Tori had seen on a tour a year or so previous.

  Tori nodded.

  Brenna glided across the room and up some steps to sit in a chair over to the side. Another freakin’ invisible door opened, and three people walked in and seated themselves on the dais like judges in a courtroom. Two men and one woman.

  “Why are there six empty seats, um, Mr. Vampire?” Tori whispered to the guy remaining at her side.

  “Call me Jase.” He stood next to her, big and dangerous, and she was very glad he seemed to be on her side. “This is all that’s left of the Council right now.”

  She’d heard that before, but it seemed more ominous now. “I’m an American citizen, and my country won’t like this.”

  “Aye.” Brenna gave her a look. The one that said Shut the fuck up, you’re in enough trouble. Tori had seen it her entire life and could read that one easily. So she gave a look back that said You are so going to explain everything after this if I don’t die.

  Brenna nodded, in perfect sync.

  The judge in the middle, a guy handsome in a too-smooth way, banged down a gavel. “I’m Peter Gallagher, and we seem to have a problem with your knowing about our people, Miss Monzelle.”

  Jase angled his body in a subtle way that somehow put Tori a little bit behind him. “I vouch for her honor and that she won’t speak a word. In addition, her sister is mated to an Enforcer, which makes her family.”

  Peter’s eyes flashed dark and deep. “I don’t appreciate a vampire being her representation here. It’s as if the vampire nation is taking a stance in a matter that does not concern it, especially since some think we’re now at war.”

  “Yeppers.” Jase settled his stance.

  Tori fought an incredibly inopportune giggle. The vampire had said yeppers. It was nice to be with another total smart-ass. A good guy, that vampire.

  Another man with slicked-back dark hair and intelligent eyes came in from the side wall, holding a stack of papers. “Sorry to be late. We have an issue with the bear nation, as you can imagine.” He read through the file, looking just like a human prosecutor. “The human knows too much, and I’ve prepared the proper confidentiality papers for her to sign.”

  Not a problem. Tori smiled at him.

  Peter cleared his throat. “We’re under attack and most likely going to war. Papers won’t do it. We must eliminate all threats right now.”

  Jase jerked next to her.

  Tori reared back. The guy was so matter-of-fact about killing her. “I object.”

  Peter’s lips tightened into a white line. “This isn’t a US courtroom. No objections.”

  Tori slammed her hands on her hips. “I disagree. If everyone wants to eliminate me, I definitely object.”

  Jase coughed. “I get that. Don’t you all get that?”

  She tried to find the exit.

  Peter banged the gavel. “I don’t think you two are taking this seriously enough. Miss Monzelle, we can’t have you telling people about us.”

  Tori nodded. “I understand, but come on. Nobody would believe me, so you have nothing to worry about.” She gestured around. “Plus, you’re witches and are immortal. How scared could you be?”

  “Very,” Peter said. “Humans outnumber us by a ridiculous amount, and while we’re more powerful, it would be a disaster if they came after us.”

  “Why not just get rid of humans?” Tori asked, her curiosity taking over.

  “Vampires are male only, demons have few females, and immortal species often find mates within the human population,” Peter answered.

  Mates? Her mind flashed right to Adam, and her face heated. Concentrate, damn it. While she might be able to use her oddity to open one of the secret doors, there had to be guards with guns and fire on the other side. Her only allies were Jase and Brenna . . . and her enemies outnumbered them.

  Adrenaline flowed through her. Her palms grew slick with sweat. These people could actually kill her, and nobody would ever know what had happened to her. Sure, her sister would search far and wide, but even she probably didn’t know about this odd council chamber. “I promise I won’t tell anybody about you.”

  The man who seemed to be a prosecutor cleared his throat. “I understand we’re in difficult times, but it’s not our way to put a human to death simply for knowing too much. These papers should suffice.”

  The lone woman on the council, a pretty one with dark hair, slowly nodded. “I con
cur. We don’t just murder people.”

  The third guy simply watched the proceedings, his eyes almost bored.

  Peter straightened his tie. “I’m sorry, but we’re basically at war right now, with more enemies than we know.” He gave Jase a hard glare. “Including the Realm, as well as the bear and dragon nations.”

  Bears and dragons were nations. Tori shook her head. She’d taken an acid trip once that wasn’t this interesting. “I give you my word.”

  “Unfortunately, we can’t take the risk,” Peter said. “I’m recommending death.”

  Jase shook his head. “This is unprecedented. What’s your game, Pete?”

  There were way too many undercurrents going on. Tori tried to clear her mind. “You can’t just put me to death.”

  The side door opened again, and Adam Dunne stalked into the room, raw fury across his rugged face. “There will be no death.”

  Tori nearly leaped into his arms. Thank God. Adam could handle anything. “Adam,” she whispered.

  He didn’t spare her a glance. “This atrocity stops right damn now.” He faced the Council, not one ounce of fear in his posture. In fact, he kind of looked like he was about to throw fire at the lot of them.

  Peter reared up, his face turning a motley shade of red. “Adam Dunne, you are an Enforcer for the Coven Nine, currently our only Enforcer, and you will damn well behave like one.”

  Adam put his hands on his very fit hips. “I don’t give one fuck what my job is. You will not kill this human. She’s sister to my brother’s mate, and thus she’s protected.”

  Tori shuffled her feet. “They’re all kind of inbred, aren’t they?” she whispered to Jase.

  He barked out another laugh.

  Adam cut a hard look her way that instantly shot awareness through her. “Not another word.”

  Once again, she could see the predator beneath Adam’s intelligence and arrogance. Crossing him was dangerous—she knew that firsthand. But still. “You people are crazy,” she muttered, loud enough for just him to hear. A girl had her pride, after all.

  He pinned her with a hard stare, apparently not giving one shit about anybody else in the room.

  Heat climbed into her face, and her knees wobbled, but she didn’t lower her gaze. Her eyes started to water, but she couldn’t give in.

  The gavel banged down, and Tori jumped, facing Peter.

  Adam turned toward the Council. “I’ll vouch for the human.”

  “Good,” the female councilwoman said.

  “No, Nessa.” Peter shook his head. “Not good enough, I’m afraid.”

  Adam straightened his shoulders, looking even bigger than usual. “You are not serious.”

  Peter shrugged. “I am. At this difficult time, we need assurances, especially since you’re the only Enforcer who isn’t currently wanted for arrest by the Guard.”

  Tori opened her mouth to protest again, and Jase silenced her with a hand on her arm. “Shhh. This is just getting good,” he mouthed.

  She frowned.

  Peter lifted an eyebrow. “I’m glad you think so, Prince Kayrs, because the former Enforcers should be taught they won’t be given any leeway, nor will their family members. The human needs to be killed.”

  Brenna gasped and paled. “That’s crazy. What is wrong with you, Peter?”

  Jase caught his breath. And Adam Dunne, the silent, thoughtful one, growled low and hard.

  The sound vibrated right through Tori to land hard in her abdomen. What in the world?

  Adam was somehow at Tori’s side without seeming to move. He manacled Tori’s arm. “I’ll mate the human.”

  Brenna stood, her pretty face flushed. “Adam. That’s sweet of you, but you can’t tie yourself to somebody because of blackmail.” She nodded at Tori. “Same with Tori. Nobody should be forced into mating.”

  Tori tried to jerk free, with absolutely no success. “The human says no mating.” Why was everybody actually using a world like mating? It wasn’t like they were baboons, for goodness’ sake.

  “Then the human dies,” Peter said gently.

  Adam tugged Tori into his side. “I, Adam Dunne, Enforcer for the Council of the Coven Nine, give you my solemn vow I will mate this human and thus negate her threat.”

  “So be it.” Peter crashed the gavel down. “You have twenty-four hours to mate, or you’ve committed treason—much like the rest of your family.”

  Tori shoved against Adam. “Oh, hell no.”

  Adam pivoted, ducked, and tossed her over his shoulder. Again. The position was actually becoming familiar, and that ticked her right off. The air blew out of her lungs, and she gasped. Without another word, he strode toward the wall, which of course opened.

  Tori kicked hard, struggling. How in the world had her life ended up in chaos like this? “Put me down.”

  He didn’t say a word and completely failed to comply.

  They maneuvered through tunnels, and the air turned first chilly and then warmer. Finally, after moving through another wall, they ended up at the back of a stone building, where a motorcycle waited on the curb.

  Adam flipped her over so she could stand.

  She hissed and pressed both hands to her hips. “I am not mating you.”

  He straightened up and gave her another one of those hard looks. “I’m afraid you are, darlin’.”

  Chapter 6

  Adam engaged in a small struggle with the hellion that ended with him forcibly plunking her ass on the motorcycle seat. The door to headquarters opened, and Brenna rushed out with Jase on her heels.

  “Are you crazy?” Brenna snapped.

  Aye. He was getting crazier by the minute. Adam ignored his furious cousin and focused on the quiet vampire behind her. “What’s the Realm’s position in regard to the Council right now?”

  Jase’s older brother was the king of the Realm, which was a coalition of vampires, demons, witches, and shifters. “We’re mulling it over,” Jase said, his eyes a dark copper. “If the witch nation withdraws from the Realm, they’ll be fair game for every enemy you have lying in wait.”

  “We can’t face another war so soon,” Brenna murmured, smoothing her hands down her skirt.

  “Agreed,” Adam said. Sun glinted off the wet cobblestones, while clouds gathered above them. He had about an hour before rain struck again. “What’s your plan, Kayrs?”

  Jase scrubbed a hand through his thick hair. “We have a plane waiting to take us to the States.”

  Brenna turned a look on him. “The Council is fracturing, and I need to be here.”

  “No. You’re nearly four months pregnant, and I want you safe.” Jase’s tone was gentle, but his expression impenetrable. “Peter Gallagher is taking great pains to restructure the Council without any of your family involved.”

  “I agree,” Adam said, before Bren could reply. “This death threat to Victoria is bizarre.”

  “We don’t know how far he’ll go,” Jase said.

  “I know.” Adam’s shoulders stiffened. “He’s trying to draw out my family. To bring my brothers out of safety.”

  Brenna nodded. “Probably.”

  “Okay.” Adam breathed out. “We’re all regrouping in the States, Bren. Together we’ll figure out how to take out Gallagher as well as the people trying to kill us.” He’d been away from the investigation into the deadly drug Apollo for too long. The key to the case was in Seattle, and he needed to get back to work. “We’re stronger together as we form a plan. Besides, you’re with child and need to remain safely under the radar.” No way would he allow his pregnant cousin, one of the kindest women in the world, to remain here in danger.

  “Stop being such an ass,” the sweetheart snapped. “I don’t need to be safe. I need to retake my damn place on the fucking Council.”

  Adam sighed. “Jase. She was so much more reasonable before she mated you.”

  Jase kneaded Bren’s neck. “She’s brilliant and reasonable. If anybody can think of a nonviolent way out of this mess, it’s my

  Bren flushed a pretty pink. “Pooling our resources is a good idea. Adam’s right—except for the part about me staying out of it. If most of our family and allies are in the States right now, we should plan from there.” She turned and pressed a kiss to Jase’s jaw. “But if I need to come back here to retake my seat, I will come back here.”

  Tori cleared her throat. “Sounds like you all have a lot going on. How about the little human here takes off and gets out of the way?” She moved to jump off the bike.

  Adam stopped her with a hand on her thigh. The second he touched her, his body flared wide awake.

  Brenna shook her head. “Tori, they’re not messing around. You have to get out of Ireland before Peter talks the rest of the Council into killing you. He seems to be on some weird mission right now.”

  Adam nodded. “Agreed.” He slid onto the bike in front of Victoria. “We’ll see you in the States.”

  Brenna’s eyes widened. “Why don’t you catch the plane with us?”

  “No. Too many of us in one plane—too tempting to take out,” Adam countered, strategizing the next week in his mind. “Plus, Victoria and I need to have a little discussion.” If he had to guess, it wasn’t going to be a quiet one.

  Brenna looked from Victoria to him. “You can’t seriously be planning to mate just because the Council ordered you to.”

  That might be the only choice for either of them. Oh, he’d try to find a way out of the mess, but so far, his hands were tied.

  “We could take out the three council members,” Jase said quietly.

  Adam met his gaze evenly. The idea went against everything he was inside, everything he’d vowed to give his life to protect. Fate only knew what kind of strife and fury that would create in the witch nation. Not to mention fear. He started the bike, gratified when the engine roared to life. “I’ll be in touch.” Forcing a smile to combat Brenna’s worried gaze, he turned the bike and sped out of the parking area.