Read Wild Fire Page 31



  “How was it?” Adam asked as I drug myself through the backdoor of the manor, my hair had twigs in it and I smelled of sweat and ash.

  “Quite well, I would just like to take a shower and go to bed.” I groaned rubbing my right shoulder with my left hand.

  “You were out there for a while. Rose and Helen came back about four hours ago, Krista came in an hour ago but you just kept right on trucking.” He laughed.

  “Yeah well I have one thing that they don’t.” I tried to grin by even my face was hurting.

  “What’s that?” He asked as he looked at me for an answer.

  “I have fire. Two hundred beings with fire. I could have fifty of them producing light at a time.” I moaned longing for my bed.

  “Well at least eat something.” He motioned towards the kitchen. “There is some left over chicken that Rose made.”

  “I have a feeling if I eat anything Rose made it will only start a fight. I’m good Adam I will just eat an extra breakfast in the morning.” I started walking towards the stairs.

  “I’m confused as to what is going on with the two of you. There was no sign of an issue in Dallas. Now all of a sudden she wants to drown you and you want to sacrifice her to the God of Fire.” He didn’t seem too happy about the tension between me and his girlfriend. How could I blame the man? If he had any idea what had gone on maybe, just maybe, he would understand.

  “I don’t know what it is. I just hope it fizzles out before we actually have to go into battle. She might sacrifice me to the Queen just to get rid of me.” I looked at him apologetically. I didn’t want to speak ill of Rose. I didn’t have any real issues with her. The only problem I had was standing right in front of me. He had lost that softness and I had to admit I missed it. Right now he was just Adam, the boy I met in choir class.

  “I thought it funny. She asked if me and you ever had anything. I told her not just no but hell no. We are too much like siblings it would be like kissing my sister.” Adam laughed. I joined in knowing full well of the short past we shared that he could not remember.

  “Yeah that’s funny.” My voice trailed off. Shawn had done better work than I had thought. He wiped out every memory of how he felt about me.

  “I wish you would eat.” He pleaded.

  “I am not hungry.” I lied, I could feel my stomach aching wanting to eat something.

  “I know you better than you know yourself sometimes. Please if anything eat a sandwich.” He wasn’t going to give up on this.

  “If I feel like eating after my bath I will.” I smiled at him. “I promise.”

  “Alright, well I’m headed to bed. I have an early morning. Nick is teaching me how to work this Protector magic that I have.” He pat me on the shoulder and left me standing by the back door.

  I trudged painfully up the stairs to the bathroom. Turning on the hot water and I pealed the clothes from my body. I was amazed at how much of me hurt. I hurt in places that I didn’t even know I had muscles in. I got into the hot water and groaned at the amazing feeling that overcame me. I felt the muscles loosen and I sighed.

  I heard muffled voices through the door and I opened my senses to hear what the conversation was about.

  “You’re kidding me right?” It was Rose’s voice. “She seriously just got in. I figured she would be the first one to call it quits today. She’s not as strong as she thinks she is you know.” There was anger in her voice.

  “Why do you say such mean things about her?” Adam’s voice was harsh. He didn’t like how she talked about me.

  “I’m not saying mean things. She’s eighteen years old Adam.” She was hell bent on swaying him I could hear it in her voice.

  “I’m eighteen years old Rose.” He sounded upset.

  “You are different.” She said softly her voice failing her. She didn’t realize what she said was going to be thrown back at her.

  “Dawn has been through more in the last year than you could fathom.” Adam defended me.

  “Oh please. She ran like a scared child from most of that shit. Do you seriously expect me to believe that she actually stood up against demons at your high school?” Rose was probably my worst critic when it came to the things I had gone through.

  “I wasn’t there but I believe Krista.” Adam’s voice was rising and falling. He didn’t know that I had already made it to the bathroom.

  “Oh and Krista. The only reason I believe she was raised from the dead is because Helen told me about it.” Rose was sneering now.

  “Rose. I don’t know what the beef you have with Dawn is but you need to get over it. Make peace.” Adam suggested.

  “I’m not the only one that has an issue with Dawn and her perfect dysfunctional family.” I could hear her foot tapping on the floor. “Helen has a big problem with Angie. Apparently they had some big fight where Angie pointed out that Helen was an orphan.”

  “I would suggest you shutting up now.” He warned. “I was there for that fight and the crap you have been told is from a cynical pissed off woman. She’s done this world a lot of good, but here recently she has been extremely bitter.” I could hear him sigh. “You need to figure out what you are going to do Rose. You can make peace and find out the truths, or you can keep conniving with Helen and loose not only the battle, but me in the processes.” I heard him stomp off. Rose growled and I heard her run off after him.

  Well that was interesting. Shawn’s voice rang in my head.

  Are you always listening to me? I asked laughing out loud.

  Of course! I wouldn’t worry about Rose. She is having to deal with the awakening of her dark side. She just needs time to relax and get used to the fact that she has both bloodlines. Shawn’s voice was confident like he knew it would calm me.

  You could be right, as usual. I sighed and dunked my head under water.