Read Wild Fire Page 18



  I woke up alone. Not that it shocked me but I already grown used to waking up to Adam’s warmth. His breathing, the way his eyes moved when he lost in a dream. It was just odd, to be alone again that is. I rolled over and checked my phone it was eight in the morning. This was like waking up at the break of dawn. We had been spoiled the last few nights, not having to get up with the sun came up to have weapons thrown in our hands and told to attack one another.

  I sat up and stretched. I was completely alone. I couldn’t sense anyone in the apartment and it made my skin crawl. I felt fear. What if something happened to him? What if something in the night came for him? I got up and summed the fire to my hands before walking into the living room. There was a faint smell of something I couldn’t place. It wasn’t normal but it wasn’t offensive. This means that it wasn’t vile, just something I had never smelled. Maybe it was Mitch’s cologne when he snuck in and put Adams dress clothes on his bed.

  I checked the spare bedroom the odor was faint, if it was Mitch it would be centered on the room not be stronger in the living area. I checked the door, it was locked. I put the flames out and stood by the door with my hands on my hips. I was confused. I went back to the bedroom and grabbed my phone dialing Adam’s number I figured to find out where he was it was best to ask him. As soon as I hit the green talk button I heard the ringtone of Adam’s phone ringing from the kitchen. Great wherever he was he didn’t have his phone with him. I groaned and threw my mobile on the bed putting my fingers in my hair and pulling as I growled angrily at the fact that I had no clue where he was. I didn’t know who he was with or if he with them willingly. Adam wouldn’t just leave his phone behind, that thing is attached to him everywhere he goes.

  Unless it was in haste. Was someone in trouble? I grabbed his phone and checked his phone log. The last phone call he had received was at ten and it was from his father. I checked his messages and grumbled. A text from Rose came in at six in the morning.

  Rose: I’m in some serious trouble I need help.

  “Son of a bitch!” I screamed racing back into the bedroom and throwing on clothes. Grabbing my phone and Adams I raced out the door locking it securely behind me. The text had come in two hours ago there was no telling what was going on. That was more than enough time to get to the address listed on one of the previous text messages.

  He was doing a great job keeping up the ruse that he was into her. Even I was convinced that he was totally digging her style. It made my head hurt. I wanted to know if he had kissed her and if he did was he thinking of me, or when he kissed me was he thinking of her. My feet hit the sidewalk at a sprint. Nothing was going to get in my way of finding both Rose and Adam.

  I was able to plug the address into my GPS before leaving the apartment. It told me it would take ten minutes walking. I was there in less than five. Standing outside an older building I looked around smelling the air for a scent of an assailant. It hit me as soon as I entered the building. The faint smell of sulfur.

  “Shit.” I groaned looking at Adams phone again. I was looking for an apartment number. “Got you.” I mumbled and headed down a long hallway. The sulfur scent was getting stronger. What the hell would demons want with Adam and Rose? Unless they were hybrids. Humans that were flipped due to a vampire demon bitch evil scheme to make her give the world to her mother.

  I tore into the apartment without so much a knock. Rose was plastered against the wall her hands in front of her face. Adam was sprawled out cold on the floor. Some Protector he was turning out to be. I rolled my eyes when I noticed the dark hair boy with an evil smirk on his face was standing facing the door.

  “Took you long enough.” John said his grin turning sour. “Seriously I thought you were going to be here with him. Seeing how the two of you are inseparable.”

  “Why does it have to be you?” I demanded balling my fists at my side. The fear was there but it was hiding behind the determination of getting these two out of here safely.

  “Why do you think Dawny?” He sneered at me. “Because I can render you powerless of course.”

  “Remember what happened the last time you tried to steal my soul?” I asked cocking my head to the side. Where was this confidence coming from?

  “Yes, but I also know that you brought her back. I don’t have to worry about her anymore.” He sighed. “Oh how I have missed your pretty face.”

  “Well I would say the feeling was mutual but well it’s really not.” I looked at Rose. Her eyes were wide, I could tell she was scared.

  “So you want to know how your precious Wesley is faring.” He walked towards me. If the SOB touched me I was going to have to beat the crap out of him. Why the hell had I not thought to bring my sword? Oh right running through downtown Dallas with a broadsword on my back would have attracted way too much attention.

  “I assume quite well.” I rolled my eyes. Did he really think that I wasn’t going to remember the last time I was summoned?

  “Quite. He is still a bit conflicted though. Still tries to hide things.” John took another step towards me. He kept looking towards Rose and smiling. “Did you think that I wouldn’t figure out you were no longer protected? That you wouldn’t run off and look for the fourth?” Why was he questioning me?

  “Well I figured actually that there was a mass communication in the Underground. Oh the Fire Warden is unprotected! Send the most menacing piece of filth you can to find her.” I glared at him. I hated that my fire was repulsed by him, so much so that it refused to come out and play.

  “Is that what you think of me?” He appeared sad for a second. “I thought we had a bond. I mean we will always have the alley.” I hated how he brought that up. The way he said it was like it was a romantic tryst. The way I remembered it was like my soul was being harvested from my body.

  “Yes we will always have that horrific evening.” I growled still trying to fire I could see Rose looking at her hands wondering why they weren’t working.

  “He’s a Neutralizer Rose there is no point trying to use your gift. It won’t work.” I called over my shoulder to her. She looked back at me baffled.

  “Oh so you do know what I am.” He looked pleased. “I suppose the prophet has been filling you full of information concerning the races.”

  “I’m well aware of the things in this world.” I crossed my arms and tapped my foot. “Are we going to talk all day or is there a purpose of this meeting?”

  “Oh there is a purpose.” He growled pacing. “According to the information from your boy.” He rolled his eyes. “I would not fare well in this battle. Apparently your good boy here was blessed. I have about four minutes before he comes to and beats the crap out of me. I don’t see how, but according to Wesley’s vision that’s what he saw and Lilly doesn’t want to mess around with the visions.”

  “Probably smart. I have yet to see Adam in action.” I glanced at Rose. Still against the wall, still in a defensive stance and still looking at me confused. “So tell me this message.”

  “There are things that you don’t know that you wish you knew but won’t find out till the last minute.” He smiled knowing he had just lost me.

  “What does that mean?” I groaned.

  “That means we still have a few tricks up our sleeves. Oh and I wouldn’t even think about springing Wesley. Lilly has him so closely guarded that it would take a hundred of your best fighters just to get through one inch of the barriers.” I felt the air change and the strong smell of sulfur hit it as John disappeared. The fire flew to my hands and I had to shake them to put the flames out.

  I turned and looked at Rose. She moved away from the wall and towards me. Her green eyes were wide she bent down and touched Adam’s face and looked up at me. He was breathing I could see that off the bat not to mention I had a sense that he was going to be ok.

  “What was that?” She demande
d her face fierce.

  “That was a John.” I said briefly. I figured if I was going to be explaining things to her I needed to do it in a more secure location. I grabbed my phone from my pocket and dialed my father. He picked up on the first ring.

  “What’s going on? Shawn started having a conniption fit, I had to stop him from taking to the sky.” My father said rushed.

  “Well I think we have Rose’s attention.” I sighed. “John just made a stop in. I need some assistance here dad. Can you put a protection spell on the apartment?” I looked back at Rose she was cradling Adam’s head in her hands.

  “Yeah, that shouldn’t be an issue. I know a few witches in the area that can do that for me. My suggestion would be to get back to the apartment and they will meet you there.” He sounded less worried but still had that fatherly concern in his voice.

  “What about your house? Is it safe?” I had totally forgotten about the cocktail party that was going on this evening.

  “Yeah my place is fine. Besides no one in their right mind would dare make an appearance in that house without being invited.” He laughed. “I have some major defenses there.”

  “Adam and I have the party this afternoon. I need someone to keep Rose company while we are there.” I started pacing. She wasn’t paying any attention to me now she was concerned about Adam who should be rousing right about now.

  “I can have Shawn there by noon.” I could hear my dad snapping at something.

  “Yeah. That would work. He can explain the more technical shit to her.” I sniffed. Some of the sulfur residue was in my nose.

  “What did John say? I’m assuming it was message since you called me.” I heard him whisper something to someone. I could only assume he was telling Shawn to get going.

  “He said some pretty confusing things to say actually something about there are things I should know that I don’t know and will never know or something like that.” I ran my fingers through my hair. “Then he proceeded to tell me that it would take a hundred of our best warriors to bring down the first wave of those protecting Wesley.”

  “I already figured that. Another reason this stupid recon mission gets put off. I would have thought at least half the demon kind I knew would have joined our forces by now. I have a feeling something is holding them back.” He sighed again.

  “It’s alright dad. Well Adam is coming around so I’m going to go ahead and head back to the apartment. When should I expect your friends?” I said as I watched Adam’s eyes open and he looked at me lost. He noticed Rose and flinched before smiling sweetly at her.

  “Soon. Just get those two of here. If we can get you protected they can’t hurt you.” He said.

  “Alright dad. I will talk to you after the party.” I sighed.

  “OK Dawn. Bye.”


  I looked at Rose as she helped Adam to his feet. It took all the strength in me to allow her to touch him. I had to seem impartial like I wasn’t stepping in between what was forming between the two of them. Adam was going to have to be the one that kept her balanced while I broke the news of her existence to her.

  “I know you probably have a ton of questions right now. However, it is in our best interest to get out of here. I don’t know what the rest of the vision Wesley gave them was all I know is that when the vision is verbally spoke it changes its course.” I tapped my foot and stared at both of them waiting for something to happen.

  “I’m not going anywhere with you until you tell me what the hell is going on.” Rose looked at Adam. “Did you know about this?”

  Adam looked at the ground. “Yeah.”

  “Listen Rose. I wasn’t sure you were and I were the same until now.” I pinched my nose concocting the lie. “I thought that it was by chance that you and I met on that street not some predetermined destiny. Did you feel anything when you came close to me?”

  “Like I wanted to cry. I never opening cry.” Rose mumbled. “I felt joy, elation, like you were someone that I had known in past life.”

  “That’s good. Did you feel anything when you met Adam?” I looked at him he appeared torn eyes shooting between me and Rose.

  “No.” She said. “Nothing like when you were near.”

  “Alright, I am not one of those things that have been chasing you. So please go into your bedroom and pack a bag. Grab items that mean a lot to you. My brother will be here in the not so distance future he can stay behind and get everything else that you will need then.” I clapped my hands.

  “I would do what she says Rose. She has been through a lot this last year.” Adam placed his hand on Rose’s waist, she looked at him with trust in her eyes and nodded. Walking off towards her room.

  “This is a lot harder than I thought it would be.” I whispered. Adam looked at me blankly and walked into Rose’s room to help her grab her stuff. I could hear her calling orders to him and the sounds of drawers opening and closing. I wasn’t feeling in a helping mood. Seeing the two of them together in an intimate setting was hard enough as it was.

  Instead I sat down on the couch and put my hands between my knees humming Dixie. I instantly hung my head, I had been caught in the civil war web of songs. I sat there for another ten minutes waiting for them to come out of her room.

  “Alright we have everything.” Adam said holding two bags and Rose had on a backpack and a suitcase.

  “This is just about all that I had when I came here. I rented the apartment furnished.” She said looking around. She hadn’t been here long enough to really get attached.

  “Alright, well, I ran here so I guess we have a bit of a walk.” I got up and smiled at the two of them. I couldn’t believe I was being so cold. I flinched as a flame ran up my spine. “Adam?”

  “What?” He didn’t sound too thrilled.

  “What color was that flame?” I asked walking towards the door.

  “Red.” He said simply and I heard their feet fall in line behind mine. I shook my head and kept walking. I didn’t look behind me until we reached the apartment ten minutes away.

  “So whose money is paying for this?” Rose muttered the moment we walked through the door.

  “My father is Damien Weathers.” I said smoothly throwing the house keys on the bar and walking to the couch. Where I collapsed,spent. “Adam take Rose into your room her stuff can go in the closet until we know the plan of action.” I put the emphasis on the phrase ‘your room’.

  “Yeah, this way Rose.” I heard them enter the room and shut the door. They were alone, I looked towards the large TV and frowned. I got up and went in my and laid down on the bed. Things were going to change now I just knew it. Right when I thought that for once something good was going to happen I realized that the curse was rearing its ugly head. It was probably best to end this thing with Adam before he wound up hurt or taken.