Read Wicked Ride Page 7

  The king?

  Kellach dropped his gaze to the kid and stepped in. “Wanna burn, kid?”

  Burn? Did he have one of those fire weapons? Lex slid to the side. “What exactly is going on here, gentlemen?” She put every ounce of authority she could into her voice.

  Kellach exhaled slowly, his nostrils flaring. He turned, manacled her arm, and all but dragged her past the hulking group. At the door, he turned back. “Meet me at Simone’s in thirty minutes.” Without waiting for an answer, he opened the door and escorted her to the car.

  She jerked free and slapped his chest with both hands. “You’re manhandling a cop, asshole. Right now, I’m heading back inside to see who the hell those people are.” Whoever they were, they’d pissed Kell off just by walking into the diner. Every instinct she had told her to pursue the lead she’d just been given.

  Kellach stepped into her, pressing her butt against the wet car. “Get your arse in the car or I’ll put you there. This is way above your pay grade, Alexandra.” His jaw clenched and pure fire lit his dark eyes. For the first time, he completely lost his customary charm. Deadly danger all but cascaded off him in tension and warning. “I’m stronger, and whether you like it or not, I’m a hell of a lot meaner than you are. You won’t win if you fight me.”

  Her temper caught in her chest and then exploded. “Forget you.” She reached for her weapon, only to have him grab it first. She gaped. Who the hell moved that fast?

  He lifted her, opened her car door, and shoved her inside.

  Quick strides had him around the car and in the driver’s seat before she could even gasp. He had even somehow grabbed the keys!

  “Who in the hell are you?” she breathed.

  He engaged the engine and shot into the road, driving easily with one hand. “Someone you really don’t want to mess with right now.” With a snap of his fingers, he yanked out his cell phone and put it to his ear. “Daire? The fucking king is here with Garrett and Logan.” Kell winced and held the phone away from his ear before slowly pressing it back. “I take it you didn’t know? Well, apparently the boys are new prospects at Fire.”

  Even across the car, Alexandra could hear the “hell no” bellowed across the line.

  Kellach smiled. “That’s what I thought. Call the council and have this taken care of. It’s our business, not theirs.” He clicked off with a grim smile.

  Lex tried to think rationally and not kill the son of a bitch driving her car. “Who are Dage, Garrett, and Logan?”

  “Nobody.” Kellach took a corner way too fast and yet managed to keep the car on the ground. “Forget you met them, because they are not staying in town. Period.” His voice lowered to a tone darker than raw gravel being spun.

  She shivered. If he talked to her like that, she’d probably leave town, too. “What’s going on?”

  He sighed and turned toward her, his impossibly hard face softening. “I’m sorry if I scared you.”

  “I’m not scared,” she lied.

  “Okay.” He rubbed a hand through his thick hair. “Here’s the deal, and you’re not going to understand it. But from now on, you’re under my protection. If anybody threatens you, if anybody comes after you, you use my name. Promise me.”

  She coughed, her mind spinning. “I’m. A. Cop.” Why the hell did he keep forgetting that? “I protect you, badass biker buddy.” Just how dangerous were King and those two boys?

  Kellach pulled the car up to the curb in front of her apartment in record time.

  She gaped. “How did you know where I live?” As a cop, her address was unlisted.

  “I have my sources.” He jumped into the rain and hustled around to assist her from the car.

  For the briefest of moments, she was tempted to wrestle him to the ground and arrest him. But for what? Sure, he’d taken her gun, but she really didn’t want to admit that one, did she?

  He frowned at the closed Thai restaurant and then looked around at the dingy, dangerous neighborhood. “You live here?”

  Her spine stiffened. “I do now.” She’d sold her house to pay her mother’s medical bills, and so far just kept going deeper and deeper into debt. That was none of his business. She held out her hand. “My gun.”

  He finished perusing the neighborhood and looked up at her apartment. His body stilled. Then, slowly, he pressed the gun into her hands. “Stay here, darlin’. There’s somebody in your apartment.”

  Kell ran up the stairs toward Alexandra’s apartment, his senses on high alert. Three heartbeats. Tuning in, he could make out their locations. Spread out, waiting to strike.

  Fucking bastards.

  He reached the door, and Alexandra shoved him aside.

  Damn it. He’d told her to remain downstairs.

  She gingerly slid a key into the lock, her gun out, total focus on her stunning face. He paused to give her a signal, and the woman darted inside. She yelped and jumped to the side.

  Electrodes pierced his chest, and voltage zipped into him.

  His breath caught and he staggered, reaching out an arm to the wall.

  Alexandra leaped in front of him, hitting a moving man dead center in a hard tackle. They went down, crashing a wooden coffee table into splinters. Then the woman fought. She scored two sharp punches to the guy’s nose, and then scissored both legs around his neck, quickly incapacitating him even though he was twice her size. A closer look revealed the prick to be Duck.

  Holy fucking damn it.

  A second man, one Kell didn’t recognize, tried to jump into the fray.

  Kell shook his head to clear the electricity and leaped over the grappling duo and rammed the second guy into a wall. The human fought back, and well, punching Kell in the gut and then the face. Kell twisted, wedging his elbow beneath the man’s jaw, jerking his head up and against a print of a tranquil lake. Another quick punch to the nose, and the man went down, spraying blood.

  “Freeze,” Alexandra yelled from behind him.

  He turned just in time to see her jump up and run out the front door, gun out. Kicking free of the tangle of limbs at his feet, he hurried after her, taking the stairs four at a time. At the street level, he ran into her.

  She turned around, her gaze sweeping the street. “See anybody?”

  A car flared to life two blocks away and spun out. Kell’s shoulders relaxed. “No.” His heart finally slowed, and he curled both hands over her shoulders to turn her around. “Are you all right?” Beneath his palms, her pulse beat wildly.

  “Yes.” She panted out air. “Ticked we lost the third guy.” Lifting her head, she winced and then tugged electrodes from his chest. “How are you even standing?”

  “Not enough juice in the stun gun, I guess,” he lied. He brushed the hair from her face, irritation filling him when he spotted a bruise near her temple. “How’s your head?”

  “Good.” She tugged a phone from her back pocket. “I need to call this in.”

  Yeah. And he needed to go fight with the King of the Realm.

  “I’ll wait for your backup to arrive.” Turning her, he headed back inside. “Next time we face danger, how about you let me go first?”

  “Why?” She flashed him a grin. “You took the charge instead of me.”

  He rubbed his smarting chest. “Good point.”

  “Did you see the third guy?” she asked, nudging her door open with one foot.

  “No. He was off to the side and slid away while we were fighting with the other two.” Kell nodded toward the two men who lay unconscious still, and smiled. “Where’d you learn to fight, sweetheart?”

  She’d been a pleasure to watch, however briefly.

  She shrugged. “Junior High. Where else?”

  Where else, indeed. He eyed her ruffled hair and bright eyes. There was a lot more to Detective Alexandra Monzelle than he’d initially thought. “How about you let me question these two guys for you— just until your backup arrives?” He could awaken them easily and with minimal burning, considering they were just human, as
was the guy who’d escaped.

  Temptation glimmered in her eyes. “I wish I could”—she looked at the man she’d knocked out and kicked him in the leg—“but I have to follow procedure.” She cranked her neck to check out Duck. “I take it you didn’t know your brother would be here?”

  “That’s no brother of mine, club or no,” Kell ground out. He’d have to explain to Pyro why he’d knocked out Duck in a police detective’s home. Of course, at first glance, it appeared Duck had violated orders. “How long will you be at the station?”

  She rocked back on her heels, her face thoughtful. “Dunno. Long enough to question these jerks.”

  “I’ll come back later and help you put your home to rights.” Hell, he’d love to move her somewhere nicer.

  “That’s all right. Unless you want to tell me all you know about Apollo and new guns, we’re done.” Her blue eyes were clear and way too serious. “Thank you for breakfast, however.”

  Fire danced down his spine at her ultimatum. He’d never responded well to those. Almost without thought, his arm snaked out and tugged her against him. “Do you really think it’ll be that easy to forget me?”

  “Yes,” she breathed, meeting his gaze.

  Sirens sounded in the distance. He pressed a hard kiss against her lips, satisfied by her sharp intake of breath. His mouth twitched with the need to take her deeper, but he had to go. Releasing her, he headed for the door. “We’re nowhere near done here, Detective. I’ll see you soon.”

  Chapter 9

  Lex tossed the file on the scarred table and drew out a chair to sit across from Duck. The chilly air smelled of sweat and desperation, and even though the heater clunked somewhere in the building, the warmth failed to enter the interrogation room. She’d thrown on a sweater before entering, well accustomed to the shitty system.

  After several hours in the tank, no doubt detoxing, the club member slouched. She studied him. At one time, he had probably been handsome with angular features and a nice build. Now, after what she suspected was years of alcohol and drugs, red lines colored not only the whites of his eyes but the skin along his neck. His nose was nearly bulbous, and youthful muscles had gone to fat.

  She eyed the file. “You’re only thirty-two.”

  “So?” He leaned back and patted a wide belly.

  He looked over forty. “You’ve lived a hard life, Duck.”

  “I like hard. Don’t you?”

  Quick. Even burned out, the guy was quick.

  She grinned. “It’s nice to see you haven’t killed all your brain cells.”

  The door opened and Bernie stomped in to sit. “He gonna talk or what?”

  “We hadn’t gotten to that part.” Lex settled back in her seat. While Duck hadn’t asked for a lawyer yet, she didn’t want to spook him. “You’re in deep shit, Duck.”

  He shrugged. “Bullshit.”

  Bernie snorted. “You broke into a cop’s apartment and committed a battery. Dumbass.”

  Duck rubbed the unruly whiskers lining his weak chin. “Maybe I was waiting for my good buddy, Kellach, who I knew was dating a cop. He gave me the go-ahead to wait inside for him.”

  Shit. Lex hadn’t had a chance to talk to Bernie and somehow explain how Kellach had ended up in her car and then outside her apartment door.

  Her partner’s expression didn’t change. “You didn’t have an invite, and you know it, which makes it trespassing. And assault. And battery. And, oh, um . . . resisting arrest?” He lifted an eyebrow and turned toward Lex.

  She nodded solemnly. “Yep. Definitely resisting arrest. Considering you’re a suspect in an ongoing investigation, it truly does mean you’re screwed.”

  Duck’s smile flashed yellow teeth. “I’m not sure about that. You positive you want it officially on the record that you were coming home early morning with a known Fire club member, a possible suspect in your drug case, hot on your heels? To your apartment?” He patted his big belly again. “That might be a career breaker, you know? I can see the headline now. SLUT COP LOSES DRUG CASE.”

  She had enough problems at work with Masterson and Bundt breathing down her damn neck, so she settled back into her seat. “I’ve been called worse, and who knows? Slut Cop has a good ring to it.”

  Bernie snorted. “Could be one of them reality shows. Make you totally famous, you know?”

  She smiled. “I do have a face for television, right?”

  “Definitely.” Bernie tapped meaty fingers on the damaged table. “Stop fuckin’ around, Duck. Tell us why you were at the apartment, who the other two guys are, and where the hell you’re getting the drugs.”

  Duck wiped off his lips. “I was in the apartment waiting for my club brother, and I’m sure he’ll testify to the same facts. The guy you’ve arrested is a new prospect named Rock, because he’s about as solid as one. As for the drugs? I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  “Is that a fact?” Bernie shook his head. “So you’ll take the fall for these guys?”

  “Nope, no fall.” Duck sighed and focused his gaze on Lex’s tits. “How long you been fuckin’ Kell?”

  She rolled her eyes. “Don’t be silly. Give us the info we need, and we’ll get you a deal, Duck. A good one.”

  “Don’t need a deal. It’s my first arrest, and you got nothin’, especially after your boyfriend backs up my story.” Duck’s beady eyes gleamed. “You might be a nice piece of ass, but he’s a brother now, and he’ll have my back.”

  Bernie stiffened at the insult and jumped to his feet.

  Lex quickly pressed both hands on the table. “Who was the third guy at the apartment?”

  “I figured another one of your boyfriends,” Duck sneered.

  Lex sighed. “You know, I think it’s time to book you.” The bastard wasn’t going to break, and he wasn’t going to tell them anything about the drugs. Yet. Maybe some time in a cell would help.

  Bernie grabbed Duck and hauled him across the table. His knees hit hard, and he flopped onto the other side.

  “What the fuck, man?” Duck bellowed.

  “You’re a piece of shit,” Bernie growled, shoving Duck hard against the wall. “Stop with the bull and give us something. Where are the drugs coming from?”

  Duck’s face reddened. “Ask her boyfriend. You think he just showed up from Ireland right when the good stuff hit the streets? Jesus. Use your fuckin’ brains.”

  Bernie stepped closer into Duck’s face. “I will. While I’m at it, all you Fire guys have nicknames. Why doesn’t Kellach?”

  “He does.” Triumph curled Duck’s upper lip. “It’s Lasair.”

  Bernie twisted his head and wrinkled his forehead.

  Lex shrugged. “Never heard of it.”

  Bernie shoved Duck toward the door. “It’s probably bullshit.”

  “Nope.” Duck grimaced as his face hit the door frame before Bernie yanked open the door. “It’s Irish.”

  Bernie propelled him into the hallway where a uniform was waiting to take him to booking.

  Lex stepped into the hallway. “What does it mean?”

  Duck tripped as the uniformed patrol officer hauled him down the hallway. He turned, and a hard smile twitched his lips. “Means flame. Apparently your boy has always had a thing for fire.” Duck’s high-pitched chuckle echoed down the hallway and around the corner.

  Lex heaved out a breath. “Fire?”

  Bernie rubbed his chin. “That’s interesting, right?”

  Yeah. “Everything about this case involves fire. Apollo burns the organs of victims, and somehow new weapons throw balls of flame.” And Kell’s nickname was all about fire. Just who the hell was he? “The key is Kellach Dunne.”

  Bernie leaned against a hard block wall. “Speaking of Dunne.”

  Heat rose into Lex’s face. “It’s not what you think.”

  “I already know that.” Bernie shuffled his loafers. “It doesn’t look good, anyway.”

  “I know.” She leaned back against the wall and shut her
eyes. “We’re missing something. I don’t know what, but it’s right in front of us.”

  “It’s Dunne,” Bernie muttered.

  Heavy footsteps sounded, and Detective Bundt sauntered down the hallway. “So, Lex. Fucking suspects now?”

  Bernie instantly jumped forward and slammed Bundt into a wall. Bundt swung out, connecting a solid right to Bernie’s cheek.

  Damn it. Pivoting, Lex nailed Bundt in the balls. With a hoarse “oof,” he doubled over. She grabbed his chin and threw him back into the cinder blocks. “I’m not fucking Dunne, and you know it. Watch your mouth, asshole.” She released him and grabbed Bernie’s arm to drag him down the hallway to the bullpen. “What the hell?”

  Bernie wiped his cheek. “Sorry. Lost my temper.” He jerked his arm free. “You need to get your house in order, partner. Now.” Without another glance, he turned and headed toward the break room.

  Lex exhaled several times, her mind whirling. Yeah. She did need to get things in order, and the idea that she’d disappointed Bernie made her nauseated. But first? She had to figure out who the hell Kellach Dunne was and how involved he was in the current case. Something told her she’d have to arrest him and soon.

  Then all hell, and probably her career, would go up in smoke.

  Kell stormed into Simone’s penthouse apartment, his gut churning, his head aching, and his temper fraying. Two steps inside the door, a wave of power nearly set him off. Jesus. He strode into the living room where Daire faced off with the king. Two powerful immortals, both cascading energy, and neither one particularly pleased to see Kell.

  Sounds banged from the kitchen, and Kell tuned in. Garrett and Logan—a young vampire and a young demon—no doubt eating everything in sight.

  Kell paused at the entryway. “Where are Adam and Simone?”

  “Lab,” Daire said, lounging in nowhere near a deceptive pose by the large wall of windows, his gaze remaining on the king, who stood near the fireplace wearing a bored expression, a grape energy drink in his hand. “Want to explain why you were caught in a policewoman’s house tonight?”